I spent 20 hours in Paladins to see if it was better than Overwatch 2

I spent 20 hours in Paladins to see if it was better than Overwatch 2


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PsychoHerobrine - 22.09.2023 03:34

What brothers me the most is that he never changed the VGS to the LEGACY one in settings, you could've got rid of that huge wheel thing long ago if you just change it in your settings.
Bro didnt even read the characters lore ong. Bro didnt even listen the voice lines of the characters every time they kill another character. Like when Zhin kills Maeve, an automatic voice line comes on saying "Your blades are too short." Bro didn't even buy the item RESIL to reduce the stun effects. After all that, bro didnt even play the tutorial. I'm glad he never played on Kasumi, worst character in the game.

SXD - 20.09.2023 22:13

How is paladins a clone when its clearly documented that over watch chamged their entire code to copy paladins?

Gosu - 19.09.2023 06:51

Ah classic ow monkeys not understanding that this game is copies and gets copied from ow

Nirroir - 15.09.2023 03:11

if it wasnt for hi-rez constant need to start up new promising games then give up on them or release updates that ruin them then i would say paladins is 100% better to play then ow2 but while i do still think it is far superior it just has no staying power hi-rez does NOT care about paladins so it will forever have less players then ow2 and just wont have good updates the same goes for rogue company i absolutely LOVED rogue company for the 2 or so years i played it but they just kept releasing update after update that ruined the game(am i biased because they kept nerfing things in regards to my main character? yes yes i am) and while i still think rogue company is better then....i guess csgo and valorant would be its comparisons? i dont know its just not as much fun to play anymore

Jay - 14.09.2023 16:14

I bet if you played with me it would be fun, because I can tell you what cards to buy, and how to properly play

Evil Reiko
Evil Reiko - 10.09.2023 12:12

Even before you play the game, you don't seem to like it. Understandable. Forcing yourself to play a game won't change your mind.
I also don't like OW, I don't even need to try it for once. For simple reasons:
1- I don't like OW characters design
2- One-headshot-kill exists

Aaron Castle
Aaron Castle - 09.09.2023 06:57

Just watch a frostfangs video on a character you like and he’ll tell you everything plus some, but can’t say a Overwatch clone this game was in beta before Overwatch was a thing

Aron Ponce
Aron Ponce - 08.09.2023 09:28

U just play the boring part of both games frontline

Large Child
Large Child - 08.09.2023 00:39

I've played paladins for over 1600 hours, and I absolutely adore this game. Like seriously, I can't overstate how much fun I've had playing paladins over the years. With that said, I think you completely knocked this one out of the park, and highlighted some very real issues. banger vid

also cauterize used to be an item but they changed how it worked a few years back and completely mishandled it. Ruining things that already worked fine seems to be a theme with the current paladins dev team ngl

I Break Games
I Break Games - 07.09.2023 13:06

No one tell him bots is free

Joe Wogan
Joe Wogan - 06.09.2023 11:53

How are people saying this is an Overwatch clone when it came out first

Distorted Melodies
Distorted Melodies - 05.09.2023 02:07

The fact that Paladins is so messy at times that you wanted to play OW again is the most Paladins thing to happen, I never played OW1 because of low specs at the time, I've been playing OW2 for a few months but oh boy, paladins was so clunky, toxic and very much so like a raw piece of meat that I can't even get mad at Blizzard's fuck ups (with the game, not with their staff, thats a whole another can of worms), because unarguably Hi-rez fuck ups are way more constant and sometines even big, sure PVE cancelled yadda yadda dissapointing, broken promises, and whatever, but playing Paladins for so many years (since OB33 if I remember more or less accurately) sort of made me already to have very, very low expectations on any shooter games, to the point the cancelled PVE and monetization of the "invasion" missions doesn't even bother me that much, not after having to go throught OB64 turning Paladins into a literal pay to win or the No sound/Random kick bugs. sure we dont have the skill trees, talents, PVE nor some of the details promised on blizzcon 2021

But, being all honest, it feels like nothing to have just a few months of these kinds of issues, next to roughly 7 years of dissapointnent after dissapointment from Paladins, I think those who had played as long as I did understand that we don't have enough energy left to feel betrayed after being backstabbed by Hi-rez once every few months on a yearly basis, and with so many creative ways to dissapoints us anytime 😂

Krano7 - 03.09.2023 17:36

Paladins is more like league than like overwatch these days

DNYLNY - 02.09.2023 23:35

I love paladins and agree with everything you said.

Damian Moran
Damian Moran - 02.09.2023 01:13

Dont like flank you didnt try Skye lol

skippyxlxlxl - 01.09.2023 20:44

I think you have a skill issue.

HAKAN KÜPELİ - 31.08.2023 19:42

As a 700 lvl acount ı say paladins not soo friendly too new gamers

Fábio Rações
Fábio Rações - 31.08.2023 03:54

I played paladins back in its prime I was hardstuck Diamond in OW so I wanted to try something new and the free to play aspect allowed me to play with friends I have a lot of nice memories of the game it was so cool It felt like a cheap OW but the new hero rate was crazy blizzard never gave the support OW1 deserved and the paladins team honestly was more competent back then dropping new game modes, new characters, cosmetics and such while OW was stoped in time and it took so long for a new hero to drop or even new maps. With both in their primes OW was the better game no doubt about it but paladins was a breathe of fresh air a game that felt that was growing every time I came back to it new stuff was there while OW was doing nothing but recycling events, nowadays I dont play paladins anymore but I m getting into OW2 it still feels like a game stopped in time I rly like it but no matter how long I dont play it for the game as nothing new to offer, it dropped 4 characters or so, 2 maps and thats it nothing changed its sad but I feel OW2 its once again stuck in time and with 0 investments being made on it

hakimgrr - 31.08.2023 02:44

Sadly didn't see any footage of a evie psychopath 1v9 the game. Also anyone who plays maeve is a registered sex offender.

earthy205 - 30.08.2023 18:30

The numbers will never lie. If you're a good healer, damage, even tank, the number will show it

Echan Fhedz
Echan Fhedz - 28.08.2023 17:26

you like overwatch 2, but as of now paladin > ow2 and it has more players now

Zephyr - 25.08.2023 22:59

honestly i like paladins more because I played it first and got used to the system/ characters. if it aint broke dont fix it i guess

FuwaFuwa Hime
FuwaFuwa Hime - 24.08.2023 17:09

I prefer Paladins because of the style, im not a fan of futuristic type things, but i love the high fantasy feel of Paladins. I like to feel like im in the world and I think Paladins is more beautiful even if it has less detail etc.

DageLV - 20.08.2023 16:37

people already explained, but cauterize used to be one of the items, so your primary weapon shots gets you more in combat kills, as enemy cant heal while they're fighting you. They have to hide for 1.5 seconds, then they can be healed properly. Pip, the fox dude was so good if people didn't buy cauterize. Youre super agile, they're slowed, taking 840 damage per shot, while you're just bouncing around, if you get low health, just heal yourself for instant 2000 health and yeah... You could just wreck people with pip, especially in low to mid ranks. If people bought cauterize 3 which is 90% heal reduction, then pip as flanker got pretty fked, as now you cant heal mid combat, your 2000 heal became 200 heal.
Everyone bought the item so they made it part of the game and added a new item. But that was at the point game was going downhill and people on mass leaving due to bad servers.

DageLV - 20.08.2023 16:28

it used to be better. The servers went bad, bug fixes stopped etc. Atm its not really playable. 2 years ago id pick paladins over overwatch any time of the day.

Jupiter - 19.08.2023 03:02

I used to play Overcrotch more than Paladins and I think I had something like 1500 hours while only having something like 40 on Paladins. I switched to Paladins because it scratches the itch for that kind of game better than Overcrotch 2. Movement characters are my favorite and Paladins flanks have much more fun movement abilities. After Doom got changed, Genji and Lucio were the only other characters I could play with fun movement.

But the movement of Paladins flanks is just another level. VII can traverse an entire map in less than 20 seconds. Vora has similar movement to VII. And Vatu is probably the most fun I've had playing a character since DPS Doomfist. They both have very hard kits to use and you can easily get shit on if you aren't good, but the risk, skill, and reward attributed to using those characters is the most rewarding and fun. In terms of favorite characters to play in games in general, Vatu and DPS Doom are my favorite, but idk if I like Vatu more or not because I can't even play DPS Doom anymore.

If you enjoy playing mobility characters the most, Paladins will likely be the better game for you.
As one of those people that enjoy movement/momentum, playing OW2 is very unfun and boring to me.

keagan ratcliffe
keagan ratcliffe - 18.08.2023 16:48

no one plays ruckus ranked xD

[DTH] - 17.08.2023 05:27

Coming from a hardcore Paladins fan, since 2015, I only play OW now. You did a decent analysis but you're correct that it will take 100 hours to fully understand the game.

I definitely wish they had item or talent swaps, instead of hero swaps mid game. But this game is more about planning and focuses more on team play. OW has enough ppl who heal themselves, and there are health packs, so a game can be won without a healer. The ONLY way that can be done in Paladins, is if u have a sweaty Androxus, Maeve, or Evie who is playing on PC. Usually anyone who plays flank on mouse and keyboard, are top tier.

The long que times do suck, but they were way worse. Used to be 10,mins to get on a game. Also the trash community who think they kno the best way or "meta" loadouts and talent each champion should use. So ppl Wil throw a ranked game if u choose a talent they dnt think u should, even if it's the best way thag u play with that champ. I think that's the real reason they took the Cauterize item out, and made it a part of the game; some ppl who go the entire game without getting cauterize, and others would complain.

Yeeter Deleter
Yeeter Deleter - 16.08.2023 20:47

I’ve been a paladins player for a few years now, and honestly, a lot of your criticisms were very valid

EL Mercy
EL Mercy - 16.08.2023 07:48

Paladins is not really competitive anymore and became a buggy mess over the years. But if you play it just for fun and can tolerate champs like a rolling worm who wants to eat you, it may still be fun. I tried to get into OW2 but it kinda felt boring to me every time I tried.

Moss dude
Moss dude - 15.08.2023 00:19

I don't mind when people like overwatch better than this game (even though it still doesn't feel like you really got a full understanding of it, possibly due in part to not a lot of effort to actually learn being put into those 20 hours,) it's just irritating hearing so many people calling it an overwatch clone when the two games were in development at the same time.

And about the frequent stuns, there's an item specifically designed to make them negligible.

PloepiPlayer - 14.08.2023 06:57

I dont think caut has a place in Paladins anymore now that its built in. It just punishes the support for not having a team that steamrolls

Ding Ling-Wang
Ding Ling-Wang - 13.08.2023 03:01

must say I definitely had more fun starting out in paladins then I had in ow2

Jay - 12.08.2023 17:55

lol the two characters you bought were also my starting mains when I played Paladins back in the day. Ying was my starting support.

DramaticCrossroad - 11.08.2023 23:30

Dude actually gave it a chance.
Didn't like it. Wasn't a d*ck about it.
Perfectly respectful and decent.

Why can't more people be like that?!

Johnny Cripplestar
Johnny Cripplestar - 11.08.2023 14:30

Anti healing or "Cauterize" used to be a purchaseable perk during a match like the others.
It reduces healing when someone is hit.
The problem was that it was a heavy meta item. And if the enemy team just went all cauterize, the other team, even if they had a strategically coordinated perk build with the flanker and damager going for anti-healing and tanks and support going for survivability and defense, would just lose either way because healing is extremely important in a game like this.
My solution would be to nerf it. Or delete it. Or make a permanent 50% reduced healing to someone who is in battle. Kind of like in TF2 where if you're out of battle for long enough, a medic will heal you up real fast, unlike in battle where it's slower.
But the fact that anti-healing in paladins goes like... what 70%+? Is really just sapping the healers out of the game in late game.
Especially when an enemy team has a lot of auto weapon characters to keep applying anti-heal.
Like I always hated when the main-tank was Inara who had a shield and a goddamn slow AOE totem and the off-tank was Raum or Ruckus who could keep spraying at you from time to time to apply cauterize, WHILE you're slowed by Inara. The balancing nowadays I feel like is really bad imo.
And some characters like Betty La Bomba or Dredge just fucking abuse anti-heal by spamming their nades at the point.

elver tia
elver tia - 10.08.2023 20:32

yeah i fucking hate the anti healing change

PristineMess0906 - 10.08.2023 02:58

Theres actually an item you can buy in game to make stuns and slows essentially do nothing after buying it and its a fairly cheap one, thats why theres quite a lot of long stuns and stuff bc it can be dealt with without even having to do anything as long as you buy the item. Definitely still annoying how many there are tho 😅

H4des - 10.08.2023 00:41

so you enjoyed it more than ow ))))

DenimQuinn - 09.08.2023 12:16

Bro said graphics you clearly haven seen playing one and only no texture map

Moon Blaze
Moon Blaze - 09.08.2023 06:29

I think other people have explained the history so I'm just going to say: Cauturaize makes it more important to play strategically. At the start of the game its possible to brute force your way through situations if you have healers (as opposed to utility supports) but the longer the game goes on the smarter you have to play. You cant just constantly stand in the front line even as a tank, you need to take breaks so the healers can heal you efficently.

Youll have noticed there also arent any one shots in the game: Paladins is slower than OW, and most people take that as a bad thing but its a big reason why I like it. Hitting a nasty shot is good, but it doesn't immediately end a duel. You have to out think the opposition to win, not just outgun them.

Gamer's Pro File
Gamer's Pro File - 08.08.2023 05:54

The anti-healing has a LOOOONG history
basically, there's always been an issue with healers doing FAR too much healing, but the damage champions do SO much damage that the healers need to be able to burst for very high numbers
To counter the healers' OP healing, they added an item called Cauterize that would reduce healing on targets you hit with your primary weapon for a short time, forcing that person to hide temporarily in order to get a proper heal. After a while, every single person in every single game was buying Cauterize because the game was simply a loss without it. Eventually, Hi-Rez just added Cauterize as a passive effect that scales throughout the match. It behaves essentially the same as Cauterize did as an item. So basically, rather than rebalance every single character's stats and numbers, they just reduce healing throughout the match, and the rest sorts itself out. It's a surprisingly effective fix for how dumb it sounds. You have to understand it to play around it, but if you DO learn how to effectively escape the anti-heal as a tank, you will get a lot of love from your team (especially your healer, who appreciates it massively)

Paladins is an extremely fun game when you understand wtf is going on. It's far closer to a MOBA like DOTA than it is to Overwatch. There are hundreds of different ways to play each character between your items and loadouts each match, and the talents just further expand that, though not every talent on every character is good, or even viable in actual play. This is, however, an understanding that all long-time players have. Every character and their cards and talents are ever-changing to help move the meta in another direction. There are hard counters and soft counters to every character and there aren't any characters that aren't worth playing if you're willing to get creative. Healers can do incredible damage if played correctly, tanks can play off the point and some can even heal your flanks. Damage characters can be played in all sorts of positions, not just the backline. It really is an infinitely creative game and THAT is where the fun is.

I don't like overwatch because the characters are rigid and must be played a certain way to be effective. Mastery of a character just means you play them just like every other person who plays that character at that level. In paladins, I play characters in unorthodox ways that enemies aren't used to, and it catches them off-guard. I love that about it. It's not for everyone, but it isn't a bad game. The devs are STUPID, but they made something genuinely good and they do an ok job of keeping it just enjoyable enough. Lol

Nieczor - 08.08.2023 03:05

i have mad respect to you for replying to EVERY comment here, wow

Disciple of Lord Tam Nakano
Disciple of Lord Tam Nakano - 07.08.2023 23:05

More paladins content please

Victor RT
Victor RT - 07.08.2023 16:47

I prefer Paladins to Overwatch 2, at least I don't spend more time waiting for a match than actually playing

Vesmoper - 07.08.2023 10:53

Paladins is my overwatch quick play form a paladins enjoyer 😊

psychosnot - 07.08.2023 06:25

I love that dashie is his pf pic got a new sub

Kaiky Montozo Costa
Kaiky Montozo Costa - 07.08.2023 03:31

I started the playing the game recently, and I liked a lot, is very fun, but the players are toxic af, every single time I play rank, they flame someone or the team, but never actually try to say somehhing helpful, so I never know if I'm playing right (because of the dead silence), or what I'm doing wrong (because they are too busy flamin me), so trying to improve in this game is pure pain. But I guess the game is worth it lmao

Yng origami
Yng origami - 05.08.2023 05:54

if a furry said the game was good, it will definitely be the opposite

Phyxsyus - 05.08.2023 00:23

