I Tried Making $500/Day With Google Maps - Make Money Online

I Tried Making $500/Day With Google Maps - Make Money Online


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@LondonNuggs - 21.07.2023 22:21

FYI: Normally on a cold call I would not be repeating things the clients are saying out loud. I only did that because I was not able to record there voice so you would understand what was going on.

@KaraManning - 16.01.2024 17:36

How do you provide the service to the customer, not just the making money part. Quarters are 3 months. The discount isnt a discount per quarter because its still $100/mo based on your calculations and "quarters" not really being 3 months in your narratives. Being an "agency" is lying unless you setup an LLC, which you really need to do to protect yourself from litigation. Id also setup your own website, LLC, something to legitimize this. Youll need to show others how to pay taxes per quarter (3 month cycles), etc to really help people. Otherwise this could become a side hustle from hell.

@derekturner2517 - 16.01.2024 14:09

How exactly does optimizing their Google maps work? I don't understand what specifically you are doing for them.

@hercqlees8114 - 16.01.2024 07:09


@Reddogmr57 - 16.01.2024 05:56

What kind of monthly updates do you provide for them and if they want to keep going with this what do you tell them?

@IM1EYE - 14.01.2024 08:21

Rip to Barbara’s cat 😢

@cabellism - 14.01.2024 03:00

So payed reviews? isnt that a bit dishonest, unless im missing something.

@danros6530 - 14.01.2024 01:32

I think you'd be better off learning to weld, or maybe be a plumber.
Learn to create something (no, 'content' doesn't count.), or someday you'll be left wondering what if.

@lenakarasek160 - 13.01.2024 10:14

This video is definitely under rated 🙌

@LookOutside... - 13.01.2024 09:56

Nice job hustling.
I think reviewing a ‘much vs many’ tutorial will help you sound more professional. Great job not being intimidated talking to older business owners.

@dEagz13 - 12.01.2024 16:17

Impressive at 17. Quarter of a year is 3 months though FYI lol.

@JohnMiller123 - 12.01.2024 04:48

Way to go, Little Homie! I love what you've done with this! Thanks for keeping it real and entertaining! Hahaha

@bryanjohn1410 - 12.01.2024 00:20

Imagine paying him then seeing your got ripped

@lcfnyc2007 - 11.01.2024 15:48

If i was your dad i would be so proud. You are only 17 and have already great work ethics to show, grinding your way through to success. You will reach far. Way to go, respect.

@totallychillduck8127 - 10.01.2024 23:21

How do you send the invoices?

@DracoSzn_ - 10.01.2024 18:51

Yo what camera are you using and what font do you use?!

@markharvey1843 - 10.01.2024 17:22

Keep up the hustle bruh 👊

@ediggle9093 - 10.01.2024 15:51

Post an update, how many clients have you kept, how many people have you pissed odd because you're not actually giving them a product

@ediggle9093 - 10.01.2024 15:37

A quarter is 3 months, so your quarterly rate isn't a discount. You mispronounced Illinois and I can't imagine anyone actually thinking you're a local. Taking advantage of people isn't a side hustle.

@OMGITSAAAJ - 10.01.2024 08:12

I own a small business... This explains a lot.. I get 4 or 5 of these calls a week. When i ask basic questions because I'm legitimately curious in what I'm being offered the bs begins. That's when i loose all intrest. I respect the hustle, but as i said, this video explains a lot.
By the way...
Your voice is very familiar lol

@EgaTehPro - 09.01.2024 22:29

This is just scamming lmao.

@MusicLiveLove01 - 09.01.2024 20:42

Honestly you don’t sound like a kid to me. I think that’s more in your head.

@mizzlepizzle9769 - 09.01.2024 20:38

You're pretty good at this--I especially appreciate not hiding the fact that sales people view potential customers as marks who "fall" for bs sales lines.

@GeorgeCy332 - 09.01.2024 13:55

Thank you for the video. Does this really work ? Trying to make some extra money which i will use for some dental work.  would be grateful for some help. cheers

@uncalibratedInitiate - 09.01.2024 00:54

Awesome!! You're ahead of the game on so many levels young man 😏, I started chasing paper officially at 14 back in '89, pre- internet & feel like you'll be able to do big things, just DON'T GET INVOLVED/CURIOUS WITH DRUGS INCLUDING ALCOHOL!! 🤨, never stop leaning & Stay Golden 💪.. Truly made my day with your video 😆 .. May Your Journey Stay Divinely Illuminated young Dgedi!

@JasonEmerson711 - 08.01.2024 18:05

Dude, I'm 9 minutes in, and you are lying to people. Sure, you can sell ANYTHING if you are going to deceive the customer. No sub from me.

@lloydlineske2642 - 08.01.2024 12:05

Grewt energy and attitude my guy. May i make a suggestion? When someone asks aboit your age. Be honest. Like you were, but ket them know you are excited by sales and trying to make a career. This'll help them feel mkre comfortable since they'll think someone else is doing the computer work behind the scenes, which they are, but you are just the guy on the phone.
Idk. Just an idea.

@arawareta3770 - 08.01.2024 09:47

Obviously don’t say your from the area if ur not because area codes are a thing lmao

@InReteroVintage - 08.01.2024 08:15

"we love to communicate with our clients...." You're a kid running a hustle out of his bedroom. God this is awful and folks in the comments are just lapping it up like you have all of the answers.

@theo5030 - 07.01.2024 04:43

You call your lies "sales tactic". So much greed and lies. Absolutely disgusting.

@cougsjohnson1 - 05.01.2024 03:21

This was one of the most Inspirational Videos I've seen from Your Generation. I've been Both Cold Calling & Teaching New Sales Reps Prospecting Techniques for over 25 Years. Most People at any age don't want to do it. However, there's so much more that you learn, when you Master it, besides just a Sale.

@TwistagGaming-ui2yz - 05.01.2024 02:17

I got 102,000 views on Google how do I do this?!

@zxcvfdhgbaknksnakc - 04.01.2024 19:30

how about offering them a partial refund excluding the freelancer's cost and some slim margin.

@HiddenMantis-jb1jo - 04.01.2024 16:31

Bro ! You Rock

@SmackTvsub - 03.01.2024 22:04

also are giving him every client?

@SmackTvsub - 03.01.2024 21:36

do you vet the fiver workers first or after ??

@loverlyme - 03.01.2024 20:17

Thanks for showing us your techniques for starting up this business. It's very encouraging to see someone like you giving it a go. I would have liked to have seen the follow-through, especially with your fiverr employee, and then in 3 months, what difference this makes to the client's rating on Google Maps.
Can I just give you one or two tips? (Be ready, I'm going to sound like an old grandma here.) You'll sound a lot more professional if you cut out the slang words such as 'yeah' or 'yep' instead of 'yes.' It's okay to revert to the slang term when you're just riffing with the customer and having a bit of a laugh but when it's all about the business, revert to the more formal language. This will subliminally tell the client that you are a serious professional type instead of a school kid.
Secondly, prepare your points for your spiel. You don't have to write an entire monologue but write down your key words or phrases on the previous day. Then rehearse it aloud. A lot. Be aware that when giving a 'speech' we talk in much shorter sentences so don't let any phrase go on for too long. When you're ready for an audience line up all of your super action figures and teddy bears and practise the spiel in front of them. If there are any difficult words or phrases that you are having trouble with, now is the time to ditch them and try a difference word or phrase. If you have any friends or relatives that will be willing to help you practise, go to them. Tell them to interject (just like a client on the phone) so you used to interruptions and can prepare your answers ahead of time.
I hope this is helpful.

@evanthatrashman8260 - 03.01.2024 19:05

I see, so you are the MFErS calling my phone talking about we can help your Google listing, I can tell you this with certainty nobody likes to be solicited for this especially if when you answer your phone you expect business, but instead receive a offer from a kid trying to help your Google listing

@steveross6359 - 03.01.2024 11:27

So many talk the talk so few walk the walk. I get these types of calls all the time and can tell this BS like crazy. It oozes scam or someone that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Sure ya got drive but you got to be more real, know the customers better, know the product better. So scummy charging people so much for this “service”. Asking someone to pay by zelle!? Big red flag 🚩 Yes you should be using stripe, yes you should have a business license and bank account before you even start something like this. And 99% of the time cold calling you will never get the person you need to talk to and most people won’t tell you who to talk to. Best advice, be their customer before they be your customer - this gets you in almost always and you have a much better chance to get to the decision maker. Can’t believe nobody asked your company name, website, etc that’s always my first questions

@jacobharris2373 - 02.01.2024 06:11

Phenomenal video, I was scrolling saw your vid clikced and watched everything great work bro. I am leaving a comment to show love for you and algo keep crushing it👊

@iihatejack - 01.01.2024 13:11

This is so fake, bro is not even on a call with anybody lol

@Fgoo-li7po - 30.12.2023 10:17

😂love this just for entertainment

@LakesideUpholstery - 30.12.2023 07:54


@otakuj4987 - 29.12.2023 08:37

this called self-employed digital marketer

@sleep6574 - 29.12.2023 00:35

Ok so, I'm doing this and I was wondering that when calling a client how many did u call untill you got one client and is there any advise in communicating to clients

@Purdizzy007 - 28.12.2023 00:06

Got to give you credit man for 17 your pretty smart. I've been in sales my whole life mostly B2B Sales like your doing now. Some sales approach tips would be Top Down selling. You want to start with the highest package, then work your way down. Don't be afraid of rejection, also this line works for me alot. "If I can make a great deal happen today, can I gaureentee your buisness?" This perfect during the discovery stage because it gages there commitment to buying today. Don't ever take a call back on a call, always try to convert them to buying today. Don't worry about this ruining your chance to close the sale because they won't. Don't ever worry about a script, I perform way better free form because you dont sound like a robot and it instills confidence in the customer. As long as you sound confident on the phone and have quick responses you'll do fine. Keep it up man, your better than most kids your age.

@michaelsheehy1801 - 27.12.2023 22:58

😂got to shoot your shot bro hustle I would come out just say one 2 things makes no scents it when we’re on spot it but works though
