How We Homeschool // 2 + 3 Year Old

How We Homeschool // 2 + 3 Year Old

Milena Ciciotti

1 год назад

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lalajean - 25.10.2023 17:57

Itll be hard for my siblings now since they are all in the middle school already but my brother is kinda behind with reading , academics like yes in grades but in learning in general for his age he should now how to read buy now but its just hard for him . My family didnt really thought them about the bible which is sad since i grew up with bible verses but now they just dont do that anymore so for me to just the only one doing my best toteach my siblings about morals , correction with bad behaivior and addiction from gadgets its hard that im the one wanting for them to know the Lord and i just dont know where to start they enjoy the world more like maybe watching whatever in YT . Its hard to control them now

Maria Corman
Maria Corman - 25.10.2023 07:04

FYI The Good and the Beautiful is not Christian…

Megan mordecai
Megan mordecai - 17.10.2023 14:44

Your the first video I've came across where I love how you homeschool I am homeschooling my 4 year old and 2 year old they are great with learning we are doing a homeschool set up for them I'll be sure to follow and get some tips

A Mom Over the Moon by Isabelle Michel
A Mom Over the Moon by Isabelle Michel - 13.10.2023 05:01

Good job mama! I have been homeschooling my 6 kids for 16 years (2 graduated) and I can tell you that you are doing great. You can do this. I am still changing routine, curriculum and teaching as we go year after year. There is easier seasons than other but with the support of your community, your family and other homeschool moms, it helps.

Julian S
Julian S - 28.09.2023 06:55

Well done Milena, you have set a shining example of careful home training free from useless waste. Your kids will not miss the institutionalisation of a corrupt education system. You children will not have to worry about bullying or being sifted into special development school because they don't fit into the narrow-minded mainstream institutions. Don't expect anything from the gifted inclined schools. No parent should fall for the trap of saying 'What happens if I can't teach them?'. The parent who can't wait to put them in schools have forgotten intentionally how to be responsible. Your kids don't need useless and expensive boarding schools. Hopefully your kids wil be able to one day speak to non religious people. Never ask narrow-minded institutionalised experts for advice. They don't know your kids. Encouraging you do do the best as an exemplary parent.

Goodrayoflight - 25.08.2023 01:19

This was so helpful in so many ways! Thank you! ❤

Jenre Johna
Jenre Johna - 11.08.2023 17:26

I love the traditional, minimalistic approach you have going on. Kids don’t have to be overstimulated and that’s the problem with today. My daughter will be in Kindergarten this fall and this will be my first official homeschool year under the regulations of the state, but in reality I’ve been homeschooling my babygirl since she was 2.5/3 years old.

Haley - 08.08.2023 04:17

Lovee that you do the pledge with them. Great video :)

Shannon M
Shannon M - 30.07.2023 23:00

I just can’t get enough of your content. As a single mother who has to work full time, this is the life I pray for and dream of. I’m just so grateful to see it’s possible. I know God has a plan and I’m trusting it. Hopeful that a life like this is still in his plan for me ❤

Arlenis Mendez
Arlenis Mendez - 29.07.2023 07:42

Your little girl is so bright and intelligent !! She’s only 3 and knows her letters and numbers?! Amazing job mama

Everything Faith with Bianca Anne Lawson
Everything Faith with Bianca Anne Lawson - 02.07.2023 14:17

Wow I love your homeschool set up! Beautiful and well put together

M A - 25.06.2023 01:28

Thank you for sharing. Love the idea of putting everything on the wall. You mentioned you keep swapping the things on the walls z Can you also please share what do you swap with?

sgtigereye - 23.06.2023 16:11

Thank you for being so open and honest about your daily routine. I am planning on homeschooling and it was so helpful!

Paula C
Paula C - 22.06.2023 09:21

Great video. I'd love to see a follow-up where you talk about teaching them Portuguese and perhaps sharing materials and recommending resources as well. Please and thank you :)

Simple Godly Living Homestead [Embracing Grace]
Simple Godly Living Homestead [Embracing Grace] - 14.06.2023 20:19

As A Traditional Christian Homesteading, Homemaking, Homeschooling Mother, I Loved This! ♥️🤗🙌🏼🙏

I also LOVE your classroom ♥😍🤗 it's darling 😍🤭♥️ and you did an absolutely AMAZING job! 😉💯🤗

Unfortunately a lot of parents fall under the Stigma and Doom and Gloom of feeling inadequate and unqualified to teach their own children, especially when it comes to proper education and the Indoctrination we've all had on school systems and public and/or private school educations, etc..

I too, felt I was inadequate and didn't have the qualifications to homeschool. I felt I didn't have what it took, and I even graduated from high school and went to college for Business Management and Business Administration and Still felt this way lol, Until I just gave it to The LORD GOD and followed HIS guidance and just did the next right best thing and gave it my all.

I've been homeschooling for 4 years now and I love it.

There is absolutely NOBODY Better.. NOR More Adequate.. NOR More Qualified To Teach Children than their Own Parents!

I love teachers and have a great deal of respect and admiration for them, however, I do NOT like NOR agree with the Educational Systems and Their Corruption and their Insane Ideologies and Indoctrination.

It's NOT The Teachers, It's The Corrupt (and Infiltrated) Educational Systems!

▪︎The Good and The Beautiful are EXCELLENT Homeschooling Curriculums and I also include things from k5Learning.

I Teach My Children Way MORE than just the basics.

📍For Instance, I Teach MY Children:
▪︎HOW to grow their own food
▪︎HOW to Garden and farm
▪︎Hunting and butchering and processing
▪︎ HOW to Cook and Bake Homemade From Scratch
▪︎HOW to build things
▪︎HOW to sew
▪︎Home Economics and Consumer Science
▪︎ Math
▪︎English | Vocabulary | Grammer & Punctuation
▪︎Biblical Studies
▪︎Health & The Human Body
▪︎Scripture Memorization
▪︎History | Social Studies | Civics | Creation | World History | Etc..
▪︎Bible Reading & Studies
▪︎Language Arts | Languages
▪︎Art | Gym | Music | Chorus
▪︎Finances | Budgeting | Check Writing & Balancing | The Value Of A Dollar | Etc..
▪︎HOW to tend to and take care of Livestock
▪︎foraging | Holistic health | etc..
▪︎And So Much MORE!

I'm sorry this is so long, BUT, My point is, we the parents, teach our children so so very much and on a daily basis too, even without realizing just how much we actually do infact teach them, and so much more. It's so much MORE than a school teaches them and MORE than a school is even equipped to teach them.

We can give our children the attention, the time and the love that they NEED and that they deserve, way MORE so than a teacher can. And that's the way it SHOULD be, because WE are the PARENTS of those children, NOT the teachers.

Teachers have so many children in their class to teach all throughout the school day that it's impossible for them to tend to each student individually like that.

Plus in today's world, Homeschooling your children is the BEST & SAFEST Option!
Love Always and GOD Bless Ya'll 💕 🙏
Stephanie 🙋🏼‍♀️ XoXoxoxoxo 💋

Corina Avelar
Corina Avelar - 06.06.2023 00:54

What does the "daily opener" consist of exactly? Looking for homeschool ideas! So excited to homeschool!

Aitana - 31.05.2023 08:59

This is SO helpful!

Katelyn Wilder
Katelyn Wilder - 29.03.2023 18:43

My kids are going to be 2 and 3 years old

Katelyn Wilder
Katelyn Wilder - 29.03.2023 18:41

How do you get them into the routine, I am having such a hard time to get them to listen and sit down

Soup - 29.03.2023 02:54

Okay I love this so much! Currently my little one is 18 months old but I know I’m going to homeschool and have been researching for the past few weeks. I’m so excited and as a former public school elementary teacher.. I adore your enthusiasm when teaching your little ones! You’re doing a great job and I hope you do more homeschool videos.
