Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Death of Satine Kryze [1080p]

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Death of Satine Kryze [1080p]

Harleen Quinzel

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@13CrystalHeart - 02.08.2024 02:02

Obi-Wan trying to deprogram Maul like, "you didn't choose this path, it was chosen for you!" It's true, but it's definitely not gonna be effective from the person Maul hates most.

@Barakoa_of_barakoan_village - 02.08.2024 13:03

Just a question, how did satine not die because maul literally choked her for a good minute

@mower2008 - 05.08.2024 02:31

I applauded Maul for offing Satine. Mandalorians are suppose to be the Spartans of Star Wars. War is their true profession. Canderous Ordo, Jaster Mereel, Shae Vizla, Mandalore the Ultimate, Mandalore the Indomitable, and every other Mandalore would be insulted by Satine's pacifist rule.

@ThunderBZaper - 26.08.2024 04:38

Seeing Maul smile so sinisterly like that is actually menacing

@boashartmann7174 - 29.08.2024 01:24

I guess she's dead now 😂

@sharpiefps7630 - 30.08.2024 07:49

I just came back here to remind myself that the statements of Clone Wars being a kid's show totally check out.

@Juan--Antonio--Luna...14--88 - 09.09.2024 14:47

Disney: Star Wars sequels is for kids
Clone Wars: hold the Force.

@BrideofBronzeEye - 14.09.2024 00:06

The top 10 worst things that ever happened to Obi-Wan Kenobi

@ebonaparte3853 - 23.09.2024 10:23

If Padme was killed, Anakin would make that planet burn.

@speedstorm0332 - 25.09.2024 07:38

Obi-Wan has some serious resolve and a very strong spirit to not have broken after this. He cracks and chips, fractures, and yet he never breaks. Never. He keeps on walking.

Obi-Wan is a different breed.

@jakevelasco4072 - 26.09.2024 06:24

Is it just me, or is something about satine getting stabbed kinda, well, kinky?

@timhardy9872 - 28.09.2024 07:43

It’s raining onions in my room

@fjod1689 - 30.09.2024 01:55

First his master, and then his lover

@JetGuy-l289 - 13.10.2024 22:13

This is the worst things has Maul has done.

@NiNjagazin - 24.10.2024 12:53

mastery of your mind is the key to globaltruthproject and read the present to learn the secret to total control of your mind.

@Bread-nx9fo - 30.10.2024 19:03

And then Bo katan had the gall to say “I thought you loved my sister” as if she wasn’t the one to join a terrorist cell and help overthrow her in the first place.

@tysondennis1016 - 02.11.2024 04:24

Maul killed Satine in the exact same way he killed Qui-Gon all those years ago. But Obi-Wan is incorruptible.

@kiwiworld - 11.11.2024 10:56

Despite the challenges he faced, he still stayed strong with the light side of the force

@RamTerminusStormBreakerT-xg4dg - 23.11.2024 07:28

Hey Grim, do you take requests? Because I would to see comp Murder Drones "villains" vs Red as Nemesis Prime with DEATH BATTLE!'s "inHuman." Or vs dark humans.

@osardoublex5105 - 01.12.2024 15:54

She didn't even know him even the fact that he was in her throne

@brettteply1207 - 19.12.2024 06:06

Obi Wan's life was dictated by Sith

@marukotots8230 - 23.12.2024 04:28

Obi lost Satine too in Moulin Rouge. They are truly star crossed lovers in two different universes.

@RPGrandPa - 24.12.2024 00:42

in all fairness, the Jedi were so STUPID!

@SasukeUchiha-tc9xx - 29.12.2024 04:27

Kenobi lost his family, his girlfriend, his country, his apprentice, and his Order, yet he never fell to the dark side. This guy is overpowered.

@MilesMorales1.2 - 08.01.2025 21:02

Despite the fact that Obi-Wan lost everything, he never turned, Qui-Gon truly taught him well. 💯🙏😭

@jameschambers9969 - 09.01.2025 22:14

Then palpatine kill mauls brother

@alimzazaz - 10.01.2025 02:54

This is when showmakers are brave enough to kill a beloved character 😢

@AdityaSingh-iz5zs - 10.01.2025 07:33

I just thought for a moment if she survives. Vader will come for her to get obi wan and she would be forced to leave mandalore to obi wan. Maybe they would have become mother and father to luke skywalker.

@ВоваВовчик-ь3и - 13.01.2025 23:09

Those who have seen this scene can only laugh at the movie Titanic.

@Fugitive685 - 19.01.2025 02:05


@Mewyos - 19.01.2025 04:54

This proves obi wan is the ultimate jedi

@jamesszumowski6637 - 20.01.2025 00:36

It’s so ironic how Obi-Wan’s and Darth Maul’s relationship is arguably the relationship that defined their lives. Maul hates Obi-Wan for cutting him in half, and therefore Sidious abandoning him, and losing everything. His loathing for Obi-Wan defines him to the point that he no longer wants to kill him, he just wants him to suffer like he has. Obi-Wan, meanwhile, doesn’t hate Maul, despite him killing Qui-Gon and Satine. Instead, he pities Maul because he knows Maul was set down this path by others. And when he finally kills Maul, he does his best to make it quick and as painless as he can, and he almost comforts Maul as he dies in his arms. It’s a very interesting relationship.

@xxwhispersxx2856 - 21.01.2025 08:55

Frankly, if Obi-Wan gave into his anger, he probably could have killed everyone in that room without even blinking.

@atlasprime6193 - 23.01.2025 06:22

It’s crazy how Obi Wan never shared this with Anakin. Out of everyone in the galaxy, Anakin would have understood him the most, because of his own fear of losing Padme. To know the strength Obi Wan has to keep going despite the tragedy, I wouldn’t be surprised if Anakin would confined to him for hep with his vision of Padme dying.

@goose7215 - 26.01.2025 07:37

It's just me, but if an armed psycho is holding someone hostage, maybe the best course of action is to not piss him off?

@Homelanderofficial7 - 28.01.2025 20:11

this is why i like anakin he doesnt continue like nothing happened

@boschy3657 - 01.02.2025 23:25

Remember that this king kills maul with no anger at all and even close his eyes, Obi Wan is THE jedi

@ghostdog501 - 05.02.2025 04:53

When Satine Died so did a part of the kid in me.😢 She was such a cool character.

@AverilStoska - 05.02.2025 15:28

Fun fact: In polish dub, instead of confession of love, Satine is talking about trusting in ideals. Probably no one know why they change it

@stephengeist344 - 06.02.2025 05:28

I wish Obi would have lost it here. I know it goes against his character, but it would have been amazing to see him go absolutely apeshit here for Satine, but to snap back to reality before delivering the final blow and he just leaves

@TheBlackKenshin - 07.02.2025 05:43

Maul took his master and lover and he still didn't have an ounce of anger in him. Glad he does maul in coldy in the future.

@licorish_ - 11.02.2025 06:19

Nah cause when you think about it Obi-Wan never got the chance to say it back. The most he said was in that episode with the guy holding her hostage on the ship and he said he would've left the Order for her but he never had the opportunity to actually tell her how he really felt

@Emleennea - 12.02.2025 18:28


@Nvch-jr4vq - 14.02.2025 23:04

Kids show btw

@kriskus1748 - 23.02.2025 15:29

Why didnt obi wan just force heal her like rey and baby yoda are able to do

@billcipher119 - 27.02.2025 10:28

If you would of said the word i would of left the jedi order
