Blackmagic Pocket 6K Pro Owner Tries Canon C70

Blackmagic Pocket 6K Pro Owner Tries Canon C70

michael tobin

1 год назад

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CraynotCreigh - 14.09.2023 23:11

canon really just made an h.264 machine and charged $5k for it. Such an awfully priced camera.

Nicholas Boule
Nicholas Boule - 13.05.2023 21:40

DGO and dynamic range is way less after 60fps, so 120 is a pretty big hit to dynamic range

Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts - 12.05.2023 21:47

Had a Z Cam, 2 BMPCC 6K, and a Canon R3. Picked up the C70 two months ago. I no longer own the Z Cam or BMPCC and will be purchasing another C70 in the next two months.

Janmejay @jayforcinema
Janmejay @jayforcinema - 08.05.2023 08:42

I would have purchased the C70 on release if it was 3000 USD or lower. Definitely one of the best documentary cameras out there. But in my case it made more sense to get a Lumix S1 and a NiSi ND filter, and cost me just about 1500 for both. I gained an excellent IBIS system and Log profile, lost on high quality autofocus and 4K 120 FPS. But even with three native lenses and cage etc, the S1 was under 4000 USD. Would probably go for a used Lumix S5 next, rather than a C70. Blackmagic is too inconvenient (handling wise) for documentary work

Michael Mourek
Michael Mourek - 26.04.2023 22:52

Wow - great review - dynamic range 4k 120 - Canon has it - I just ordered the smaller Canon for my grand daughter - $699 at Best Buy - it is all about the color science- Canon knows HOW

Emerald Unicorn
Emerald Unicorn - 24.04.2023 20:14

Ehhh, some of the opening footage looks horribly digital. So I get why some ppl don't like em.

Adrien Levy
Adrien Levy - 20.04.2023 05:12

I’ve switched from the pocket 4K to the C70 last year. Such an incredible, amazingly under rated camera.
Everyone laughs when I tell them it’s my A Cam. Until they see the footage this camera is able to capture.
In my opinion, it’s the best low budget documentary camera you can get right now.

Still using my pocket as a B cam tho, but man… I’m in love.

Show must go on!
Show must go on! - 19.04.2023 18:19

Which anamorphic lens you use on your BMPCC 6K Pro?

Karan Shetty
Karan Shetty - 19.04.2023 16:52

Dude the mini rant on the peaking is just lazy…really lazy 😂 . At that price point the C70 is a really good camera cause it just works without being in your way. Love your stuff with the Blackmagic stuff.

SmallDeekGeorge - 19.04.2023 02:08

Same feeling with my sigma fp :D

J G - 18.04.2023 21:43

I dunno man… I’m really not trying to be rude, but that opening montage was pretty underwhelming.

Frank Herzmann
Frank Herzmann - 18.04.2023 19:59

But its not true, that the C70 display is too dim in sunlight. You can make i brighter +2 and it helps a lot. Just search for LCD Brightness ;)

CinemaSteve - 17.04.2023 20:15

As far as I've seen, this is my favorite camera to OWN. It's just got everything I need on shoots where I don't feel like renting out big rigs. I've used everything under the sun from BM to Canon, Sony, Red, and Arri. So far, I wouldn't want to own anything but the C70 due to built-in ND's and size with the amount of IO. It's got the ports I need, even if they are small like the mini-XLR when i don't want to run audio separately. But most of the time I run a 32-bit float recorder anyway so that's not an issue. It's got RAW in 4K DCI and tons of other flavors of UHD with great framerate options. The color in Resolve is fantastic and funny enough I asked another cinematographer which shot was my C70 and which was a Komodo, and they chose the C70 thinking it was the Red color science because I had graded it to match well enough. It's really an amazing package in one body that requires no rigging. In the 2 years of owning it I haven't used a cage on it and all I have are 1 BP-A30 and 1 BP-A60. Those last a full day together and really it's just the A60 that can last for most shoots you need. Battery life+no cage+ND's+great image=winner.

B MILLER VIDEOS - 17.04.2023 09:30

Canon colors make everything look like a wedding... imo.

A10 Jedi
A10 Jedi - 17.04.2023 05:25

You should definitely stick with canon if you can’t operate the BM 6k pro properly. 😂

Bene Bene
Bene Bene - 16.04.2023 20:53

lol that build up and then this shitty mid footage...

Kevin Haggerty
Kevin Haggerty - 16.04.2023 18:08

Great shots of the fam dude. And yeah I’m a Canon fanboy and have heard sick things about that one.

Jonas Stuart
Jonas Stuart - 14.04.2023 14:06

Interesting. Never considered the C70 - I have been shooting on a P4K for the past 2.5 years and still love it. Next step is a 6K Pro, then URSA 12k I think. I think all of these modern cameras do a great job with image and usability so I can't be bothered losing BRAW.

Chris Chondrogiannis
Chris Chondrogiannis - 13.04.2023 19:54

Love video breakdowns like this, but I think the big difference between these two cameras is how they were designed. The Blackmagic cameras are full Cinema cameras with mild "hybrid/dslr" styling to make the jump easier for some users. But you will still need to address battery, stability, focus, just like any other Cinema camera. The C70 is Canon's is Hybrid/DSLR Cinema camera. They are designed with two completely different thought processes around them, and you have to approach them in that way. Both amazing cameras, can be used in similar use cases, but not for the same function. Great video though!

Godslayer - 11.04.2023 03:31

Everytime I say "don't look at the papers before use a canon"

FilmedByFresh - 10.04.2023 10:28

Ngl we use a c70 at work and menus still confuse me

Jay clas
Jay clas - 10.04.2023 05:33

A $2000 camera compared to a what $6000 camera?

Sean McVitty
Sean McVitty - 07.04.2023 15:56

Maybe it’s just me, but the image quality of this C70 looks like video! To my eyes the BM 6K Pro completely blows it out of the water with a more cinematic look and softer roll off!…

35mmdigitalcinema - 07.04.2023 02:09

Not many people like it, just you and few more. It doesn’t have a great cinematic image, and too expensive for what it offers.

製造777 - 06.04.2023 15:56

I don’t think that c70 can shoot braw almost uncompressed 16-but raw ? Or am I mistaken

Liam Martin
Liam Martin - 05.04.2023 14:50

The C70 has its quirks for sure, but having used it for the past two years I genuinely think it's one of the best cameras I've ever used. I've had and used the C100, C200, Original BM pocket, Pocket 4K, Pocket 6K and the C70 just works for me. I admit I'm used to the Canon menu's though so that has never bothered me. The thing I like the most about it is being able to expose bang down the middle, no need for the ETTR dance or trying to hit certain ISO's for fear of losing dynamic range. Expose for what you want. Of course I try and stick to the native ISO, but actually the image doesn't really change much until you get too high (not a low light camera), so it makes it all such a nice experience to shoot with. The Pocket 6K is still amazing value though if you can mitigate the IR pollution, that stung me a couple of times, but for the price it's great.

Ben Ericson
Ben Ericson - 05.04.2023 06:55

Turn up the backlight my guy. Works fine in the sun.

BÆKmedier - 04.04.2023 17:05

I own the r5C and C70 and R3…

The C70 is not full frame and need the speedbooster but that makes it EF Mount… but the image looks Nice in c-log 2 after some noisereduction.

The R5C is way more sharp and detailed, but it has no ND filters so you need the ND adaptor witch makes it EF Mount… and you need the battery grib because it has no battery. The R3 is full frame and is good in low light.. but it has the foto menu 🙈 and no timecode for tentacle sync..

You just can’t win..

Maybe one day Canon will actually make a camera the just works 🤣

Jordan S.
Jordan S. - 04.04.2023 16:04

Blackmagic has next level menus. You can adjust the parking settings in the OSD display settings though.

rhapsodist - 03.04.2023 16:31

that footage was average at best, nothing to really write home about and the actual real DR of the camera is around 13 stops, so very far from Arri's cameras.

Omar Al-Farouq
Omar Al-Farouq - 03.04.2023 15:13

It has RAW

ArsoFX - 02.04.2023 11:10

Hi thanks for video. Comparison with blackmagic playback on smooth or not? Is editing easier? Do you need a powerful computer or does it draw less resources compared to Blackmagic?

SaltBoi - 01.04.2023 18:44

Did you turn the luminance up on the monitor of the C70?

By default its set to Normal (0). Which means you can barely see what's on the screen outside. But if you set it to +2 it makes a huge difference. I've used the C70 in bright sunlight with no problems.

Jonathan Palfrey
Jonathan Palfrey - 31.03.2023 14:51

I've actually been using these cameras together a lot over the last year. The better battery life, autofocus, smaller files etc are great however I must admit the BRAW image that comes out of the Pocket 6K Pro is just something really special that I don't think the C70 quite matches. 

Some quirks of the C70 like the autofocus not working in slow motion (all that's been fixed) and the drop in dynamic range above 60p has been annoying.

Erised Media Company
Erised Media Company - 30.03.2023 19:18

If youre shooting 4K 120, you aren’t getting the dynamic range. It shuts off the DGO aspect of the sensor in 120. Still great dynamic range…. But nowhere near 16 stops.

Brandon Talbot
Brandon Talbot - 30.03.2023 14:49

Left the 6k Pro for a c70 and I have zero regrets. Loved the video Michael.

Muriyanto Muriyanto
Muriyanto Muriyanto - 30.03.2023 03:30

If canon menu sucks for u, dunno what u have to say about sony’s 😅

Nestor Fernández
Nestor Fernández - 30.03.2023 02:10

I bought a r5c about a month ago thinking it would be the killer of my pocket 6k and I’d not know why I’m not convinced yet 💀

Jay Velasquez
Jay Velasquez - 30.03.2023 00:18

Hands down most underrated camera of all time 🔥🔥🔥

Eifion Jones
Eifion Jones - 29.03.2023 23:59

I’ve been a snob about unnecessary slo mo but you’ve got me thinking I need to bust out the 120fps on my c70 😍 beautiful footage man. Anamorphic looking nice 👌

David Schwan
David Schwan - 29.03.2023 23:33

C70 the Best

Daniel Lemozy
Daniel Lemozy - 29.03.2023 23:12

Stupid video !!!

Andy O'Brien
Andy O'Brien - 29.03.2023 23:01

Had my C70 for just over 2 years - suddenly stopped working the other day, not knocked or dropped- sent to Canon who now want £1,000 to repair - all they can tell me is it’s a problem with the master board but can’t tell me what’s caused the issue …. possibly a power surge? … was all I got out of them. Can’t say I’m impressed tbh!
As it’s literally just out of warranty I thought a bit of goodwill on their part would’ve been helpful but I suppose you live & learn!
Rant over!

Krishna Yalla
Krishna Yalla - 29.03.2023 22:40

Dual Canon c70 owner here. I think there is a ton of cameras with stronger aspects whether it be autofocus, image quality, codecs, etc. However, the c70 is probably the best overall camera. It offers strong ergo for single shooters, autofocus, nd, canon colors, internal raw, incredible battery life, affordable media and probably the strongest DR out of the sub 8k market. I know I can literally shoot anything on this system, which for me is great. I don't have to worry about investing in multiple systems with their own media/battery/accessories.

TimButt2 - 29.03.2023 21:19

Yeah agreed. My biggest complaint off Canon and Sony the last few years has always been menus. They're built for engineers and not camera operators. It's super annoying. Blackmagic gets camera ops. The menu from Blackmagic was designed by a camera op for sure. Meanwhile Canon and Sony both seem to be designed by engineers and a camera op feels it. Otherwise, I like certain aspects of shooting with the Canon and Sony cameras. The C70 is definitely nice. But yeah, that screen is also annoying. Hoping Blackmagic takes note and improves the Pocket line for the battery life, ports, and the ergonomics with future updates.

dvdaltizer - 29.03.2023 19:52

Only $5k for a camera that you actually want to use and love the image off of with wonderful ND's! :)

Red focus peaking setting is in the focus peaking settings ;)

David Tinoco
David Tinoco - 29.03.2023 19:15

BMP6K Pro is a purchase I regret making. But I don’t know that I would go Canon. I would rather get an FX3
