Vore: The Documentary

Vore: The Documentary


3 года назад

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Pkrussl - 01.02.2021 21:04

This is more like interviews than a documentary, but close enough XD if this does well and you guys like it, ill make sure the next one is much more documentary like, much more like the intro 😈

Common Neon
Common Neon - 21.10.2023 08:01

....I'm questioning on if I'm into vore or not. I have weird fetishes, so I wouldn't be surprised if I came to realize that I'm into it... I came across vore when I was only 12 years old... I was literally just trying to look at innocent art of my favorite characters. I've came across so much odd fetish art that I've developed fetishes for most of it... it's weird to say this, but it's true. Most of my fetishes developed when I was 12... it was either because of cartoons or because of fan art I saw online...

SuperZachy - 14.10.2023 23:29

it mainly depends on the artist or person😅
vore gets a bad name due to the ones that use underaged people or make it a lil too weird. I’m personally a soft vore person

big fat vore gamer
big fat vore gamer - 13.10.2023 17:52

I wod say that im not into vore but every now and when i searth vore topics in utube but its vary much out of curiosity not out of pleasure for the most part i find vore a little extreme at times i really do not like seeing the inside of some womens mouth or insides well it may seem interesting to some to see the inside of someones belly its actually quite disgusting i seeing food her the tummy getting slowly tured into mush is a vary common sight one wood wish to see tbh i think more then anything vore is done by so many poeple bcs they wich to forfill their sexual needs their for their too much into porn and needmetel help

hayasher - 25.09.2023 14:31

i was looking for the song..

randomstufflol - 10.09.2023 04:05

I like doggo

Saydah M
Saydah M - 29.08.2023 19:45

5 yr olds : I KNOW THAT WHEN I WAS 101010100101010102010011010 YR OLD BBBBBBHHHH(?!!JK

Jay - 04.08.2023 20:27

i’m kinda into vore but kinda not i’m not a fucking furry nor do i want to be a social rebel it’s sorta been ingrained in me even since i was a child i suddenly imagined scenes of me falling into a mouth holding onto the teeth💀i think that it doesn’t really turn me on specifically it’s the fear of a giant deadly force that does and the helplessness

Krisgamer08 - 03.08.2023 14:43

I hate it so much (not the people just vore its self) but I keep going back i don't understand why, I don't want to but I keep going back but I do

miku_lol - 31.07.2023 04:51

the hard vore reminds me of the eating in attack on titan, its very disturbing to watch and even has chewing, the titan chewing was like hard vore.

Lemmy - 30.07.2023 03:06

I just like the noises

VENI PENEROSA - 20.07.2023 02:06


Church of the broken God
Church of the broken God - 19.07.2023 09:15

I'm ashamed to be into soft digestion, where the prey isn't in pain or anything but they do die, (revival is always a great option tho) its just i can't stand the idea of spitting something back up

Owen Abbott
Owen Abbott - 16.07.2023 15:43

My vore started when unicron ate galavtron in the transformers the movie 1986 😂

Negative Referral
Negative Referral - 16.07.2023 11:30

I think human physiology and digestion are what draw me to vore. I love thinking about a potential partner's system and all the energy and power. And about digestion in general. I also think it's comfort and vulnerable intimacy too. I also have a mouth fetish.

LazerChicken - 06.07.2023 16:35

You've gotta be really careful about who you ask about vore, a good rule is to never take anything with mention of Gacha seriously.

lullaboid - 24.06.2023 07:13

fatal vore for life!! (and death)

ttuny - 21.06.2023 16:08

A few vore scenes are in Antman and the Wasp Quantimana movie.

RobertsChannel [President of Norekia]
RobertsChannel [President of Norekia] - 19.06.2023 09:06

as a vore addiction survivor, This gave me some trauma

Spooky game finders 2
Spooky game finders 2 - 15.06.2023 08:08

Once I saw furrys I just kept making shotgun jokes.

NuoNites - 29.05.2023 10:19

As a voraphile myself, I’m more attracted to the “soft” or “non-fatal” side of the vore coin, the stuff that isn’t an act of wanton predatory consumption. To me, vore is an act of trust and deep intimacy, to place your own safety into the hands of and/or their various orifices of another and to trust them to just hold you in an embrace more intimate than a hug. It’s kind of like BDSM where an act of intimacy based around mutual trust is performed between a Dom and their Sub.

Franek Cyganek
Franek Cyganek - 17.05.2023 19:23

🐺 people dont like the vore as vore, "we" like the nice feelings in case of watching it and our imagination goes in some <mixing of realities>
when we feel not nice feelings connected with beeing eaten or we feel like being digested with pain and then being rejected or not-loved then we dont like "vore'
🐕 and that can be said we have with everything- we dont like somebody or something we like the nice feelings
🐶 but not to get in trap- in our nature is to like and love something good
and to not like or hate something bad
🐩 so when we feel something nice its very near to the Truth but truth is also nicer and nicer always then we expect
🐰 and if we feel something not nice and it make us feelimg bad it means its not truth and good we dont like it
but what is exactly the thing that made us felt bad
👕 its a word or tone of somebody who said sonething?
👗 no thats because of "spirit" or "energy" that forced situation to be experienced like that

Memojie fan
Memojie fan - 16.05.2023 16:20

I have an idea cuz ppl like vore

PR0MAN01 - 23.04.2023 23:07

I think alot of peoples vore fetishes start off in a very similar way. As a kid you see a piece of media with vore in it, which is surprising common, and you don't know why but that scene sticks with you. It's the scene you remember most about that show/movie

Flash forward to puberty and you're discovering concepts like self pleasure and your sexuality. As that's all happening you keep thinking about that earlier scene from when you were a kid. You go back and watch it and then those wires just kinda get crossed.

Liam Whitney
Liam Whitney - 05.04.2023 01:43

I was ten!

Liam Whitney
Liam Whitney - 05.04.2023 01:41


Cyan - 03.04.2023 02:49

that "i'm actually Japanese" line literally kills me🤣🤣

Carter Nesta
Carter Nesta - 02.04.2023 08:48

I don’t know why and I’m not a furry but I like vore and I don’t want to be a furry

Alton McBootles
Alton McBootles - 23.03.2023 22:45

You were joking about the vore cafe in Japan, right?

I hope you were joking 😅

Rage - 23.03.2023 00:51

For me it started when I was SUPER young like 8 years old. I would tuck my shirt into my undies and stuff toy cars down my shirt and I enjoyed the feeling of the extra weight around my stomach, and imagining the power I had over the lives of all the little people I was imagining I was digesting.

Bob is Coolz
Bob is Coolz - 18.03.2023 06:04

I’m into vore, and I have to say-
I’m not proud of it, I wish I can just grow out of the fetish.

La vieille âme
La vieille âme - 10.03.2023 08:44

This is honestly interesting to understand why and how people got into vore.

CheezHead - 19.02.2023 21:39

Oh-ho-ho-ho, I have been disturbed heavily by this fetish. Why do people go out of their way, to DEEPFAKE, FUCKING DEEPFAKE footage to make it look like they are purposely digesting someone, specifically a young infant ranging from 3 months to maybe 2 years oldest. This is what kicked my mind into a full hateful war machine against it. I used to have small interests in it, yet I was shut out of it as it began to open. It is FUCKING DISTURBING. To this day I still have a hate towards the fetish.

Edit: No I do not hate on people for this, in fact, I just wonder why they want to, even though there are seriously disturbing deepfakes out there.

GD_ glitch drone.
GD_ glitch drone. - 15.02.2023 00:56

Well my vore story is well... Not that... Actually I don't know how to explain it...

Kenny OmegasBack
Kenny OmegasBack - 11.02.2023 21:27

When I hit puberty I kept having strange dreams, vore was one of them. I was never exposed to voraphiIia on the internet. I discovered aII my fetishes on my own, without being exposed to them through internet.

Neko Gigante
Neko Gigante - 31.01.2023 10:11

why people like macrophilia (giantess) can you make a documentary about that too?

Screech - 28.01.2023 20:46


yakuza 3
yakuza 3 - 27.01.2023 04:53

man i just wanted to listen to vorarephilia from judgement but i watched it all

Gage_the_destroy - 26.01.2023 20:50

Personally I like it because predator prey relationship is literally the most dominant thing ever 🤣

Bose Izevbigie
Bose Izevbigie - 26.01.2023 19:51

And those people that like VORE They must be blind

Snacksfaxs - 26.01.2023 07:17

Found vore around 8 or 9

Roco Vailo
Roco Vailo - 14.01.2023 20:28

Fun little documentary. Always neat to hear people's views on things~
As a vore artist myself I'd like to add my take.

Though first, I do wanna make a small terminology correction.
Soft vore VS Hard vore
Generally as I've known the terms for a decade and a half - hard vore does NOT specificy the kind of digestion that goes on.
Vore is simply the acting of consuming.

So -- Soft vore is consuming something whole and alive (usually) --- Hard vore is consuming something more... traditionally. Rip-tear chew etc.

Digestion has it's own subset of terms.
Graphic Digestion (though some call it Hard Digestion too I suppose) and Melty Digestion (or soft digestion... there's also other things like "absorption" and "Vitality Drain" but gosh this fetish gets complicated very quickly with so many options!)

Importantly I make this difference because you CAN have soft vore with graphic digestion or non-graphic digestion. Digesting itself is not the "hard" part. It's if it's overly realistic and gore-adjacent. That's actually a common subject my commissioners tend to want. Eatin' alive but melt/toony digestion. Or even something similar to "Candy-Gore" which... ya you can google that one x3 fun stuff!

Anyhow -- to get onto why I like and draw vore --->

There's really no ONE reason -- there's alot. And it attributes to why I think vore catches on to so many people. It's a bit of a potluck of various fetishes. People can easily slot in various aspects of what they like. Teeth - Bondage - Domination - Submission-- Fat -- bellies -- butts -- safeness -- humor -- embarrassment - taboo- -and so so much more. There's almost NO one that shares the EXACT same profile when it comes to what they like in vore. there's enough room for expression and experimentation that it really is a catch-all type of fetish. So long as something is being consumed in SOME way - it fits into the vore tag.

It's interesting to because it's predominantly (though certainly not exclusively) a furry dominated fetish, this also makes the vore community itself inherently a very inclusive group. It's not... perfect. There are certainly some who try to push away others interested in the more extreme side of vore stuff. But, in general, no matter how you like your vore -- you're apart of a surprisingly large community of people with similar enough interests. (and I do mean surprizingly! Like... every time I've gone to a convention (and I've been to 3 different states for cons) and there was a vore-meet and greet, the panel room would be out the door filled with people! It still surprises me every time. )

And I think that's kind of what's kept me around as a vore artist. The art itself is fun to draw -- that's another reason. I just love puzzling out how to draw certain images especially cus I tend towards more detailed (and thus harder to pose right) "vore bulges" where sometimes it can range from feint impressions to latex tight body wrapping (so like -- if you're consumed you can see the curled up person inside the body -- the bulges their body makes etc)

But more than the art itself -- I think it's the community of people who enjoy a vast array of interests but still can come together and socialize and interact under the banner of such a diverse fetish that is vore. It's... incredible really when you think about it. Absolutely incredible.

Irish Guy
Irish Guy - 12.01.2023 11:33

It's good to see some genuine acceptance about some of these fetishes people have. Because, come on, we can all admit we are a little weird. Doesn't even need to be a vore fetish. I myself, am into vore and giantess stuff. Plus, I won't judge people on any fetish they have, because that's who they are.

Mr Rambunctious
Mr Rambunctious - 11.01.2023 05:05

I was told to look it up and literally almost threw up seeing it, I got all nauseous and stuff, never again.

Aimbo Lin Tune
Aimbo Lin Tune - 31.12.2022 05:38

This is so true. I feel better about myself now.

┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ - 27.12.2022 04:53

I just like seeing guts

Mighty Arbok King
Mighty Arbok King - 15.12.2022 10:22

What i find about vore attractive, for me, is especially same size vore it goes well into my bigger fetish that is stuffing, the bigger and fuller the belly the better for me, and then there’s just the thought of feeling of, having someone or even many, alive inside you.

I actually treat vore in a different light alongside one of my buddies on DA where voring a loved one is a ‘mutual’ kind of thing, rather than meant to be fatal like most other times people treat vore, and if its fatal, i always appreciate reformation
