Heron Reef Habitats - Hyperspectral - A Dataset A Day

Heron Reef Habitats - Hyperspectral - A Dataset A Day

Karen Joyce

3 года назад

423 Просмотров

I'm offering a free #drone dataset every day this week to encourage analysis and environmental solutions. I captured this particular image dataset with an Ocean Optics STS-vis spectrometer integrated by maitec on a 3DR Solo drone at 20 m altitude. See www.geonadir.com for more information


#shemaps #sheflies #she_flies #karen_joyce #drones #mapping #geospatial #STEM #STEAM #Tello #DJI #aerial_survey #coding #students #science #technology #engineering #maths #she_maps #orbit #geonadir #ocean_optics #sts_vis #3dr_solo #3dRobotics
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