Grading is a Scam (and Motivation is a Myth) | A Professor Explains

Grading is a Scam (and Motivation is a Myth) | A Professor Explains

Zoe Bee

3 года назад

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@neilsumanda1538 - 11.01.2024 09:51

grading is a scam for those achievers... it's a working scam for those that are not achievers.. 😁

@Neederofnames - 11.01.2024 03:40

Bludeliaños is finding an excuse for having straight Cs

@Mxnzkyyzz - 11.01.2024 02:39

I liiterally started cryiing for some reason and maybe iits because you're riight but nothiing wiill ever change and humans wiill always crave for control and rewards,,

But agaiin ur so riight??? And ur poiints r really well executed errm.

@YOUR_DEATH_8_8 - 11.01.2024 02:25

I just realized you perfectly summarized capitalism without mentioning it once... Impressive I'm going to recommend this video to the people who only believe that there are two systems of governance capitalism or communism despite their never being successful communist country history.

@TheRisky9 - 11.01.2024 01:23

Schools make a lot of assumptions that are simply not true.

The assumption that all students would be motivated by grades. We're not!

@xzygy - 11.01.2024 00:16

I hate to break it to you, but unless you’re independently wealthy, your entire working life is going to be figuring out what your boss wants, sitting down, shutting up, and giving it to them. Some industries and positions value innovation, questioning prior assumption, etc., but most need you to do a thing consistently the same way, over and over, all day, and then show up the next day to do it again

@AWaterKnight - 10.01.2024 21:10

Also, not everyone can be bought with the reward of good grades.

And about the necessary, undesirable jobs: Society would not expect that someone who has a well-paying job or seemed important enough should do those necessary but undesirable jobs. We seem to think that the financial reward or a good enough standing would be a good indicator for how useful a job or person is to society when this is not necessarily the case and rather demonstrates injustice. It would be good if we thought about professions and people as less absolute and fostered collaboration rather than competition. "Undesirable" jobs could be timeboxed per person and be distributed more (and therefore also not be that undesirable), thereby giving people more of a shared perspective. And it should never be like people feel or make others feel they would be stuck in their position for their lifetime.

Rather than stigmatizing people with bad grades for their lifetime, we could just make it so that things can be ironed out with more investment.

I, too, in some assignments for school thought before that maybe it would be better to intentionally include some mistakes in order to get more feedback/answers to certain questions about the topic from the teacher to get a more thorough picture. But as you said, it is a risk as well and sometimes you would rather let sleeping dogs lie.

@pemanilnoob587 - 10.01.2024 17:09

I don’t get grades. I don’t get homework. But because I don’t get grades I can’t go to college for the one thing I actually wanna do in life.

So yeah. I’m not allowed to face a normal life because something I can’t change

@beargreen1 - 10.01.2024 11:39

Grading really is a scam. A lot of work is not about raising hands but asking a question when you get the chance

@reavenwildfire7146 - 10.01.2024 11:08

All learning is memorization that's all learning is it's memorizational facts it's nothing more when you get into college and that you learn that it's something more, the problem is they don't teach critical thinking skills anymore. And it's truly something that's needed.

@ArjunSidhan - 10.01.2024 08:58

I don't necessarily disagree with your ideas, in an ideal world this is a good concept.

We don't live in an ideal world.

To live in this realistic world kids should learn how everything in this world is transactional.

We aren't beings who can absorb sunlight and produce energy, we live by killing and eating other organisms. Resources and time are always limiting factors so learning to compromise is another important life lesson.

But that's my opinion.

@inksoldier5544 - 10.01.2024 08:32

Grading is like payment. You buy respect and affection from your parents and a better chance at getting into higher education. The entire system of our values and education (in the mean time) oughtta be reworked in some way

@erahamzah6983 - 10.01.2024 08:22

Honestly students like those just doesnt know how to manage time lmfao


I think i get it. If you get external pleasure like extra cash youll be externally happy. Maybe spending it on a fsncy meal. But at the end of the day.that feeling's hollow. While if you get the bare minimum to survie youll ne internal happy. Sure there'll be a longing for extra things like wanting more money, but that external feeling of "I should get paid more!" Actually makes people genuinely happy on the inside, and with so much enjoyment for work, there comes a bettee more civil and advanced society. Though i do feel this will never fome in our life span. Unless some large scale era of philosophy teins in. Though i doubt that will ever happen considering the newest generation of people have lost over 70 years of IQ.

@user-zb1jo2mj3n - 10.01.2024 06:59

Watched this while getting ready for school

@coolestdude42069 - 10.01.2024 04:18

how do i send this to all my teachers

@SharonWhitfield-we2xz - 10.01.2024 04:06

I disagree. Grades let students know their progress.

@flowerpot968 - 10.01.2024 02:06

we use different grading terms here.
Not achieved, achieved, merit, and excellence (there are posters in every classroom about what they mean and what you need to do to get them and on every test there's a space where teachers can give you feedback abt what you need to work on)

@samuelgaenz3843 - 09.01.2024 19:35

Holy shit this is my childhood....this... this happens to other people?? Because yeah this is exactly what happens.

@joelstephenson2743 - 09.01.2024 17:36

Man, I love this video!

@kevinerose - 09.01.2024 17:26

The problem is everything below 60% is an F. So if you have one bad day and score a 30%, then your grade will never recover. Why not grade like normal and everything below 60% is F, but you score them differently. F=0, D=1, C=2, B=3, A=4 for example. That way the F is treated equally with the ABC&D scores. Like on Bill & Ted's adventure, the only way they could graduate was to get straight A's. That's not a good system. So how about use the percent system for the score but for grades have 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Then take the average for final grades F < 0.5, D < 1.5, C < 2.5, B < 3.5, & A < 4.0

@KubanKevin - 09.01.2024 16:12

I had a music college professor who hated it so much, he said to us from the beginning: “If you attend three music concerts and write your papers with your genuine review of each of them, no matter what, I will pass you through this class.” We didn’t even have to pay for the concerts. The last one was a full on orchestra and he himself was playing violin. We need more professors like you, Dr. Walz.

A lot of older professors don’t like this system either.

@CrowAkechi_The_Luminary - 09.01.2024 12:13

Despite being good at English and not doing any studying for midterms, I passed all my English classes, though physics was low, at that point my parents said it was fine because I was absent for a majority of school thanks to illness, they never got mad at me for failing Chinese mathematics or Chinese history, so far the latter is doing good but Im still struggling with the former, and I can barely get my mind off of anything, stop listening to anything without being fearful and anxious of failing, to the point that I want to just stop going to school, to just stop going outside, and I just want to curl up in a ball and disappear, I just want it to stop

@powerbeard5653 - 09.01.2024 06:01

kid gets brainwashed into submitting to a dystopian nightmare society from a young age: this is fine
kid sees a pair of boobs on tv: hysterics

@GarlandCoulson - 09.01.2024 05:29

Excellent video and explanation. Thank you for sharing this!

@realdragon - 09.01.2024 02:13

If motivation is a myth then why I do feel it? Are other feelings also myth?

@bubutitroll - 09.01.2024 00:41

The 14th was a mistake

@shanetracy4318 - 09.01.2024 00:33

i was always someone who cared about his morals more than his career so i always put in the minimum amount of effort required, and even took pride in that fact sometimes. I passed two semesters of my junior math class with a 59.6%. I feel like in some ways thats harder to do than just get a C

@billh.1940 - 08.01.2024 22:35

It is amazing that more kids don't snap and burn down schools. I didnt care, so i was always in trouble, until they gave me what i really wanted. They kicked me out.
I , later, went to nyu. Lol.

@whitemakesright2177 - 08.01.2024 09:06

Interesting video, but school would still suck even without grades. What's really missing is the "why." If there is one, it's never explained to students. They're just told that they have to be there and have to learn the assigned curriculum or else.

Being forced to learn things you didn't choose, don't care about, have no interest in, and don't see the use of, simply because some "authority" decided you "should" learn those things, does not produce motivation. As a smart kid who was good at school but still hated it, if there hadn't been grades, I just wouldn't have done the assignments or paid attention in class at all, because I didn't care and nobody ever explained to me why I should.

This is the core problem with elementary and secondary education: that the students are forced to be there, and never given a good reason to care about the things they're leaning. Not grading and other rewards/punishments. I enjoyed college much more because I was choosing to be there and was studying things that I chose because I was interested in them.

@maxegy2174 - 07.01.2024 23:05

Its been a while since i used google search. It's its end. 😅

@FlyntofRWBY - 07.01.2024 21:31

Grades did the exact opposite of motivating me growing up. I have really bad ADHD, so bad that even if I did do my homework, I would manage to forget to turn it in.

My grades in elementary, middle, and high school almost never rose above a C. Two of my teachers, one in elementary and one in middle school, told me in front of the entire class that they gave up on me. Despite that, I would always do amazingly on tests. Never getting below a B on almost every test. Three of my teachers in high school, completely unprompted, told me I was such an intelligent student despite my below average grades. Heck, two of my professors in college, where I struggled to get above Cs, told me I was "very intelligent," I just needed to find the motivation. My high school also tried to take me off my IEP plan because I was "too smart." I probably would've been held back if I let them take me off it though.

My bad grades have made me feel dumb throughout life. It definitely affected how I live my life, and has led to a lot of depression in the past that made me think, "why even bother trying?" Hopefully we can get rid of this garbage system, because it's holding back truly intelligent people.

@charlesreed5839 - 07.01.2024 16:28

There is so much negative generalization and frankly BS mythology about "old" methods of education, "evil" teachers who hit students, etc. etc. Delivery in a calm and knowing voice does not validate the many invalid assumptions with which this whole video began.

@Randomii15 - 07.01.2024 16:03

this one video game me more motivation to actually learn something than 9 years of school

@reflectiveFrankC - 07.01.2024 15:59

I'm retired now but attempted to do it as an artvteach3r. What you are saying works. The system doesn't like it. Most of my career was relief teaching so teachers can be punished for trying to implement. Some blame 9n my part too. Late diagnosis of autism a factor for me. Still in free classes I run now adults come saying I can't come away with basic skills in one session. Treat the learner with faith and help them evaluate their own progress.

@ragnarkisten - 07.01.2024 11:45

So basically this whole video is about how socio-cultural learning theory is better than behaviorism? This is an old hat. And those who favours this theory still have problems!

@ThePurppet - 07.01.2024 06:06

My school gradings:
If your selected for volleyball: C DIVISION
If your seleted for atheletes: D DIVISION
If your selected for drama for music: B DIVISION
If your selected in nothing: A DIVISION

@RobeonMew - 07.01.2024 03:43

Anything? 🍆 💦

@TomaTomohawk24 - 07.01.2024 01:03

I. KNEW. IT. i had about a high c, low b average in high school, the first time i got an a, my parents were celebrating, but it just felt empty, i was tired beyond belief and had put myself into school so much that i couldn't have fun.
dw though, i got bf4 for 5 bucks so we ballin

@slayerbest1 - 06.01.2024 17:14

I am studying secondary math education (basically anything from middle-high school), and one of the most important things I’ve been trying to plan for my future classroom is how to circumvent the grading system in every way I can. Providing assignments that motivate students to learn rather than achieve a grade. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to find things teachers can do because we are also restricted to certain guidelines in grading. “Assignments are worth this much”, “you have to grade based of off of this or that”, etc. Also, while some of my professors encourage that type of thinking, others are simply telling me to grade the status quo and when I ask how I can incorporate fun assignments where students will actually want to learn for learning sake and not for a grade, they just tell me there’s nothing I can do and have to accept it. Like what the hell?! One of the few teachers I had in high school and middle school who did everything she could to “grade easily”, meaning she would put the focus on learning rather than grades, was one of my best teachers ever. Unfortunately, she has decided to leave the education system because of how polarized it has become, with teachers becoming the scapegoats for many systemic issues education in America has.

@chesspiece4257 - 06.01.2024 01:38

i’m one of the people who does well at grades, but i’m still barely hanging on because of this new “well-rounded student” everyone is looking for. i’m autistic, i’m the opposite of well-rounded. i don’t participate much in extracurriculars on paper, because most of it is by myself and/or too niche to have a club. i do well in class because i learn well but i struggle with homework and projects. and i can only get A’s or zeros. i have to learn a subject to A level to feel like i’ve learned it at all, and i’ve never figured out how to do anything at half-level. so my grades often look like: C+ (8 As and 1 missing assignment). which is super frustrating

@samsabo2271 - 05.01.2024 23:08

If you remove the “A” and the “And” from the title it would be a haiku

@FlynnRenning-im6yg - 05.01.2024 22:25

Questions are important. Yet listening is a dead art. I'm living proof of that.

@ZaneYeet - 05.01.2024 21:14

I am not convinced that people are intrinsically motivated to work hard, they might be intrinsically creative but biologically the body is made to conserve energy. They can sacrifice their creativity for some tiktoks. Grading system is bad but if they are given a choice in learning they will choose something easy just like in the current system. There needs to be some boundaries in the choice part it should be there but with boundaries. (Feel free to disproove)

@teohhongruimoe-pr3sh - 05.01.2024 18:25

This made me rethink the educational system

@aspentree16 - 05.01.2024 03:11

I might ask my teachers to change their grading style! I think it would allow everyone to do better

@Xlebywek_Memep - 04.01.2024 18:14

That reminds me Pink Floyd’s song “Another brick in the wall”
