Genshin Impact in 2024 is Terrifying

Genshin Impact in 2024 is Terrifying


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@milosantos28 - 12.02.2024 17:54

Ah yes. Baron Bunny. Source of terror and carnage.

@deek13sniper - 12.02.2024 17:20

My man got Qiqi'd, lmao

@gmradio2436 - 12.02.2024 16:50

Post your Paimon Food jokes here. Show appreciation to everyone's emergency rations.

@casuallyyoa - 12.02.2024 15:45

I used to play it everyday but open world has never really been my thing and I think it just doesn't offer enough for me. Star Rail (from the same company) is more my jam and that's really about it, coming down to what my personal tastes are

@Hundeputzmunter - 12.02.2024 12:43

If I were to design a game that was the epitome of everything I despise, well....

@Darthvegeta8000 - 12.02.2024 10:51

The lack of badass male chars instantly made me ignore this one. Looks like a waifu collector to me.

@MoonTiger88 - 12.02.2024 10:32

To get Qiqi as your first 5 star is.. something else :D

@dangerbuoy6158 - 12.02.2024 10:19

Gatcha games make me sick. Same with lewd anime.

@BenFoster-cx4em - 12.02.2024 09:39

I try to avoid gambling as hard as possible. did enjoy your video.

@timogul - 12.02.2024 09:20

OMG, your luck was exactly as bad as mine was! Chongyun to start with and Qiqi for first 5\*! It does get better though. I would strongly disagree with you that the game's content is not dense. It actually has much more density than most open world games. I think think that the first area is the least dense though, and also I think some hidden chests only appear after raising your AR, so they wouldn't be there on your first pass (a mistake from early development). The amount of free gacha currency is legitimately fair though, combined with the pity system that guarantees that you will get the character you want eventually, a F2P should have no trouble getting a solid roster of characters that they want over time, it only requires patience, because you won't be able to afford all that right away. Now's a pretty great time to start though, their Chinese New Year celebration is still happening with some significant bonus loot, and both characters on the banner are massive QoL upgrades for any account, plus good 4*s, so it's an easy one to roll on.

@romann921 - 12.02.2024 08:08

Honestly, I feel there's an ok balance of F2P options for this game to feel like you're always making some sort of progress. And if you feel like you need a boost and are going to be playing it frequently, then the 5 dollar a month option to get 90 gems a day just to log is quite nice.

@Tarrasque87 - 12.02.2024 07:45

The comedy is spot on. Great vid!

@Tomattoism - 12.02.2024 06:07

I was going to comment about how I am "avoiding this game like the plague" but you already said that. Still, I can't believe I watched a video about it lol
GG Mitch

@JamieTotal - 12.02.2024 05:42

I played it until I hit the upgrade wall/grind.

@zelatoth - 12.02.2024 05:10

I played this game for one hour and uninstalled it. I watch anime regularly and couldn't stand this shit.

@613aristocrat - 12.02.2024 05:05

I could care less about shops. I never connect these accounts to my card anyways, so I always have a mental buffer preventing me from impulse buying.

@craigh5236 - 12.02.2024 04:51

I avoid gocha games like the plague. Because they are NOT FUN. They are made to be addictive, not fun

@fionadeonmeister1396 - 12.02.2024 04:16

Love the great video.... Keep it up. As genshin gamer till day 1 im happy this one games i will not drop but take break from time to time. If ever other game entice me. I love type of game that have continual content... I dont mind the gacha Im happy to drop money since they deliver what i love content that satisfy my casual need. I enjoy other rpg game like Elden ring, spider man, Palworld however their content end after playing 500-800 gameplay hrs. Gacha games is great game if you learn proper self control so happy you educate ppl in such a way.

@Sazandora635 - 12.02.2024 02:50

I feel like it's a slight stretch to call any of the Hoyoverse games predatory when they alleviated one of biggest sources of spending pressure by making the pity rate carry over indefinitely, as the vast majority will present the dilemma of having to either horde or spend until you can pull a featured character from a banner or else all those resources will effectively be wasted.

I'd consider a game properly predatory when it resorts to inconveniencing or pestering the player with paywalled features/QoL, time-limited pop-up offers, and other tactics that actively try to get them to spend.

@sweetyeetus - 12.02.2024 02:26

Say what you will, but I love emergency food

@MrJemoederopeenstokj - 12.02.2024 02:20

Clergy cleavage best cleavage.
But jokes aside
Tis the review to rule them all, for none as accurately describe the Paimon!

@ShiroKatagari - 12.02.2024 02:20

I played Genshin for almost two years after launch. It was (and probably still is) an incredible game, with an interesting earth-analogue game world and often genuinely engaging plot. There's tons to do, and the seasonal activities can be a massive amount of fun.
the game starves you of the resources needed to level up all your characters, and the resources needed to improve your gear, driving you to the cash-shop resource bundles, and every new character needs a whole new slew of resources to bring them up to the point where they can be played with, since the game world levels up around you and you'll soon reach a point where every character needs to be level 80 to be viable.
It ultimately gets viscious and essentially taunts you by giving you gear and characters that are no use to you unless you invest massive amounts of resources in them, which you simply won't have without weeks of grinding or visiting the cash-shop.
I got out. Not everyone is going to be as fortunate....

@glkification - 12.02.2024 01:47

As a librarian, I can confirm we do dress and speak like that

@DubiousDenarius - 12.02.2024 01:24

I got hooked on the artstyle of the world, the level design, the exploration aspect, the achievements and the puzzles, as simple as some may be, all underlined very strongly by a wonderful soundtrack.
Why I stopped playing comes down to the gazillion characters I don't care about (most of which are less than one-dimensional, if that's even possible), voice acting that made me disable dialogue very early on, and a story that's OK but presented like it was written by five-year-olds... for five-year-olds.

@lexiconprime7211 - 12.02.2024 00:54

Hold up, when did the main character get a VOICE? When I played this at release he didn't have one.

@tomkush2001 - 12.02.2024 00:20

I been free to play for 3 years other then a Welkin Moon pass ($5) a few times a year but it is such a fun game and they give you so many Primo gems for pulling I never payed for wishes. and if you miss the character you want it soon reruns again.

@hunterallen6980 - 12.02.2024 00:18


@TheCyberDruid - 11.02.2024 23:52

The Attack on Titan influence isn't that subtle either.

@gyanankurpatgiri4272 - 11.02.2024 23:24

The fucking resin system. Its the worst system ive found in any game.

Everything else, the character gacha, the rolls, the tedious n boring puzzles, missions , "exploration", i can handle.. if i can play the game.

This game literally stops you from playing and getting any rewards, UNLESS u cough up money. I dont know how the player base can keep playing this bullshit of a game.

@DeidaraSenpai789 - 11.02.2024 23:14

But Mitch, women DO belong in the chicken! Atleast until they're born, that's why they're called chicks. 😉

@thebiglich - 11.02.2024 23:10

This isnt oblivion

@sebastiansochanski - 11.02.2024 23:00


@Scott_Silver - 11.02.2024 22:49

Oh noo Genshin Waifu simulator

@hiiamelecktro4985 - 11.02.2024 22:45

I sometimes forget that the MC has a voice

@matthewmorse2380 - 11.02.2024 22:38

Well done. Really like this one.

@Mark-nh2hs - 11.02.2024 22:25

Full off squawky irritating anime females which make people's ears bleed 😂

@nuttyslack8076 - 11.02.2024 22:23

If this game did not have gacha mechanics and complex looking upgrade mechanics i would probably play it. I really dislike gambling with a different name in my video games. Although in games where gacha mecanics exist without microtransations im ok with that. in fact it can be a fun game element. For example in xenoblade 2 additional "blades" can be unlocked randomly through core crystals.

I dislike that the odds of getting a new 5 star hero can be so ludicrously low. it's possible to spend large swathes of money and get naught for it. Why bother?

@marcusreading3783 - 11.02.2024 22:11

I will tell you what it was that attracted people. ITS THE WAIFUS AND HUSBANDOS, just like every other Gatcha game out there. That and the great storytelling, the fun characters and the absolute fucking GUT PUNCH of emotional damage the story can deal out on a whim.

Also, oh god, what happened to Paimons voice?! I like her, but holy shit, why did they make her go from fairly normal for her size to squeaky toy?

Its worth noting that you can very easily get through the entire game without spending a penny on the game. Recent drama aside, you get enough resources just by doing the daily quests and other activities to get at least one ten pull on every banner (usually) and there are regular events that provide more wish resources. You also dont...really get that many ads for the banners, outside of the scrolling banner on the launcher. Honestly, in my experience, most Gatchas dont bother advertising their character banners that much because they know full well that the player base already knows about them and is gunning for their Waifu of the month.

@caseycoker1051 - 11.02.2024 22:03

"What is it about this world where even the clergy has cleavage" Say no more, we found the reason.

@SiopeR - 11.02.2024 21:55

One of my most loved games in last decade among Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild and FFXIV. I spend 5$ a month for the passive primo income and already have most of th ebroken characters and a lot of other ones with decent gear. I never played any other gatcha, they look like 2D shitty cash grabs, but this just looks and plays like an AAA title with rly good story, combat and a lot of free updates. Everyone should at least give it a try and expirience this amazing game :)

@KurisuKun - 11.02.2024 21:54

I wish I was into anime girls cause I'd play the shit out of this game.
Wish they made something like this in a Star Wars or Marvel universe.

@Formoka - 11.02.2024 21:37

I have heard only ad reads about Genshin or praise for its art design… But seriously, this looks like micro transaction loot box hell. As someone with impulse control issues due to my ADHD, this game would sap tons of money that I don’t have and I can’t help but hate it for that.

@locke03 - 11.02.2024 21:36

I've got extremely mixed feelings on Genshin Impact. On one hand, I do really like the core gameplay, characters, and world and think its a pretty good casual adventure game. On the other, the level of financial success it has had with its scummy monetization system is undeserved and only means that the people who pushed for stuff like this in games were, in spite of strong resistance from the people that are most vocal about such things in the media, correct (and now even more rich) and the future is only going to be increasingly filled with such monetization schemes.

@rahphion9645 - 11.02.2024 21:30

Hahahahaha. I see Zoolander. I sub!

@adeptturnica8798 - 11.02.2024 21:12

Great video, but i still wait for Zenith video

@Moebz818 - 11.02.2024 21:08

The possessed Chibi from hell will grow on you.

@jeremiaas15 - 11.02.2024 21:05

This is a great game, however... it's best to be able to understand Japanese or Chinese- the English version is horrible; every deeper concept in the story is dumbed down, dialogues often end up having weird references to modern American popculture and the voice acting is even more annoying than the usual American way of speaking (as is often the case in American voice acting for Far-Eastern games; no idea why do they do that).
