Cheating is Okay - Stardew Valley Hot Takes

Cheating is Okay - Stardew Valley Hot Takes


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@GoblinKnightLeo - 30.01.2024 19:47

The bit about being frozen in time goes all the way back to Harvest Moon 64, a game in which two of the characters did leave if you waited too long to befriend or romance them first. But it has the same issue for everyone else.

@mr.cauliflower3536 - 30.01.2024 19:19

Pierre is not a "friendly neighbourhood petty burgeois", but a scummy petty burgeois (eg. selling your produce as his own), him keeping the prices high due to having a monopoly is absolutely on point.
Also saying that Joja is the cause of all ills and that without them there would be no trash is sending the wrong message, that being "it's someone else's fault, and the residents did nothing wrong".

@killerlork - 30.01.2024 14:09

I've only played a little bit of stardew every now and then since I got it in 2015. I've used the same save file the whole time, and less years have passed in game than in real life. Only in the past couple of weeks have I realised that this game has so much content I haven't explored yet. I haven't even completed the community centre!

@toplittlegast - 30.01.2024 05:56

With the community center one I think they meant like the player didn’t get anything from the mayor for helping out the town so much, the player just got more work.

@user-lu9dg1sj9j - 29.01.2024 19:18

Guys I have a problem I cheated in a word that is near ro perfection but I cheated legend fish but now that I want to catch it myself I cannot but it also didn't came into fish collection tab and now I cannot reach perfection is there any way I can fix it😢😢😢

@jplayzow - 29.01.2024 18:53

I want to see Joja actually present an (optional) threat. I love how much freedom in the infinite time you have to fix stuff but I really want to see them taking over a bit more and then for Anyone to do Anything with the cc we worked so hard to fix

@QwixLF - 29.01.2024 18:27

George biting it after year... Like 4 or 5? Wouldn't be a huge gate, as unless you push off maxing everyone to the point of not caring. His grave could go next to the community center, in that little fiber covered fenced in plot. Evelyn too, a year ot two after.

It would be a problem if the Spring-exclusive special order to get the coffee maker wasn't gotten, but a replacement quest or two could show up in it's stead. Maybe the same quest, but reframed as Alex giving Evelyn the leeks as a reminder (before she dies) or Alex opening a bakery in her memory (renovating their home into a storefront like Pierre) as a bit of new character depth and way to add late game content. It could sell various cooked foods with higher qualities, to nake it distinct from the Saloon.

@SinNombreYQueWea - 29.01.2024 16:58

I like this video but.. "Wouldn't it have been nice for Pierre's prices just went down 10% because now he doesn't have a competitor"? huh? A competitor would be a reason to lower prices, not a reason to hike them up

@Itisybitsyteacup - 29.01.2024 00:30

I really would like a mod where Jas and Vincent grow up, I think it’d be cute

@ziedyee - 28.01.2024 21:05

I'm gonna go out on a reaaaally hot take but: Vanilla SDV is an insanely boring game and in some regards feels unfinished. Love the game but the majority of what makes the game even playable beyond the first year for me is genuinely the modding community that essentially made the game double it's size with some mods.

@Avi-ys8ox - 28.01.2024 11:36

Hot take. Playing in the egg hunt makes me feel like a bad person.

@checksbounce4137 - 28.01.2024 07:50

I think that cheating is okay but if you got reddit or something and try to make it look like you did without cheats that's not okay

@anjaleax - 27.01.2024 11:01

My favorite festivals kn SDV are
1. the egg festival: the egg hunt game is a lot of fun and I love to earn the farmer hat and 1k G
2. The moonlight jellies: a very beautiful, emotional moment for me. The first time i saw it i was so so soooo happy, and it still gets me emotional 🥹
3. Feast of the winter star: Christmas gives me nostalgia every single year for 28 years, so this always made me happy 😊
4. The night markets: amazing stuff, fishing is hard too and the markets have good stuff
5. Harvest festival: i love playing the games and pranking the mayor with his lucky shorts 😂

@spell-bloom - 27.01.2024 06:48

i have a mod that stops time indoors AND in the mines, i really don't care for time ticking down when im inside of a house
and as for the mines, just a personal preference

@belseygell9258 - 27.01.2024 03:10

the fall fair IS worth going to every year. if only to decimate pierre in that crate-of-goodies competition thing. worth it every time to me.

pierre: i can't believe i lost!
me: sucks to suck.

@ShakespeareDoomsday - 27.01.2024 00:34

Some of the dialogue in multiplayer Stardew needs a bit or a tweak: Leah’s dialogue at 8 hearts makes zero sense when she’s married to another player (especially player 1) because she’s always saying that she would love to live in the farmhouse when she already lives there.

@CristalianaIvor - 26.01.2024 06:41

what makes me sad about the community center is that the community center itself is not what it's supposed to - a community center?

why are there no events in there? no people?

it would be cool if there would be similar to the request board or something where you can still drop off stuff at the community center or something.

it's so essential and then you basically have no reason to go there anymore at all...

@amandaletcher1320 - 26.01.2024 05:47

I do agree on one joja needed to be a bigger threat give us something other then just a tiny amount of cutscenes show us how things are getting worse with joja and better as the community center is rebuilt just give us something that shows that joja is big and bad threat

@chachingboy1 - 26.01.2024 04:23

this ain't it, king

@sunn_08 - 26.01.2024 03:36

i think cheating is ok for the most part, however it bothers me when people cheat on fector’s challenge. i’ve done it legitimately twice, and not only does it bother me that it seems less impressive than it did 3 years ago, but also i need to have video of it to prove that i’ve actually done it. i know that’s a pretty controversial opinion, but it detracts from what other people have done. i’d much prefer if there was no continue journey option

@mmgh1421 - 26.01.2024 03:34

George is the best! Stone gifts in the mail come in clutch when you’re building your empire

@ASmidgeOfPidge - 26.01.2024 03:08

I wish there was more to the Clinic than just the shop counter (which no one uses anyway). I literally romance Harvey every save and I don’t think I’ve stayed in there for more than 30s at a time 😅

@nickchabot1302 - 26.01.2024 02:40

I think it’d be cool (or more realistic rather) for Pierre to increase prices after Joja leaves. Pierre is shown to be greedy in general, and the town only puts up with him since his store is one of the few gathering areas (aside from the library/community center) and since he is the only place to buy food if Joja leaves. If given power/influence, I could see Pierre wanting an empire similar to Joja, the only thing stopping him is just the fact that he’s in the valley. Perhaps this could give a heart event where the player/town talk some sense into him, since let’s be honest, it would give the player base a major sense of catharsis

@malonjoy - 26.01.2024 01:09

If it doesnt change anyone elses experience negatively, i dont see a problem with it

@plaguedr.crowvin3349 - 26.01.2024 00:21

I’m giving you mine I don’t think Joja is the bad guy’s conversely I actually consider them somewhat decent in comparison to some of our real world companies, heck they somehow created infinite soda through a vending machine that you can put on an island that Joja doesn’t know about. Yeah they are somewhat evil but NOT the main villains, I personally believe that stardew valley doesn’t have a true villain, other than Mayor Lewis. He IS THE BIG VILLAIN DID YOU SEE HIS STATUE OF SOLD GOLD!

@user89389 - 25.01.2024 20:29

I never understood this attitude towards "cheating" in non-competitive single-player games.
I'll even put it in a quote - it's a game that you paid for, a game that should be YOURS, that you play ALONE. There isn't anything wrong with making new rules for the game that make it more enjoyable for you, even if the way you play it isn't how it was intended. Truth is, nobody is capable of making a game that's perfect for everyone. But that's why we have a thriving modding community that allows you to make the game truly tailored to your taste, and to enjoy your time to the fullest extent. (Which is, by design, the entire point of plaing a game. Lots of people seem to forget that.) And when you tailor it to your taste and play by your own rules, I don't call that cheating, not even if your rules are easier than the rules others play by, and that were originally in the game. You're simply playing your own game your way.

So, frankly, my hot-take would be that "cheating" doesn't exist in non-competitive games. Not even if you play with others, if every player has agreed to the new rules. And ESPECIALLY not when you play by yourself.

Anyway. Even if it's "cheating", I still don't see why people would be upset about that.
There IS a competitive aspect to Stardew. Challenge runs. Official challenge runs that are screened to make sure nobody cheats, and there's a leaderboard where people are competing for the top spots. That's the most competitive SV gets. And if you fall outside of that small % of players that take part in these, then there's nothing for you to compete about in a feel-good, causal farming game.
Steam achievements? The fact that now people can cheat their way into having 1 mill in earnings, and get that badge, making your % lower? Like I'm sorry, but if you're so competitive that you care for steam achievement percentages this much, then I think you're in the wrong game.

Otherwise I just don't see why people are so salty about complete starngers "cheating" in their respecitve copy of SV that's completely unrelated to the upset player's copy.

@notavampirejustacat - 25.01.2024 16:05

Here's my hot take: I like Pierre unironically. I exclusively shop with him not because it's anti Joja, but because he really is just trying to keep his shop running AND family fed in a town of less than 50 people! He buys your goods for a fair price and sells at a price that's reasonable for him. You know what? He's also charming in his own way. He does genuinely care for what could be his illegitimate daughter and tries hard for his family. An honest man just trying to make a living. Overhated for the meme. Also, he fully deserved that victory over Morris, I loved seeing his professional boxing come into play.

@Griblets52341 - 25.01.2024 06:09

In games, i am completely ok with cheating. If you choose to cheat, it your choice. Unless it's in online. If you cheat in online it's just not goot

@The_Real_Goodboy_Link - 25.01.2024 05:58


@niloc446 - 25.01.2024 05:11

Pierre's prices should realistically go up after joja shuts down. Competition keeps prices down. That's just basic economics.

@saylorsoul - 25.01.2024 02:48

I wish we could marry the mermaid, harvest goddess or the mine princess like in harvest moon. I wish there was a mine princess!!

@lucyymaii - 25.01.2024 02:21

I found your channel recently and it’s my new favorite! Your videos got me back into Stardew Valley and I’m learning things I didn’t actually know about mods & the game! Thanks for all you do :)

@thecloudwyrm7966 - 24.01.2024 21:07

I could care less about Lewis I just carnally desire Marnie

@lynean8376 - 24.01.2024 19:17

"even if god may not forgive you for the mods you use, i will" thank you salmence for forgiving seanie and his yandere evelyn mod

@babajayne - 24.01.2024 18:49

My hottest take: I don’t think Clint is a creep. I wish he was an eligible bachelor.

@Humano14236 - 24.01.2024 18:13

Why that hate with penny? I just can’t get it, it’s supposed to be a joke? There’s a super hidden/hard achievement with her? It’s because she hates rabbits foot? I just can’t have a clue

@Humano14236 - 24.01.2024 18:07

Cheating in singleplayer is completely okay, but like, imagine you have a save with 2 years spent playing with your friends, they never cheated or even installed mods, and then, just because yes, you install an op mod that just make the game boring for everyone, and then, when they play without you, you try to bribe them with in-game items, that’s so fucked up, if you have a multiplayer game with your friends, and no one is using cheats, don’t be the first, it’s not worth it

@eightteentwo - 24.01.2024 16:57

Personally, the thing I'd most like to see changed is the ability to actually buy groceries from Joja and/or Pierre. Granted, that's because I'm in the middle of a challenge where I can't easily or even reliably get milk or eggs, but it made me realize how odd it is that NPCs can buy groceries when you can't.

Also, hard disagree on Penny. She's my go-to. Granted, she's basically just my IRL wife with different hair and a different family dynamic, which may have something to do with it. Though I can admit her 14 heart event isn't exactly great. I do however like the pirate bedroom.

@varnix1006 - 24.01.2024 15:35

Having Stardew Valley characters grow up or move away after certain year starts to cross the game from Harvest Moon into The Sims territory.

@Water_On_Mars - 24.01.2024 13:27

I wish villagers actually visited the community center once it's done. Not only would it add an element of community, itd also give another reason to choose the center route over the joja route.

@hunter5w6 - 24.01.2024 11:10

as far as festivals, new dialogue each year would be cool, but a good (and probably easier) change would be if once you get married, your spouse has unique dialogue/walks around with you. it seems weird to me to got to an event separate from someone you live with, say one thing to them, and then wander around on your own.

I also wish you could call the shopkeepers over when they’re in the store but not behind the counter. marnie and her damn microwave, pierre and ~stocking the shelves~. like at that point just lock the door if you’re not going to be helping customers!

@OtakuDeju - 24.01.2024 07:31

I wish the players children would grow up a little bit too.

@juul-fuul - 24.01.2024 04:50

i love ur vids but ur take on penny is unforgivable haha

@R.ipM.yF.ishnets - 24.01.2024 02:34

Sam changes too 😭

@Kydalwave - 24.01.2024 00:34

ayo finally more gay alex praise lets goo

@marlowecaardstudios4157 - 23.01.2024 23:52

There is a mod called "Marnie deserves better" where you convince Lewis to go public with their relationship. I don't know yet if this affects gameplay in the long run.

@linkatronic - 23.01.2024 22:55

Love these types of formats for your videos!

@junetime_panic3907 - 23.01.2024 14:21

Hot take: The mushroom cave isn't a bad choice.

I find myself checking both faves every day, and find myself getting every fruit tree. At the end of a play through, the fruit cave feels... Bland. Don't get me wrong, it's still a better pick if you want tons of money, but that's the thing. Not everyone is focused on strict price, yet I see that as the main reason mushroom cave is shamed.

Also life elixir is great because I don't want to wait a whole year and I don't even know where to get purple mushrooms normally.
