Italy's 1 Euro Houses - Success or Failure After 10+ Years?

Italy's 1 Euro Houses - Success or Failure After 10+ Years?

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@ZeeZeeCat - 24.05.2024 19:55

There are reasons why houses in Italy are so cheap. Although they are located in beautiful areas, several factors make these investments unattractive. Most of these areas have limited job opportunities, deal with poverty, drought, and closed, aging communities. Additionally, the probability of selling the property in the future is low. Furthermore, many of these locations are seismically active. Practically the entire country of Italy lies on a subduction zone where a few continental plates meet, resulting in daily earthquakes and tremors. Italy is also home to numerous active volcanoes, some of which are huge and very dangerous. For instance, the Ischia-Vesuvio-Campi Flegrei triangle (the latter considered a supervolcano) has been behaving quite restlessly recently.

@LibertarianPaisan - 24.05.2024 21:37

The €1 homes almost seem to be a bait and switch and may have just created a lot of landlords rather than actual permanent residences. Then with the fees and rules in place, it would still come to about €50k on the cheap side. Which is a shame as I was hoping to move to my commune in Agrigento

@jodiehebert8285 - 26.05.2024 00:11

I heard you have your spend at least 15k to make the place livable.

@doinavegas - 26.05.2024 16:07

great tips, Rafael! A lot of people thought they could just do a DIY on a €1 home.

@seandavie3672 - 01.06.2024 00:00

Very interesting. I think the initiative has certainty had some success if the crumbling houses have been renovated and saved. As an aspiring expat there are some beautiful if not out of the way places that appear great value in terms of $$$ and lifestyle. That said, residency is sometimes tricky too.

@celticwarrior777 - 01.07.2024 17:01

What people dont talk about I s the THOUSANDS of euros in work these 1 euro homes need you get a time limit to complete the work bringing it up to code or you lose it.

The builders must be local. Theres an unwritten rule in Italy, you dont bring in outside builders. Often these local builders are very slow and backlogged long waits to even start rhe work. Pushing your time limit to get the property up to code. Getting a hold of builders, electricians are a nightmare in Italy. Its a long process to get your property up to code by builders and electrician

@celticwarrior777 - 01.07.2024 17:07

Ive watched lots on this any often its ran into 100 to 200 thousand on cost. Many hVe abansoned them ehen realising the extortionate cost of builder fees
