Is Ai Killing the Graphic Design Industry?

Is Ai Killing the Graphic Design Industry?

Will Paterson

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Gabriel Forget
Gabriel Forget - 24.09.2023 23:54

Game AI programmer here, with some background in ML technic. I use to say the same thing about AI doing the same thing as the human does to generate new art, but a writer with a law degree made me change my mind about the whole thing, and made me switch my stance to 'yes it is indeed theft'.

The main argument is that it is a machine and not a human who is doing the analysis, and the machine is own by a company who is making profit out of it. The only intellectual property these company are entitled to is the source code of the AI, but that code is useless unless it can analyze thousands of different images, all of which is own by different artist. Effectively, the AI only work with the intellectual property of people who do not work for that company.

Now does that solve the issue in the long run ? Not really, because these company can still hire artist to feed the machine data and then we come back to the same thing as today. But essentially, what midjourney and OpenAI is doing is theft right now. ChatGPT work because of the hundreds of article it analyze from the internet, none of it written by people who work directly for OpenAI. Their algorithm is useless without it, and they make profit out of other people hard work. Same thing can be said about midjourney.

Matty - 13.09.2023 01:02

as long as were in a capitalist system, ai will be used to replace humans as much as possible, the same way automation is used to replace humans wherever possible, because profit is the goal. no industry or species is safe from capitalism

William Walter
William Walter - 07.09.2023 17:31

AI will transform the industry, just as the introduction of the Mac and Adobe did in the mid 80s, when it displaced pasteup artists... Suddenly skills like ruling with a Rapidograph, cutting rubylith, and making photostats were obsolete. The hi-end design jobs will still be fine, but the lower level designer jobs who work for small companies were cost is always the main concern will be the ones who will be most effected, as AI will be faster and cheaper for a lot of "Boiler Plate" type projects.

Solar System
Solar System - 31.08.2023 01:02

I’m an old designer from photoshop 1.1, I Remember freehand, pagemaker, macromedia director and flash that was the future. Ai is going to do what coders and html 5 did to me. Soon it will take over the movie industry. “ AI isn’t going to take over, people want”. People want fast, cheap and on time. So my advice find another job I just design for fun, don’t expect to much. 5 dollar logos and cheap labor will finish the rest. The end is near repent or not I’m not religious.

Yukimura Sanada5
Yukimura Sanada5 - 30.08.2023 23:45

of course it will replace the artists, no-talent people with money can now create the ultimate beautiful style stuff which I have seen, I hope people are not getting paid for what AI can do for anyone because it steals from the common man who's passion is in drawing all ideas are a 1st step with its own unique flood gates and once sin comes in it is fully abused and like so many other topics kills the whole community and their jobs like so many other categories have, people don't care about style, just "is it good" I wonder if AI will make one day be able to use deep fakes and people and make live action movies and videos someday and kill the whole content creator community which is already attacked, and over time people lose hope and submit in today's world

Cosmos - 20.08.2023 01:46

Your using dalle lol literally the worst ai art out there. Stable diffusion is way more advanced and you can even improve upon it to mkae it even better for what your looking for.

The Real Albrecht Dürer
The Real Albrecht Dürer - 13.08.2023 19:22

That whole "leaving us more time" thing... yeah, heard that before. With every great leap forward in industry and technology. And you know what? Every time it has only served the few at the top and further enslaved us all. I am not wrong.

pikshine - 11.08.2023 19:58

Great video!

Art of the steel
Art of the steel - 11.08.2023 09:44

Your thumbnail title on the video you recommended says you will never be this creative. Are you lost, because not using Ai automatically makes you more creative than someone who does, so I agree that you will never be that creative.

William Kuroki
William Kuroki - 07.08.2023 21:21

AI can't make a good logo design YET!!!

CEO Of Loneliness Inc.
CEO Of Loneliness Inc. - 07.08.2023 14:39

AI will replace graphic designers in the next yars.

Art of the steel
Art of the steel - 06.08.2023 19:56

What ever makes you sleep at night. The way you are trying justify your use of AI in your work sounds desperate, and calling artists and designers who don't like the way Ai is impacting their profession luddites is pretty pathetic.

Tina Hickson
Tina Hickson - 05.08.2023 23:48

Makes sense when you say it.

chrish - 04.08.2023 13:07

My gripe with AI is the number of people using it to call themselves 'artists' or 'designers' or 'writers' because theyve been told they can make X amount of money by putting a few words into a prompt box. Easy. They dont have to be creative, or put in the time or training to know what they're doing. No consistency or professionalism. Just look at the cases of AI producing 'art' with the original artist's signature or copyright still on it! Unfortunately i think the trend is here to stay but i hope more regulation comes in so the real creatives dont have to jump through so many hoops to be seen or stop their work from being stolen.

Heavy Flamer heresy
Heavy Flamer heresy - 04.08.2023 02:52

How would some thing that cant Think replace you, for a job where you need to use your brain to think about a subject to paint. The anwser is no it cant, could make the job easier yes. But your boss still need your brain.

Negin Dlm
Negin Dlm - 03.08.2023 18:33

do what u love to do and see what happens loved that❤

Rita Rachid Takla
Rita Rachid Takla - 03.08.2023 14:21

I dont think AI will replace designers. Just look at the history of work that designers have done, it's incredible and without AI. Theres a lot of techniques that can still be explored without AI, and plus AI is not authentic imo.

Nina V
Nina V - 03.08.2023 09:49

Designer here, AI is not an enemy - it’s a tool. You creativity is what makes an AI produced design stand out. Machine can only do that much. We shouldn’t be afraid of change, but adapt and make it work for us, instead of fighting everything everywhere.

Ps: Though i am strongly against AI platforms using copyrighted works to fuel their databases…

Rebrand Everything. Redesigning Famous Logos.
Rebrand Everything. Redesigning Famous Logos. - 01.08.2023 23:01

I miss the days where AI stood for Adobe Illustrator

shaheer - 01.08.2023 19:54

Will, I plan to major in graphic design for uni next year, and every uni website I look at has a degree that leads to graphic design under a different name- fine arts, studio arts, design, and so on- could you help and explain what I should be looking for when trying to find a degree that can put me on the graphic design career path?

Shigrath - 01.08.2023 14:55

An aspect that always seems to be forgotten in this discussion is that AI itself has no "intent".

BulkyBoi - 01.08.2023 09:42

Video of new Twitter logo oh sorry 😅 X logo of X how X think about X and is related to SpaceX

Robert - 01.08.2023 00:33

I think graphic design will still exist as a job for awhile, but only for really big brands. And one designer will do the work of multiple existing titles today. So a "graphic designer" will be a 3D modeler, web designer, logo designer, etc all at once with the help of AI

Fábio Lobo
Fábio Lobo - 31.07.2023 12:00

That's cool, but can we make it pop?
AI: explodes

Mohsin Jiskani
Mohsin Jiskani - 30.07.2023 08:40

The A. I wouldn't be replacing you, but the Person with the A. I knowledge would surely do that.

Fye Design
Fye Design - 29.07.2023 20:43

The more ai the higher the demand for human made stuff trust

bigtakeshi - 29.07.2023 17:48

AI isn't sentient and Human sentience is what i think makes creativity authentic. Human graphic design will be better because of such sentience. A human can understand someone's desire for a specific design whereas AI can't. AI doesn't understand when someone creates "The feel of" or "The vibe of" something whereas humans know what that means.

chicharrero - 29.07.2023 03:51

Is Ai Killing the Graphic Design Industry? not now, but will.

gunjan dhiman
gunjan dhiman - 28.07.2023 20:03

I have been struggle that when I go to my screen to make something, my mind got blanked. however I had searched a lot before I going to my screen, but still I got blanked. How to solve this question. and also I want to know the types of popular different art styles of graphic design, so that we can think on that direction.

Factz Board
Factz Board - 28.07.2023 19:01

Thank you so much @Will Paterson. I have recently started learning graphic designing and your videos help me so very much. I am a newbie but a great mentor/guru like you is really an asset in many ways. So thank you once again. Just keep up the good word and stay blessed always.

player one
player one - 28.07.2023 16:13

Oh you're right your genius is so complete we could never copy the human mind in circuitry so that's why we started that growing human brain cells and then we replicate human brains and connect them to artificial AI there more creative than any human could ever be😮 no sir would you have is no imagination

Freddy - 28.07.2023 09:57

One of the best videos on A.I in the context of The Creative Industry.
Thank you so much for the video, at least hope is still alive 😂

jam man jim
jam man jim - 28.07.2023 08:30

Ai will help designers, it's the wrong type of client that thinks they can do most of the work that is the problem. Like Will says Ai cant compete with competent designed brands. Clients still need us for our insight, knowledge and experience. Just dont work with idiot clients who seek cheap or free work - its as old as time. We had client's years ago who drew their logo on the back of an envelope, we digitised, refined, gave it balance - they refused to pay 'as it was thier idea'. Ask good questions about their business and filter out these clowns - dont work for them, they waste your time better spent on great clients.

Maxx McGee
Maxx McGee - 28.07.2023 07:49

In think the harm of AI is that customers use it as a cheap and okayish alternative to human designers. The quality of creative work is devalued when mediocre becomes the new good.
But we get a lot of great tools in all fields. As you said, AI is just part of the development.

DuckGuyAnimations - 28.07.2023 05:16

I personally think that AI will run its course and I feel like if someone is really passionate about creating Animations, 3D models, ECT... will be able to keep doing their own thing and co-exist and adapt to AI. Because really when you look deeper into how most of the AI tools work you will start to realize, we have been doing almost the same exact thing for so long. AI is just still improving on certain things. This is just my opinion though! :D

Savant - 28.07.2023 03:31

As an illustrator I am busier than ever. AI can come up with some pretty interesting and amazing visuals, but if you have something specific in mind then you have to really work hard to communicate to it exactly what you want. It lacks the experience that a human illustrator has. That said, it can be useful when you are looking for some ideas, or if you just want it to generate some reference images or some color palate, composition, textures, thumbnail ideas, etc. I have even been able to coax it, after hours of prompting, to generate some pretty good foundations which I can then use as a basis to paint on top of. It's sort of like working with an intern. They bring some of their own ideas to the table, but at the end of the day their job is to work with you to help you create your own unique vision.

HYPER TIMELINE - 28.07.2023 03:24

AI is to the intellectual worker what the engine is to the physical laborer. BTW AI wouldn't have been able to create my logo.

Sami.t95 - 28.07.2023 01:48

There will always be a gap between those who are trained in design and those whose are not. Therefore AI will not replace designers as an average user will not have the knowledge to use AI to create what is considered as a good design, its like canva, there will always be limitations as to how far the non designer user can go. For example, commercially can someone claim the copyright to a design that they only gave a prompt for and did not literally make it themselves, i don’t think so. 😅

Wade Bringhurst
Wade Bringhurst - 27.07.2023 23:41

AI will absolutely transform the industry. As well as everything else.

Dman20111 - 27.07.2023 23:16

I wouldn't invite the it's like us take. It's math, weights and biases. Until it could think for itself and make creative decisions I'm still taking it as mashup of other people's work. It's one thing to imagine something in your head (or even come up with a thought, as someone with aphantasia I know an image in your head isn't all you need) and another to put it on paper and create it. AI "art" is just thoughts, some cool thoughts but just thoughts, not someone's art

Carl Perkins
Carl Perkins - 27.07.2023 22:52

Its killing it the same way HDR killed photography for a few years where every amateur thought they had to use it turned up to 11.
Once the novelty wears off and people get sick of all the similar midjourney images, real design and skill will still be left.
Anyone can type an idea into AI but you still need skill to do anything useful with it, or god forbid actually "edit" it.

John Dikmen
John Dikmen - 27.07.2023 22:16

Logo design has always been a big part of the design services I offer. Just the past month I have had three small business clients send me logo examples that "they did themselves" using MidJourney and wanted me to just "fix" their choices. With one of those clients, I initially offered them a couple fairly refined designs up front as a starting point and they came back with 20 MidJourney examples they liked better. I don't see any way to compete as this takes hold (and shortly they will probably offer AI generated vector logo sets of choices!). While A.I. has been helping me as a designer in the short term, the writing is on the wall as far as the bulk of logo design.

ChaossCorps - 27.07.2023 21:22

Great video. Stuff like this has been happening for ages. We adapt and move on.

Atelopus - 27.07.2023 20:32

It might kill behance and other websites that are used to share proyects as this are mined for AI sampling. Other than that. Smart AI will be just as likely to land a bettet prrsentation as a skilled artist

H - 27.07.2023 20:24

It sounds like you’re desperately trying to convince yourself (and us all) that AI is not already the end of almost everything (including graphic design). And it doesn’t matter if It isn’t AS GOOD AS some designer YET (and it will, anyway), it is GOOD ENOUGH for most clients not to hire a designer (or to pay it immensely less) any day that goes from now on. But if you feel safe, good for you, I just feel like you’re being consciously delusional for two reasons: 1) you still create contents here and so you have a side business and 2) you need it

oliviamcneilis - 27.07.2023 20:11

I think a bit part of the missing debate is commodification. Perhaps an AI uses a similar process to create art as a human does, but there is no human labour involved — a non-artist profits financially from knowledge production that they have not contributed to or put effort into

Bukkake2023 - 27.07.2023 20:05

Yes and not just graphic design all creative industries. The people who hire creatives don’t give a toss about being creative they only care about money and if they can save a few dollars using ai instead of hiring you, you damn well know they will. Chatgpt and midjourney are already putting people out of work and it’s only going to get worse
