A Critique of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Part 3

A Critique of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Part 3


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@jimmyrevtorp4168 - 05.12.2023 16:57

I have one observation ... Leia was moving at the same speed with respect to the ship... therefore it would look stationary to her.

@TTND-ei5jg - 02.12.2023 21:23

As much as I cant stand what Disney(and filoni) has done aince taking over, i cant imagine still being such a consoomer that i waste hours of my life and even money consooming their version of Star Wars and then going on to spend dozens of hours nitpicking every single flaw each thing has.

But i guess it's easier than getting a real job and only engaging with the parts of Star Wars that are actually good.

@banksblast3095 - 30.11.2023 19:01

Seems like so many companies generate a following, and then eventually, (mainly by change of higher ups) forget about the people that supported the endeavor and then start to spit and ridicule them and try to amass another following. Really shows that companies do not care about people, they only care about their agendas and that’s it. I would say money too, which can be true but it seems like companies really like to shoot themselves in the foot and loose mass amounts of money they could have gotten if they actually listened to their original audience.

@handwavepress3389 - 30.11.2023 08:20

*People writing Riann Johnson's script for him.
SW fans have ALWAYS done this. Star Wars is the head-cannon capitol of the universe. 'Boba Fett is such a badass, he didn't die in the Sarlacc.' Despite the fact that it was the OBVIOUS intention of Lucas that he did. 'Obiwan didn't lie.' No, he just failed to anticipate a plot thread that hadn't been imagined yet. SW fans are the gold-medalists of Olympic Mental Gymnastics.

@hamoodyman9239 - 28.11.2023 11:28

Looking forward to what you have to say in your ros video

@cynickicksass - 24.11.2023 03:57

Made for a lovely Thanksgiving 2023! Thank you!

@jmgmarcus808 - 22.11.2023 18:40

More people watched this than the Rise of Skywalker.

@Xtian982 - 20.11.2023 01:22

Disney didn’t care about the movies. They cared about selling toys to children.

So they got an actual child as a writer/director to do the movie and this clown show was the result.

@ArchAngelLevon - 17.11.2023 20:50

At roughly 10 minutes into the video, MauLer talks about "Does there need to be strong light and strong dark for there to be balance"?

I believe, with MASSIVE amounts of supporting lore, that the natural state of The Force is to manifest in Grey Jedi, force users with no inclination to the light and the dark. What happens is that Grey Jedi get together, do Grey Jedi things, one of them wants "MORE POWER", which is countered by one of them wanting "MORE DISCIPLINE', which causes a schism, they fight each other and split into becoming The Light and The Dark Side of The Force.

The eventuality is that one side will gain power over the other. The Force is not about playing favorites, it WANTS to be in balance, that's why it created Grey Jedi and why it tolerates Ultimate Darkness and Ultimate Light at equal strengths. When one side is too strong, it will raise the other or utterly destroy both.

The Jedi in 1/2/3 were absolutely blind self-righteous fools of unbelievable magnitude by convincing themselves, wholeheartedly, that Anakin existed to destroy The Sith. "BRING BALANCE TO THE FORCE." Why? The Sith were already gone. There was 2 in the whole universe and a whole galaxy TEEMING with Jedi. Wasn't it fucking obvious? Anakin's destiny was to DESTROY THE JEDI, not the Sith.

The Chosen One brought balance to The Force, just as was foretold. Ultimately, he even killed all the Sith, including himself. Luke should have realized, after Anakin completely fulfilled the prophecy that being the only force of Good in the galaxy would result in Evil re-emerging, prompting Luke to become a Grey Jedi and teaching TRUE BALANCE IN THE FORCE to his Padawans.

Inevitably, one of his Padawans should grow power-hungry and another should attempt to stop him and Luke gets killed in the crossfire, causing the students to hate each other, blaming the other, and split off to form their own Sith and Jedi powers respectively, resulting in their rise, imbalance, the emergence of a Chosen One who resets the balance and repeat the cycle.

That's what 7/8/9 SHOULD have been.

Episode 7: Return to balance, Grey Jedi, ending with a great Schism that divides the Grey Jedi into Sith and Jedi.
Episode 8: The consolidation of power, the rise of each side.
Episode 9: The destruction of The Sith (because we want the "good guys" to win) an acknowledging that some day the Jedi will be destroyed too to bring balance back to the force.

Why? Because The Force is all about Balance, and if Episode 9 ends where Episode 1 begins, The Sith eradicated and The Jedi aplenty? That shows that there is an inevitable cycle that shall continue for all eternity in perpetuity.

I dunno. Maybe I'm stupid, playing on mostly already established lore to lead to the only logical conclusion - that inevitability is inevitable.

@Exodus-sb8so - 16.11.2023 23:43

I want more people to appreciate great writing we get good writing rarely nowadays great writing idk how long it has been

@chinnidiwakar - 14.11.2023 07:54

It would be great if audience subvert their expectations and not watch the movie😂

@kasperwithak9141 - 14.11.2023 00:13

Yo Mauler. Salt is naturally occuring. Some of the planet Crait footage was shot in a real world location called the salt flats of Salar De Uyuni.

@MRdeepseavw - 10.11.2023 02:51


@All-Heil-Prince-Vegeta - 08.11.2023 22:10

I remeber when i came out of the cinema after watching it. It was my birthday. First thing i said was: "This was really bad". I cried inside because im a huge Star Wars fan. Never wached it again and i did not watch the rise of skywalker, only reviews of it. How could they f*ck up so bad..

@kaiderhai86 - 08.11.2023 08:47

By now. I am listening to this when i go to bed. On the other hand, I cant bring myself to watch the actual movie after the first time.

@1Nyour3RAIN - 05.11.2023 01:06

the thing with the shields is stolen from star trek

@DarthImagnus0790 - 03.11.2023 04:03

Come to think of it, i think Legends did something similar with a hyper space missle when Palpatine was using his clone bodies until he could use Essence Transfer into a baby Anakin Solo. Or maybe im thinking of the World Devastaters, Palpatine used to lure Luke to the darkside.
Damn! Could you imagine a sequel trilogy like that? I remember reading novels about how Luke was trained in the darkside under Sidious and then i read the comics. Shit was fire

@proff_musa - 29.10.2023 20:34

"Rey-like people popping up everywhere..."
>Sabine Wren from 'Ahsoka' has entered the chat

@keenbaker-dias1137 - 29.10.2023 14:05

assault a salt planet by peppering bombs at a big door ,ryan literary wrote this based on what was directly infront of him at a restaurant 😂...brick do you love lamp or is it because its just infront of you

@keenbaker-dias1137 - 29.10.2023 13:45

having to share a toilet with a wookie must of been a nightmare imagine the hair stuck in the bath plug hole ,nope we would have to set some rules

@moi2275 - 29.10.2023 09:29

PLEASE MAKE VIDEOS ABOUT THE PREQUELS THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC. its been such a genuinely frustrating experience watching my friends warm up to them over time

@bobbyflobby7523 - 29.10.2023 02:48

“Hopefully we can see him climb back to his former dignity in the comi—NO HE’S DEAD.” Now I’m dead 😂

@someoneelse1904 - 27.10.2023 20:11

In all fairness, speed is relative to your frame of reference. Leia was travelling at the same speed as the Radish when she was blown out (giggity) and, given that there’s no other forces acting on her (save the fact that she should just keep drifting away from the ship) she wouldn’t lag behind the ship unless it began accelerating.

@jpmzo - 27.10.2023 06:29

Wow man, you do a great Scottish accent.

@johnjohn5187 - 26.10.2023 05:17

This film is special to me: It's the first film I couldn't watch without feeling like something was very very wrong. It awakened my critical eye for films and story-telling, so this film will always be special to me.

@miekkenr - 24.10.2023 20:38

I've loved these reviews for the last 5 years. It's brilliant and really explained what made this film feel strange as hell to me. I'm not a critic, nor would I ever explain myself as one, but I try to be as objective as I can when having an opinion. I'm one of those terrible lefties, but I agree that this film's agenda was made to its detriment. It was out of place and stupid. I felt neither affirmed nor right. I just felt annoyed. We're not stupid and don't need to be pandered to as much as people think we do.

@mortalexo103 - 23.10.2023 13:53

I finally watched these damn movies. I think they're kind of ok as a theme park ride weeeeeee. But man they really stepped on their new found proverbial dick.

@blursedbabadook7262 - 20.10.2023 02:39

“Finn discovers he’s Snoke’s father.” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

@rasenche4562 - 18.10.2023 01:14

this movie broke me.
for the 1st viewing i used to just be able to turn of my brain and enjoy the movie atleast till i walk aout at the end and turn my brain back on.
with this movie my brain just thinks to logical for me to stay sleeping till i stood up again at the end of the movie.

and during watching this evertime he showed Luke next to the director i just wish i could give him a hug.

@JJRambo1979 - 17.10.2023 00:43

I love you Mauler

@sebastiansochanski - 16.10.2023 15:05


@lucpelletier6847 - 15.10.2023 13:01

If you make failure a theme of your fllm and by executing this idea you run a 4bn dollars franchise to the ground, I would say you succeeded in a twisted, meta kind of way.

@CarParts08382 - 10.10.2023 18:33

Manbaby Johnson's DisneyWars flick was so great that the company dismantled his planned future trilogy almost immediately. 😂

@FindingMeaning - 10.10.2023 06:36

Thanks for the heads up on folding ideas being a dbag. I've unsubbed, not gonna listen to hour longer videos of some guy who can't watch them himself.

@TheGosslings - 09.10.2023 05:42

It's very likely, now that we have some of the leaked communiques from Kathleen Kennedy, that Rian was instructed to deconstruct SW, to demolish the old characters to allow for the ascension of "the Force is Female" political weaponization that had been Disney's mandate during Trump's term. I genuinely suspect it was part of a larger conspiracy to destabilize and denigrate traditional culture, of which SW has always been a part (generationally speaking).

@RobertPilla - 05.10.2023 22:19

The Prequels killed me with medachlorines or whatever they called it, and R2d2 zooming around on the outside of a spaceship in the middle of a battle. Yes, it's been dead to me for a long time.

@brandontodd2761 - 05.10.2023 16:15

And now Disney is cominf with yet another Rey movie cause ya know the other movies did so good

@youngzombie6342 - 29.09.2023 04:48

Luke left in peace and purpose 😂 love you Mauler ❤

@Kazdy - 28.09.2023 18:32

Obviously I realise I'm 5 years late to the party 🤷‍♂️, but I wanted to add 3 things:
1/ Mauler, I really enjoy your analysis and have just joined your patreon. In fact I watched your rant against Black Widow, and Doctor Strange MoM, despite not having watched either film.
2/ I saw Star Wars in the cinema in 1977 as a 13 year old, and have loved it ever since, but this film (TLJ) killed Star Wars for me. I walked out of the cinema horrified. I haven't watched anything Star Wars since.
3/ I liked Folding Ideas but I realised he did little actual research but just put forward his opinions after watching his Flat Earth debunking video (genuinely bonkers) where he compares it to "other conspiracy theories like MK Ultra", a well documented, admitted CIA operation, that you can do 10 minutes searching to find the factual government documentation for. This just proves it.

@IncredibleMD - 28.09.2023 12:46

I don't have a problem with people liking The Last Jedi. I don't have a problem with people thinking some scenes or visuals are cool. I have a problem with people thinking, because they like it, it must be good. This idea that everything we like must be good because we have good tastes must be killed. I'd like to think I have pretty good taste, like most people, but most of the media I watch is pretty bad. That's why I enjoy it. It's why people love B-Movies so much.
I have the greatest respect for people like Bryan and Kyle of Good Bad or Bad Bad for being able to recognize this fact, and making an entire series about it.The fact that they're filmmakers by training doesn't change the fact that they can find enjoyment in cheesy movies, but it also doesn't make them try to justify why a movie like Lords of Magick is actually a really well-made movie with a skillfully written script. Lords of Magick is a good movie BECAUSE it's a bad movie, because the point of the movie was to entertain, and its entertainment is because of, rather than in spite of, the fact that it's cheesy and kinda mediocre.

@lqg4395 - 28.09.2023 02:04

Lol Style Over Substance, I smell a Cyberpunk reference.
