Ive Played 2 of the Worst Stalker Mods

Ive Played 2 of the Worst Stalker Mods

Vaas Yanovich

1 год назад

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Kreelice - 07.09.2023 20:12

мне повезло, что золотой шар я прошел без единого вылета и сломанного сохранения и поэтому у меня от мода только положительные впечатления. хороший мод, по крайней мере по части атмосферы

wowsnav - 28.08.2023 07:10

I didn't think Goldsphere was bad, though I had to look up videos in russian/ukrainian with translated subtitles to solve some quests even with the English version of Goldsphere. I actually enjoyed the Zone being full of anomalies, rather than loads of people or mutants trying to kill you. After you enter a certain map, I think Radar, you also hit a point of no return and can't go back to previous maps, which really hurt since I lost access to my entire gear stash. Getting to the CNPP and getting inside the sarcophagus was a very different and entertaining experience, but it sure was annoying trying to figure out how to do a lot of the quests in that mod without resorting to translated video help. It's not really something I would ever play again unless I had a good English guide, but it's a very unique experience.

Lost Alpha on the other hand has been terrible with every release they have done, I never liked the Oso/Illuminati nonsense, the forced unskippable cutscenes, or the lab with the invulnerable security system NPC you have to keep running away from. Everything they did that I liked has been done better in other mods now.

Fantastik -
Fantastik - - 22.05.2023 22:45

Finally played and finished Lost Alpha after a few year hiatus and I must say that this shit was the worst mod I've played. It was basically a running simulator and I used cheats to teleport to a given location because of the tremendous distances between locations that I had to go to.

SEENSAI - 31.03.2023 02:27


Al Raz
Al Raz - 16.02.2023 01:30

Таран бухты

Иван Иванов
Иван Иванов - 13.02.2023 22:04

Ваас, мы смотрим тебя ради дешевых моментов, так что канал у тебя не ебаный, и вообще - пошли эти хейтеры нах)

Чувак - 11.02.2023 13:53

Ну вот про лост альфу ты в описании написал про локацию бесполезную и много мутантов я впринцыпе соглашусь,но мод прикольный

Papa Soma
Papa Soma - 11.02.2023 13:33

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who absolutely loathes Lost Alpha. Not even restoring full content like OLR or anything, just fucking fanfic tier of writing and motherfucking Darkscape. Then backpedaling to add CS/CoP modding into ShoC engine. What the fuck went wrong, I'll never know, but dez0wave has a lot to talk about, I bet.

Alex Dietrich
Alex Dietrich - 10.02.2023 18:18

The main issue I had with Lost Alpha is its incessant back tracking where you really shouldn't have to, and some quests would bug out or not specify that I have to go back somewhere. Otherwise one of my favorite mods that I keep in rotation when I want a more vanilla experience. Honestly I dislike mods like Escape From Pripyat and Expedition, they are good fun but suck all the soul out from the game and clutter it with a lot of needless visual effects that make even the most powerful PC's shiver into overheat. Otherwise haven't found a necessarily terrible mod for Stalker unless its trying to be bad.

Lexchin Chas
Lexchin Chas - 10.02.2023 17:43

Аномалии в зоне нынче дикие.

polisif - 10.02.2023 16:03

Good thing about these mos is that Vaas doesnt need to break them additonally to make a fanny

CrossHolder92 - 10.02.2023 15:08

Is Goldensphere really that bad? I've heard nothing but praise for it. Although it featuring the absolute shit AMK maps like Predbannik was worrisome.

For me, F.O.T.O.G.R.A.F. was by far the worse, it's the only mod I gave up on.

AsadAbbas - 10.02.2023 15:04

Lost Alpha, I sleep.
Lost Alpha Remake REAL SHIT

AsadAbbas - 10.02.2023 14:56

I honestly don’t think Golden Ball is that bad if you recognize the linearity of certain quest lines that must be done a certain way. Otherwise, the writing and some of the quest concepts are pretty interesting and refreshing for a stalker mod. You can cheese Golden Balls start if you hop into the roof of the Military bunkhouse and drop down to where the commander is. Store all your shit in the box and allow yourself to be captured, bam, 100% more tolerable start.

VenomSward - 10.02.2023 14:02

Я впервые за неделю посмеялся)) хотя бы чуть чуть, но искренне. Ты отодвинул мой нервный срыв.

Gorge Konel
Gorge Konel - 10.02.2023 07:23

Хороший байт. Жаль не сработал.

Олд Пэл
Олд Пэл - 10.02.2023 05:38

Байт на комменты через (на самом деле) лучшие сталкерские моды?)

7inner *
7inner * - 10.02.2023 04:56

Васян, НЕ иди нах! Всё так и должно быть, ты на правильном пути!

Arty Chan
Arty Chan - 10.02.2023 04:28

Blessed with more Vaas content in such a short amount of time. It is a good day.

xXRealXx - 10.02.2023 04:08

Lost Alpha isn't even bad 🙄

JohnVicres Ordo
JohnVicres Ordo - 10.02.2023 03:31

Best time of my life, driving funny smol car through the Zone
Blessed Lost Alpha

Lil_Tachanka - 09.02.2023 23:34

tbh lost alpha is pretty dope, it looks great and the guns are correct

紙皮香煙 - 09.02.2023 23:29

genuinely funny video, thanks vaas for making my day a little better

JOHN SONA - 09.02.2023 23:29

Тю, я думал тут хотя бы ТТ2 будет, ОП 2, или Зона Поражения: Ремейк. Но эти два мода худшими быть точно не могут.
Дело вкуса, конечно.

TheACWizard - 09.02.2023 23:07

i got to dark valley base on goldphere. honestly it was fun untill then, because of course, game had to send some angry russian text via crashing everytime i died. and dont get me started on getting the red ball in garbage, absoute cringe, had to redo a save from 2 hours prior. and also getting the death lamp artifact. really annoying. OP 2.2 Seemed like a walk in the park. compared to that.

Golden Man
Golden Man - 09.02.2023 22:56

These mods are chaotic neutral

inspektor - 09.02.2023 22:42

I think OP 2.2 should be mentioned... it's just peak performance of stalker capabilities

Bazingarrey - 09.02.2023 22:31

I much prefer Oblivion Lost over Jank Alpha

Попугай Иннокентий
Попугай Иннокентий - 09.02.2023 22:26

Я так понимаю про худшие моды это сарказм?)0
Ну ЛА ДС и в правду такая се, хоть и более стабильная в сравнении с простой версией

Juanpii - 09.02.2023 21:59

i love lost alpha :(

ATFags in body bags
ATFags in body bags - 09.02.2023 21:41

Best mods for a cucktube video though

I want to die
I want to die - 09.02.2023 21:39

retarded fanfic or misery clone, show me the way stalker

Jr Xiliann
Jr Xiliann - 09.02.2023 21:25

Нарезки от Вааса по стулкеру ☺️
Насчёт лост альфы согласен: такая себе попытка, опираясь на ранние задумки и билды, создать и выдать мод за "тот самый сталкер" в современной обертке - и получается пародия на Oblivion Lost.

SpecShadow - 09.02.2023 21:13

Golden Ball was ok, but you had to do things as creator intended or you get stuck. Oh and Wild Territory is not for faint of hearts...

Morno - 09.02.2023 21:10

Нестандартное прохождения нестандартного человеко (ну или его подобия) нестандартних модов на нестандартную игру являясь нестандартным фанатом этой нестардатной игры.
Вообщем харош

NishyDedMoros - 09.02.2023 21:06

Золотой шар - это попытка в Пикник на обочине Стругацких, интересное по крайней мере ощущение от этого мода

Quhark Atkali
Quhark Atkali - 09.02.2023 21:05

lost alpha is pretty fun i say but the earlier parts especially the car ones are absolute slog and painfully jank

Vaas Yanovich
Vaas Yanovich - 09.02.2023 21:00

Yes, I've cheated myself 1 million money because I don't want to suffer through a grind.

Да, я начитерил себе 1 миллион денег, так как я не хочу мучаться с гриндом.

Vitya Vitya
Vitya Vitya - 09.02.2023 20:53

Зш рил хуета
