NEW FULL Maxwell Rework Update! Every NEW Change! - Don't Starve Together Guide

NEW FULL Maxwell Rework Update! Every NEW Change! - Don't Starve Together Guide

The Beard 777

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Luca Weiland
Luca Weiland - 02.09.2023 09:14

the way he talks is awful jesus christ

Here2 Play
Here2 Play - 11.07.2023 06:52

Why the hell would minions not follow..

C0d0ps - 27.05.2023 16:21

To whoever reads this,
I hope you have a wonderful day and no matter what stay happy as that is what matters most in life,
You are truly amazing and no one can ever take that away from you,
Be happy and enjoy life,
We don't have long on earth so make the most of it,
We’re all gonna make it brah 👑

José Guilherme
José Guilherme - 11.05.2023 10:11

I have him, but I can't summon his shadows or any spell from the Codex.
Is just a left mouse click, or i need to made a keybind to use the shadows skills?

idris salam
idris salam - 10.05.2023 10:47

when i see old time max well "mm maybe later"
when i see rework max well " well . . . i play! "

神總 - 04.05.2023 05:06

How to get that dark sword skin ? It’s really cool.

The DarkSide
The DarkSide - 22.04.2023 16:12

It was already one of my fav character now it's my character :D

I. K
I. K - 19.03.2023 06:00

He now feels like a old puppet master who now has to use his old tricks to augment aphis hard labour

R - 06.03.2023 01:47

Umm… I don’t like this rework am I missing something here? Before you could have the shadows not run out and farm and farm and farm forever and they follow you around…… now you place a serve t in one area and they get stuck there and once it’s cleared… say 3 boulders to mine you have to kill it and place in new area and waste materials. To me that’s trash

AustrianMapping - 24.02.2023 08:40

I know I’m very late, but I’m starting to play maxwell more because of this update

Marco Polo
Marco Polo - 21.02.2023 19:27

Thanks! Good video

Asozka - 20.02.2023 21:39

THIS REWORK SUCKS! The only good thing Maxwell ever did was resource gathering and they fucking ruined it by adding this "range" thing, back then for only 2 nightmare fuel you could make a miner to mine the entire biome of rocks, now they fucking mine 3 rocks then fucking die, whats the point spending valluable resources while you can just craft a pickaxe, tree guys are worse too. AND WHY MAXWELL IS STILL 75 HP KLEI PLS EVEN MOSQITOS HAVE 100HP

rr8 - 10.02.2023 05:49

I was next to a campfire, and it said "add fuel" on the book, so I thought that's how you repair with the nightmare fuel, but it actually threw the book in the fire lol

Red phones studious
Red phones studious - 20.01.2023 10:12

Maxwell gaming

An1mat0rz - 18.01.2023 03:03

Wait you're telling me maxwell can go exploring and send or receive items with that chest and hat?!

DatGirlToya - 16.01.2023 20:09

We just started a new game and I’m loving the new maxwell but after watching this I didn’t know so much I could do with him
Now . Thanks you always come through with the videos ! Now I gotta go hop on with my friends and tell them .

Majoras - 14.01.2023 01:35

Maxwell Gaming.

ALEXZANDER YT - 11.01.2023 15:50

op rework

DJ Thelazygamer
DJ Thelazygamer - 11.01.2023 06:28

So if you play with a group of maxwell you basically have an army on your side

GentleMing - 10.01.2023 22:09

I'd prefer the puppets follow me around instead. Oh well, back to woodie then.

Darlei Ferreira
Darlei Ferreira - 08.01.2023 20:17

As a Maxwell main I'm a little ashamed that I didn't knew about the damage boost from shadow itens 😅

Lone Wolf Gaming
Lone Wolf Gaming - 13.12.2022 00:30

DUUUUUDE Maxwell is actually SO OP now. I'm kinda upset how the reworks seemed to get more detailed or add more stuff over time, meaning the earlier characters barely got anything compared to... Maxwell for example. Just due to the fact of how absolutely broken he seems now I've completely changed my mind about who I was gonna play today.

Undead Vegan
Undead Vegan - 11.12.2022 22:43

Iso friends on psn , terryalmighty is gt

Ubsee - 09.12.2022 21:37

Whats his info mod called?

xNaiadesx - 06.12.2022 15:33

Does anyone know if you can have more then one hat/box combo?

No Thanks
No Thanks - 03.12.2022 17:44

I don’t know why but I can watch your video 10 times and I just can’t comprehend what you’re saying slow down maybe 😊

fehoobar - 03.12.2022 00:07

Thank you. The wiki has exactly nothing so this helps a lot.

El Chara
El Chara - 30.11.2022 01:29

Maxwell doesn't have a shadow meter, amazing

Leostar - 29.11.2022 11:04

do shadow monsters not attack maxwell now?

Mr マックラ
Mr マックラ - 29.11.2022 04:38

Hey wait a minute, they can pick stuff up and bring it to you?? That's exactly one of the things I said he's minions should do like a year ago! it's cool when one of your wishes is granted, even if it's just coincidence

Lucario - 27.11.2022 06:52

Is it because of creative mode or is maxwell not attacked by shadow monsters?

akkiraa - 27.11.2022 02:15

I bought it 2 days ago. a friend suggested me to download some mods. none will install. is it up to this rework?

Andrew - 26.11.2022 23:58

Glad they finally did this, Maxwells been shit for awhile

Alejo Tassile
Alejo Tassile - 26.11.2022 22:19

Leaving this here for future self!
this are the stats for only 1 Shadow Duelist... (You can stack up to 6 I believe)
---Tier 0: (No special items equiped)
20 per hit, 30 per lauch (Default Damage)
---Tier 1: All types of staffs, All types of amulets, One man band, Turf Raiser Helmet
+4 with a single tier 1 item equiped, a chance of extra +4 damage with any additional tier 1 item
1 Item -> 24 per hit, 34 per launch
2 Items -> 24-28 per hit, 34-38 per launch
3 items -> 24-32 per hit, 34-42 per launch !!!
--Tier 2: any Thulecite stuff, Dark sword, Night armor, Magician's top hat, Shield of terror, Bat bat, Belt of hunger
+8 with a single tier 2 item equiped, a chance of extra +8 damage with any additional tier 1 item
1 Item -> 28 per hit, 38 per launch
2 Items -> 28-36 per hit, 38-46 per launch
3 Items -> 28-44 per hit, 38-54 per launch !!!
--Tier 3: Bone helm and armor, --Tier 4: Shadow Thurible (the Fuelweaver thingy)
+12 with a single bone item equipped, a chance of extra +12 with both bone items equipped
+16 with the Shadow Thurible equipped
1 bone item -> 32 per hit, 42 per launch
2 bone items -> 32-44 per hit, 42-54 per launch
2 bone items + Shadow Thurible -> 48-60 per hit, 58-70 per launch !!!

At least this is how I think it works haha

Alex C.
Alex C. - 26.11.2022 04:37

Here I am still waiting for some 10% of these well designed mechanics to be included into the vanilla Don't Starve

Vulpes Ignis
Vulpes Ignis - 25.11.2022 18:37

Maxwell really just became the summoner class from terraria

Super whatever gamin'
Super whatever gamin' - 25.11.2022 07:21

Wait, his minions can tear up the environment around him?

Heh, and here I thought installing a lightbulb on the robot was great for mining.

Spark Plugg
Spark Plugg - 25.11.2022 06:42

See, all of this looks really amazing, but... I just don't really know how tp progress, or put the skills of certain characters to use in-game. Is there any up-to-date guides/tutorials for choosing a character AND playing? It'd be a big help.

Zyǐ Bésixdouze
Zyǐ Bésixdouze - 25.11.2022 05:49

Looking at the new spellbook UI, workshop mods are going to get interesting

Ice Tide
Ice Tide - 25.11.2022 01:53

Something I adore about the shadow storage thing is that I normally play with my one friend, and if one of us is Maxwell and the other has Shadow Chester, we can share resources with each other from any distance. That utility is INSANE

Lavorg. - 24.11.2022 23:20

New rework is honestly amazing, The hat definitely has to be my favorite part. Me and my friend will just be across the map, I'm collecting resources and he's at the base. I just end up dumping hundreds upon hundreds of resources into the hat for him to move into our chests VIA shadow chester, This rework has to be my favorite of them all.

LoonyDoll - 24.11.2022 20:20

I usually play with a Maxwell player and I've seen what this refresh is capable of - big fan. All those bundled snacks made in advance for the bosses practically become pointless.

What I really don't get is what they were thinking with shadow chester. It's nice to have options for the inter-dimensional storage, but as far as I can tell it just forces you to take ice/normal chester if you don't want to share its storage with a Maxwell. The potential to trade across map or have someone dump your hat contents back at base is amazing, but it's a lot like the lazy deserters we've set up - really not even worth remembering since no one sits at base doing nothing

Anyway, what a journey. All these videos have been great. Maxwell was a nice little cash cow for content lol. Thanks!

Woj - 24.11.2022 19:52

Damn already watch all 9 videos

bob bob
bob bob - 24.11.2022 18:38

while watching this i got an ad for the cinematic short and i just think that's hilarious

Lucas Thadeu
Lucas Thadeu - 24.11.2022 15:02

Nice vid!

Alexander Vouzenthal
Alexander Vouzenthal - 24.11.2022 13:03

What would a cheap yet effective gear setup be ? I was thinking of Belt of Hunger, Dark Sword and Premier hat ? Any suggestions ? :D

peter and dunkin
peter and dunkin - 24.11.2022 10:38

I feel like shadow sneak should be called shadow spook

JJInfinity16 - 24.11.2022 07:22

Thank you for this video😅🙏🏼
What a Life saver😌

Stefan25 - 24.11.2022 07:04

Day 459 of asking for hallow knight
