How to use LaTeX and why all textbooks look the same

How to use LaTeX and why all textbooks look the same

Thomas Rintoul

3 года назад

45,855 Просмотров

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Konsam Tambradhwaja
Konsam Tambradhwaja - 04.10.2023 05:41

It's a very useful video! Thank you for making this video.💯❤

Financial Engineering
Financial Engineering - 10.06.2023 14:09

Latex is great, but I would always recommend one to use a linux OS with vim or nvim as it just allows for greater freedom than these online latex editors.

Ric Seeds
Ric Seeds - 21.05.2023 02:02

I'm sorry but can anyone read what he's typing?

Trevin Beattie
Trevin Beattie - 10.05.2023 19:07

When I discovered these tools (way back in the 1990’s) I started learning TeX with the help of Donald Knuth’s “The TeXbook” and practiced writing documents with that before starting LaTeX. Raw TeX is much more low-level and doesn’t provide the uniform document styles LaTeX has, but I’m a software developer and doing it this way helped me understand how LaTeX works under the hood. The main thing I like about TeX is it’s a very stable language and well documented, unlike proprietary document formats like MS Word which seems to change every version or so and doesn’t always play nicely with 3rd-party editors.

justZS - 22.03.2023 02:27

Neovim + Zathura is the best method for writing in latex. It's fast and minimal. You can get snippets and other plugins that allow you to make neovim what ever you want. Also, vim key bindings is the only way to write code for me now and I love it.

The Ultimate Reductionist
The Ultimate Reductionist - 11.02.2023 21:37

I did my 274-page doctoral dissertation for Rutgers University in 2000
and published 8 peer reviewed math papers from 2001 to 2012 all in MS Word + Mathtype.
I began with Mathtype in 1997. I've heard of tex/latex since I entered graduate school at Rutgers in math in 1988.

I have never figured out how to use them. Tried over a dozen times.
That is how worthless and user-unfriendly and horrible tex/latex are.

Matteo Piccioni
Matteo Piccioni - 06.02.2023 15:52

Bro atom is deprecated it will disappear soon

Esha Baweja
Esha Baweja - 05.02.2023 10:04

Finally! Someone who explains each line of code from the creation of the .tex file to the end. Thank you :")

Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson - 19.01.2023 06:38

I had the Haliday and Resnick Physics text asxa student. And Resnick was our lecturer! Great demos!

Pete Bryan
Pete Bryan - 14.01.2023 19:43

what is the switches on the keyboard?

Certyfikowany Przewracacz Hulajnóg Elektrycznych
Certyfikowany Przewracacz Hulajnóg Elektrycznych - 20.12.2022 14:21

The three exclamation marks is just annoying. No textbooks look the same, some crackpots like their genius ideas written in MsWord or so, esp. some engineers that pretend to be scientists.


Arindam Chatterjee
Arindam Chatterjee - 15.12.2022 22:56

Hey Thomas, just started to learn latex. Thanks for this awesome video!

James Firmiss
James Firmiss - 09.12.2022 19:31

A friend of mine swears by Mathematica when it comes to writing documents. While Mathermatica is known for equation solving and programming you can also create publishable documents with it.
I've tried it and it has a 'decent' WISIWYG interface for writing that includes equations however I found it rather lacking in publication ready tools. If they're there at all they're poorly documented.

leohimself910 - 05.12.2022 10:35

A note on version control: At some point I putting my latex docs into a git repo, and I haven't been looking back ever since. You're able to recover your document, easily work on multiple machines and always check your repo for some things you've had in the doc at some previeous point. Just put your temp files etc in a .gitinore or so

Ari Horesh
Ari Horesh - 04.12.2022 15:53

My team and I are working on some open-sourced biology and chemistry books, and this video made things SO much easier for us. You are awesome, keep it up!

Marco - 15.11.2022 14:38

Great breakdown. Subscribed.

Lore's Stuff
Lore's Stuff - 03.11.2022 02:06

Just found this video as I'm writing my undergrad thesis in astronomy, thanks a lot! Suuuper useful!

Flamn TubbyToast
Flamn TubbyToast - 02.11.2022 00:53

I would say that learning code makes learning latex Easier. Compiling/packages/and documentation, are fundamental concepts in code and they all play out here.

pr4 - 18.10.2022 17:44

Did you continue using Atom after it’s depreciation?

Andrés García Escovar
Andrés García Escovar - 21.05.2022 04:37

Word has become quite good at equations, the looks. The numbering of equations in Word is always a problem, though.

MrPhysics - 03.05.2022 09:21

Hey dude Thank you for making this video. for whatever f****ing reason my physics program didnt teach us anything about LaTeX in undergrad.

Kelvin Malunga
Kelvin Malunga - 14.03.2022 23:51

A really useful tool to exist on the internet indeed. Loved everything about the video. Thanks

Haraldur Karlsson
Haraldur Karlsson - 21.02.2022 17:35

As a Mac user I use TeXShop. TeXMaker which runs on both Mac and PC is also good but I prefer TeXShop.

Deep Focus Music
Deep Focus Music - 20.02.2022 02:31

Hi, thank you for your video. I've started using Atom for latex documentation. As soon as I run something, the PDF is being opened in the system PDF reader as well as in the atom window. Can you please let me know how to refrain from the system PDF reader?

Arsalan Wares
Arsalan Wares - 26.11.2021 19:55

Too long of an intro. Cut it short, and waste less time.

Zachary Palmertree
Zachary Palmertree - 09.10.2021 04:35

This was a very useful video! I have been trying to setup Latex with Vim in WSL 2 Ubuntu with no success. This approach seems much more straightforward. Thank you.

General Usage
General Usage - 14.09.2021 23:29

Oh my goodness! Thank you so, so much!!! I'm writing a brief handbook on physicochemical processes in biological systems and I've been fretting over how I've going to type up all of my equations and format in the figures.

Do you happen to know a good piece of software for creating more complicated diagrams (e.g. a multi-part figure showing (A) a diagram of a galvanic cell powering an electrolytic cell, (B) a screenshot of a kinase active site, and (C) an orbital energy diagram? I've been using Google Slides as my preferred interface because it can create a surprisingly professional-looking result, but I doubt that's what others are using and I'd like to develop my skills.

Peter Prevos
Peter Prevos - 06.08.2021 09:29

LyX is a great LaTeX editor that makes it much easier to use.

Simon Tiger
Simon Tiger - 14.04.2021 13:45

Oh, is % for comments? Because you just plopped in "% some text" without explaining it not far into the video

Simon Tiger
Simon Tiger - 14.04.2021 13:35

Sublime is bad, it's not free while Atom and VSCode are. Btw I have also seen people use VIM which is popular on Linux and it's a text editor where you navigate around with the keyboard instead of the mouse. I don't use it but it's worth mentioning

Joseph Devine
Joseph Devine - 01.04.2021 19:21

Been looking for a video like this for a while, cheers 👍
