The Beginner's Guide to Mem: A Note-Taking App

The Beginner's Guide to Mem: A Note-Taking App

Tool Finder

1 год назад

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motorambler - 26.09.2023 00:32

Another elitist "iOS only" app. /fail

Spencer Koop
Spencer Koop - 12.08.2023 08:24

My goal is to use this for business meeting notes. So should I have all my business notes on the “Today” Mem or would you recommend that each meeting be it’s own mem? However, like in Reflect notes how back links are auto created, will Mem do the same thing?

Ryder Manson
Ryder Manson - 07.08.2023 11:17

I signed up today for 2 main featuers, templates and scheduled notes and both no longer exist in Mem. Totally wasted my money!. Also this is one of the most buggiest apps I have ever used (both Webapp and Desktop version).

Aditya Bhat
Aditya Bhat - 07.06.2023 12:01

Notion is so much better

Phil Lewis
Phil Lewis - 14.01.2023 02:15

I'm wondering if I might get together with you on an online chat. I was an early evangelist with Evernote. I have about 17,000 notes in there. My day to day system now is LogSeq with MyMind. I'm looking to a note taking/making platform that is really my primary productivity tool. I'm would also like to integrate annotating PDF's and Ebooks, but the first thing I have to do is transfer the notes I've already established. I like the things I see in Mem. I am very happy to us LogSeq - it is just I need something a little more stable and be more helpful in me applying my reading and notes to actual new content.

kuroshm - 07.01.2023 00:03

Is it better than remnotes?

Deserena Jenkins
Deserena Jenkins - 06.01.2023 22:19

How does this compare to craft docs?

qwe1231 - 06.01.2023 00:57

Audio seems a little hollow/boomy compared to previous videos...

rutracunha - 06.01.2023 00:00

So... Can you tag notes or tasks? Can you filter them? Maybe set up views?

David Morais
David Morais - 05.01.2023 23:29

Looks promising, specially since I still didn't get into the Tana Early Access, but I can't possibly use this without a Dark theme. It's 2023. Cmon.

Anthony Iannarino
Anthony Iannarino - 05.01.2023 21:41

I am an enterprise client. The AI is amazing, but it isn't a great writing experience yet. Like all the new note takers, it needs refined.

Chuck Haskins
Chuck Haskins - 05.01.2023 21:28

I have been keeping a close watch on this app and love the interface! I have an account but need to tie it to Microsoft 365 Business. My company has that locked down and cannot add an app interface. Is there a way to use a url to feed calendar info from Microsoft? Can you share tasks with other apps now or in the future, such as adding the ability to use siri to add tasks.
Thanks for the content.

JustNaturalCake - 05.01.2023 18:50

I just signed up for Mem and I absolutely love it, Ive been looking for a note-taking app for a while and this one seems great for my School work and Personal life. It does seem to be in their early state as the iOs app has only been out for a month and Im seeing some bugs on their websites but hopefully that gets all fixed very soon.
