Tangem vs Trezor Safe 3: Budget Wallet Battle!

Tangem vs Trezor Safe 3: Budget Wallet Battle!

Cyber Scrilla

1 год назад

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@Coinopoly - 02.12.2023 08:29

The bit about not having to worry about anything failing is definitely incorrect. 1) Manufacturing isn't perfect. Products can be shipped DOA. 2) There are for sure people that have cards which failed. I'm not sure how you haven't received any comments to that effect (or chose to ignore them?).

@baronsilverbaron757 - 02.12.2023 11:53

This happened to me: I sent this to Tangem on Twitter X.
Tangem 2 nearly gave me a heart attack this morning. I opened the app. Did the usual card verification plus pass phrase and all of my Bitcoin had disappeared. PANIC! Switched the phone off and on... still no Bitcoin. Just looked in horror at the screen then after a minute my Bitcoin appeared. Why did this happen?
Tangem reply: Probably, the information from the blockchain has not finished loading. Usually, in this case, refreshing the screen by swiping the page down helps.

@baronsilverbaron757 - 02.12.2023 12:34

My take is that most cryptos are lost by user mistakes and not hacking so if a wallet is secure AND simple that's the way to go.

@peterb6836 - 02.12.2023 15:17

Huh... wait.. tangem does not let you import 24 keyphrase... at least that was my latest info. Only up untill 12 words, or did they somehow change it in the last 2 weeks?

@tihanhaider9811 - 02.12.2023 17:42

After watching quite a few of your videos, I am convinced to get the Tangem wallet. But I have a one concern, which is, is it safe to approved transactions based on the address you see on the app but not being able to verify it on the hardware wallet itself?

@Whaever_1981 - 02.12.2023 19:28

What about wallet fees? When you use the Trezor or Tangem wallets and send/crypto aren't you charged fees? Is Trevor or Tangem more expensive regarding these fees?
Thank you for the great and informative video!

@algorithm9916 - 02.12.2023 20:19

I want to know if the Tangem keys are generated on software on the smartphone before sharing with the cards or on the are generated on the card.

@Minslocker - 02.12.2023 20:36

Pluged Ledger type-c into Trezor😂

@michaelflick2386 - 03.12.2023 15:55

Can you use trezor safe 3 with sparrow wallet?

@Gauravagrawal36 - 04.12.2023 13:41

Hello sir please reply ❤❤❤❤

I will keep my entire portfolio in Trezor one till 2025 without internal updates. Can my wallet get compromised???

@Trevor-z7b - 06.12.2023 13:33

What do you think about having 2 HW? 1 as a warm wallet for smart contract transactions (buying and selling small cap tokens, listing NFTs, etc.) and the other is used as a really cold wallet (not using smart contracts at all, only sending and receiving crypto).

I'm thinking about using Tangem as a warm wallet and Trezor Safe 3 as a cold wallet.

@Lex-rj5vm - 06.12.2023 18:55

Trezor is the best hardware wallet

@Rob-bq6ek - 06.12.2023 19:55

What do you think about Ngrave and/or Arculus?

@tolgaarslan3165 - 07.12.2023 13:31

Can you review secux shield bio? I wonder your comments

@SparkerBarubear - 08.12.2023 19:34

Hi bro, after following your content, I ordered both lol (of course with your code). Thanks for keeping reply me.

@VVe-ss7ff - 09.12.2023 14:23

Tangem is the worst shit paid shiller

@alberto.coutinho - 10.12.2023 21:48

Can you give me your suggestion, I received my tangem but I haven't configured it yet, I decided to opt for the seed phrase, but I don't feel very confident in a combination of just 12 words, I've been using 24 plus one passphrase in the last years. I could be being paranoid, but creating 24 and importing to tangem would be an option? In relation to the passphrase, how does it work during tangem recovery? One more question, can you tell me if the seed phrase created automatically in tangem is 12 words too?

@jamesgeorge65 - 13.12.2023 00:25

Thanks for the review. Not tech savvy here. What if I go with Tangem and in a year or two buy a new phone?

@Justme14567 - 15.12.2023 02:40

How will malware on phone be able to withdraw funds as you need Tangem physical cards to transfer crypto?

@noman468 - 18.12.2023 08:21

I have ordered Trezor T from official website in 2020. I have activated hardware, keep my physical recover seeds, passphrase, PIN and Trezor T in my safebody has no access to anyone accept me. On 2020 unfortunately I have decided to use Trezor T and transfer my funds "cardanos" from Binance in 2020 all Transactions done successfully, without any issues. After that I have closed Trezor T and continue keep it on my safe and there were no transactions from my side since December 2020. On June 2023, I connected hardware, and I found zero balance on my hardware, and I found 2 transactions on my wallet that was showed on 31st January 2023 that I didn't do.

It's very suspicious for me that I received email from Trezor in April, 2022 regarding my "email, IP address and approximate location" was stolen and after that on 31st January, 2023 my funds mainly "Cardano" was stolen even I didn't used/Connected my Trezor hardware wallet since December 2020. I never clicked on any links or phishing emails. I never entered my seeds after my Trezor T hardware wallet set up which was in 2020.

@VannKY1 - 14.01.2024 04:33

Just got my tangem last week. I love it. Just bough some more XRP directly in the app and 3 minutes later its in the wallet. Cant wait for the PayPal option to become active.

@IntegraAEM - 17.01.2024 01:12

Tangem is worlds ahead of Trezor for userfriendliness its not even close and this is the very first reason most ppl leave their cryptos on exchanges. The Trezor app doesnt support most coins, you need a third party wallet to sync with you need to plug into a PC ect ect... I would only use Trezor for their Bitcoin only firmware and Tangem for everything else

@leveluponcrypto - 24.01.2024 15:01

You can use your cell phone with Trezor if you use correct usb cord you can manage with cell phone on both not just desktop

@DavidJNowak - 30.01.2024 01:48

If I were running a validator node could I use one of these cold wallets? Or does it have to be online (Metamask) all the time?

@FredMcIntyre - 30.01.2024 05:42

Do you know if you can use a Chromebook to access the Trezor using their web suite?

@letusgro - 05.02.2024 14:59

Wait doesn’t tangem have a seed phrase too now

@First.Last.99 - 05.02.2024 21:54

downloading a software to computer is such a bad idea for hardware wallet.

@tym5583 - 20.02.2024 06:55

What I'm wondering is who has more coins and cheaper fees to like swap?

Would it matter if u just went and did all your swaps in a hot wallet and then transfer those coins to your cold wallet?

@davidw786 - 29.02.2024 03:14

Ok, I've started Down the rabbit hole. I've narrowed my first wallet to these two... Which do you suggest for someone looking to just invest, not daily transactions, just monthly investments but not looking to leave on exchange

@rosco2025 - 02.03.2024 08:39

The only problem with Tangem (and correct me if I am wrong) is that you can't stake any of the cryptos stored on Tangem.

@brucekempf4648 - 05.03.2024 09:05

Trezor passcode no longer works

@naseemahmad9313 - 18.03.2024 01:12

Which one is best trezor or tangem plase tell me personally bro

@Aquiiin - 19.03.2024 18:06

The chance to have malware on your phone is pretty realistic and too high, wouldn't you say?
This might be also true to your computer tho there could be more options for security software

@pedrosousaesilva912 - 26.03.2024 19:04

Can I use Tangem on desktop pluging my smartphone?

@jamesthompson3099 - 30.03.2024 16:09

If you lose your hardware and your seed phrase with the any hardware wallet you loose all your coins. You can make two copies of your seed phrase and store them but then you are right back where the Tangem is. The odds of losing all your Tangem cards simultaneously is slim to none and I hear Slim left town. Trezor makes an excellent wallet but I don't see security as the major differentiator. I see the lack of HD support as the biggest drawback to Tangem. Big privacy issue but not a security issue.

@themomista7175 - 05.04.2024 18:26

Excellent video and channel, thank you.

@lennyfps - 11.04.2024 08:01

You should really hold your referral codes on the screen a little bit longer. It goes so quick you could barely even read it.

@parlayhitter2222 - 27.04.2024 05:03

Why do these people say “supports over 7,000 coins…” so stupid, the only information that’s relevant is how many blockchains it supports.

@ANTHONYYAGER-td6lk - 24.07.2024 02:51

Please help me witch is best for everything and Security really on those two and what is better to use 20 seed phrase or 24

@Glen-p3r - 29.08.2024 18:43

I have both these and I love them both,
Trezor now has trezor light for the mobile
I use the Shamir back up but can’t remember how many shares are required but I have everything recorded so hopefully ok.
The hidden wallet option is great I hope Tangem helps with this.
I love the simplicity of Tangem. I’m only interested in utility coins so I just want the best wallet for security. I’ve not decided which that is but I have crypto in both.
Another wallet I have is safepal s1 not sure if you have reviewed this one?

@videofrat3115 - 06.11.2024 14:18

Does tangem allow shamir backups? so i can use 3 out of 5 seeds or whatever i want to recover. Also is there any way to use tangem on desktop?

@draganpastrovic2157 - 24.01.2025 17:39

My crypto is in Revolut and I'm having some problems finding out if I can transfer from Revolut to tangem wallet, from what I've seen they don't all support all coins and exchanges. If I work this out I will get a tangem wallet.

@zboyd8843 - 27.01.2025 19:58

Thank you for the comparison, I ordered through your link😊

@rylandrivas3614 - 10.02.2025 11:15

Thanks for publishing this! I need help: My Trust Wallet contains some USDT, and I know the backup phrase: clean party soccer advance audit clean evil finish -tonight involve whip -action-. What’s the best way should I go about moving them to Bitget?

@HH-gn9qt - 16.02.2025 19:55

One year later and Tangem still doesn't support multiple public receiving addresses (we are waiting!!!!). This is a major flaw and makes Trezor a much better choice. Tangem customer service is almost non existent as well. Can't speak for Trezor CS.
