Unity Render Pipelines | What are they and which one to use UPDATED 2023

Unity Render Pipelines | What are they and which one to use UPDATED 2023

Rigor Mortis Tortoise

11 месяцев назад

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cigslit - 02.08.2023 20:08

I'm learning from scratch to make a game, I will use Unity to make my 2D TopDownMovement game without knowing anything about coding, I've built a 2D Basic built-in project to do so, as you said it was the usual, all my assets are hand drawn as I can draw consistent cute artwork and animations, the thing is, I know NOTHING about programing, but im learning fast and I already set an amazing movement dynamic with camera controls of your choice with spring jump and everything I need so im content, but as I still need a whole lot to learn, what i gather from this video is that I should keep doing it on the built-in? Or else tutorials will be harder to find?? Is that it??

Virtual Property Challenge
Virtual Property Challenge - 12.07.2023 05:57

Hi great video. I'm considering HDRP but was wondering this. If the people using my game (or application) don't have a desktop or laptop with a dedicated graphics card what will the result be for them? Will they get a rendered down version of it? Will it work at all on their device? I don't necessarily make games with Unity but build 3D visualizations of which my users have pretty ordinary laptops or desktops. Wondering if it's worth my while to go HDRP or stick with the built-in. Steve

Makan Ansari
Makan Ansari - 11.07.2023 08:15

Thanks for the video, I was hoping to know how to setting it up! I have difficulties to set up mine since I created my project with Built In then I want to convert it to HDRP but I don't know how to do it exactly! I'm relearning Unity kinda a noob ATM! lol

Harshit Joshi
Harshit Joshi - 02.07.2023 10:17

This is exactly what i was looking for ! Thank you for making this video ! Really confused why this doesnt have thousands of views lol

Paridot - 18.06.2023 22:14

I only have a very basic understanding of render pipelines and have kind of blindly been using URP, but I haven't really dove into how to use it to its full (or even minimal) potential lol. One day I intend to do a deep dive, but for now this gave me a nice overview of how to look at each of the pipelines - thank you for the video!

4you gamez
4you gamez - 18.06.2023 22:08

You r amzing 🎉🎉
