How To Fix 'Webpage Cannot Be Found' Error

How To Fix 'Webpage Cannot Be Found' Error

Don Browne

9 лет назад

2,823 Просмотров

Here is one way to fix the "This Webpage Cannot Be Found" error on Chrome Browsers and probably others as well (when some URLs of webpages can not be loaded on your computer).
It would seems it's a DNS server problem from my computer or router, but it wasn't.
How to Fix: Make sure your Windows updates are current. I discovered one "optional" security update was available. After I installed the update, all webpages and URLs are now loading perfectly once again.


##hangoutsonair #Hangouts_On_Air ##hoa #windows_updates #security_updates
Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@alexanderhodge5631 - 24.11.2015 15:10

Dan could you possibly tell us the update number that cured your problem as I am having similar problems.
