The Red Book - Carl Jung’s Gift to the World

The Red Book - Carl Jung’s Gift to the World

Metamorphosis 77

2 года назад

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@metamorphosis_77 - 24.02.2022 22:29

Who are you really, and what is your myth?

@lehlohonolohlongwane2914 - 06.11.2023 21:27

Personally I like watching such videos, even though i don't always understand the information presented. But I watch because of my personal experiences which I havent had an understanding to, but im so curious what it all means and how do some dark situations trigger the evolution of the soul. I tried listening to the audiobook of The Red Book and wished it was more simplified... but I worry not, I'll understand it one day

@victoryak86 - 05.11.2023 02:39

Kubrick was quite interested in Jung’s work and some believe that his film The Shining is very influenced by his ideas. There’s a scene in which a red book is seen on the desk of the character Ullman, and some believe it was a “shout out” to Jung.

@noodlenate - 04.11.2023 01:12

Oh such a lovely presentation, Adrian. Thank you and will check out your other videos!

@marinetazk6412 - 04.11.2023 00:57

Are you from Greece?

@ferrisguan3704 - 19.10.2023 17:13

thank you. thats interesting

@trevorwageman8349 - 17.10.2023 22:01

I’m currently on a journey inward and this book has given me great insight. I’ve been using forgiveness and surrender to over come societies collective unconscious beliefs. There truly only is a higher good and this inner battle will only make us stronger and more understanding. My friend Fortune said, “ Any demons are forces from inside the self. To make this demon ones’ servant- to master it- one must be purified of ego desires and fear.”
I’m currently battling fear and hope to overcome soon. Spread love and pray for one another. Let’s make this collective unconscious the most beautiful loving kingdom our spirits/ souls have ever dwelled. Peace love and happiness to all

@gretaferebee3179 - 17.10.2023 07:00

The little introductory booklet from the Self Realization Fellowship carries a quote from Dr. Jung as it’s title. Undreamed of Possibilities were the words he used to describe the yogic art of meditation. You might enjoy this investigation yourself. Peace to All. 🕉️☮️🙏☯️🦋

@luminariamuscaria - 28.09.2023 01:59

I am so fortunate and grateful to even be able to be introduced into this world of Jungian wisdom - to have yet another fascinating front to delve into and expand my conciousness in my spiritual journey. The Red Book now has a special place on my reading list.
For sharing these seeds of knowledge, in the form of your fantastic videos for me and other beautiful open-minded people to nourish, expand and grow - Thank You!!!❤️

@nicholasleffers3600 - 27.09.2023 01:28

"Something cool, please"

@farshads3367 - 26.09.2023 18:24

He is a missionary.

@Lotusgurl1 - 10.09.2023 10:20

This kinda fell short- but very well done. 😁

@itsyourworld33 - 07.09.2023 15:58

just discovered this book. yet to start kinda scared but intrigued of the impact it will have in my life. thank you for the introduction. 🙏 ❤
"A person must pay dearly for the divine gift of creative fire"

Carl Jung

@bigpicture3 - 24.08.2023 00:35

Jung proposed the "conscious mind" with which the individual forms concepts, including a "concept of self" he called the Ego. This "concept of self" does not necessarily represent "reality" by any measure, and the further from reality it was, the more psychological issues the individual has. Jung also theorized the "individual unconscious" and the "collective unconscious" of which the "conscious mind" was mostly unaware, but where the "Real Self" (in contrast to the "conceptual self") resides. This raises the question: "why the need for two consciousnesses?" especially if we are mostly unaware of the "unconscious". In some circles it is called "the veil" which could be understood as that which splits / jamms the unconscious from the conscious. That gets back to the "created in the image of God" understanding, while at the same time not being consciously aware of that. That the "image of God, and the Real Self" reside in that "individual and collective unconscious". (the I AM THAT I AM) So what is the point of that? It seems that to have the Space Time experience, requires that we need to be unaware that we are the ones creating it. If we are not aware that we are creating it, then it seems to be happening outside of us, and it is happening to us, independent of us. An illusion that is made to seem real while we are in it.

@user-gi9jq5ni1f - 23.08.2023 16:44

I really thank you, for bringing this video!

@user-yo9pv1ni6t - 20.08.2023 16:57

I do not care at all for Jung's **Red Book**, sorry, not interested, Only his main works.

@flatboat67 - 14.08.2023 16:48

17 min. thanks

@lumiereblanc - 08.08.2023 20:23

Thank you for sharing it! 🙏🏻💛

@hikikomochi3945 - 31.07.2023 22:34


@mansardmanor3869 - 24.07.2023 01:34

To kill a god of bones

He is describing the Ego to reach the higher Self

Once you know your higher Self you know Magic
(Neville Goddard)

The Myth is reference to the Illusion of Earth

Side synchronicity
Time when I made comments
The videos ends at

@Gunnm888 - 20.07.2023 08:43

Be peaceful, not harmless

@Veve7 - 19.07.2023 15:57

Beautifully presented and understood. Loved this video. Thank you.

@abdeljalil6642 - 24.06.2023 23:12

You presented the premises of the so beautifully. I will get a hold of it

@ginomazzei1076 - 13.06.2023 10:07

Hhmmm. I investigated and invested into the RED BOOK 300$ which is fascinating. Being a life long Jung scholar since 1970. James Hillman and Alan Watts and Huxley are a few of the best writers and admirers of Jung.
The Red Book along with the bollingen series plus Jungs commentaries in Tibetan book of the Dead and the I Ching etc are the complete life’s study. Thanks for this.

@joannebillesdon8379 - 12.06.2023 00:21

Thank you for this exploration and explanation of the ideas in Red Book. Facinating

@johnjordandeleon - 09.06.2023 15:18

Jung is gift to mankind.

@gypsylee73 - 08.06.2023 21:02

I think Carl Jung was the most important person from last century (and this one so far).

@gypsylee73 - 08.06.2023 20:50

Wow. When I was 19 and had my first of many "nervous breakdowns" I had this weird feeling that I was leaving parts of my soul in different places I went. I was raised atheist and didn't discover Jung until I was about 24.

@rajendramisir3530 - 07.06.2023 18:38

Very beautiful commentary on Carl Gustav Jung’s Red Book and his exploration and personal thought experiments with the personal and collective unconscious. Indeed, Jung gave the world a novel and treasured gift of revolutionary ideas and thoughts.

I think Jung attempts to explore and answer two profound philosophical questions, namely “Who am I?” and “What is my myth?”. Perhaps Jung attained Self Realization as Swami Vevekaanand and other saints in their life time. It seems for us who are here, this mystical journey to Self Realization continues. It seems our existence is a fleeting illusion. Continuous self-searching can help those of us who are conscious to find meaning and purpose to life.

@cashmerepol - 07.06.2023 00:06

Black art.. light art.. I am an artist with a lot of art which turns out to symbiotically represent unconscious and conscious.. On another note I like your interesting accent. 😊

@hlt23h23 - 06.06.2023 19:00

Very inspiring, to say the least... let me go back to finding my myth 🤩

@rudreshsingh307 - 04.06.2023 07:03

This video is like someone went on an adventure of seeking the truth for himself, and in the process he came across this book and made it public. Thanks.

@gregorybezanson - 04.06.2023 04:10

Yung was a man lost in mysticism and spiritual darkness. His theories are not falsifiable and hence not science.

@dougney3026 - 01.06.2023 22:15

Mushrooms will help you feel the Morphic Resonance.

@melina8378 - 01.06.2023 11:23

Very inspiring! Σε ευχαριστουμε πολυ!

@morgagnijana - 01.06.2023 08:20

Are you Spanish?

@oldmanfromscenetwentyfour8164 - 30.05.2023 01:14

In a 1,000 years well used copies and being poorly taken care of, pages missing and cover lost, the Red Book will be seen as an ancient lost manuscript, revered by Occultists, Alchemists and Lunatics. Not unlike the Voynich Manuscript.

@LuisAldamiz - 29.05.2023 20:56

No wonder Jung was disowned by Freud. I very much prefer Reich, who was disowned only by the Communist Party.

@TheCarlocaroline - 29.05.2023 20:47


@robinstevenson6690 - 29.05.2023 07:54

This is really wonderful! Thank you.

@natmanprime4295 - 28.05.2023 15:21

"bau-ciss"? looks like its pronounced "bau kiss"? i suppose you know best, as you're just surprised thats all

@natmanprime4295 - 28.05.2023 15:13

BUT...why does Philemon look like the drummer from fleetwood mac??

@normanvanrooy3113 - 27.05.2023 06:47

Thank you for this introduction to Jung’s Red Book.

@diannelawrence8921 - 27.05.2023 05:35

Thank you for the clear precise explanation of complicated ideas. I am on board with all of it! I have had my own inner teacher for decades. This books helps me to accept more fully this reality and perhaps give it greater voice.

@nduduzomkhize3300 - 25.05.2023 21:04

Your voice and accent sounds alike to Carl jung

@casperlory - 25.05.2023 15:13


@ksbn3004 - 23.05.2023 06:27

So enchanting video. Thank you!

@Purkestan - 22.05.2023 17:50

How wonderful it could be to have the privilege to meet with people who are interested to talk about such things as the teachings of Carl Jung and share their own ideas and insights without prejudice or egotistical perceptions or limitations. I long for that day/opportunity. ☯
