Save & Get Data In App with Swift (Realm, iOS Tutorial) - Beginners

Save & Get Data In App with Swift (Realm, iOS Tutorial) - Beginners

iOS Academy

4 года назад

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daisy - 11.05.2022 03:24

How can you be so good at teaching? Plus your videos are free!!!!

Christian Lorenzo
Christian Lorenzo - 27.04.2022 02:17

Thank you for another great video, makes everything easier; however, I do have an issue with saving images by using realm, it seems like saving an image works differently than saving data. Don you have anything for guidance?

subash j
subash j - 04.04.2022 16:33

pls upload tutorial about realm migration in swift not swiftUI. If i add new object properties, then the app will crash. I need explanation about create new objects without any crash in old build. Thanks in advance.

Đức Thành Nguyễn
Đức Thành Nguyễn - 31.03.2022 15:16

I wanna ask, SQL Sever can apply in swift. If it is yes, can you make a tutorial please :)))) danke

Andriy Biguniak
Andriy Biguniak - 07.01.2022 21:40

this screen scaling kills me ((((

sơn sọ
sơn sọ - 03.01.2022 12:40

Nghe dọng buồn cười vãi :v

sơn sọ
sơn sọ - 03.01.2022 12:36

Hay nạ

Captain MichaelJ2
Captain MichaelJ2 - 09.12.2021 14:28

Realm was indeed the savior. Thank you for the great video, as always, great quality and crisp.

Dan Kardell
Dan Kardell - 19.08.2021 16:46

XCode13 says that @objc dynamic var age: Int? = nil is not allowed? I see you changed it to use a non-optional. How would you use an optional Int there?

Mutasem Wahbeh
Mutasem Wahbeh - 22.02.2021 17:58

Wonderful , you are prefect!

jajanken - 14.02.2021 22:04

lol this guy

Nam Nguyen
Nam Nguyen - 20.11.2020 08:40

Hi I am planning to create 4 apps to manage the flow of clients in a particular salon:
- one for clients to order the services, it will send orders to receptionist app
- one for receptionist to sign in clients services order, it will send order services to manager app
- one for manager to appoint technicians to do clients services . And it will send order to technician app.
- one for technicians to show the services so they know what to do. It will send complete services back to receptionist app to help checkout
How can I start with this project?

Giorgi Gogichaishvili
Giorgi Gogichaishvili - 20.10.2020 19:17

please help me.... when i show it on simulator ... it says " [] nw_protocol_get_quic_image_block_invoke dlopen libquic failed " what can i do ?

Perry Gupta
Perry Gupta - 19.10.2020 00:18

this channel has everything i needed to learn, thank you iOS Academy.

sobeclubber - 04.09.2020 05:56

Would you make a tutorial like this using MongoDB Realm And MongoDB Atlas service?

Syed Affan
Syed Affan - 25.08.2020 18:56

thankuuuuuuuuuuu i was really looking for this I has this problem where every time I run mu code the data gets duplicated and I was surfing the internet and after hours of research o found this,

thankuuuuiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... can't really thank enough !!! love youuu byeeee

Kai Deumers
Kai Deumers - 23.05.2020 12:04

Hey! is there any way to format the date inside of a class that I save to realm. Whenever I format the date outside of the realm is always says the wrong format.

TV Medic
TV Medic - 11.05.2020 20:26

Can you offer some advise on how to deal with migration errors? I followed the tutorial very easy to understand and it ran as you showed, I started a new project and it crashes with this error with my new class objects. Doing some research I came across information about migration that I don't understand. I've been trying some of the online solutions I've found, but so far no joy.

- Property 'Drug.totalNeeded' has been added., Error Code=10}: file /Users/scooper/Documents/Xcode Projects/DrugBox/DrugBox/FirstViewController.swift, line 14

Keep the error debugging in your videos.I've learned a lot from that. What separates your videos from the many out there is that you present the concept from start to finish, not not a snippet of a topic.

Thanks for the holistic approach.
