Saving Private Ryan Ending Scene

Saving Private Ryan Ending Scene

David Benson

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Cory Schaff
Cory Schaff - 14.09.2023 05:58

Captain Steve Rodgers was busy with that time stone

JHstyle Won
JHstyle Won - 11.09.2023 04:48

I first watched this movie when I was young because of the action scenes. Now that I'm older, I finished this movie with so much tears that I haven't cried in years.

Will B. Gearon
Will B. Gearon - 10.09.2023 22:29

I wanted to join the Australian military corps as my old man was an engineer with them during the WWII in the Pacific theater, due not able to join them due to my profoundly deafness :( he helped and made alot of friends with the American military he was a very proud man & his brothers served the Pacific god bless to everyone that served

Colby kanter
Colby kanter - 03.09.2023 02:08

A great movie I watched today 🌟

sigma male
sigma male - 01.09.2023 08:15

Its a sad concept to think about each of our lives whether its soldiers gighting for our freedom or just our parent's makes there personal sacrifices so we can be raised any of us really earn the blessings and life opportunities we have in life or atleast make better effort to not waste them idk i know i could have done better in life to earn more of what ive been given

Galdeon Lothar
Galdeon Lothar - 30.08.2023 12:47


HIS WIFE read the name of captain with voice tone that means she NEVER KNEW ANYTHING !

Can you imagine why ?

Because he wanted to EARN THE GOOD LIFE
And not be given because people would feel sorry about it .


c dub
c dub - 30.08.2023 05:39

His wife didn’t know who John Miller was. He had never spoken of what happened to him. In that moment she now knew why he often stared into the distance, lost in his thoughts.

Emmanuel Alvarez
Emmanuel Alvarez - 25.08.2023 08:51


We Buy Houses in Denver - Colorado #1 HomeBuyer!
We Buy Houses in Denver - Colorado #1 HomeBuyer! - 23.08.2023 05:53

Maybe because he was saved his family will be the ones the change the world. Either way, he still left a legacy of beautiful children he raised. That's earning it. ❤

hxial7iso28 - 21.08.2023 17:36

Still missing 4 gravestones if what I'm thinking in my head happens and 1 more due to what recently happened

Bill Haines
Bill Haines - 21.08.2023 05:13

WE..The United States, give....give and give......and the rest of the world doesn't care!! We gave military aid and BILLIONS!!! to Ukraine....Now FEMA says we have no money for Hawaii......

Yurek Bond
Yurek Bond - 17.08.2023 11:54

Respect,Honour ❤️

Art Houston
Art Houston - 15.08.2023 04:16

If you are not a fan of Star Trek, you probably don’t know this, but the guy who played Scotty….. actor James Doohan……landed on Juno beach on D-Day, and took six rounds of friendly fire, one of which blew off his finger. He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Kevin Perlow
Kevin Perlow - 10.08.2023 04:23

Its painful having to remember those who had a far reaching impact on your life, longer than you actually knew them.

That in essence is one of the biggest issues regarding PTSD and depression, and being unable to discuss those subjects with the majority of people who can barely understand, or just frankly have the luxery of not doing so.

R. Brown
R. Brown - 10.08.2023 04:23

Saving Private Ryan deserved the Best Picture Oscar just for the opening and closing scenes.

Will Hull
Will Hull - 08.08.2023 02:24

Real heroes that saved the world so that people can enjoy the freedom they now take for granted. People should never forget, never, never.

Chris G
Chris G - 03.08.2023 00:58

It's the greatest war film in the history of this spinning blue rock and I will engage in fiery conversation with anyone who says otherwise.

Sick Boy
Sick Boy - 02.08.2023 16:02

just seeing this scene again makes me cry like a child

Salvador Amos
Salvador Amos - 30.07.2023 07:32

The greates generation of young man!

Lys Mykyta
Lys Mykyta - 29.07.2023 14:40

Those that lived made a good life for themselves, their families and their country! That's been thrown away by the POS that outsourced millions of jobs to Communist China & are rooting for ex KGB agent Putin and a president who said the fallen soldiers were suckers and losers! WTF has happened to our country!

Götterdämmerung - 27.07.2023 03:20

I love that small moment where his wife looks down at the grave, as if she begins to piece together what happened, and realizes what prompted Ryan to say what he did.

Penelope Pitstop
Penelope Pitstop - 27.07.2023 02:38

This movie hits you hard in the gut and heart. He asks his wife if he has been a good man and all she said was "what?!" and looks at him crazy. No, he needs closure. A good man died so he could live. They all need closure. Such a powerful movie. Yes sir, you are more than a good man. Peace and God bless you my brother.

María Martínez
María Martínez - 23.07.2023 16:27

About the liberals vs. conservatives argument here, it is interesting to see it stopped 2 years ago. Maybe watching conservatives (Trumpists/QAnon/MAGA people actually, true conservatives do value American traditions and symbols) assaulting the nation's Capitol to stop the constitutional electoral process - and defecating in the hallways, made thinking change. By the way, liberals fought at WWII. FDR was a Democrat.
Saving Private Ryan was made by liberals. Starred by liberals. Historically, many Hollywood actors served in the Armed Forces, others helped entertaining troops, even in the war theater. How many QAnon conspiracy theories are there about Tom Hanks and the "Hollywood elites" that made this movie?
This movie not getting an Oscar is sad, but not the result of insidious politics. Nobody can know whether 20 years later one of the losing films will become a classic. The Academy has no crystal balls, nor control on the public's preferences.
I think Shakespeare in Love won because it is, well, about Shakespeare (Google him), it is a way more complex story, great acting, it has a faithful historical setting and, it is an allegory about how the world of theatre and filmmaking works. Now (July 2023) screenwriters and actors are on strike, because the fat cats exploit and mistreat them. That situation was presented in SIL. A pity some people here didn't watched it until the end; it is excellent. I presume that, as all the members of the Academy are in the entertainment trade, they felt as moved by that film as veterans watching a war movie. Yes, WWII was a turning point in the history of humankind, but, there are hundreds of good and great movies about it. How many good movies are there about the process of creating a film production in the American industry, allegorically shown as a Shakespeare play? How many movies about the greatest playwright in the English language, whose work is a basis of international culture?
Regarding the Weinstein campaign, you bet that all studios and powerful producers campaign for their products in Oscar season. SPR was a vastly larger investment than SIL, you bet its studio's campaign was fierce too.
It is interesting to watch this useless brawl of Americans trying to surpass each other in intelligence and patriotism, all forgetting that what makes a country great is putting all heads and hands from all sides of the political spectrum to work together. Like it happened at WWII.
E Pluribus Unum, anyone?

Robert Polestar
Robert Polestar - 22.07.2023 01:09

The ending of this movie is so meaningful to anybody that lost a fallen buddy on the battlefield.

Brian Callahan
Brian Callahan - 20.07.2023 20:22

Proper salute also. One of the most powerful scenes in film history. Never forget those who have fallen for our liberty.

Brian Callahan
Brian Callahan - 20.07.2023 20:20

I have watched this over and over again to try and understand my Father's pain. WW11 war combat veteran, Patton's division, and Battle of the Bulge survivor.

Enzo T
Enzo T - 19.07.2023 03:33

When I see this scene it ALWAYS reminds me of my dear friend Paul F. Hasenhauer. He served in the 82 Airborne Division. He has passed into glory and I think of him often.
So many sacrificed themselves for our freedom and I'm forever grateful. 🇺🇸

Fox W
Fox W - 19.07.2023 03:06

I was only 16 when this movie came out and this scene hit pretty hard just having an idea of what those men went through. Fast forward many years and many deployments later and it brings me to tears every time. You'll never stop missing the ones that went before you.

mike f
mike f - 18.07.2023 21:11

I am heading out to the back yard to do some fence repairs. I won't watch this clip right now, cause I know it will alter my mood for at least two days. It's just that powerful a movie.
THANK ALL OF YOU WHO GAVE SOOOO MUCH SO WE COULD HAVE THE LIFE WE HAVE TODAY....and a curse on those who try to wipe that away...and turn this nation into the very thing these veterans were fighting against.

Ben Munoz
Ben Munoz - 17.07.2023 08:00

If this scene doesn't make you feel some type of way, you have no soul lol this shit is too powerful, makes me so grateful I didn't live in a time where graduating high school didn't mean enlisting in the military immediately right after.

raphiontherocks - 16.07.2023 18:27

I had the opportunity to visit the American War Cemetery and Memorial in Luxembourg back in 2018. While I'm from a country that luckily didn't have to fight in WW2, I was deeply honoured to have been able to see what it took to overcome evil. As we walked through the rows of graves, I was deeply touched by the lives lost in the struggle to save the world from tyranny. Even the cemetery, the park itself, is impressive. I don't have any direct connection to anyone who fought in that war, but even so, being there and paying homage to their sacrifice felt like the right thing to do. May we never forget them and what they fought for.

Milo Sterwheeler
Milo Sterwheeler - 14.07.2023 10:17

If this simple scene can have such an emotional impact after simply watching a movie about what our veterans experienced, I can't begin to imagine what it meant for the men who lived through those awful times. Perfect or not, you are all good men.

Dragonfury3000 - 13.07.2023 16:57

The real heroes

Hugo Nongbri
Hugo Nongbri - 09.07.2023 20:12

The actor's name is Harrison Young.

stockerdanieladolf - 09.07.2023 13:06

Thank you for Destroy Nazi Germany Empire Heroes ❤❤

Peter Downey
Peter Downey - 06.07.2023 17:25

This ending just makes you want to stand up and salute, doesn't it?

I would recommend this film to anyone who can handle it.

Peter Downey
Peter Downey - 06.07.2023 17:24

Family was the whole reason why those sacrifices were made to send Private Ryan home. He was sent home because his brothers were all killed, and the order to find him and send him home was given to ensure that the Ryan family didn't lose all of its sons.

Ryan then got married, started a family and lived a good life as a husband and father. By doing exactly that, I would say that he did indeed earn the sacrifices made to send him home.

easter worshipper
easter worshipper - 28.06.2023 21:17

"tell me im a good man" 😢

Canesnumber1stunner - 28.06.2023 14:38

The GREATEST GENERATION TO EVER LIVE!!! IMO 😢😢😢. Sad so many today know nothing of the historical sacrifice this generation faced and resolved for the future generation. Today's idiots are absolutely clueless the magnitude of sacrifice given to have all what we enjoy today. Just saying. I stand for the flag. I understand we have nothing but imbeciles running the world today but we must never forget the sacrifice given or we are doomed to repeat it.

K A - 26.06.2023 20:24

As a Army Nurse in my early career I took care of alot of these guys when they were old and broken down. Some opened up to me as a teaching moment I guess. Some of the stuff I heard. They really are the Greatest Generation including those who supported them. I served too long.

Meme - 26.06.2023 14:19

If you can in your life time, I recommend you to visit the cemetery in Normandy. I was moved and my heart was heavy while I was walking through the cemetery paying respect to those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom we enjoy today.

Glenn Felise
Glenn Felise - 23.06.2023 01:13

They don't show u ..that after LEAVEING cemetery..the guy takes his family to dinner ..only to have his c.c. declined because maddof stole his money

ShawnP 67
ShawnP 67 - 21.06.2023 22:28

You survived.

You ask why me.

Most of all have I honored my brothers sacrifices.

I don't give two shits about what others say.

I do care what my brother's think about my life.

Charles West
Charles West - 16.06.2023 22:22

Very moving

andrew grasham
andrew grasham - 16.06.2023 12:21

Has anyone else been constantly distracted by the fact James has some hot ass granddaughters?

david rosenblum
david rosenblum - 16.06.2023 04:47

this scene is so powerful because it asks a question every good man asks and longs to hear

IrnBruNYC - 10.06.2023 08:06

I only ever saw my dad cry one time - while watching this scene in the movie theater.

TheRetirednavy92 - 09.06.2023 20:50

My dad was a POW in the pacific, he almost didn't make it, when he was freed he was in ac coma and woke up 6 weeks later in Hawaii. That was when he found out his brother had died on D Day.
