How to Find Your PERFECT Role in Valorant

How to Find Your PERFECT Role in Valorant

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DragonCZC - 07.12.2022 11:15

When I started playing I was like I will be good as raze but once I accidentally I took brimstone and I play well I am new player. Started like 1 week ago and I hitted my best game ever 25/12/9. So I tried him next game and still pretty solid so I think I am going to start playing as an controller. BTW top video earned sub and like

Terrasea Mapping
Terrasea Mapping - 22.10.2023 21:31

honestly just pick anything but duelists bc by the time im loaded in every duelist in the game is allready instalocked.

Vignesh Kamath
Vignesh Kamath - 24.09.2023 09:10

There are 22 agents currently in valorant
Containing 6Duelists
1 Raze
2 Jett
3 Phoenix
4 Reyna
5 Yoru
6 Neon

1 Astra
2 Omen
3 Viper
4 Harbor
5 Brimstone

6 Initiators
1 Breach
2 Gekko
4 Skye
5 Sova
6 Fade

1 Chamber
2 Cypher
3 Deadlock
4 Killjoy
5 Sage

RyzenMC - 12.09.2023 22:20

Guess i am a bot

vlexvv - 18.08.2023 16:22

U will still be forced to pick controller cuz team will instalick duelists

Fred Gm
Fred Gm - 08.08.2023 19:43

Great bidheo😅😮😢

alley.rose26 - 15.07.2023 18:50

i would love to see an updated version of this <3

PyresPT - 30.06.2023 14:30

I like them equally 😭
I can't choose one

What da dog doin
What da dog doin - 22.06.2023 17:38

So a duelist role will seek out engagements first making the site clear for your team to plant the spike?

Ruud Pierre
Ruud Pierre - 19.06.2023 23:40

A melee assassin agent

Mozku The Hermit
Mozku The Hermit - 03.06.2023 23:29

I started this game 1 and half weeks ago, im pretty much new to this game and i already started hover towards Controller class, I know my limit as player and i know im not gonna be star of the game but the person who can make that "main character" shine. After watching videos from this channel and few others i already make good plays and be MWP in regular basis in games, I dont know how this happened but im not gonna complain about that
Viper is my absolute favorite but there are few maps where Brimstone shines better

mizu0 - 01.06.2023 09:11

as the hooj once said sum like "this is solo q be aggressive"

Nadhif Dolla
Nadhif Dolla - 30.05.2023 03:18

if u like fun mechanic duelist is the way to go, if u like team orianted guy,\ then controller is the way to go, if u are kinda defensive kinda player (passive) then sentinels is the way to go. if u like to win smart the initiator is the way to go.

2Bplayer Rytwo
2Bplayer Rytwo - 27.05.2023 19:38

The thing is for me im not sure what to do, i usually just use initiator or controller

But on both idk if im of much use anyway

On controller i feel like a double edged sword i can be hindering both my teammates and enemies

Carlo Castillo
Carlo Castillo - 26.04.2023 07:23

This video is very informative, lez nerf chamber

kc - 19.04.2023 16:45

"If you want to play aggressive you're going to have a hard time playing say a controller well" Laughing while I push through my own Brim smoke with a shotgun.

The DarkSide
The DarkSide - 16.04.2023 14:28

I like both sentinel and smoker can't focus on one 😂
But I'm sure I'm way better with cypher than brimstone

Corey Jones
Corey Jones - 15.04.2023 17:14

bro i dont care what role i just want another player that can heal there team

Anime Action Hindi
Anime Action Hindi - 12.04.2023 11:36

Totally agreed on the part you need to find your perfect role, as I started valorant, I was one the annoying instalocker duelists who bottom frags, but after playing intiators like sova and skye and controller like viper, I somewhat improved a lot. Duelists are agents hard to master, but if you can't master one, switch to the other 3 roles and try them out you might find your best role :3. (cluthing with viper - 33/10/6)

JWGame - 10.04.2023 02:03

i want another good sentinel like cypher as my friend with which i duo instalocks him permanently as we both main him...

Joseph Bonny
Joseph Bonny - 09.04.2023 03:58

Lol i play omen aggressively

J4 - 09.04.2023 03:34

we need another healer

Erdic Iustin Gabriel
Erdic Iustin Gabriel - 05.04.2023 23:20

I ve joined valorant after 2 years of cs:go
First of all, i was an sentinel that gathered info with my trips and help teammates with my kit, and after just 4 months, i fell in love with jett because it makes my job a lot more easier to clear the site, or atleast gather info to get traded. I might say i m a jett main ^^

Ramona Scott
Ramona Scott - 04.04.2023 02:53

i never enjoy when I watch role based videos for valorant because i love to play as sage, a sentinel, and any time a channel talks about sentinels they speak about everyone but her. Her abilities are not like Cypher's, I just cannot apply the knowledge given to her. It's very disappointing, because i just wanna learn how to be a better sentinel

Daní - 03.04.2023 13:42

I recently played valorant and I found playing as a controller/smoke is the best for me. I love the idea of being creative with smokes and giving my team help by isolating enemies with my smokes.

Riveree Fears
Riveree Fears - 31.03.2023 19:07

im definitely a controller and an initiator main. we just fit like puzzle pieces. but i also find the scoreboard and how many kills get important aswell, and to get more kills, i need to play a duelist. and i always top frag as one too. but initiator and controller is just what i am

Gabi borders
Gabi borders - 31.03.2023 08:37

I really like playing smokes in a serious game like omen or ♥️viper♥️, but I think everyone should know how to play safe just because she is very useful. I play Reyna when I’m having fun in swift play

Ilike2comment - 31.03.2023 08:33

If your a controller I highly recommend watching pro players that use that controller
Like with omen I learned how to tp without them knowing where you are tping by looking away from the area ur tping at

lordorion256 - 30.03.2023 20:18

if you want to find your perfect agent just start playing sova, i have 700 hours on sova and not im not braindead

epic montage
epic montage - 29.03.2023 09:32

After watching the video I found out my best role is a bot........yeah....let that sink in.........hahaha.......damn😢

korded8 - 23.03.2023 00:12

We litterally have 6 duelists, 5 controllers, 6 initiators and only 4 sentinels! Also 2 of them are not pretty good sentinels, because firstly, Chamber was more duelist than sentinel and Sage doesn't have any utility that could give an information where the opponent is. However, Kj and Cypher are 2 true sentinels and they are really strong if you play them right. The last sentinel was Chamber so it was pretty a long time ago. The new agent Gekko is an initiator and the last initiator was Fade! We really need some more TRUE sentinels. And it would be great if this sentinel would use technology like Kj and not powers like Pheonix or Sage or maybe for example this agent would use both; technology and powers. That would be interesting. Especially in case of Valorant lore.

Omnipotent - 22.03.2023 18:20

Is Fade and or Killjoy beginner friendly? (Beginner as in I just got into playing PC after playing console my whole life.) I just wanna say I have played like 1,000 hours of Apex and Overwatch (my main was Valkyrie/Wattson and Mercy/Pharah/Orisa, if any of this helps to show how much time I have in """team"""" based games)

Cameron Rudan
Cameron Rudan - 17.03.2023 16:39

Bro sounds like Kay/O I swear

simonwithanaccent - 17.03.2023 07:06

Me : likes pratically every duelist, likes agressive playstyle
Also me: waits for my initiator to help me out entry site.
My initiator: crickets ...
Me: Hey initiator can u help me entry site?
My initiator: crickets ...
30 seconds untill we lose the round
Me: Entries the site and dies without trade 'cause no team follow up..

Next round Me: plays more passive but whole team dies 'cause no one holding our backs
Me: o.O

Me: fck it I'm playing as lurker from now on.

清隆 文の孤児
清隆 文の孤児 - 16.03.2023 06:27

me who cant even play valo cause of potato pc still wathing

Cinq - 09.03.2023 07:34

I tend to play Yoru and other duelist alot of the time, generally to confuse and get around my opponents, every so often i play Cypher or KJ, I sometime pop-off with them, most times though, the attackers go to the opposite site.

OM - 08.03.2023 21:07

When you said movement duelists I was like “oh yea Jett and chamber” we need another real sentinel in my opinion

Mushroom4474 - 07.03.2023 19:50

i play duelist because im impatient

Darrius Darrius
Darrius Darrius - 07.03.2023 13:09


Agnus Redel
Agnus Redel - 06.03.2023 02:14

There's subclass in controllers too, if u like sneaky play, Viper and Omen are the go to. Viper's entire gameplay is sneaking around walls and smokes, and killing enemies where they dont see.

Jonhson - 05.03.2023 14:13

Remember when the flash initiators were also the duellists 😢

Gaurav Dulal
Gaurav Dulal - 05.03.2023 10:00

As they say, role is big ASSpect of valorant so choose wisely guys.

Maki Donalds
Maki Donalds - 05.03.2023 04:04

A controller with a healing grenade would be a m a z i n g, rather, have them pull up a radio, like brims hologram, and call a healing crate to a select area, then allies can interact for 40 or so health each

- ̗̀ Nightcore Rüya ̖́-
- ̗̀ Nightcore Rüya ̖́- - 04.03.2023 23:51

Now I understand why I prefer controller xD

ObviOneKenobi - 27.02.2023 08:22

My role is being The retard.
Im out here ace'ing by rushing mid with packs as Raze or not using a gun and winning as Reaper from Overwatch

GodOfNothing - 24.02.2023 11:33

As great as you make them all sound, my aim is still shit 😢

Kazumi_Edits - 22.02.2023 10:01

I wanna see another healer that can heal others and themselves like sage

Legiderski - 21.02.2023 00:35

I started at beta but first rankeds were in E3. I've played 3/4 games only KJ and a lot happend to me when I couldnt leave P1-D1. When Fade released I found my second main. Now Im Asc2 and got KJ 179h 304matches 53.9% win and 1.13kd, Fade 176h 303matches 49.2% win and 0.97kd ALL ACTS. Each day Im better at game but I think Im lacking/missing my own playstyle, playin KJ is so easy no matter what tactic, playin Fade is harder and awesome but I feel perfect playing both. There's 1 thing that I cant find within my playstyle, sometimes offensive, sometimes defensive and I dont know If Im playing my best like Its not my Peak, maybe I should search again in agents and adjust my role to duelist - Phoenix/Reyna or controller - Omen/Viper/Brim.

wasu - 19.02.2023 15:33

i played a lot of Five Nights at Freddy's, therefore i will play Cypher
