How to use ILS as a beginner - Landing an A320

How to use ILS as a beginner - Landing an A320


2 года назад

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@ChristopheLimpalair - 30.01.2024 21:41

This entire time I didn't realize you could change from VFR (Direct - GPS) or even set the approaches and departures before starting the flight, so I was following other videos that didn't show that step wondering how they got approaches, etc... It's right there, I just glossed over it entirely. Thanks!

@DooD7942 - 24.01.2024 04:44

I do have question not sure if you'll see this but when I'm in A320 an I have AP on I adjust the altitude but plane never changes I have to manually make plane climb and descend using the v/s button. Not sure what I'm doing wrong

@DooD7942 - 23.01.2024 03:52

So at any point do I push the loc button when the pink diamond crosses into the little vertical yellow line or does it just line up? Also when i change altitude it never descends I have to manually make it descend

@MarkFromEastleigh - 07.01.2024 23:31

I flew from Sydney to Alice Springs last night in the A320. Being a newbie to FS2020 I wasn't sure how to use the ILS. I flew all that way and crashed at Alice Springs with a duff landing 🫤. Hopefully your tutorial will mean next time I land it will be a good one, and my passengers can go and enjoy their holiday 😁

@Kreemerz - 06.01.2024 21:47

So glad it's from someone who's an american rather than from the UK.

@AsimRasoolMalik - 03.01.2024 18:25

For that ATC commands to climb when you should actually be descending, I read it on the MSFS forum that you need to cancel IFR once and re-select for appropriate runway. The ATC should then guide you to descend altitude.

@wearypirates - 10.12.2023 02:02

Hard landing, but good video. Thanks.

@jbudina - 08.12.2023 15:57

180 knots during the final, you can straight up apply for the Ryanair pilot :D, but hey, nice video.

@holytrucker2153 - 05.12.2023 15:36

thanks for the tips helped me a lot

@leebeefy - 03.12.2023 13:12

Mine will follow the flight plan so far and then just either keep gaining height all the way so it's like 40000ft at the arrival airport or just won't follow it at the last few waypoints, its driving me crackers, i just want to land the thing

@JM1701ABCD - 03.12.2023 09:23

Can you turn autopilot off once you catch the localizer and glide slope to manually fly in?

@aardvarkbiscuit2677 - 10.11.2023 13:23

Followed your video. Flew my first IFR Sydney to Melbourne for a perfect touchdown in 320neo.

@henrik623 - 09.11.2023 01:20

The only video that has made me understand how to use ILS in msfs. Simple and straight to the point. Thanks, great work!

@at002f6793 - 01.10.2023 23:02

Why when I set mine it starts already flying with out taking off . What am I doing wrong

@philsooty61 - 18.09.2023 13:23

If I'm too high for an approach I come out of Lnav and fly using track heading circle too land till I get the correct altitude and then go back to Lnav!

@peterzsilka4750 - 08.09.2023 22:33

Hello! First, thank you for your video. Very informative for me. But, I have a question for you. For example, if I set the altitude to 10,000 feet, the plane never maintains that altitude. It always goes over. How do I set it? I use autopilot. Thank you.

@alexmerkelcarroll2083 - 23.08.2023 00:14

Great tutorial but a bit of advice disengage auto pilot at like 400 ft if the runway is visual

@DanielAbrantes20 - 15.08.2023 05:26

I turn off at 500 ft. So it gives me time to flare it nicely.

@meillandherbert9552 - 28.07.2023 08:41

ILS isn’t available for me when selecting airports

@corsur - 26.07.2023 12:45

Very good tutorial on how to use auto pilot to land a ILS . I tried lots of clips on here but they where all to complected. This clip has got me enjoying the A320neo now. Easy to follow and to the point. Don’t know if this would work in real world . But I’m not in the real world, its a sim, and this works for me so Thanks for great tutorial.

@KingzleyATM - 18.07.2023 06:55

But shouldn't you follow whichever active runway at the destination airport. I know its a game, but unrealistic to just pick any runway you want lol.

@den6143 - 17.07.2023 16:19

блин пытаюсь на а320 в илс зайти никак не получается... что для этого нужно? может частоты какие то настроить, и обязателен ли автопилот для этого? ( обязательно ли создавать план полета)

@Sen9068YT - 15.07.2023 17:17

Thank you very much for your help :)

@paulweston8184 - 14.07.2023 19:15

Thanks, this was very helpful. I think Auto Throttle when activated will take care of your speed and speedbrakes which will take care of your landing for you.

@zero_fe4r - 14.07.2023 00:17

when I’m approaching my autopilot just turns me to the left and stop even if I enable and disable it

@just_frazer - 10.07.2023 08:07

ty so much :)

@melvinjohansson8006 - 23.06.2023 17:25

Thank you soo much!

@kspace7803 - 22.06.2023 20:24

This helped much thx

@filipposfagos5765 - 23.05.2023 21:34

Butter landing

@wowo1005 - 07.05.2023 18:24

u want to be at 140 kts at touchdown not 180

@catdaddy57 - 02.05.2023 16:41

Any landing you can walk away from is a good one, even a virtual one...nice vid

@nigelsmith721 - 24.04.2023 10:19

Great video - very informative and well presented.
If I can just add one little point...
Once you're in the approach phase set the aircraft speed to about 150kts with full flaps deployed - it'll make things a lot less sketchy at touchdown. You were landing at north of 180kts which is rapid!!!

@stephenmiles8424 - 01.03.2023 17:26

thank you this was so helpful I've subbed

@RedzicAnel - 20.02.2023 23:05

Strait to the point

@nickloving8 - 18.02.2023 15:00

Would have been better with full flaps and on RWY34

@wasted2106 - 08.02.2023 01:15

lovely video, very wholesome :)

@younesssgamex7167 - 30.01.2023 07:49

You forgot full flaps landing

@SecretSauce8 - 05.01.2023 10:06

This is a great video. THank you for this. just a couple of questions. When is a good time to turn on LS button? what altitude and how far out?

@ariev9482 - 04.01.2023 00:27

This was exactly what I was looking for to fly and land an airliner. thanks for this nice explanation.

@stuarthodge3187 - 03.01.2023 22:40

Extremely helpful. Thank you so much!

@bigtuna5580 - 02.01.2023 05:26

Very helpful video, thanks partner!

@edthorne4806 - 31.12.2022 14:01

Good video cheers mate 👍

@salim7025 - 10.12.2022 08:39

Cool vid, can add to aim for a speed of 160 before landing and flaps 4, 180 is too fast for landing. I think a simple math for the descent is to devide altitude by 3 and the result is how many miles from dest you should start descending.

@stevetildesley8308 - 28.11.2022 17:49

Thank you so much. I finally flew from A to B and landed perfectly on the chosen runway. Ok a few rules may have been broken but hey it’s a sim. For me personally ATC keep you to high ate descent stage.

@paulburman9972 - 24.11.2022 01:49

One the best video’s out there on how to use ILS. Thank you so much🛬✈️🛩🛫

@Saitam79 - 25.09.2022 16:06

Excellent tutorial.. Thanks!

@kieranshelton7354 - 16.09.2022 15:42

Horrible landing bro. Thanks for the ils info tho

@MikeyD0 - 06.09.2022 11:05

Not the 180knt landing speed 😭 great video !
