Blueprint Generating Procedural Rooms | Live Training | Unreal Engine

Blueprint Generating Procedural Rooms | Live Training | Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine

9 лет назад

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First Last
First Last - 27.03.2023 18:44

How do you bake the shadows for the instances ? The shadow that is baked on the original mesh doesn't seem to replicate to all the other instances.

justin t
justin t - 08.01.2023 19:44

is the project file available anywhere LOL

my wife left me for a cheeseburger
my wife left me for a cheeseburger - 10.09.2022 00:00

where to obtain the project files ? it seems like they are gone now...

HandSanitizer - 20.08.2022 03:39

Bump enable the cc please

Alessandro Castrovillari
Alessandro Castrovillari - 04.05.2022 18:27

I know this is a old video, but could you enable the english auto-generated subtitles?
I think that make content accessible for more viewers, e.g. deaf people and non native speaker.

Радислав - 12.03.2022 14:07

You need short and quick describe of same method. Procedural generation is very important theme. But answering and inconstant speaking make understanding difficult.

BlackHeart Gaming
BlackHeart Gaming - 04.10.2021 06:16

Which laptop would be great for the unreal engine around 1,200 dollars

Lord Volkner
Lord Volkner - 09.09.2021 05:15

I really wish this would go into the turn based tactics elements of things. There is literally nothing out there in the way of documentation or tutorials for help with turn based tactical games in Unreal Engine.

Coda411 - 27.06.2021 16:41

Thank you very much for this! Can anyone elaborate on two questions already addressed in the video; How to create a constant unique room or place a constant item within the procedurally generated rooms and how I could turn the rooms into actors to have a fog of war effect?

Troy Hayder
Troy Hayder - 24.03.2021 07:45

I did it kinda the opposite way...

I created a random path out of a tile that could go left right or forward.. And at turn points I had a chance to add an open area of variable size....

I've got to do a tricky bit now and branch the paths and reconverge them...

Took me two hours..

Tyler Funk
Tyler Funk - 23.03.2021 23:46

You mentioned basing the room generation algorithm off some quadtree solution found on the interwebs. Any chance we could get a link to that algo?

quinn - 04.02.2021 13:07

did anyone else get a huge line of instanced meshes instead of a grid
edit: i connected the max y and array index to the divide and modulo the wrong way around 👍

Chris Jesus
Chris Jesus - 30.05.2020 00:54

can you add additional levels below or above or connect this to a landscape??

Skilat Gamedev
Skilat Gamedev - 11.05.2020 09:22

Very intersting ! I'm trying to make a RPG in a labyrinth and I want to make a procedural labyrinth to get more fun in the game.. Not so easy but this video help me really much !

Skink - 28.04.2020 18:31

does this work in a paper 2d sidescroller

cleiso cervio
cleiso cervio - 18.08.2019 01:49

same crap that was bad kismet the same thing

GamEased - 16.08.2019 13:06

Before I watch the hole thing... Am I able to make randomly generated Maps with this too? Like every time I play?

Sean Metzer
Sean Metzer - 07.05.2019 21:50

Around the 21 minute mark, how is he setting the game mode?

flancois - 03.05.2019 19:08

you sound like chef john from food wishes

Calmshot - 01.05.2019 01:31

is this project still available??

Mark Adamcik
Mark Adamcik - 11.04.2019 06:45

Ian is my hero.

Per Olsen
Per Olsen - 28.02.2019 15:38

My  guess is that you could cut down the entire BP to (at least) 1/4th - say if you used loops
every time you test your tile-edges… such loops would need to run the 'same'
check each time and each edge could pass on the result to the other edge and
the connected corners… in that way you save a bunch of those huge
"questions trees"?

Austin Cain
Austin Cain - 06.01.2019 22:49

Not sure if this will help anyone out there. When I was learning to code in Unity I did a course on procedural generation. I was able to understand a lot of what they were talking about because I did that tutorial. When I started learning Unreal I never regretted leaving Unity even though I then had to learn a new language. I think there is a way to use C# in Unreal but not 100% certain. But back to my point, do some tutorials about Procedural Generation and look at marching squares. Both those topics helped me out a lot.

Eli Carni
Eli Carni - 14.09.2018 00:33

How was that corner fixed? The only way I understand to do it is by removing the minus 1. Yet that wasn't done in the video.

MalibuLizard - 26.06.2018 20:51

Can someone explain to me how the random seed is being generated? Everytime I run this the seed is always the same and I can't quite find where exactly it's being selected.

VitaKet - 12.06.2018 13:58

5 minutes in and you'e already blown past most knowledge people are going to have

TheEliteEagleGamer - 30.03.2018 14:22

Is lit but having issues with applying a navmesh to the newly generated mesh during runtime. Any solutions, have searched the interweb but can't find any solutions?

Petros de doncker
Petros de doncker - 21.03.2018 14:21

From first random setup 14;20, is it possible to reduce the number of elements in array index 1 or if we were to add more elements to reduce all of them expect index 0?
I need to generate a tile based map and I only wish to have around 15 pillars and another 15 obstacles randomly generated throughout. Is that possible?

Inanitas - 31.01.2018 01:47

I don't know if it is because I do programming for a living and C++ is my favourite language. But I have no trouble following what he does I really don't know what people expect here. I mean if you are just beginning unreal and have know idea how things work why would you want to make a level generator?

Scereyaha - 14.11.2017 01:27

Did you say HEX based map editor!!!???? WHEN is that going to be a thing?

1337 Alpha
1337 Alpha - 05.11.2017 06:09

static you could copy paste etc and would be just as fast if not faster XD

Rakers L
Rakers L - 14.10.2017 04:16

为什么没有字幕!!!! 作为一个,英语差的人,表示很难过

Bradley Woodle
Bradley Woodle - 04.10.2017 18:33

So the test actor blue print that randomly generates tiles and pillars does it matter what static mesh you set your instanced static meshes to? I tried the exact same setup using the 400x400 floor and the 50x500 pillar and the map doesn't generate correctly.

Sam P
Sam P - 27.08.2017 17:18

i didnt understand how to fix that corner

ehx - 19.06.2017 10:52

What Unreal version are you using? My teammates and I can't get that to work on UE4.15.3 somehow. Can't even seem to find the InstancedStaticMesh...
EDIT: Worked fine so far on UE4.15.1, so no issue anymore. We plan to replace your random selection with our own custom one though, since we need to take into account the already existing surrounding tiles so the paths match.
Explanation: We're using this to generate our own maze differently. Each tile is one maze room and is one of 16 tiles (all sides closed, paths at all sides and all variations in between, i.e. all kinds of passages, T-crossings etc.), which are randomly picked. It's also ensured that a path never leads to the back side of a wall. A teammate of mine already got WASD combined with looking towards the cursor to work. The dungeon will be completely dark, the only lightsource held by the player. The enemies react differently to this light. Oh, and contact with an enemy insta-kills, so one has to use the light smartly to avoid them. (Not sure anymore how original that idea is, a while after we started I saw someone already did something along those lines.)
The aim within the game is to reach the stairs to the next level, not sure yet if it will lead up or down. There will be harder and harder enemies, probably some items, and maybe some bosses (if that makes sense in a procedurally generated maze).

J0hnux - 04.05.2017 16:11

If there's Ian Shadden, the live training will be a complete mess especially if he's the one doing it. I prefer Zak Parrish to do the training because when he's doing it, he explains how he does it, and demonstrate it in a clear way. He also makes sure that what he's doing is correct, if it's not correct he will try to correct it.

P.S: Epicgames please don't let Ian Shadden do the Live Training, let Zak Parrish or anyone from the team to do the live training.

Markel Evans
Markel Evans - 25.04.2017 07:47

this was amazing thank you

dalong chen
dalong chen - 16.02.2017 10:02

blueprint so hard to use

David Widner
David Widner - 10.02.2017 19:32

I really wish he'd dock that damn blueprint window. you can tell hes use to two monitors.

Foq - 20.08.2016 03:53

I'm gonna teach you how to make an owl, draw a circle, now look at my full implementation of an owl, the circle was just a first step.

OniMike Vision
OniMike Vision - 18.08.2016 22:11

Oh wow he just rambles on show off his project WOW can we say EPIC FAIL!

- 7heTexanRebel -
- 7heTexanRebel - - 06.08.2016 20:50

I ended up using two for-loops to generate tiles instead of whatever algorithm they used. Following the video got me a BP that only generated the diagonal tiles.

justinwj - 13.06.2016 01:37

there is so much BP in this package and so little reward. I think Ian should improve the feedback in this game. All my test with it show that it is terrible. Without feedback it is difficult to discern what all that BP is doing.

Lee Baxter
Lee Baxter - 12.06.2016 23:10

I'm starting to work on a game that uses procedural level generation, but the way I'm looking to go about it is to model each room type via a Blueprint, and then instance the Blueprints to form the level; is this a good way to go about it, and if so would it generate as fast as if I were using instanced static meshes?

justinwj - 11.06.2016 05:52

I dont understand how this game is supposed to work. It needs an intro screen with the instructions. You just click around and nothing happens. you attack guys they disappear. One presses 'x' key a lot, game seems to suck a lot. should really improve this so its not so terrible.

Pasha Defragzor
Pasha Defragzor - 07.06.2016 23:53

random generating a single map from a several rooms tutorials please

T E K F R O L O G I C - 02.05.2016 23:02

About midway through I was one of the people saying "He's going too fast! They need to make this slowed down!". Now Id feel terrible if he had to recreate or step my step explain each and everything. Remember, he said he's been working on this since he got to Unreal (At the time). Best bet for creating something like this would be to find a written tut somewhere in C++
