How to pay off 140k in 3.9 years, EASY!

How to pay off 140k in 3.9 years, EASY!

De Carolis Financial Solutions

9 месяцев назад

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@thomasboyette9507 - 29.05.2024 16:05

Senerio paid off worth 200k ..... one car owe 14k at 2.3 % ($430/mo) and other car owe 6k at @ 2.3% ($240/mo) can you run a senerio to see if its worth a heloc to pay off both and save interest and time .......or just keep paying or doubling up.....There may be some times its not worth a heloc ? Thanks

@frankvelazquez559 - 30.05.2024 19:18

Thank you for explaining. I have a mortgage of $240k and make $5 per month. Can you show me how to calculate? Thanks

@fortgrove3166 - 31.05.2024 00:46

They didn’t have investment accounts?

@hassanpaywandi221 - 02.06.2024 03:45

Are you guys in Canada?

@hassanpaywandi221 - 02.06.2024 03:50

Interesting videos. Happen to come across by chance. Since you are offering let me know if you can chip in or offer alternative.
Have no debt except my mortgages. One home mortgage: $980k. Business: $330k. Amortization period for home:25yr now 20 yr. Only owing it for 3 yrs. Rate: prime-1.25 for home. Business for 13 yrs. Rate: prime-0.25. Plan to pay home by 10 yrs or earlier. So paying about 40k/yr. For business: $20k to pay off in 5 yrs. Anything else or method to pay it even faster?? Or any other advice?

@sheilasayles2304 - 10.06.2024 14:20

It appears that you put their entire income into the LOC, but don't you have to keep money out for the car loans?
