35mm Street Photography in Italy

35mm Street Photography in Italy

James Popsys

2 года назад

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Mourad Atia
Mourad Atia - 06.09.2023 07:44

Hey, isn't that the place from CS 1.6? hhh

Paul Lavin
Paul Lavin - 31.07.2023 11:34

Im surprised that you took the Sony camera with you on honeymoon/ holiday James. By your own admission, you don’t really enjoy the experience of using it. I would have expected one of your more quirky/fun cameras. Nice little video though and i do really like this style of photography 👍

Diary of A Pancake God
Diary of A Pancake God - 09.07.2023 20:00

The red color (shaped however) is a universal color for "stop," while the word is there for those who may be traveling

bakir - 11.05.2023 02:03

should be 35mm LENS photography. came here for some grainy delight!

G T - 22.03.2023 00:20

amazing photos!!! The washed out black in the edit is a nice touch

Leonard Lister
Leonard Lister - 03.03.2023 11:05

Just edited James or have u used any program from the Fujifilm 🙂Really nice images

Ryan C
Ryan C - 20.02.2023 07:56

These are my two current favorites as well for walk-around urban/city photog: the 35 GM 1.4 and the 20 f/1.8 G. They're both fairly compact and light. The 35 can handle 90% of the work and crops in nicely to about a 50mm tightness without losing much resolution and then the 20 can come in and save the day for when extra wideness is required.

Charababis - 13.02.2023 17:22

stop signs say stop in greece too its universal

Zach Gardner
Zach Gardner - 13.02.2023 15:45

I swear that meditating guy is Matt Heafy.

FooDoo6 - 06.02.2023 01:46

Great photos! Really like the sharpness and vibrant colors. Italy is amazing. 50mm was the common lens for old rangefinder cameras like Leica and Canon. How much editing in lightroom did you do with these photos? This Sony seems impressive. Might four years for it to become affordable. :) Cheers.

IWTFBB - 20.01.2023 04:37

Why did you change the lens for that little courtyard shot?

Doug McGaughey
Doug McGaughey - 09.12.2022 09:07

What edit software did you use? The finished photos look very vibrant.

Ondřej K
Ondřej K - 23.11.2022 11:44

I don't know about other continents, but I have not visited a country in Europe where STOP is not STOP.

Luis Eduardo Guillén
Luis Eduardo Guillén - 17.11.2022 13:58

Nice To Watch a video on which the person actually takes good photos!

Pro Lens
Pro Lens - 23.10.2022 02:44

Nooo you use camera in rong way
I'm mobile photographer (budget phone)
I do better than you 😁
Cuse You have a DSLR ,you should take photos better

T Town13
T Town13 - 16.10.2022 23:06

I need to now what preset that bright colorful look u have on a lot of the images in this is

Mythical Vigilante
Mythical Vigilante - 06.09.2022 12:28

How is that GoPro footage more stable than my G85???

Andrej Niko
Andrej Niko - 09.08.2022 00:02

That's so cool! ❤️

John Ekow
John Ekow - 08.08.2022 22:56

Travel photography.
It's on my bucket list

SHGEN - 31.07.2022 04:41

Others might have said this already, but I believe the EU standardized stop signs being the english word "stop" to some degree. Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy all have "stop" on their signs to my knowledge and more countries prob do as well.

Sharlan Cináed
Sharlan Cináed - 18.07.2022 09:56

we used to have bins everywhere, then they removed the bins and now everything is covered in trash...i know what i would prefer to photoshop out of a picture.

VoidDoctor - 14.07.2022 06:55

My family is from Elba, such a pretty place.

Daveychainsaw - 07.07.2022 19:06

Nice video James. I have the 35mm 1.4 and love it. Would like to add a 50mm but can't afford the 1.2. How did you like the 50mm 2.5 G? I would like something that compact for street.
Surprised to see you selling the 20mm 1.8 G, such a great lens!

NevardArt - 07.07.2022 02:06

When you said "we've got a 9 month old with us, so its not much of a honeymoon!" how was the doghouse?

Jack - 29.06.2022 23:30

Always stunning images. Wonderful compositions.

Roland Herrera
Roland Herrera - 29.06.2022 23:10

STOP is 4 letters.... Si Ferma or Fermarsi is much longer

Roland Herrera
Roland Herrera - 29.06.2022 23:08

your pictures were good, considering what was on offer.... the first 2 were very high key, and some others were too. This effect was rather interesting, as it simplified the image. I guess large parts may have been blown out. Still the effect was rather pleasant. You also tried underexposing... and I think in the future I will consider exposure in a similar, more creative way. I personally think 35mm and 50mm are 2 quite different focal lengths... so I have both those primes ( though I use Fujifilm X series ) Anyway, once again, I followed and enjoyed your comments and photos.

SUHANG YIN - 29.06.2022 09:42

very nice photos with 35mm! hope you can got more favored photos by your new 50gm, cheers

scrptwic - 28.06.2022 18:07

I was in Northern Italy for two weeks a great place to photograph. Much has changed since my last visit a number of years ago and I did notice the stop signs in English. I started in Milon , went to Lake Como , Cinque Terra, Venice, Florence, Piza and Luca.

Tony Baker
Tony Baker - 24.06.2022 19:53

35mm is now my favourite FL. I love my old Minolta 35mm f2 on my A99.
I empathise with a honeymoon and a kid. Ours was 2 years old, so even more challenging!
Because STOP in Italian is FERMARE...too wide for a road?

Jona Vagabond 📸
Jona Vagabond 📸 - 24.06.2022 13:47

I enjoyed your shooting style

BJV - Video
BJV - Video - 22.06.2022 15:40

35mm, that’s a small street

Trevor Sneath
Trevor Sneath - 22.06.2022 09:40

I'm still reporting scam Popsys accounts. They are annoying pricks

Thomas Ploner
Thomas Ploner - 22.06.2022 07:38

Ever thought about the 35mm f1.8? I'm unsure about selling my 1.4 for years (though it's a fat sigma )

P. Schastok
P. Schastok - 21.06.2022 00:29

Hi, no need to hide the nice Tudor BB you got on your wrist :-) It's fits you well.

WillyK - 20.06.2022 23:31

I don't know why the stop signs are in English but it seems that there are very many places all over the world that do so. I only know this because I subscribe the "Itchy Boots" channel, which if you don't know, is a Dutch woman riding her motorcycles worldwide. It seems to me that everywhere she's been, from Asia to the Middle East to Africa, stop signs are in English the vast majority of the time. However, when she got to South America and now into Mexico that seems to not be the case.

Neil Stevens
Neil Stevens - 20.06.2022 22:51

Great video - Fascinating to see you on Elba (almost went there for my honeymoon), as have always had a strong interest in the Napoleonic Era, was there much on the island that basically advertises his short stay there back in the day?

Julian Selman
Julian Selman - 20.06.2022 21:13

Oooo I love the 35 and 50mm lenses and use them both a lot! Difficult choices sometimes I know.

Ash Patel
Ash Patel - 20.06.2022 17:24

James, I love the set of images you took on Elba. I know if had taken any of these, I would be well chuffed. Keep doing what you are doing. It's awesome.

Pat Hogan
Pat Hogan - 20.06.2022 17:07

Great little walk around beautiful country

Jeff Langhorne
Jeff Langhorne - 20.06.2022 13:04

I bought the 50mm 1.2 GM last week and shot a wedding with it over the weekend. It's amazing. I'm not regretting the expense. Might be my favourite lens right now and I'm only mid cull.

astudios - 20.06.2022 05:21

Nice photos! Do you shoot at +.5 EV?

Josh Sherrill
Josh Sherrill - 20.06.2022 05:12

Hi James! Absolutely love your channel. You make capturing wonderful photos look so effortless. Thanks for sharing your process and knowledge.

Have you thought about adding the aperture, shutter speed and ISO as a caption on the photos? As a beginner photographer it really helps me learn. It does add a bit of extra work and could be distracting to others so understandable to leave them off. Either way, ill be looking forward to future videos :)

Tusdar - 20.06.2022 00:21

Love your POV vids James, they're so relaxing!
