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@Sarthetv - 11.01.2023 20:50

FROST DK can easily be high-A / near the end of S tier if you play well with desync rotation and early on in the phase as well. If played well on cleave you can pop off. I rated it where I did for what you are most likely to see. That's all <3

@zugoon - 17.04.2023 19:57

this didnt age well ret paladins got buffed lol

@bjwedd18 - 19.03.2023 15:27

YES I’m running affliction warlock RN! I only came to this video to see if they are any good. Im early lvl and I wreck shit so far so hellll yeah

@benhoffer5201 - 25.02.2023 05:36

Did you just not rank ele shaman? Lol

@gedoente - 22.02.2023 22:51

Haha die bra is hard op coke

@jgalla5549 - 21.02.2023 14:37

happy for my ele and ret bros with the new buff uwu <3 :3

@glennwestergaard9311 - 20.02.2023 10:53

We are all beamed up scotty!. (Sarthe on unholy dk in beam) made me laugh. ;D

@kaleb0888 - 14.02.2023 02:27

I miss playin wow I had the best memories ever playing wow in classic with my guild called TRUE on kromcrush so many fun an intense an great memories I wanna get back into the game but got scamzzed out of my computer:(

@EmeraldZea - 13.02.2023 17:52

Just leave tank and heals below then and make a Why? Column

@wesleykiefer8360 - 10.02.2023 10:21

Deff agree besides with the frost dk they are

@jessealanyeakle - 07.02.2023 18:39

blood dk "dps" slaps.

@marikodruid1278 - 03.02.2023 21:22

Love the shirt! Aech for president

@naejimba - 03.02.2023 00:58

So why can't you stack mages? I mean, sure, in this phase it would be better to stack Affliction for those extra ranged slots, but if not a lock what else would you pick? A SV can out damage Arcane currently, but even right now it is at only Warlocks can do more damage than fire. So just looking at damage (and those stacking slots come after buffs are covered) if you didn't stack Warlock it would be the next best choice. Plus looking past this tier stacking fire mages becomes superior since they scale by an insane amount... and the ilvl increases only mean they will take off sooner.

@olebrommm - 01.02.2023 14:32

im still sucking at unholy dk play...i just cant get it to work.. im using weakauras and addons to help with rotation.but still there is something wrong. 21 experstice and 280 hit. just cant get to blue parse even.

@flippernator - 01.02.2023 03:29

where can i find that spreadsheat ur showing in video

@sjoervanderploeg4340 - 27.01.2023 23:10

BiS lists are pretty dumb

@Thrillhouse89 - 27.01.2023 16:06

I really struggle to maintain dps as a combat rogue, I am bad :(

@realduox - 27.01.2023 04:05

fire mage over here being the best dps on some of the most important hardmodes after 2 weeks lol

@oswaldmensin5283 - 27.01.2023 02:54

They change DK but not RET. Hmmm.

@GamecockRock90 - 26.01.2023 22:01

Literally makes no sense… frost DKs scale amazing with better loot.

@normandcormier7827 - 24.01.2023 01:57

Would arguably say the #2 gun is BiS over Xbow for a dwarf hunter ?

@jeffwhittingham5314 - 24.01.2023 00:11

The answer to "Why?" is because people may like the play style of the non-meta spec. I get that if all you care about is the theoretical dps meter, then yeah. It won't make sense to you. But not everyone is playing this ancient game to break Recount.

@paulthompson5968 - 22.01.2023 21:28

Geeeeeeez! Just get to the point THEN do your jargon....Geeeeeeez!

@chrisarnone8704 - 18.01.2023 22:09

No chance uh is under assassnation

@matheustaraia - 17.01.2023 17:19

Nice T-Shirt man ;)

@justiningersoll1312 - 17.01.2023 10:58

What do you think of 2h unholy? I've been playing 2h unholy since the beginning. I didn't want to play the dual wield that everyone else was. I actually didn't know there would be such a craze for unholy. Im going to continue to play 2h. I wish there was more info on it though. Dual wield has just taken over.

@KIAdarktide - 17.01.2023 10:12

happy to see Spriest not C tier like they were projecting ♥

@jeffturner2975 - 17.01.2023 04:21

I'm a healer so I found it very enlightening and balanced as an assessment, thx mate

@aadabimfmkad6041 - 17.01.2023 04:03

sorry if i missed it but howcome you didnt rate ele ?

@avapredator3375 - 16.01.2023 14:06

why do you have big damage but you die at the start.

@avapredator3375 - 16.01.2023 14:05

it depends on how you play , this is only a percentage and not final .

@lost1head - 15.01.2023 05:13

Thanks for a very in depth video but I'm confused why you're confused about destro warlocks. People play classes and specs for many different reasons other than pure performance/usefulness. "I don't like keeping up dots or dealing with pets but I like throwing chaos bolts" would be a very common reason I imagine.

@robertdowning4346 - 15.01.2023 01:12

i enjoy playing frost mage, and i do pretty decent, often beating the arcane or fire mages in the pugs or mostly guild runs i do. why are frost mage and bm not even on this tier list, but ret and arms are?

@Proranis - 14.01.2023 22:49

so what u reroll to or is low s tier enough for you

@balazstakacs3931 - 14.01.2023 20:03

wtf who havoc? :O

@thomasoconnor2703 - 14.01.2023 00:26

Honestly I feel they should have dropped something off hard modes to use for a trade in with your tier. IE tier piece plus a shard off hard mode yogg would upgrade the tier piece to 252

@brownshoeT2 - 13.01.2023 16:28

Talesavo is sad with ret paladins

@baronbad5907 - 13.01.2023 15:19

Why destro?!? slinging those chaos bolts bby

@Jellyforce620 - 13.01.2023 14:52

I like how they nerf Unholy but doesnt buff ret...

@SwedgeWoW - 13.01.2023 14:12

I'll die on this hill, ret's utility and heals make it a good spec *if played well*, especially when the guild's quality is lower and people make mistakes. Yes the dps rotation is braindead, but ret's skill expression at this point in the game comes almost entirely from clutch Hand/DSac/AM/LoH/FoL casts while still doing a good dps rotation.

A good ret can save lives with incredibly free 6-8k triage heals, and there are some situations where a ret doing dedicated offheals can both retain most of their dps profile and meet the hps check, while letting a healer spec dps instead.

The AM/Improved LoH build lets you do your full dps output, gives two excellent defensive cooldowns, buffs your healing a ton, and can provide enough miti on some things like Black Hole Explosion that you can run it on a decent chunk of fights. It's an easy dual spec with dsac build.

And on some longer fights the arcane dps profile isn't as heavily favoured as it is on a lot of shorter Naxx fights. Early Ulduar the dps delta on a ton of fights between Arcane and Ret will be at the 10% level.

I legit think ret a very solid Uldaur choice for a lot of fights and for a lot of guilds.

@Sleepgodx - 13.01.2023 11:58

I enjoy hearing the theory crafting but you have a terrible habit of speaking in hyperboles lol. "Nerfed into oblivion" because of gargoyle nerf while still S tier? "Aff has the most contested gear by far" umm all melee are fighting for 252 leather and locks take prio over all other caster dps. Just saying it's hard to take anything else seriously when some of these spec descriptions are nonsense

@zdubzz1280 - 13.01.2023 02:03

I’ve heard you say a couple times that warlocks have a lot of health but I’ve never been in a raid with a warlock where this is the case. What am I missing?

@ElAnimal9700 - 13.01.2023 01:04

but why but why?? because people wanna have fun ..and not trying to try hard like a bum like you...

@3ssenti4L - 12.01.2023 22:56

Definitely agree with people looking for tier or alternative pieces while waiting on hm bis

@jordonbuck380 - 12.01.2023 20:26

Mans crying about UH dk nerf multiple times throughout the whole video "giganerfed into the ground," yet they're still S tier damage, and he even puts them in S tier lol. Imagine being a meta slave, and being upset that your class gets nerfed from SS+++++ to S tier

@illiji915 - 12.01.2023 13:02

the dk change isn't even a "real" change because the gargoyle was changed from the start. They need to just give it the 1 sec gcd that it should have

@damienrobertson2354 - 12.01.2023 09:05

For alliance it sounds like its only a 15-20% garb nerf but also its less punishing if you fuck up procs or for mid fight pops? It doesnt sound too bad at all.

@JV-ko6ov - 12.01.2023 05:09

With the feral druid 2pc set bonus procing off of lacerate the huge variance in feral druid dps is going to get worse.

@Donkens - 12.01.2023 04:33

Just check how warriors sim on Loatheb. Warriors are gear dependent and you’ll see what happens with the buffed gear, no cope
