Three.js Tutorial on Shaders (beginners)

Three.js Tutorial on Shaders (beginners)


3 года назад

72,693 Просмотров

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Covenanter Soldier
Covenanter Soldier - 05.05.2023 06:33

Simon, you're a legend. I truly enjoy learning from you. "tip of the hat to you good sir"

Kibukulu Fabrice
Kibukulu Fabrice - 18.04.2023 13:01

Wow!!! I can't believe that I have a clear understanding of the basics of shaders after watching this video

Scott O'Nanski
Scott O'Nanski - 01.03.2023 06:41

Way beyond my level of understanding. Fun to watch, but I'll have to come back to this later.

Eric Malek
Eric Malek - 10.02.2023 23:41

Did I see Trogdor on the stickman diffuse texture shield? LOL Great stuff man!

ahmad saerozi
ahmad saerozi - 30.12.2022 12:33

How to make shader material can receive shadow?

sharkete spark
sharkete spark - 12.12.2022 13:56

bruv, I LOVE YOU, loved everything in this and other playlists. keep it coming so that i can be atleast 1% of you :)

Surita Campos
Surita Campos - 08.09.2022 02:15

I have some problemens to make hair in thress js, I exported from blender and my character get bald lol, with tranparency i make hair with plane, you have soluction in your course?

ewwitsantonio - 13.07.2022 04:42

Excellent demonstration!! Thank you so much for creating this tutorial. It's really helpful.

John Liou
John Liou - 27.05.2022 09:33

How to write the custom shader recive shadow?

Gigatless - 29.03.2022 14:18

You have the best tutorial man, so rare to find something that good on shaders

Richard Cook
Richard Cook - 22.03.2022 06:07

Could you say which of your repositories are for this video? None of them have "shader" in their name.

Reid Shea
Reid Shea - 01.03.2022 20:19

youre a hero

Mike Pearson / Engineering
Mike Pearson / Engineering - 18.02.2022 04:24

Are you British? Why "colour"?

Sea Luke
Sea Luke - 15.01.2022 19:39

Amazing !!!

nomadshiba - 12.05.2021 11:15

im wondering, why not use a separate file with shader extension for shaders and just import it in? if it doesn't work in three.js why not make a small script that's importing the shader code there while building.

swaroop - 01.05.2021 09:08

please make a discord server

Overloader7 - 23.04.2021 19:57

What about compute shaders? If web has them, it makes most of the performance concerns obsolete (anything that does not require computing literaly millions of things should be able to run perfectly fine on CPU, especially considering the JIT compiled nature of js...)

Felipe Rodrigues
Felipe Rodrigues - 22.04.2021 04:01

I'm trying to add shaders to a Physicjs material and it does not work =(

Zeeshan Ali
Zeeshan Ali - 21.04.2021 02:17

Really need a next tutorial on shaders!

marcos volpato
marcos volpato - 12.04.2021 00:07

is there any way to me export the mesh's modification made on the shader to a real mesh? maybe using one exporter library?

Vladoso noname
Vladoso noname - 31.03.2021 00:10

thank you this is very helpful!!gdgkgldfkgdflkg

Patrick C.
Patrick C. - 26.03.2021 23:39

Hey Simon, great video! Would you consider making a series of videos on vanilla WebGL fundamentals? I have only been able to follow a few MDN examples to create a triangle, and a textured cube. There are hardly any materials that I have seen online that are clear enough to explain every part of graphics programming to someone who is unfamiliar with it. I am a web dev, with no background in graphics, however I am very interested in learning.

Hakim Rouatbi
Hakim Rouatbi - 14.03.2021 14:08

Didn't take much for me to subscribe, this channel is GOLD.
I don't know why it took me so long to stumble upon it.
Thanks for sharing you knowledge !

Games and Bacon
Games and Bacon - 12.03.2021 06:20

I don't even use JS or anything. Your work just fascinates me xD
( I'm really dyslexic so I work with unreals blueprints)

fr3ddyfr3sh - 25.02.2021 02:34

@simondev if you’re creating a lake/ocean with waves, do you create the wave geometry on the cpu and push that geometry to the gpu where it get‘s „just rendered as is“.
Or would you just push a pure plain terrain to the GPU and create the waves by the geometry or vertex shader.
I guess, when you need something realistically floating (a boat or the player) on the water, you would need that geometry on the cpu, wouldn’t you?
I guess there are much more options like NVIDIA Physix and doing the wave physics in a compute shader.

fr3ddyfr3sh - 25.02.2021 02:27

Thanks a lot.
Perfect shader tutorial for me (very familiar with non 3D programming and lacking the 3D part).
Till now I was lost between super basic tutorials and superbrain stuff like shadertoy.
Shadertoy is really crazy, it’s like the demo scene, making realistic looking textures without texture images.
They create textures in shaders (with black magic and perlin noise).
Same accounts for geometry, no 3D models just functions and magic ;-)

dungeonHack - 24.02.2021 17:04

Great tutorial. The tip about outputting various things as color for debugging was extremely helpful.

Any chance we could get a tutorial on how to implement lighting for shaders?

Naiyo78 - 08.02.2021 05:12

Awesome content ! Could you do a video explaining how to add custom shader to an existing material? That would be awesome! Thanks !

Garron Norrag
Garron Norrag - 04.02.2021 02:53

This is amazing content! Contgrats an thanks!

urajcic - 18.01.2021 17:36

Hey Simon,

Thank you very much for sharing. Your tutorials are awesome :)

Could you make one about multiple UVs in single mesh? For example how to merge(multiply/add) diffuse map with baked lightning? Or how to separate normalMap channel from other channels?

Best regards

Bipin Oli
Bipin Oli - 12.01.2021 20:04

Cool stuff 🙂

Joshua deLorimier
Joshua deLorimier - 08.01.2021 22:02

Any chance you could do a follow up video explaining how to get it to "stick" to the 3d model it looks like it's being projected and how to pass in lighting? Thanks so much though for this I got one of my shadertoy designs to be displayed over the model so progress.

mAiK - 30.12.2020 23:30

Amazing, can you make a video about soft particles?
They are pretty important for making fog, fire, explosions etc.

fro - 22.12.2020 23:46

nice content crabman, subscribed

Felix - 21.12.2020 19:56

Your tutorials make learning JS and three.js even more fun than it already is :) All of your videos are so succinct and serve as optimal starting points for everything that you cover. They make it really easy, can't wait to see what you'll cover next.

kadekeqw - 16.12.2020 16:04

FANTASTIC, thank you

Aditya Advani
Aditya Advani - 16.12.2020 11:04

Thanks dude your channel is fire look forward to learning more

Ariel Klevecz
Ariel Klevecz - 15.12.2020 23:28

very nice and concise explanation of shaders in three! I also somehow didn't know that three vectors had a lerp method built into them, so thank you for continuing to elucidate both low and high level tricks.

I think your projects are quite elegant, so I'm not sure you want to go down this route, but if you use something like Webpack you could have glsl files bundled as assets and then import them as opposed to using strings. It is nice to have syntax highlighting and some added file organizing power, but it does include the overhead and idiosyncrasies that come with a more involved dev environment.

Kamil Kańduła
Kamil Kańduła - 15.12.2020 13:30

Do you have patronite account ?

Simon Calem
Simon Calem - 15.12.2020 01:16

You have the best tutorials

Brett Kromkamp
Brett Kromkamp - 14.12.2020 21:17

Man, this is good stuff. Excellently explained like always.

leomelki - 14.12.2020 17:41

Your channel is fire, thank you for all your tutorials!

Nes tor
Nes tor - 14.12.2020 17:30

Thanks, awesome

Dhruval Raval
Dhruval Raval - 14.12.2020 16:49

Most needed. Please continue more on this series. Like integrating three.js functions and classes with shaders manipulations and more

Cammyb - 14.12.2020 16:49


Blaz Pecnik
Blaz Pecnik - 14.12.2020 16:11

Thank you so much
