Wrestling for Jiu Jitsu -  (ADCC BJJ Analysis)

Wrestling for Jiu Jitsu - (ADCC BJJ Analysis)

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Morto BJJ
Morto BJJ - 23.09.2023 17:24

jake you have done incredible work man already signed into your database! one thing you should consider also in "wrestling for jiu jitsu" is the wrestle ups and people lowering their level just like nikcy rod does (see match against owen) in order to shoot for the legs .
Either sitting on "sprint" position shooting for opponents legs or on their butt to luring the opponent coming into them

V - 23.09.2023 08:34

A whole lot of excuses for justifying being scared of take downs.

Trevor netlink
Trevor netlink - 22.09.2023 14:55

Wow remarkable work! thank you

Davinci - 17.09.2023 01:14

Danaher is such a self righteous tool bag. I bet he only breathes his own farts.

Thiccbutterballs - 02.09.2023 08:53

The true art of grappling is combining these two sports. Take down to a submission.

C S - 21.08.2023 17:54

Great breakdown, like always!

Mack Training Academy
Mack Training Academy - 17.08.2023 22:11

Using foot sweeps, circling behind is the best way to deal with people bigger and stronger. Having someone 50+ pounds sprawl on top of you is not good. What an exceptionally put together video!

Luis Cabrera
Luis Cabrera - 15.08.2023 22:56

Excellent breakdowns brother. Where can I find the database? I tried checking the site

JIU JUDO - 08.08.2023 07:51

Thanks for posting! I'm very impressed.

JIU JUDO - 08.08.2023 06:56

I find wrestling makes the biggest difference in scrambles.

nickaa121212 - 30.07.2023 08:00

You’ll go down in Jiujitsu history for what you’ve done on this channel. 🎉

Falk Hammermüller
Falk Hammermüller - 29.07.2023 00:14

This was a wonderful video to watch. In full depth ad still interesting from the first second to the end. Applause for that!

thinkthenscrewup - 20.07.2023 06:59

Fat Perez shout-out was glorious

AnanasFanta - 19.07.2023 22:23

I paid for submeta to study front headlock, dogfight and turtle. Thank you for these findings.

Glenn Hynes
Glenn Hynes - 19.07.2023 18:54

Collegiate Wrestlers are getting sprawled on by other collegiate wrestlers.

kungfuwookie - 17.07.2023 16:23

Sounds like old school gracie challenge stuff. If you're up against someone who's not a wrestler, take down, take back or mount, finish. If you're the inferior wrestler you'll usually win if you have a good guard, choke, Sweep, submission game. In no gi it seems like heel hooks are the way to go but some knowledgeable people have said if hands were thrown usually leg attacks are a bad idea.

Marin Radovan
Marin Radovan - 16.07.2023 17:37

Very interesting overview, and I agree that upper body takedowns (throws, foot sweeps, slide by etc.) are better for a specific ruleset like ADCC where getting points from a takedown is almost impossible if defending opponent turtles). Did you do maybe a separate study for overtimes? When there is no guard pull?

My two cents:

- I would say people get caught in guillotines because they don't use setups when going for a takedowns (if you want to be good at wrestling, you need to learn how to setup takedowns) and also, they end up in guard because of that (how many times do top level MMA fighters end in full guard after a takedown, for example Khabib?)
- I would also argue that dog fight, front headlock and turtle also require some sort of takedown initiative (that might require more setup on a higher level), you can't just grab headlock and work from there (e.g. opponent has 2 on 1, how will you get headlock unless you learn how to handfight your way out?)
- Another thing, this is not wrestling and opponents can avoid fighting much more, go to freestyle and 90% of them would be penalized in 15 seconds (so you can't just shoot blindly but need to setup takedowns since opponent is basically running away)

Also, you focused a lot on ADCC (that is big focus by bigger gyms as well like New Wave, B-Team etc...). What about smaller level competitions? E.g. if I score a takedown and opponent defends I might get a point or advantage under AJP rules for example, matches are shorter, not everyone allows heel hook. This analysis is done on the highest level possible, but what about some blue belt that doesn't have to think about heel hooks in the competition and with takedown is leading 2 points?

In ADCC if opponent goes for a takedown you can defend by turtling = 0 points.
Go to some other rules (where most people still compete) and you will get a point or advantage for that (which means, you are winning at that point)...

ParaibihnaBJJ - 13.07.2023 23:05

Love it. Keep up the good work ! You are the revolutionary!

R S - 08.07.2023 13:44

I would be interested to see a similar analysis but for MMA, because with ground and pound it could change the importance of top position a lot

Ben Hallo
Ben Hallo - 08.07.2023 01:15

Amazing, you are a scholar of BJJ

Ian Ramsey
Ian Ramsey - 05.07.2023 23:37

First time seeing this channel great work! Just subscribed looking forward to more

Sergio Duenas
Sergio Duenas - 27.06.2023 23:19

just commenting to appreciate all the research and work went into this video. amazing work dude, keep it up!

Stephany Alvarez
Stephany Alvarez - 25.06.2023 20:15

I love these studies and position analysis ❤ thanks for the research and putting this together!

Lucas - 22.06.2023 22:10

Epic video

tristan warsal
tristan warsal - 22.06.2023 12:22

Damn ! What a fkn video. Database too shiet 😂

ThunderKatz - 22.06.2023 08:16

I do Japanese jiu jitsu it’s pretty fun but the closest I know to wrestling is Krav Maga and judo

OMAR MARTINEZ MENDOZA - 22.06.2023 08:15

Bjj lovers won't get it but to reality does't care your ideas just facts.
Sambo is the best!
Just look to Islam and Oliveira.

Dong Yan
Dong Yan - 21.06.2023 20:45

can I help you with the data analytics for this project? i love bjj and data :)

Jermaine Andersen II
Jermaine Andersen II - 21.06.2023 03:52

I think working on set ups will provide more favorable results in jiujitsu than wrestling since jiujitsu athletes don’t have collegiate level wrestling defense, my my quick 2 cents

D B - 20.06.2023 21:12

Good stuff

Rodolfo Martinez
Rodolfo Martinez - 20.06.2023 21:05

This is some serious nerd BJJ stuff, and I love it. Good work!

Brian Evans
Brian Evans - 20.06.2023 18:57

You should consider charging a small monthly or one time fee for that tool!

It's going to take a lot of work and potentially provide a lot of value.

Champion in the making
Champion in the making - 20.06.2023 15:44

Dude I never comment but this video deserves it. Keep up the good work!

Crank Skinatra
Crank Skinatra - 20.06.2023 06:40

At the highest levels of chess they do not even make it to end game because they have set themselves up so well

Corey Clark
Corey Clark - 20.06.2023 02:30

Really good video.

Joe Higgs
Joe Higgs - 20.06.2023 01:21

Change the rules. P*ssies should not be rewarded. BJJ has to keep relevant in fighting or it will become TKD. Fight relenance = takedown/mount

Dvl Dgz
Dvl Dgz - 19.06.2023 12:30

Bro this is pure gold. Thanks for the time you put in

Fabio - 18.06.2023 18:17

Outstanding video my man i’m a d1 wrestler tryna transition. Awesome to see that the takedowns could hurt me more than help, gotta gameplan better

Doggos and Jiu Jitsu
Doggos and Jiu Jitsu - 18.06.2023 18:13

No training is bad, but the 5+ years of wrestling it will take to be a really good BJJ player at the 1-2 year level isn't used correctly. Just dedicate 5+ years at BJJ and remember that wrestling doesn't matter outside of high school.

tcernesto - 18.06.2023 04:18

I'm assuming all of these data and matches are from very high level grapplers/BJJ guys. What difference do you think would be at a beginner level like white belt? Somebody on Reddit wrote that beginners don't have a developed guard or ground game. I suppose there's less data for that and would be harder to factually analyze, but as a beginner wrestler I'm interested in your opinion: if I were to face a white belt in a grappling match, would I do better with good standing takedowns, as the opposite of this video's conclusion?

tcernesto - 18.06.2023 04:04

very high quality analysis. I'm eager to see the database, will be very helpful

Nenad ИС XC Shuput
Nenad ИС XC Shuput - 18.06.2023 02:24

No it doesn't, wrestling doesn't win fights, Submitions do.

Matthew Tucker
Matthew Tucker - 16.06.2023 21:52

If you do the take down stat for bad shots, just look at the last minute of each match. It will have a dramatically higher number of failed shots.

Nom Chomsley
Nom Chomsley - 16.06.2023 18:04

Snake Pit teaches that figure 4 grip on the single leg. Kade did it kinda lazy.

Brenton McKiterick
Brenton McKiterick - 16.06.2023 10:57

Truly outstanding analysis. Awesome.

Andrew Hilovsky
Andrew Hilovsky - 15.06.2023 20:56

Super helpful breakdown. Please continue this work. I liked and subscribed to support you

Ivo Bg
Ivo Bg - 15.06.2023 15:44

