Great tips! I find the background music just a little too loud. I find myself listening to the background music instead of you talking. I also follow you on instagram and you give great advice! Thanks!
ОтветитьWhat’s important too on the self improvement is do it for yourself and/or your family first and foremost. Overtime you’ll notice you’re gaining people’s genuine attention more and more as your success becomes apparent (how the tables turn). Status in this social media-centric era has really become a focal point for attraction over just finances or physical appearances alone.
ОтветитьShe had me in the first half, I ain't gon lie.
Fellas you wanna speed up the escape from the friendzone?
1. Remove attention
2. Date other women.
Although, at that point I don't understand why you would want to still pursue her? She didn't choose you. Like Michael B Jordan said... "Her loss"
I have not been "obviously" friendzoned since I stopped being a Niceguy. And the reason is, I think, because I've disqualified myself from it. I've become way "selfish!" If she knows she can't take me for a ride, "keep me around," as like a simp or someone she's getting favors out of, then she won't try. It also helps my cause that she's typically got orbiters that she does end up using.
If you're a guy reading this, there's another side to it too that I don't think people emphasize enough, in this conversation in particular. And that is this: there could be a dozen reasons external to you that she doesn't like you. Maybe she found someone else. Maybe she just got out of a bad relationship. Don't always assume that you fucked up; although it can be important to recognize when you do, if you're walking yourself thru the interactions that you have and not easily identifying something that could've ruined it from you, then I'd say don't stress on it too much. If it occurs to you years later, great.
Unfortunately my heart was broken when I told a long time friend I liked her and she immediately never wanted to speak to me ever again, why would she do that!? 😢
ОтветитьDo not tell a girl you like her. Hasn't this girl seen Hitch haha?
ОтветитьI’m Paul and I’m blind so it’s very hard to date women sometimes because you’re basically don’t see these women that you want to date anyway
ОтветитьGreat content Blaine! So well stated and on point!🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьCauses of being in the friend zone = not meeting her looks threshold
ОтветитьFriendzone her first
ОтветитьHow to get out of friendzone? Don’t get into friendzone, if she’s not into you, go away immediately and never talk to her again. That’s it. This way you never get into friendzone.
ОтветитьFind me someone like you and indian sikh
Ответить"It can take years to escape the friendzone" Yeah, the girl I'm looking at now.. I remember when I first met her 3-4 years ago I didn't really like her, I thought she was really annoying and childish, a brat if you will, and I never in my wildest dreams thought that me n her would ever become a thing.. And yet here I am falling head over heels for her 3 years later.
We are constantly working with each other and taking smoke breaks together, we are always grabbing sushi together, she has made me a salad to try, she trusted me building her a solid gaming computer that she uses to stay up super late playing games with me online till like 4AM pretty much every night TO THIS DAY, we share our Steam libraries with each other, she trusts me with her drama and issues while I trust her with mine, she comforts me when things are going horribly wrong, she also gives me notice before she goes MIA due to period stress.
..And yet with all this she said she would rather we be friends, not a definitive no, her body language wasn't repulsed either as I noticed she did turn to me and took a step forward after my confession, but a rejection nonetheless, I figured if I could find feelings for her years after I thought she was the most annoying brat maybe she could find feelings for me sometime down the line too.. This very well could be just delusion though..
OMG, Guys if she doesn't like you (friendzoning you) please for the love of God ignore her advice and take your pride and move on. Confessions of feelings will make you look only more cringe if she doesn't find you hot!
ОтветитьJust forget her.
ОтветитьSo I leave 😂 the friend zone ; and I tell the girl that I am too good for her ; and fuck her prejudices.
ОтветитьWhy not , when a girl is bitchy like that, just say "go away" or "I am a strong man and I am too good for being your partner"..
ОтветитьThe problem is when you have the courage to date her, she says that she is not interested although she had previously followed you as a little dog in the previous days .
ОтветитьI did touch a woman's arm twice that I sort of know in a formal setting & she didnt push me away. Also, later on she had got me some supplements when she went back home for a break, I did ask about meeting up informally on a Sunday! Even though she didnt say no she didn't say yes either, so I took that as a no However, she gave me a few options & asked me to call in at her place of work. In the part of the building complex, she works by herself So it could be that she is still making her mind up about me
ОтветитьI’m not even in the friend zone im at the (enemy zone)
ОтветитьI'm sure Blaine may actually believe all this - but, WHY BOTHER?
You can't 'game' a woman into wanting you. And women really are plentiful on this planet. Just cut off all contact for the sake of your own emotional health, move on, and find a girl who WILL love you.
We teach girls to walk away from bad situations all the time; and we really need to teach that to boys. It really isn't some sort of privilege just standing next to a girl - it's perfectly okay to leave those who don't value you behind.
If a person friend zones you and you don’t want to be just friends, don’t waste your time. Move on.
ОтветитьIt is very difficult, because men do't want to come across as a creep, a threat to women.
Man: Let's do this careful. I don't want her to think I am a creep. I don't want to be accused of sexual harassment.
Woman: Why is he so shy. I think he is not a sexual partner or a real boyfriend for me.
I think, this is doomed to fail.
The whole dating scene is a bunch of needles that can severely injure you.
I remember this girl who I had feelings for in college, friendzone me. One day I was like, f it, blocked her on on social media and move on. 2 YEARS LATER, idk how tf she found my facebook, please let me move on with my life 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьFirst of all Blaine has truthful information, but the man has to approach the woman with hes the prize attitude, you are higher on the sexual market value than she is ,
Patience my ass , you are wasting your time , a woman uou choose comes into your frame if existence ,dhe has to want to have raunchy sex immediately, then you can decide if you want to coffee dinner with her.
Rule 1: Never, never, never, let her tell you her man troubles. Once she gets comfortable telling you about her cheating boyfriends, you got friendzoned.
Ответить1. Dont get into it
2. If youre in it just leave
3. ...
4. Profit
Blaine, just to correct your reasons - you ended up in the friend-zone mainly by showing too much intent suddenly without gauging her interest though she was somewhat interested. I cane out 3 times. Its very easy though there are no guarantees . Solution: Stop relationship talk, tell her it won’t work between you two, say yes we are friends and let her live her life She might or might not get close to whoever she was dealing with depending on her demand or if she sees you're heavily affected. Moving forward, be a playful, grounded man. She sees this and is going to find away to come close to you neutral. Now start being playful romantic and make the moves without bringing relationships. .
ОтветитьIf she puts you in the friend zone... Get over her fast! And NEVER go after her again, even if she realizes what a great guy you are later on! Remember this is after all what she wanted!
ОтветитьWhat if she gives mixed signals? and she's way older than me?????
ОтветитьHow get Blaine out of the dating coach zone🤬
ОтветитьI'm in the friend zone until they realize I'm rich. I act poor and test them. Most are superficial and parasitic.
ОтветитьIf you get put in the friend zone, every time she asks for help over promise and under deliver. She’ll soon get the message and boot you out of her life.
ОтветитьI get the feeling that Blaine is friend zoning me by getting me to subscribe
ОтветитьWhat do you mean by "I don't maket the rules" thats the main problem in the first place, women DO make the rules, they have the final word 100% of the times we just must resolve around the results, most of the times die in combat like a brave soldier.
ОтветитьShe is non needy which should be guy's usp
Ответитьthis is silly advice. walk away, never talk to again. also don't go for women who already have a partner. if they cheat with you they will cheat on you. have some morals.
ОтветитьI can’t get friend zoned. I will never be “just friends” with a woman I am attracted to. She can kick rocks!
ОтветитьFriend zone them first… drives them nuts 😂. Very entertaining as you are having a blast with her friends… wait am I missing out….but she’s permanently in the friend zone… my new bff 😂
ОтветитьYou got to like the friend zone, right after saying i would be her friend she had the night gown on, and in the bed,,,,,,,,,,,,,🤓 30min flat
Ответитьa man is in a woman's friend zone because she considers him weak through his needy pleasing behavior. At 55 the times I got out of the friend zone is when I starting giving a female friend attitude, telling her no and disagreeing with her. Also, when I became unavailable and unpredictable she became more attracted. Women do NOT put strong behaving masculine men in the friend zone
ОтветитьWhen i met women i don't ask anything about her past relationship because i know dam well she try put me in friend zone .what i do i just talk to her like hey what u like do for fun if i see her start crack jokes like i bet u want know what kind sex hook up i like just get in my pants .i go well if that what on your mind i could help u get out of rut your in just joking see how she react to it if see touch me laugh it off it sign she like what going on .do ask to much about her personal life let her set table for that not u try get into mood were she want have fun maybe want play naughty later on .if u dancing with it get were she wants do heavy bump grind dirty dancing rub her ass on your groin area feeling u up and she grab your hand putvit in area she want u touch like between her legs inner thighs area maybe feel her breast up or if she turn around have u grab her asscheek push her righ into your groin area shecgoing give u sexual vibe if she ask you few guestion about your work or how live your life what u don't put up with shevmsy like it may interest her alot more .like tell i not here complete with other men get any women attention i don't play that game i got other things i got deal with .bust my ass at work i go home to eat good dinner take hot shower go thre junk mail watch tv shows go bed .on day off i may go gym or go or go fishing maybe chat with few friends don't put up with drama donna stuff .if guy goingbpunk me out i going put him in his place when trying punk me out try look good in front of women i call him out on it also i tell him just shut up walk away things will not end well for him .i don't play nice with punks .set ground rules with her .
ОтветитьThank you for this video and I would like for you to make a video on how to attract women being a man in a wheelchair 👨🦼
ОтветитьWhy you are friendzoned?
1. Not high enough status
2. Lack romantic spark
3. You made her ick!
Waste of time. Move on! Once you do this they come back if they really care. Guessing a woman will take u nowhere
ОтветитьI really don’t get how yall are still impressed by women who ignore good qualities in men all in the name of her getting her nut from some guy that doesn’t respect her especially nowadays. That doesn’t turn yall off?
ОтветитьIm going to confront you now.
Every girl that told me that her and another are jsut friends....well...they always either shaged or got together after being in the freindzone 😅
Not a catch even when you are above her--- you can't figure out women's mindset
Ответитьwomen only put ugly guys in the friendzone. i know from experience. if a woman is physically attracted to a guy she does not put him in the zone.