Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor Martyr - How to Level Up Faster

Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor Martyr - How to Level Up Faster


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GoldGrillEnt - 31.05.2023 15:57

Anybody wanna multiplayer I'm new to this game

doubletire - 25.04.2023 15:39

Thank you for all of the help Cheeser. This video helped get back into inqisitor

Corypheus - 06.04.2023 18:18

I fudged up big time...made a crusader non seasonal (thought i made a seasonal one but only much later i realized i goofed and didnt click it...like after 50 lvls :O ), now i just made a melee assassin seasonal character and found out nothing is shared between them...effectivelyt meaning i have to start from scratch again...feelsprettybadman!

SkullHunter727 - 02.04.2023 16:37

How did you get a hold of the Neuralis Pslam? I've been trying to get one for ages and have had no luck on it.
I have been using the cards but the RNG isn't playing nice

iAm ErgoProxy
iAm ErgoProxy - 01.04.2023 11:01

What's the best way to get the relic level blueprint for the neural implant?

ShopFloorMonkey - 09.01.2023 09:18

The bass on your recording is a bit high, it can make it difficult to discern exactly what you are saying at times. Perhaps boost your treble, or lower your bass?

Gustav Magnusson
Gustav Magnusson - 31.12.2022 03:55

I so love this game but the lag spikes I get in multiplayer makes it totally unplayable 😢

Eric Smith
Eric Smith - 22.12.2022 19:18

your guides and voice are just amazing! thank you for all you do!

Marcus Fellinger
Marcus Fellinger - 14.12.2022 23:46

subbed. you need a better microphone! good content man!

Qlubcore Official
Qlubcore Official - 06.12.2022 03:44

great man, thanks a lot - go on with this pls <3 started the day a few days a go.. as a old D3 Veteran this one kicks in like a badass** in BL2 :D:D, its not tooooo scientific like PoE, but exactly the ARPG i wanna play & the design is mhhhh nom nom - have fun!

ibrahim baydoun
ibrahim baydoun - 03.12.2022 20:46

Whats the best Morality for A ranged Heat Sister Celestine , Radical or puritan ?

elite reptilian
elite reptilian - 03.12.2022 18:03

wait wait wait wait! How do you get enrage tokens to stack up to 20? I have 2 characters that uses enrage tokens and both only stack to 9 and never ever higher, during missions, the enrage token counter on screen always stops at 9.. is the 9 a visual bug or what?

LazyLautrec - 02.12.2022 18:31

Hey new to the game and I’m running it on a 3080ti but the game is incredibly blurry no matter how I change the settings. Any tips on why?

Chia Rhun Kwa
Chia Rhun Kwa - 02.12.2022 05:25

Could you explain how a level 50 character can easily complete Void Crusades? I just failed an Amber VC cos the final boss at difficulty +4 was too much for me. And this was despite making a beeline for the last mission.

Vladimir Fedorov
Vladimir Fedorov - 01.12.2022 16:56

Which morality path is more commonly used? I guess the Puritan because of the generelly good bonuses?

Crash Gaming
Crash Gaming - 01.12.2022 15:39

Yes yes, but we make new characters search season so knowing how to level those faster would help a lot.

Cadeem Joseph
Cadeem Joseph - 01.12.2022 13:58

is there any specific missions i should run?

Wildernessbox - 01.12.2022 07:41

Best channel ive found for martyr stuff.
