This $2,000 Hackintosh SMASHES the $4,000 Mac Studio

This $2,000 Hackintosh SMASHES the $4,000 Mac Studio

Snazzy Labs

1 год назад

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nickn - 22.09.2023 07:50

The direction that Linux for desktops, not servers, should pursue is macOS, not Windows. the disadvantage of macOS was that it had to use Apple hardware.

Mailootje - 19.09.2023 02:08

I'm trying to make one with a i9-10900k and a Vega64 but its sadly not working.... some advice? Because I don't really have a physical Mac. So I'm working with a VM that runs macOS in windows with the unbuntu kvm etc etc... I did successfully connect a USB to my windows forward it to Ubuntu and after that forward it to macOS and it did install it. But its not working sadly.. Can someone help me?

The Watchman Studios
The Watchman Studios - 17.09.2023 00:09


Kuromi - 16.09.2023 06:11

Linux and a powerful system is magic

Mickey Mishra
Mickey Mishra - 13.09.2023 09:29

I have been out of Macs for so long. But for some reason? That is where I always felt the most creative. There is just something about MacOS that just brings creativity to the table.
The Hakintosh has always been for people who demand EXTREME Performance. And you can still get that if you custom build.

For the rest of us? Its just fun to try it out. Lord knows we got a LOT of mac gear already for our daily drivers.

GrupaWroclawPL - 12.09.2023 11:46

I made it HACK on a Z690 board, it works under Ventura without any problems with 12th gen i5, I use the comp for Photoshop, mainly for heavy PSB files, I decided on this option because of cheap ddr4 RAM, 128 GB costs "pennies", most importantly NVME 4gen, reaches speeds above 10 Gb/s in raid, Total energy consumption under stress is approx. 170W when working at PS approx. 100W. I have been a Mac user for over 20 years, I always bought new Power Macs and later Mac pro products. They worked and still work without any problems, but after MP 6 something started to happen and these computers, despite their excellent performance, started to cost x2, offering much fewer extensions to the previous generation. For now, I treat it as a test platform, but after a month of work, nothing has happened, it works like a regular Mac.

BTW - 11.09.2023 02:26

In the world of technology, the Hackintosh is a testament to the enduring allure of Apple's design and innovation. It represents the spirit of what Apple was meant to be - a harmonious fusion of aesthetics and power, where creativity knows no bounds.

Miles Carter
Miles Carter - 09.09.2023 06:56

Would like to see it on P core only with a slight overclock. Probably would run better as processes wouldn't be getting stuck on slower cores. At least everywhere that doesn't make use of more than 10 threads (hyper threading only makes up for so many real cores).

Of course it would be really nice to try a workstation class 10 or 12 (or more) P core Xeon, but a lot of things would be nice. The beat deal I saw on those included a $700 SuperMicro board and a high core processor is like $1,000-3,000

Humbleprogress - 08.09.2023 11:36

Watching this from my hack lol

Perkulant - 07.09.2023 22:19

would it work better with ryzen? due to all big core design.

pcuimac - 06.09.2023 05:18

Apple hardware is overpriced and faulty. It's just a big dongle to the fabulous UNIX based OS X.

enrico roselino
enrico roselino - 05.09.2023 16:05

i think you not using Shanee causing game fps drop

enrico roselino
enrico roselino - 05.09.2023 16:03

bro doesnt tell what to do next with dsdt

The Metal Mag
The Metal Mag - 04.09.2023 13:50

Ok I wanted to see what you could tell but before the half of the video I think you have the money to play with your hack but it’s so damn useless. Buy a mac and stop wasting time doing those videos, then you can buy a second hand mac for the price of your hackintosh.. it’s easier and works in a minute!

-- - 04.09.2023 13:38

Probably fine if you don't use iCloud at all or keep personal documents on the machine. Despite having FileVault, you need to completely compromise SIP here just to run this - sure it's switched "on" after you're done, but "on" is relative here. It doesn't have a full security trust root anymore like a genuine T2 or Apple Silicon Mac, so you need to give OpenCore essentially a rootkit in the EFI boot to make this work at all. There is a lot of security compromises happening here that he is either purposefully ignoring or genuinely doesn't understand.

Aoleon The Martian Girl
Aoleon The Martian Girl - 03.09.2023 19:31

Awesome video! You should do an HP Ultra Mini PC hackintosh because that’s the similar footprint. For me though the M1 Mini is awesome, and it doesn’t currently give me any reason to want to build a hackintosh since I have a separate dedicated windows gaming PC. I run both my M1 Mini and my gaming PC on the same 55” LG OLED TV and I can switch between them with a single click of the remote. I did build a hackintosh back in 2016 because I was using it for heavy 3D computer graphics work, and I needed 128GB ram and multiple Xeon processors. But now, the M1 Mini is more than powerful enough to meet my needs. And stability on that old hackintosh was not good, and it was a pain in the butt to build and maintain. Also with the development of crossover for the mac, on the latest M2 Studio Ultra you can come close to getting frame rates on windows games that matches my current dedicated NVIDIA 3080TI Windows gaming PC. So I don’t see myself building another windows gaming PC in the future as I will probably end up getting an M3 Max Ultra and just running crossover instead. Also Windows 11 sucks. I’m still on Windows 10 because I can’t stand Windows 11.

Raphael Souzha
Raphael Souzha - 03.09.2023 15:12

I have a Xeon 2670 v3 running at 3.1 GHz on macOS Ventura 13.5.1.
I use hackintosh about 15 years now, and will use if I can.

David G.
David G. - 30.08.2023 18:19

i can use z790 motherboard?

novafiddler - 29.08.2023 17:37

Hackintosh's are a nightmare to maintain. One single update can break the entire thing and for that reason, I stopped using it. Everything requires some sort of complicated workaround that requires weeks if not months to study and understand. Also, you will not be able to change MacOS versions automatically. Again, to do that you have to implement complicated fixes, patches, workarounds, and patches that make Hackintosh's unsustainable. Save your money. Get an actual Mac or use something else.

Tom Cartmill
Tom Cartmill - 28.08.2023 10:58

And still end up with a rotten Apple.

Tony Fuego Media
Tony Fuego Media - 27.08.2023 17:43

One thing no one mentions is noise.. My Mac Pro max laptop and Mac mini are super quiet. Don’t even know they are in the room. These macs are noisy. Personally. I need my silent office. I had a top of the line ryzen beast.

Mina - 27.08.2023 14:16


Madnews RedQStudios
Madnews RedQStudios - 26.08.2023 08:10

I just built a working Hackintosh today and cannot tell you how relieved and overwhelmed with joy I got it to work! The dream of having a repairable/upgradable/customizable mac is amazing and REAL. I never ever built a PC before, let alone a hackintosh. So the euphoria of successfully loading mac os contrasted just how absolutely F*&#^ng miserable and difficult it is to do!! My lord I spent like 70+ hours trouble shooting over the week alone, with sleepless days and nights, doubting myself and having the awful fear that I might have wasted around 2 grand just for a slightly expensive windows machine. I am known for my patience, but my lord this took me to hell and back. People looking to build Hackintosh PC's via open core should be WARNED!!! BE WARNED!!!

About just how excruciatingly difficult this is to do if you have no technical expertise or experience and are not following a "Golden Build" that has been thoroughly documented. This is easily one of the hardest things I have ever been able to do in my life, I can easily see someone not reading the guides carefully enough, not picking the right parts, and especially not having the patience to trouble shoot their machine. People who make videos on Open core hackintoshing should not so casually recommend this to the average user, and should have a FULL guide on their entire process and a thorough disclaimer and warning. I would go so far as to say that it's downright irresponsible to not warn the audience. Most people should stick with Apple silicon, particularly people who don't care too much about repairability or upgradability.

InLight-Tone - 26.08.2023 07:49

Can I get your p-list file bro....Just kidding 🤣

sebastian garcia
sebastian garcia - 22.08.2023 20:01

i wonder what the 20/30% cost 80% solution is of that hackintosh, if it exists , likely utilizing used / refurbished parts in auction and some form of overclock/under clock / undervolt , whatever delivers best stable performance

Robert Pearson
Robert Pearson - 22.08.2023 04:18

So your Hackintosh out performs Apple's jumped-up cell phone chip. oh wow.

YUNG SOO KEVIN HONG - 19.08.2023 05:20

Is it M Chip is the most power efficient chip ever designed

Piotr Szulc
Piotr Szulc - 18.08.2023 15:32

As far as I see, dortania's guide doesn't support 12th gen intel architecture and not sure where should i follow to make it work on alder lake

Joseph Izang
Joseph Izang - 18.08.2023 01:38

It would be great to get a detailed guide on how to build a hackintosh. Really enjoy your format of content. I always learn something.

Diego De León
Diego De León - 17.08.2023 11:29

Man, and that's quite a big difference using still Intel and a last gen RDNA GPU.

With a 7900XTX and 7000 Ryzen the performance gap could have been even bigger, and AMD is moving fast according to leaks.

The efficiency comparison reminds me to check how RISC-V is going.

Aurummorituri - 16.08.2023 10:53

Negative points for the cooler. There are so many amazing options out there now including Chromax coolers rather than going with poop fans in an otherwise clean build.

Frank - 15.08.2023 16:31

Is there a website where I can just buy a hackingtosh? I really don’t like how expensive Apple prices their stuff and was looking for an alternative that’s more affordable and operates just as good if not better

Ghost Raider
Ghost Raider - 12.08.2023 22:37

I went with hackintosh for my latest build. I wanted the luxury of macOS but needed also Windows for gaming. I ended up getting a Gigabyte AORUS B660M with Intel Core i5 12600K with AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT and wow its amazing! I know the hackintohshing days are numbered but its just the best bang for your buck. Why have 2 computers when 1 can do both! 😊

Michael Penn
Michael Penn - 11.08.2023 19:54

I would rather have a real Apple machine any day.

shawn younai
shawn younai - 10.08.2023 03:17

can you just build this and sell this to me?

Ross Geography
Ross Geography - 09.08.2023 18:00

I think Sonoma is it for MacOS Intel support - and with the divergent support for all those ios/macos/m-chip integrations I don't believe it's worth it - so you CAN hackintosh until EoL for Ventura or even Sonoma it wont make sense (also interested to know the per watt processing power - given how efficient the M-chips are that's seems like the more eco-friendly route - if Apple embraced the right to repair/upgrade!)

Austin Lieber
Austin Lieber - 09.08.2023 16:47

Very informative and unbiased! This is TOP TIER reporting. Subscribing after this!

I'm curious if something like the MSI GE67HX laptop with a 12950hx cpu and 3080ti gpu could be converted.

Steve Bendersky
Steve Bendersky - 09.08.2023 14:15

Thanks for the video. where do I get the tutorials for installing the macOS?

Steve Bendersky
Steve Bendersky - 09.08.2023 11:39

Can I install macOS without GPU? i have 13700K + z690

The Doug Spot
The Doug Spot - 08.08.2023 08:31

This is only for people who don’t care about support, warranty, size, and who’s time isn’t worth much.

Building a hackintish would cost me more in time than the price of a real Mac

Get outta here
Get outta here - 07.08.2023 23:11

Why would you disable motherboard USB ports when you could disable internal headers your not using, including the front panel(they don't get enough power anyways).

Get outta here
Get outta here - 07.08.2023 23:03

Nh-d15 good price to performance💀

JosephP - 07.08.2023 17:20

This really needs to go in the Mcprue Apollo S 3.0

Siddharth - 07.08.2023 11:42

so its more like efficiency + ecosystem VS raw foking power!!, being honest i would get a apple laptop and a real powerful PC windows setup. i mean yea the Apple OS is just incredible but the loss of performance you get with it is just.... sad lol

Jon M
Jon M - 07.08.2023 04:19

Here using my MacBook Pro 2021 with the M1 Pro processor, absolutely no issues. Battery lasts forever. Just get a Mac.

Sandr Voxon
Sandr Voxon - 05.08.2023 21:58

may i know your GPU temperature please.

d-katalyst - 05.08.2023 21:04

I have an intel Mac mini and use it to run an external 6900xt for machine learning trials. Works great.

4GuitarTrance - 05.08.2023 12:56

The OpenCore Install Guide is excellent if one utilizes patience and pays close attention to what they're doing throughout the entire config file-building process.

I understand some people are currently working on continuing the Hackintosh tradition by figuring out a way to utilize the Mas OS after Apple discontinues all Intel code. In other words, if possible we will all be building Hackintoshes even after the Mac OS supports only ARM procs.

I love the Mac OS... but I hate Apple's hardware scheme in comparison to PC hardware choices, and Apple seems to be hellbent on returning to the proprietary days in the 90's when they almost went out of business because of their self-imposed isolation. The ARM processors do not bother me... soldering all components to mobos do however. Apple is determined to force us all to purchase their obnoxiously expensive and sub-par memory (RAM)... one way or another, and never being able to upgrade any of their hardware... even if user chose to do so.

I love my Hackintoshes... the boots times and performance cannot be compared to an actual Apple-based unit... the Hackintoshes kick "Apple Silicon" butt in pretty much every category.

Thanks for the vid... very informative.
