Knife Defense Expert Reveals The Reality of Knife Attacks

Knife Defense Expert Reveals The Reality of Knife Attacks

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@MackTrainingAcademy - 06.10.2023 20:37

Interesting gentleman.

@punisher7772 - 04.10.2023 11:12

You will get cut ? No shit. You got a guy with a sharp object in his hand and he's moving it around very fast. Can you defend yourself against a knife ? Sure, but you're going to shed blood in the process.

@DigSamurai - 02.10.2023 01:25

A very realistic approach. I think people teaching knife defense to beginners is dangerous because it gives them the false sense of security.

@kd_kissed - 30.09.2023 18:49

Very good, very realistic. The knife is the most dangerous close combat wapon and you can never know what happens!

@RacerX1971 - 07.09.2023 07:28

That's why the best knife fighter would be Capt

@chrismackay8314 - 07.09.2023 07:17

Lesson learned - practice/train running and wear fast shoes… and carry pepper spray

@Deezorz - 31.08.2023 10:46

basic knife knowledge: when fighting WITH a knife against an UNARMED opponent, the knife goes in your rear hand. If you put it in your front hand against a decent fighter, you're essentially giving the knife away. Imagine a simple snap kick against the bottom of your hand, you're not holding that knife. However, if you both have a knife, it goes in your front hand. Because as soon as you have it in your rear hand and do anything with your front hand, it immediately gets sliced as he has it in his front hand. Same goes the opposite way. If he has it in his rear hand, and you have it in your front, the second he does anything with his front hand, you step back while making a snapping cut on his hand or wrist. Hard enough and his muscles are cut clean and his hand is rendered useless, as well as a split second shock for him which enables you to continue.

@AwsomeVK - 25.07.2023 23:59

Instructor did not hold back whacking the beans out of him in a demo 😂

@CortezLu84 - 27.06.2023 15:34

Have you done any videos or investigated Baraw Sugbo (Arnes Diablo)?
(I'm new to your channel apologizes if it's in one of your vides)

@andreipasa6756 - 17.06.2023 23:29

Many years ago, I charged an old enemy in a drunken rage. He was holding a knife in his right hand. As I got very close, he lunged at me in a stabbing motion. I grabbed the blade with my left hand, squeezed and started hammering him in the throat and chin with my right. The blade went through my palm like butter but got stuck in the bone. Felt it much later once the adrenaline and alcohol wore off. His mate hit me with a fire extinguisher on the back of the head and it was lights out but the guy was already a ragdoll by then. Three weeks later, he passed in a motorcycle accident. Called it even.

@relikaneliengod5307 - 08.06.2023 20:44

That knife to knife gave me a lil ptsd not gonna lie lol. 3 actual knife fights, I've avoided roughly 7+, heres my tips. #1 AVOID AT ALL COST, PHYSICAL AND LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS ARE INTENSE. Theres no real guidline on how to brandish a knife in a non threatening manner to alert an attacker without it looking aggressive, but i found the best option. There are 3 knife stances, 2 are to avoid 1 is for fighting. 1st pull the knife icepick grip, flat on your forearm with the flat aiming towards attacker elbow up infront of you amd with your off-hand straight out 🖐 "please, i don't want this, stop stop" while backing away, if that doesn't work and they're still approaching, then second stance is rapier grip knife pointed forward alongside outstretched off-hand 🖐 "stop stop" then its full lethal hammer grip the knife (normally, not icepick grip) bring the knife to your side sort of out of view, stick and move put a slight bend in that off-hand use it in any way you can, slapping their hands, face, grabbing, whatever you can do but try to stay away as much as possible, you will get cut, but try to keep it to your forearms and outter arms, shoulders if you can, stick and move keep outside their lead leg as much as possible, if you've ever been in a fight, it's like that but WAY harder. Speed over power, you need a surprisingly small amount of power to do anything lethal with a knife, go for speed, keep backing away or circling, don't worry about maintaining stamina, knife fights are over QUICK. keep your head back and away as much as possible, they're mostly aiming for your torso. Cuts are only used at keeping their lead hand at bay, thrusts are the only thing that's gonna help you. If you're moving at their body, remember cuts mean nothing, stabs are the scary part. Avoid, stick and move.
Also, get a spear point blade designed knife or boot knife, something more than 3" if your knife blade is under 4 inches, that's not a weapon, thats a tool. There is no legal or physical grounds for ever using icepick grip while in a knife fight. It's only effecting on targets standing still or if you're ontop. Theres almost no self defense scenario that exists where you could get away with a self defense plea if you defend or attack someone with an iceprick grip.
Also, the only person who wins a knife fight is whoever gets to the hospital the quickest. And another thing. Majority of knife fights happen AFTER someone was surprise stabbed. Just keep your distance from anyone who wishes to engage in violence woth you. I mean thay physically, but you can take that metophorically roo

@Fardawg - 06.06.2023 06:02

I love the actual knife sparring, especially weapon-on-weapon. It is very similar to videos of Lynn Thompson (former owner of Cold Steel) and Ron Baliki (son-in-law of Dan Inosanto, friend and former student of Bruce Lee) sparring together. My problem with a lot of Filipino knife work videos, including some of those from Ron and Dan, is that they tend to concentrate on the flow drills and disarms. But as realistic sparring shows, throwing your hand into the range of the blade isn't a great idea unless there is no other choice. If you can, you want distance, and if possible a weapon to snipe their knife hand. In the knife-on-knife sparring, they keep their unarmed hand out of the way but ready to defend just in case the knife slips past their own weapon and dodging isn't an option, rather than using their off-hand to block or parry when not necessary.

@golong1343 - 04.06.2023 13:32

No guarantee! Very honest and practical: good teacher.

@dandee7045 - 29.05.2023 05:28

9 times our of ten the attacker leads with an empty hand to grab hold of you, and then the knife comes, though. How do you deal with the leverage arm?

@ahuman2954 - 27.05.2023 00:25

Just put him to test

@flylord4927 - 20.05.2023 22:51

What's his name again? Sounds Swedish.

@Neutrois - 15.05.2023 10:02

You seemed scared or uncomfortable in a funny way like the whole time, after he slapped you, kind of adorable

@ArshShergill - 09.05.2023 07:42

I think you were not attacking 100% just out of respect !!

@jomazerud - 08.05.2023 15:39

What's gonna kill you is the one you don't see. Scarry AF!

@Mr75044 - 25.04.2023 17:48

No such thing as defence.
Attack only

@robertrodriguez9445 - 03.04.2023 06:01

He keeps on saying the most honest words ever said by any instructor "there's no guarantee"

@strikezrow - 23.03.2023 22:18

The very first thing I was taught in hapkido: “if you face a knife you will be cut or stabbed. If you face a gun you will be shot. If you face an unarmed man and there is a stick on the ground, pick it up.” If you’re training for self defense and you’re fighting fair, you’re doing it wrong.

@CptEddyPrice - 26.02.2023 22:33

thats why i wear chainmail

@lllllsigbinlllll - 20.02.2023 03:11

kali is a mind martial arts and its application is situational. kali is like a weaponized MMA.

@allengordon6929 - 12.02.2023 19:38

Getting cut is inevitable. Just don't get stabbed.

@Mainswitch55 - 10.02.2023 10:00

I trained TCS (Tactical Combat System) Knife fighting concept. My advice when facing a knife: If you´re in a car, hit the gas and flee, if on foot, just run. To be honest, i am or was pretty good in TCS knife, but you´ll never be perfect with hands against a knife. If you´re very lucky you´ll survive with no injury. Standard i would say is about 70/30 percent chance to get cut at least once in a single attack, YES about 70% for GETTING cut!! And that cut can of course be critical. We had a nice drill that just showed the brutal reality of hands vs knife. All of us had Aluminium knifes, positioning ourselfes like about 10 by 10 feet in form of a square. About 20-30 people. You´re in the middle and hitting as fast as you can against a moving guy that is holding 2 punching pads. This isn´t about boxing technique, just to put you in stress, just punch as hard and fast as you can. Then a random guy - could be from behind you, left, meaning from any direction screams and attacks you at the same time. You vary the intervals in time, so about any 2-6 seconds you´re getting attacked. There are 7 standard knife attacks. Like I said, we were good prepared and trained, believe me! The drill lasted 3 minutes. No one of us EVER made it out after 3 minutes without getting cut critical and at least one total wrong answer on a specific attack, so yes, like you guessed, we all died... EVERY training session. And we had only Aluminium knifes, so no need to be afraid and face fear, perfect lights, perfect floor with very good grip, good sight because it wasn´t raining or snowing... You´re getting the picture ;-) That is the truth of knife fighting. If you´re darn good you got better chances, but no guarantees for nothing, that´s it.

@Bonbon-C - 05.02.2023 16:32

And yet there were some master from other disciplines I have seen in YT, that says Kali/Arnis/Escrima/FMA are pretty ineffective against attackers. SMH!

FMA and all its disciplines are pretty awesome.

@michaelquintela7835 - 03.02.2023 02:32

This man gave Rokas the business! It was almost like watching a Big brother smack around a little brother 😆 thanks for the inspiring content🙏

@sandals6692 - 01.02.2023 00:59

watch "Friendly Knife Fighting Between Philippine Marine And USMC" if you guys want to see kali applied in a real blunt knife fight

@carlodefalco7930 - 30.01.2023 05:25

Great vid , but …😳 why are you going so , soft with your knife attack , not committed and , then complying, injured as soon as the instructor strikes you with his hands instead of you slashing , stabbing at him ?? Makes it not so realistic again .. stick Defense realistic .. yeah I’m just an amateur 😋😋

@roninmantis7584 - 29.11.2022 01:49

Knives are inherently dangerous. He's giving good advice.

@Xaer_ - 28.11.2022 15:31

Hands down the best knife defence video I have ever come across. Just realistic, no ego, no bullshit.

Excellent content.

@vinceking7878 - 28.11.2022 14:37

I think the akido one works only with a extended stabbing arm...

@muntedewok - 27.11.2022 12:17

Kali is an interesting martial arts and it's included in the FMA I do (along with karate, BJJ, Kalah and Muay Thai) although the main martial arts I train in is Kalah. There is NOTHING I've ever seen or used that is even remotely as effective. My instructor is an ex Krav instructor, 2nd Dan FMA, black shirt Muay Thai instructor and has stated several times if it comes down to a street fight, especially with weapons, Kalah is the go-to defence, until ground game is required and then it's Jits. The explanations from this guy regarding knife principals with weapons is good and getting away instead of engaging is excellent. The problem with the previous video and techniques defending against knives with is there is zero control of the person and more importantly the knife arm. Leave ego out of it, destroy when you need to and get home safe.

@kasumpang09 - 17.11.2022 20:55

this knife defense is part of Kali, right?

@joanstone6740 - 17.11.2022 18:59

Rojas why don't you go and do a piece on the dog brothers if you want to understand real life martial arts application

@Sam-bn7jk - 17.11.2022 17:39

Oh come on... Just attack him brutally with a marker and ask a doctor afterwards...

@regorflora7915 - 17.11.2022 01:10

The only effective way on a knife attact is by running away. As fast as you can

@tonygovender3805 - 16.11.2022 14:51

Excellent, very real

@s3cr3t-wpn9 - 15.11.2022 22:41

His knife techniques is all part of the FIlipino martial art Kali. Johan Skalberg one of the best if not the best in keeping the arts alive.

@jondoe1784 - 14.11.2022 04:54

A knife Defense video 99% suck because no one uses their brain

@jondoe1784 - 14.11.2022 04:53

99 out of every hundred night videos suck I have been doing it for 43 years and so far you very very rarely see a decent my defense I wanna video because no one is using their brain

@jdbrews - 13.11.2022 05:14

ahhh this is Guro John, Guro Dan Inosanto's Student.

@37_SaBby321 - 13.11.2022 04:04

The knife defense and attack is still part of Kali. the stick exercises represents any weapon.. an actual stick, a bolo sword, a knife, even a pencil. the kali sticks are just representative. repetitive exercises with the stick helps for developing a habit of body coordination for either attacks or defense while holding the weapon.🙂

@blacksheepinthebigshitty9544 - 12.11.2022 12:55

The main idea would be that if someone has a weapon and you don't, you're 75%+ out of your league. So, the best solution would be to always have a knife (or at least a stick) yourself.

@rinkujoka232 - 10.11.2022 15:53

Now welcome to Tondo...

@jamher01 - 09.11.2022 19:56

knife fighting in slowmo we can see that johan was able to connect his slashes

@Druid_Ignacy - 09.11.2022 14:59

Have you really attacked with intent to land a hit? If so, this guy is sick, his awesome! FMA starts to look better and better.
PS: aaaand when fighting knife vs knife he basically taught you fencing :D His counterattacks to extended armed hand works the same in sabre, both historical and olympic.
