The RIGHT Way to Do Work-Life Balance  | Simon Sinek

The RIGHT Way to Do Work-Life Balance | Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

2 года назад

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Shinpi666 - 16.11.2023 01:33

Simon, you live in luxury if you can take a break when you feel like it.

Marshal - 10.11.2023 15:47

You shouldn't let personal life, hobbies, and relationships eat into your work time and efficiency. Having said that, those are also very important. Work and responsibilities always come first.

Markus Ehringer
Markus Ehringer - 16.10.2023 17:53

As being a freelancer myself I 100% second this smooth "merge" of work and "none-work". Having the autonomy and flexibility to decide working times/days yourself is the dream-scenario for probably a lot of people. And at the same time there is also some people who need more guidance and more "rules" to function well.

Finding a common ground, a balanced solution, that works for both types of people (and all the other people in between on this spectrum) is essential imo.

two - 09.10.2023 00:57

Such rich content! You'll gain even more from this recommended book. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Theodore Blaze

Tom Finn
Tom Finn - 04.10.2023 01:09

"The more seamless that we can make work and life, the more we start to enjoy both more" Spot on, Simon!

Freedom Finance
Freedom Finance - 09.09.2023 20:34

Same as sick days

Random browse
Random browse - 28.08.2023 08:29

I’m so proud of my manager he ensures we have a good work life balance

Shibin Antony Boban
Shibin Antony Boban - 12.08.2023 08:56

Unfortunately, there are people who are workaholic and struggling alot. So the mentioned idea, may not work for them, in my opinion

Anthea Bredenkamp
Anthea Bredenkamp - 14.07.2023 23:18

Duvet days... Lol 😊😂

ayele - 29.06.2023 20:07

I work for the money. I literally don't want anything to do with my work, I just do it for the ends. Work being "life" is a privilege, most of the time you will have shit work and just put it up with the money. Me all I'm saying is I'm doing this for my financial goals so I can LIVE. I work to live not live to work and that's fine.

Asiria Arba
Asiria Arba - 25.06.2023 21:28

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗗𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗕𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲?

The still, vegetative and animate levels of nature are the only ones in a state of balance, because they have no free choice. They make no decisions as to whether they should behave one way or another, but they behave according to their inborn nature.

We people, however, act according to our decisions that are higher than our inborn nature. We thus use these levels of nature—still, vegetative and animate, which are below our human level—egoistically, bending them however we wish for personal benefit.

We thus destroy and empty the planet, plant life, animals, and eventually also people, due to the egoistic way we relate to each other and nature.

The system we live in was set up so that we reach a state of mutual consideration, encouragement and support. That is the key to entering into a state of balance with nature.

By acting contrarily, with calculations of self-benefit overriding those of benefiting each other and nature, we then knock ourselves out of balance with nature.

Then, we experience this imbalance as suffering on personal, social and economic scales, and also as ecological blows, whether it be earthquakes, floods, wildfires, pandemics and several other phenomena that we call “natural disasters.”

The more we head into the future without transforming our attitudes to each other and nature—from egoistic to altruistic—then the more we will experience our tightening interdependence negatively.

However, if we start relating in a considerate, supportive and encouraging way to each other, then we will see how nature also relates positively to us. Accordingly, we will unlock a new balanced, harmonious and peaceful existence.

Travis - 06.05.2023 05:43

I worked for a company nearly two decades and there was literally no work-life freedom for many years. My second year at company manager brings me in tells me I've got to be really committed to the job now, extra responsibilities etc, but where was the pay? At the time was only making 9 bucks an hour. Then I started going to school that same year, big mistake. Because of this commitment the manager had spoken of I was called upon many days to work overtime. The job itself was a strict 8-5, Monday-Friday, but with the overtime and the school schedules, this was before online schooling was popular, i basically had to drop all my courses for two semesters. Then there was overbearing work some years that was like wtf. Really. The managers said to be committed to job, but the only people who were making bank at the company were the owners, millions a year, then they retired, the only people from that company who benefited from the commitment. It really made me aware too late in life, that a worker should not be loyal to a job if it's a hostile work environment but I was loyal for way too many years.

Dil Careem
Dil Careem - 10.03.2023 13:05

Work-life balance is about finding a healthy and sustainable way to manage both your professional and personal responsibilities. It's important to set clear boundaries and prioritize your time according to your values and goals. Take time to recharge and invest in your well-being through activities like exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. Additionally, communicate your needs and limitations with your employer and colleagues. Remember, work-life balance is a continuous process that requires ongoing evaluation and adjustment. By finding a balance that works for you, you can enhance your productivity, creativity, and overall happiness.

Dzecka - 09.03.2023 22:00

Hello there! Nice video

Dzecka - 09.03.2023 22:00

Hello there! Nice Channel

S StevenSuperbike
S StevenSuperbike - 03.03.2023 17:04

I take it this guy doesn’t work a 9-5 office job where the business relies on staff and you being there? Millions of workers do this. I’d be breathing down his neck saying get ur arse in the office now or don’t bother coming back. Just saying, he’d be looking for another job in less than 1 week.

Mikey Grabon
Mikey Grabon - 09.02.2023 15:05

Sounds good however in service-based jobs which I have work experience in if you walk off to take a run you're fired. If you walk off for any situation that isn't an emergency you're getting fired. Imagine me telling my roof foreman hey I'm leaving to take a run because this is a beautiful day, I'm going to be told don't come back. Now I own a company so I have the freedom to schedule my days however I wish. This advice is a disaster if you don't have the authority to take advantage of your work schedule.

Inspirasie vir die Nasie
Inspirasie vir die Nasie - 03.02.2023 19:09

I am from South-Africa. My Channel name is "Karien se Kuierplek"

Black Carrie Bradshaw
Black Carrie Bradshaw - 28.01.2023 19:54

Tell the big corporations to model this so that smaller companies can follow suit.

jared williams
jared williams - 17.01.2023 18:26

Imagine a job that actually had you work 4 hour shifts and you can pick up at least 3 shift a day by choice.

Oi Vinn
Oi Vinn - 04.01.2023 18:13

I’m curious who this audience is. He’s talking differently than usual

LoveForCricket - 28.11.2022 07:44

This is a good idea but can this be implemented at the ground level? This can work in an environment where you have freedom and your boss doesn’t micromanage..

Ahmad Hafis
Ahmad Hafis - 24.09.2022 16:22

So, when you're going on vacation, are you obliged to attend some meetings that it will affect your vacation plans? Will you be penalized for not attending meetings during your vacation? Where do you draw the line. How to ensure work-life integration does not morph to work 24 hours? As long as the choice is in the employees hand, I have no issues with it. But if an employee is burdened with tasks and tight deadlines and asked to deliver all of them, while being told to manage your own time when really there is not enough time to the point you are forced to work more than business hours, that's where it becomes an issue. If its not broken, don't try to fix it. I will stick with work life balance with clear boundaries than without boundaries where it can morph into working all the time without extra compensation. Thanks

Jose Emmanuel Navarro
Jose Emmanuel Navarro - 13.09.2022 20:17

Im working by the beach right now haha and Im tired

Mark Adams
Mark Adams - 13.09.2022 00:34

There's no such thing as a work-life balance there's only work or starve

Yu Jialing
Yu Jialing - 08.09.2022 12:37

The first line is so true. I heard people talk a lot about this "work-life balance“ thing which made me feel weird in the way you mentioned. I liked the video in 10sec without hearing the rest of it. It's like talking about promoting BLM by giving extra benefits to the black people specifically & talking about sexism by giving women extra benefits 😂. We are missing the point when we start to use the word "balancing" in most cases.

D_Otec - 27.08.2022 10:54

Good ideas and understanding of the inner concept of balance, however this sort of mindset is also dependent on your role and the company you work for (or with), not all roles allow for flexibility nor all work cultures will be understanding of this kind of approach. Issues I have now is that many company cultures are trying to sneeze more and more out of their employees with no real long term benefits for going "above and beyond" all the time, so the concept of work/life balance I think it a nature response to this.

Ryan Frizzell
Ryan Frizzell - 24.08.2022 17:32

Great information for work-life balance.

Arsalan Riaz
Arsalan Riaz - 29.07.2022 09:31

Companies are far from this mindset for their working class.. this only works for middle to upperclass white collar workers.

Even with a union we are mandated to work overtime based on company's needs.. the company always has needs...

Cuckie Monster
Cuckie Monster - 20.07.2022 18:08

Companies need to realize that your personal time is not your availability to them as an employee. Its time to treat people as people. Stop the madness of work before life.

Ashley Ross Going Merrily
Ashley Ross Going Merrily - 15.06.2022 20:30

Thank you for normalizing this Simon! I think work-life balance is crap. It paints the wrong picture and, yes, sets the two things against each other vs. encouraging collaboration between the two. Just like we don't all learn the same, we don't all work or live the same either. Which is ridiculously obvious, but society's structure doesn't support that.

So if you are a freelancer or business owner and you are realizing you've built a business you hate because it's exactly like what you left, try writing out some lifestyle goals and boundaries along with your business ones and readjust the way your work and live accordingly! It's never too late to find joy in life again.

Dr. Seku Gathers
Dr. Seku Gathers - 18.05.2022 17:32


phillip eulee
phillip eulee - 12.05.2022 11:24

So what careers allow for this sort of balance?

Becca Goldsberry Sales and Leadership Coach
Becca Goldsberry Sales and Leadership Coach - 04.05.2022 15:10

Work and personal life being "smooth" in transition, I love it.

Imran Khan
Imran Khan - 13.04.2022 11:45


Nikia Crawford
Nikia Crawford - 04.04.2022 16:14

I think this is amazing if you have the occupation and resources to live this type of life. Unfortunately, with the rising cost of living and stagnant wages, people have to "work" and many are not in a position to have jobs that allow for this level of harmony. I'm hoping for more conversations of "work-life harmony" for people who don't work for Facebook, lol.

Nirmal Jayadev
Nirmal Jayadev - 08.02.2022 13:34

How can I decide to go for a walk at 4 pm when I am examining a patient or doing a surgery?! Am a doctor 🙄. I am an admirer of your talks, Simon, but I don't have a clue what you are talking in this video 🥶

Nathan G. Ho
Nathan G. Ho - 11.01.2022 03:56


bluwng - 29.12.2021 21:05

This works for people that aren’t struggling which is 3% of the population. For most work is about survival. This world and your job are not your goal, your self centered wants are also not your goal. We are here to serve God and help each other and that comes with pain and sacrifice sometimes, its not running at the beach on a whim or whenever things get difficult.

Aines82 - 15.11.2021 11:54

It is incredible that I found this channel at this time in my life where I'm around 40 and I'm starting a career as freelancer because I feel that being employed has never really worked out well for me in all these years that I have been working after graduating despite the fact that I have always been considered a very good and dependable professional. Now I want to see how it works out on my how, what I'll be able to do. And this channel is a great resource to have a better chance of "doing it right".

Amer Siddiqui
Amer Siddiqui - 10.11.2021 11:56

This is absolutely fantastic!! This is what I do and so good to see Simon saying it out loud

Minnie - 10.11.2021 03:29

In my last job all the IT went down across the country. The IT team advised it wouldn't be up again until 4.00pm. Our management made us sit there all day doing absolutely nothing until it came back up at 4.00pm as the IT group had said. They wouldn't give an inch. Even though I started work 30 mins early due to my bus times and most days worked through my lunch, they were really mad at me when I was late only for 2 days as we had a massive gas leak in the village and the bus took a detour and didn't come to our stop. They were all take and no give. The worst people I have ever worked for

Fahad Islam
Fahad Islam - 25.10.2021 05:25

Don’t agree with the part that they are not opposing.

Stephen Worsley
Stephen Worsley - 14.10.2021 11:43

This theory of work-life balance only works when people have the ability to choose. Most people in the workplace have no choice at all. Why not find news ways to automate economic production and share wealth instead? Then we could give up work entirely and enjoy living all the time.

Leigh Taylor Ellis
Leigh Taylor Ellis - 29.09.2021 04:52

Thank you, Simon, for this. Several years ago, I replaced work-life balance with work-play-rest balance. It has been a truly positive change for me, and I have yet to say it to someone who didn't get the difference.

Henz 312
Henz 312 - 26.09.2021 13:03

Absolutely amazing in theory but harder in reality. Factory workers, labourers, retail, manufacturing and many more similar jobs have zero flexibility to just do whatever you wanted when you wanted lol.

Mimi Cabrera
Mimi Cabrera - 26.09.2021 06:29

First thing I think about is ,what if a bunch of guys at work decides to take a 24hr leave at once. I mean, who's going to take care of the business/company?
I think this is the reason why a lot of people call in sick / fake their sickness because it's just not possible to decide in a split of a second to have a vacation / stay out of office .

Harry Aldieny
Harry Aldieny - 19.09.2021 20:13

Although most businesses in America are understaffed, employees are overwhelmed by workload, I still hope these beautiful concepts can be achieved in the future.. task based work environment is the future
