What Are the 16 Personalities' Enneagram Types?

What Are the 16 Personalities' Enneagram Types?

Frank James

3 года назад

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Frank James
Frank James - 05.06.2021 19:56

🗯What's your MBTI type and Enneagram type? Do they describe different elements of your personality? Let me know in the comments!

martine van esser
martine van esser - 24.10.2023 08:18

I did the 16 personalities test 2 times. First time I was an entj second esfp. 😂 enneagram I m an 8 with a very strong 7 wing (1%difference) I identify on a good day with the 7 but on a bad day I yell at people indeed lol. How can mbti be so different ?

Lavender Dream
Lavender Dream - 23.10.2023 16:49

Any Tritype here? I am 459, INFP.

Picklesthewondercat - 18.10.2023 15:03

ISFJ/ Type 6. I feel like this is pretty common though and probably a lot of ISFJ’s are 6 types.

Potato Baby :•P
Potato Baby :•P - 14.10.2023 05:24

I’m an INFP 4w3
Usually infps are known for being 9s and although I sometimes have that sense of wanting to keep the harmony in a group, I am more individualistic and I really don’t like going with other people’s decisions
I also read that people with my mbti and enneagram are more assertive and take on leadership roles and are more social than infp 9s which describes me perfectly! Thats why not a lot of people believe me immediately when I tell them I’m an infp cause they have this initial idea that my type is a doormat (no offense to infp 9s) 💀

Abdurrahman Mahmoud
Abdurrahman Mahmoud - 13.10.2023 10:10

INTJ 8w7

Tracey U
Tracey U - 11.10.2023 17:07

I’ve typed as both INFJ & ENFJ on different tests at different times in my life. I recently took the enneagram test and my results are strongly #1 with #’s 4, 5 & 9 closely following. #’s 6&8 are next followed by a weak #7. Category #3 barely registers.
The whole thing is interesting. I’m in my early 50’s. I imagine life experience plays a role in my results. I’d love to find out what my results would have been when I was in my late 20’s.

Ruby Iris
Ruby Iris - 10.10.2023 06:19

I am an INTP and i got 4 on the Enneagram Test. Honestly, the fact that NF's are more likely to get it makes me wonder if i really am an INTP..

Oh boy, here goes the self-doubt rollercoaster again

Bhavyata Singh Parihar
Bhavyata Singh Parihar - 09.10.2023 14:10

This is so accurate cuz I'm an INFP and my enneagram is type 9 but 4 is also a close second (I personally don't think I'm that much of a type 4 but the tests say it so)

Mohamid Fouid
Mohamid Fouid - 08.10.2023 03:19

I am an ENFJ and a 5 it is quite strange to be me

NickLeo - 01.10.2023 21:17

INTP - type 5… yuppp lol

Leandro Akerley
Leandro Akerley - 01.10.2023 01:48

So heres whats up, if we´re talking dominant stacks, this is my observation

1: xSTJ and xNFJ: The reformer is characterised by right and wrong and also by structure. ISTJ and ESTJ will typically have their values set by Si, which they will enforce in structure with TE. ENFJ and INFJ´s value how other people feel because of Fe, this often creates a goal which they pursue in Ni.

2: Mostly FJ users.

3: ESTP and ENTJ, heres why: 3 is most characterised by 2 things - Distuinguishing ones self and Accomplishment. The way self-distinguishment is defined here is how the person hold´s more status, wealth, ... or any kind of form of power. These are all endeavors that society themselves created value for. This is a very SE way of looking at Self-Distinguishment.
Now to tie everything together: 3´s are most likely Ni-Se users because of accepting how the world is, therefore aiming to differentiate themselves vertically instead of horizontally. This leaves us with xNxJ, and xSxP, for the sake of narrowing it down, we can say that thinking types are more likely to be a 3. Extroverted types are also more likely to be a 3, since they care more about how people view them, which is not something that characterises an INTJ and an ISTP. Therefore ESTP and ENTJ are most likely to be a 3.

4: IxFx -> 4´s are a withdrawn type that center´s itself around distinguishment and personal identity. This means extroverted types are less likely to be a dominant 4, and same goes for thinking types. I disagree with what FJ says about sensor types becuase ISFP and enneagram 4 go hand in hand, ISFJ is less common though.

5: INTJ, ISTP, INTP: Ti dominant, makes most sense here, Ne being more questioning ´makes INTP more commonly to be a 5 than ISTP´s. However, INTJ´s are also very commonly a 5.


So heres whats up, if we´re talking dominant stacks, this is my observation

1: xSTJ and xNFJ: The reformer is characterised by right and wrong and also by structure. ISTJ and ESTJ will typically have their values set by Si, which they will enforce in structure with TE. ENFJ and INFJ´s value how other people feel because of Fe, this often creates a goal which they pursue in Ni.

2: Mostly FJ users.

3: ESTP and ENTJ, heres why: 3 is most characterised by 2 things - Distuinguishing ones self and Accomplishment. The way self-distinguishment is defined here is how the person hold´s more status, wealth, ... or any kind of form of power. These are all endeavors that society themselves created value for. This is a very SE way of looking at Self-Distinguishment.
Now to tie everything together: 3´s are most likely Ni-Se users because of accepting how the world is, therefore aiming to differentiate themselves vertically instead of horizontally. This leaves us with xNxJ, and xSxP, for the sake of narrowing it down, we can say that thinking types are more likely to be a 3. Extroverted types are also more likely to be a 3, since they care more about how people view them, which is not something that characterises an INTJ and an ISTP. Therefore ESTP and ENTJ are most likely to be a 3.

4: IxFx -> 4´s are a withdrawn type that center´s itself around distinguishment and personal identity. This means extroverted types are less likely to be a dominant 4, and same goes for thinking types. I disagree with what FJ says about sensor types becuase ISFP and enneagram 4 go hand in hand, ISFJ is less common though.

5: INTJ, ISTP, INTP: Ti dominant, makes most sense here, Ne being more questioning ´makes INTP more commonly to be a 5 than ISTP´s. However, INTJ´s are also very commonly a 5.

6: Any Si user can be a 6 because the need for certainty comes from instability in the past, which they will use to create stability moving forward.

7: Ne users are most likely to be a 7, since they are characterised by open-mindedness, free spirit and unwillingness to be boxed in. So 6/7 are Si-Ne, however the Ne doms (ENTP, ENFP) are more likely to be 6´s than SI doms are likely to be 7´s

8:ESTP, ENTJ, INTJ - Because of the SE need for physical stimuli and the NI need to for challenge. 4 and 8 share the need for distinguishing ones self while 3 and 8´s share the need for accomplishments. The 3 wants to accomplish more likely for the outcome, which then distinguishes themselves by the outcomes, while the 8 is focused on the journey or act of completing the accomplishment itself.

9: 9´s are likely INTP, INFP, ISFJ: If an INTP isn´t a dom 5, they are likely a 9. INFP and ISFJ are more like to be a 9 than other types because of their IxFx withdrawal or introvertedness, but also because INFP and ISFJ are big on harmony.

Nihilepsy - 30.09.2023 23:45

Intp 548 - Here
For some reason 80% of people i befriend, or are close with end up being NT's.
My dads an Entj
Ex girlfriends an Entp
I do have 2 friends that are istp but everyone else i find interesting ends up being a intj, intp, entj or entp.

I can say how weird it is to have 8 in my stacking as an intp, who deals with non 8 entj's, intj's entp's

Emily Horatschki
Emily Horatschki - 30.09.2023 06:32

Hi, just your friendly neighborhood INFJ type 7 over here 😅

Violet Cat
Violet Cat - 27.09.2023 09:11

Enneagram types generally is;
Type 1- Te, Si, Ni, Fe doms
Type 2- Fe, Se(esfp) doms
Type 3- Te, Fe, Se, Ti, Si, Ni doms
Type 4- Fi, Ni, Ne, Fe (enfj) doms
Type 5- Ti, Ni, Si, Ne doms
Type 6- Ni, Si, Fi, Ti, Ne doms
Type 7- Se, Ne, Ti doms
Type 8- Te, Se, Ne(entp), doms
Type 9- Ni, Fi, Si, Fe doms

Violet Cat
Violet Cat - 27.09.2023 09:03

Being a 1w9 infj really tires me out, especially in pdb. Since I'm J type, I pay more attention to criticism than necessary, and that's why I questioned my personality, which I've been sure of for years, all summer long, and I'm sure again. 😮‍💨

id0ntev3n0 - 26.09.2023 01:02

Awesome explanation. I’m ISFP Enneagram 9

Em martin
Em martin - 23.09.2023 21:01

INTP 8w9🥰🕊️

Jude Shepherd
Jude Shepherd - 22.09.2023 01:30

I am an ENTP. My main numbers in order are 4, 5, 6. Please tell me: is the second largest number your second wing? Or am I getting this wrong? And I am pretty confused at why I am getting two of the most introverted types, when I am an Extravert. XD I do feel a lot like a 4, but I enjoy hanging around people. pretty much everything that is described about 4s applies to me. And are you an INFJ? I am assuming so. It's also funny that your initials fit into INFJ. (sorry for the long response)

Haley Doe
Haley Doe - 11.09.2023 08:01

I'm an ENTP 5w4

I don't understand enneagram very well.

Luminous_Arcadian - 29.08.2023 13:59

I used to be INFP 5w4 (2021-2022), but I'm INTP 5w6 now
