Pixel 4a vs Pixel 5 - Which One is for you ? (Camera, Battery and more !)

Pixel 4a vs Pixel 5 - Which One is for you ? (Camera, Battery and more !)

Peace Gates

4 года назад

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@fiftyfive1s410 - 17.12.2020 10:41

It doesn't get hot cause of the aluminum, better conductivity therefore better heat dissipation.

@noelmontanez7472 - 17.12.2020 21:06

So im the only one who thinks that the pixel 5 was well priced. Flagship these days are 1000 and up. And pixel 5 just choose to used a high midrange 765 g and cut the price to 700 which is fine. But of course I prefer the pixel 4a because it does 80 % or more of what the pixel 5 can do for half the price. P.s watching the video on my pixel 4a jeje

@saifanowar3363 - 18.12.2020 20:50

Pixel 4a 5g vs 5 please

@truenoae8689 - 01.01.2021 22:03

I liked your review style, give us the important stuff right to the point without unnecessary long intros or too much talking. Thank you!

@flash8854 - 07.01.2021 01:32

The Pixel 5 may have punchier colours that are more pleasing but are different from what your eyes actually see and the pixel 4a clearly has the better quality photos, video, audio recording.

@jooN1_ - 07.01.2021 17:06

Seems like you don't focus properly on the pixel 4a's camera, during low light conditions. But you manage to fix the focus on pixel 5. Intentionally?

@shuckster_io - 10.01.2021 11:33

Loved the video. Just bought 4a. Can you please drop the wallpaper link with the red 'dream big' text in the video description?

@mickaelsflow6774 - 14.01.2021 02:39

Great video, man! Didn't know your channel. Cheers to Japan!

Onto the video: yeah, no, 4a 5G is perhaps "better" (specs and price v 4a & 5), but it is bigger. I do feel the appeal of both Pixel 4a and 5 is their controlled size. Makes them much more enjoyable to use than a huge/normal-now phone :)

@TheEmrickman - 21.01.2021 20:46

I’m having trouble deciding between the Pixel 5 and the iPhone 12 mini or the iPhone 12. I currently have a pixel 3 and I’m not seeing much improvement towards the pixel 5.

@pebblez_ - 24.01.2021 17:31

My pixel 4a holds on my 12hrs graveyard shift wile watchn game streams durung break of course sumtimes i extend my break if the streamer is on a killinstreak lol

@arnoldasgustys2958 - 07.02.2021 17:16

Dude, this is Pixel 4! :D

@yusukeyamazaki8580 - 10.02.2021 03:50

You live in Japan ? lol

@gummybear41283 - 10.02.2021 07:22

Pixel 5 has much better night time pictures and better video.

@leogarcia3575 - 14.02.2021 05:41

Pixel 4a 5g perfect x $499..

@thosko98 - 26.02.2021 16:14

Got a 4a, for me the main reason for picking it over the Pixel 5 was the headphone jack lol

@charleschaimkohl - 03.03.2021 21:07

Very good review.
You deserve more exposure

@tayfunaydemir1638 - 06.03.2021 02:35

Watching on my pixel 4a ;)

@shanehorne22 - 16.03.2021 00:14

Pixel 4a should be water resistant

@arielvillanueva1127 - 24.03.2021 19:26

Hahaha love the way you speak english XD.

@roemix8820 - 05.04.2021 18:16

The pics of the 5 Look waaaay better 💪👍

@ZVENOM6134 - 10.04.2021 16:23

Are all your pictures from Japan? They really bring back so much memories!

@deadpool8422 - 21.04.2021 14:47

It looked like you didn't turn on night sight with Pixel 4a. Looked so dark compared to Pixel 5 at night time photos.

@TonmoyKabiraj - 23.04.2021 08:43

Great video!

@rayhanhossain1580 - 29.05.2021 19:51

Iphone x vs pixel 4a which should I buy at same price (used).........?

@akbert6984 - 31.05.2021 13:14

Great Video! Thank you so much! I'm now a Subscriber

@TT-yi5ks - 08.06.2021 19:54

Dude try Huawei 📸📷📸📸📷📷📷

@marioleal101 - 09.07.2021 05:29

The 4xl still holds it's ground against the both of these

@Squid_nSpace - 21.07.2021 23:58

Pixel 5 vs iPhone 12?

@arocha5248 - 24.07.2021 22:08

@peace gates How are the haptics on the pixel 5?

@mohammednaseem4695 - 26.07.2021 09:26

Sorry to say the pics are no closer to phone 12. So that was a lie which we didn't expect from u. Feel like Google paid a lot for ur review.

Unless you wanna prove wrong do a comparison between iPhone 12 Vs pixel 5

@DookeyLukey - 28.07.2021 02:18

Thanks for this review man. I appreciate the videography look at it and all of the details in this. Good stuff 👊

@Lynn-zw7dr - 07.08.2021 13:43

The question for me now, is, Pixel 6 Plus V iPhone 13 Pro Max?!! The camera is one of the most important to me…..

@shyamdbzsunder - 12.08.2021 09:08

Just the video i was looking for 👍

@AK-pr2nk - 17.08.2021 19:16

Pixel 5 would be great if it wasn't for the phone ear speaker being under the glass and subsequently not being able to hear people when they call

@games68775 - 19.08.2021 05:17

Damn, might drop the extra $320CAD on the 5

@arshiyafarsi3889 - 03.09.2021 15:47

Just 4xl

@vancekang - 09.09.2021 03:48

Pixel 5 is better but not 2x better … not even 1.5x better

@justinw7323 - 06.10.2021 22:38

Since I'm older now and don't play as many video games as I did in the past I feel the 4a is perfect for me. I barely play consoles now a days. Maybe I'm losing interest because I'm older?

@manuelleon8852 - 24.10.2021 05:19

I got a Pixel 4a and someone is offering me a brand new Pixel 5 for 400$, what would you guys do?

@avianant6029 - 06.11.2021 22:03

Great video, entertaining to watch as well as useful, thanks!

@Terramist_scapes - 25.11.2021 09:45

I won't use Cover at all😑

@nnaemekaewurum6526 - 24.03.2022 13:59

What do you have to say about the call speaker clarity on the pixel 5. I hear it is no good because of the absence of a speaker hole

@PissedOffRedneck1 - 25.01.2023 05:03


@privatenexus5764 - 21.03.2023 01:47

I have had a 4a for about 2yr since it first came out as headphone jack is a deal breaker (and it came out just before the 5) . But, the Gorilla Glass 6 on the 5 is tempting (only Gorilla Glass 3 on 4a), and wasn't mentioned in your vid. I have replaced my screen twice in two years, so now it costs much more than a 5; but the initial cost is when the decision is made.

Headphone jack is a huge deal breaker for me. Bluetooth audio is total rubbish (and its made worse as my car has an older version), so 4a would still be the choice today because of the wired audio out.

@Galaya_3x - 21.08.2023 17:34

Bro my redmi power bank Chging se 2 battery helt down

@gabrielepietrangelo1809 - 12.09.2023 16:46

The 4a got the jack adapter

@pradyumn2453 - 03.04.2024 16:13

