ESO Mythic Items Guide: How to Get All of the 15 Mythic Item Sets

ESO Mythic Items Guide: How to Get All of the 15 Mythic Item Sets


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@felipechaves9341 - 14.12.2023 02:50

I spent countless hours of my day grinding for a ring so I could play PvP and ZoS be like nah you gotta spend half of ur life figuring out how to get fragments and another half trying to get them 💀

@felipechaves9341 - 14.12.2023 02:43

Idk does ZoS expect us to play Cyrodiil and get obliterated by players who already have mythics and a clear advantage over us new players to then get a single fragment? What about this other messy spaghetti information overload? I'd rather learn how to fly a plane. 🤚

@TheDonkyGamePlay - 10.11.2023 23:37

you can't get any mythic with just base game?

@kyrias9391 - 22.06.2022 17:18

Eso excavating is horrible for mythics you will fail constantly cus the darn game wont show properly were the lead is when you dig it up even tho on screen you can bloody see and pick it up even.

@tullex2538 - 24.04.2022 18:32

What is an "up stairs boss"?

@importantname - 21.02.2022 03:19

how many hours and dollars required?

@Andre_vyent - 21.01.2022 19:35

i dont know how to play this game lol

@Jacob1ill - 21.01.2022 15:25

I can't fucking believe a game like this doesn't have an oceanic server.

@Fearmocker - 20.01.2022 20:00

This is one of those games where I would like to start playing but I see all of the dlc's and content that's out there and I just get completely overwhelmed with all of the stuff you would have to do to get everything for all of it lol. Just too much for my old brain at once.
EDIT: I started it a couple of weeks ago and learned what to do and not do. I did the tutorial so I could get books for lore and try on 3 pieces of each armor. I then picked any city to start and immediately teleported to get my preferred companion. Then Wen to my faction starting zone and followed that storyline as well as the main storyline. It's working out very well.

@alanramirogarcia2886 - 20.01.2022 16:40

Should I get it to play it single player like a waiting for TES 6?

@cdmanjak - 20.01.2022 15:40

Fuck that

@r3ndrock - 20.01.2022 15:34

Yeah, just got back and grind wall is impressive...pass

@CasyUnsung - 20.01.2022 15:14

I like eso but i never had real fun with it. All singleplayer ones are great.

@rudai123 - 20.01.2022 15:06

Way too much grinding.
