I found a Space Sim that's ACTUALLY fun

I found a Space Sim that's ACTUALLY fun


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@critcratkittycat - 18.05.2024 03:48

glad this game is getting attention :)

@senor135 - 18.05.2024 01:44

have you checked out a game called In The Black? would be interested to hear your opinion

@Brunnen_Gee - 11.05.2024 04:06

Huh. Apparently I have this game and have played 34 minutes of it. But I don't remember that at all.

@Antonin1738 - 07.05.2024 20:04

is this mostly combat game?

@Panopticon83 - 05.05.2024 11:31

Im glad you highlighted this game. Incredibly moody and well worth the praise it gets.

@Dasistrite - 18.04.2024 14:56

So badass game!
The dark aesthetics, setting and soundtrack makes this so unique and badass! Avenge the death of our emperor bring ruin to the enemy!

@rogerlynch5279 - 09.04.2024 13:47

WITH COMPLICATED RULES AND GAME MECHANICS OVERBLOWN SCIENCE FICTION SPACE GAMES - Regrettably CHORUS is such a game were you become frustrated by bad explained in Game mechanics to solve some puzzle meant to be fun.
Often those games have no good story you want to follow up on because the developers just played to much areund with there graphic and the puzzles they had created

@joshuatheargonaut4412 - 08.04.2024 01:14

Lol space nerd designer syndrome. Well put. That was Elite Dangerous for me. Especially before they dumbed down the landing mechanic. It was so bad I turned the game off and only came back after I heard about the update. I appreciate some depth but bogging down your UI and your brain with a game that makes you feel like you should be going to flight school is just a huge turn off. This game looks good thou. To bad it’s only pc.

@Jamesthe1 - 05.04.2024 22:53

Fun fact, I've actually been modding this game for a bit and have been trying to get others in on it. I managed to get custom missions working, and even found some unused mission types. I own a modding discord where we've even somewhat discussed a potential community-led expansion of the campaign.

@D4KiRZ - 03.04.2024 16:34

it has coop? if not its not what i am looking for :D

@ngcastronerd4791 - 03.04.2024 05:42

Reminds me of Starfox stylistically.

@seiboldtadelbertsmiter3735 - 02.04.2024 04:07

It kinda reminds me of Battlestar Galacticas space combat

@SIDEKICKONYOUTUBE - 02.04.2024 02:23

you have no space gaming knowledge.

@getsideways7257 - 01.04.2024 19:41

Please don't call something like this a "space sim" - even a mech sim is more of a sim than this kind...

@billysherman2702 - 01.04.2024 05:00

I did too, a long time ago. It was called "Wing Commander".

@JoePolaris - 31.03.2024 07:06

Great review , Descent Freespace and Freesoace 2 from Volition had that WW2 sky combat , camera shakes , intense dialog , great bosses. The feel you get in Star Wars movies.

I’m downloading this one !

@SoaringLettuce - 29.03.2024 02:43

It's got the best flaw it could have.
There's not enough of it.

@Ownedyou - 28.03.2024 21:32

From a Steam review: campaign can be beat in an hour...

@Otatsuke - 27.03.2024 06:37

Was legit about to ask if this still has the non-vr. Lol
Once I got more used to it, the Space levels quickly became my favorite levels in Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2), so I’m definitely game to try this out. Lol.
Also, give yours a follow.
I like the idea of a space sim that doesn’t get to technically involved. Sounds like a good way to unwind.

@Uzeil21 - 26.03.2024 17:39

This game with a hotas stick and VR was really something special

@paulworster3683 - 24.03.2024 19:04

Reminds me a lot of Freespace2 and Renegade : Battle for Jacob star in its gameplay and mechanics, Played the hell out of them back in the Day. From a Homeworld2 fan and an Elite : Dangerous Developer, its Great to have more space combat games! Wishlisted!

@uberfu - 23.03.2024 13:20

LevelCap - sorry but you do regular content on Star Citizen (SC) and you should know better ... before Chris Roberts (CR) started publicly promoting SC ... Elite Dangerous (E:D) and No Man's Sky (NMS) and most of the other modern "space" titles were little to be found and few and far between. After SC gained traction ... E:D and No Man's Sky opted to push for releases why SC has been stuck in endless devlopment. That aside - SC was the first and only title back in 2012 to be promoted for a couple of decades specifcally as a "space sim". Literally ALL other "space" games that have come along after HAVE NOT promoted themselves as "space sims" despite games like E:D and NMS migrating to a poinit where they would become something akin to simulators - economy - endless vast planets and star systems at scale, newtonian physics simulated FTL and so on.

@Leviathansgard - 23.03.2024 03:53

star citizen fall under this umbrella, yes, but omg do I found elite dangerous even more... loosing me... and not clear... And I've got hundred hours of gameplay (which is still low for a good ED player))

@SteveBonario - 22.03.2024 00:06

Good to know about this. Everspace 2 by Rockfish is also a very good space/fighter game from a small studio. Not a space sim, but fun.

@cqc2238 - 21.03.2024 12:55

Imagine if this game had ten years, 1400 employees and 650 Million dollars to developers it……ahem (star citizen)

@workingZen - 17.03.2024 16:46

Only thing that annoys me is each mission you feel rushed to complete missions fast. I honestly want to take my time a bit and take it in. But honestly, I enjoyed this game

@hanscarlsson6583 - 16.03.2024 01:08

Interesting! I will try to pick up this game at some point.

@chrism3562 - 15.03.2024 01:33

The space combat and atmosphere here give me No Man's Sky vibes, but NMS from the pre-release trailers. I dig it!

@awesomebears - 15.03.2024 01:18

Man this looks great! You can clearly tell the creator is a fan of freespace which is the GOAT of space sims imo.

@CobusGreyling - 14.03.2024 09:19

Sound in this game was absolutely brilliant and a decade ahead of its time. But it's a shame it's so short. I think I finished it on hard first try in like 3.9 hours. That's not a brag, that's just how quick the game was.

@Edward135i - 13.03.2024 23:19

flight sims are the best VR experiences in my opinion they feel very natural, VTOL VR is another amazing VR game to try also Star Wars: Squadrons is a lot of fun in VR.

@MsHojat - 13.03.2024 13:57

It looks a lot like EVE Valkyrie. I'm surprised you never mentioned that game at all in this video. How does it compare to EVE Valkyrie? (assuming you've even played it)

@01SHADOW - 13.03.2024 07:24

Give us this Master Modes PIP!!! lmaooo

@chronicposer - 12.03.2024 23:44

The dog fighting in this reminded me of my old Wing Commander days. Why isn't anyone trying to bring that back to life?

@duck_entertainment - 12.03.2024 23:34

Bro I just want a space sandbox game. No annoying grind or anything.

@bakpaokacang9651 - 12.03.2024 17:08

if you love combat space sim..try Freespace 2.. if you can find the iso

@digglerdiggler - 12.03.2024 11:21

it also does VR, good game

@Kryojenix - 12.03.2024 07:46

I bought this game soon after I got my Vive in 2016, but I can’t quite understand the controls. I tried again recently but still didn’t get it. 😕

@chalor182 - 12.03.2024 01:29

This has descent freespace vibes

@DeadBaron - 11.03.2024 17:00

Overrated on launch and still overrated today. It's only an hour long.

@BestShifty - 11.03.2024 01:12

This reminds me alot of the Battlestar Galactica remake, especially the sound design and soundtrack.

@aka-47k - 11.03.2024 01:10

sorry homeworld wasnt that low poly lol and it did have physicalized projectiles that you could dodge.
the remaster removed the ability to dodge and the "projectiles" became just a visual.

@RyudoFanel - 11.03.2024 00:41

I don't care about combat, I just want something like a truck simulator in space with mining and scanning stuff, moderate but fun economy and trading, planning your routes etc. Just enough to be fun without making it too complicated. It should just be as relaxing as a Stardew Valley etc. Combat should be absolutely secondary or even completely avoidable in comparison.

@fonesrphunny7242 - 10.03.2024 14:42

Props to Mike for listening to every bit of input he got. Probably a bit too much, since the scope of the game was drastically reduced.

@greenlight2k - 10.03.2024 13:24

Reminds me of Descent: Freespace and Freespace 2. Loved those games

@tauIrrydah - 10.03.2024 12:12

Reminds me a lot of Starlancer(if anyone ever remembers the precursor to Freelancer)

@PurpleKnightmare - 10.03.2024 09:46

Reminds me a bit of Everspace 2.

@TheyCalledMeT - 09.03.2024 15:28

to get some good ideas about realistic physics, try delta v

@SkylerLinux - 09.03.2024 11:16

So House of the Dying Sun isn't a Sim, it's "a tactical space shooter" , also Sims probably aren't for you seeing as you don't seem to care for the whole Sim aspect.
