How to Contact Facebook Support and ACTUALLY Get an Answer

How to Contact Facebook Support and ACTUALLY Get an Answer

Bryan Guerra

1 год назад

32,249 Просмотров

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@kingsmooth9120 - 24.01.2024 15:11

My Instagram got disabled

@usy90 - 01.12.2023 18:41

Hi Bryan I have followed the link for account quality as my personal fb has been hacked they have removed my email address and I can’t remember the password (tried everything but no luck) when follow the account quality link though I get towards the end to verify it says broken link have tried this more than a few times.. any suggestions?

@biancaperladimare9236 - 11.11.2023 03:07

How to use these links if your account has been disabled??? They ask to login first... which is IMPOSSIBLE. . one year now. and my facebook page can not be used since I am disabled of my personal account... Have no idea anymore what to do.....Just horrible :(((((

@user-ex3cr2xw7o - 07.11.2023 20:06

Facebook is a joke. Shut it down

@Xogroroth666 - 17.10.2023 04:30

None of these advices helped me.
I have an issue with FB on MS Edge (Win11Ent_x64) since weeks now.
From the 68 tabs that open always when I open MS Edge, the only tab with issues?
Yep, FaceBook.

The site is horribly slow in loading.
Typing a texts takes often into 40 seconds to actually show after ending typing.
In short, uber lag.

My system is a 3500 dollar machine, more than plenty for damn Facebook, even when 200 tabs are open.
My ISP gives me:
PING: 04 ms
JITTER: 1 ms
DOWNLOAD: 896.0 Mbps
UPLOAD 138.3 Mbps
Upload Volume Limit: None (Fiber 100 package)

I THINK, this would also be not too bad.
Still, of all tabs, that is the ONLY one I got issues with.

Tried so many ways to get help:
Forum? Inexistent.
E-mail? Inexistent.
Report Issue? Did like 100 times, no reply.

I need a WORKING way to get support for my issue.
Does anyone please have a good idea?
I am out of energy, patience, and ideas ... .

Thank you.

@buddhathebarber4857 - 20.09.2023 05:30

What old support email ? They never respond back ?

@enigmarocker - 09.09.2023 03:25

Facebook is such horrible trash. I dont know why we all continue to do business with these fools. We need to vote with our dollars and move away from it...take their users with us too.

@elisejoiner7448 - 07.09.2023 00:43

It does not matter what I do. I get no response from Facebook. I report my problem over and over. All I want is for the things I save on Marketplace to save! I'm on a laptop but I have tried on my phone as well. Quite unacceptable really.

@sandyswick1870 - 13.08.2023 15:47

Hi! My account was hacked 5 months ago and they posted an inappropriate video. My account has been repeatedly restricted since then. I deleted the post as soon as a friend told me about it, changed my password, everything I could do, but they continue to add restrictions . I have submitted forms with no response. Can you help?

@monabiehl6213 - 09.08.2023 19:37

How do I know if something goes against community standards?

@timothyklinger1533 - 24.07.2023 01:59

I got sent money over Facebook pay to an old card that I forgot to deactivate, now I have 400 bucks I can’t access! Any way you can help? Facebook haven’t said anything to me

@patriciamccabe7746 - 22.07.2023 16:01

I cannot get into my Facebook account after agreeing to having my account suspended because of a hacker. I tried putting in a new password, but Facebook tells me I don't have an account!! How do I get my Facebook account back??

@sandied1982 - 18.07.2023 08:08

I just want to change my birthday on Facebook and when I tried it wanted me to submit a picture of my id and when I try it acts like I didn't send it or it did upload so I don't know what to do how can I get ahold of someone that could help me with this problem. what's the number to fb support?

@RCDeschene - 14.07.2023 02:10

Hi Bryan, I accidentally created a different user account thinking it was going to be a business page, so I changed the username to something different to free-up the name for the proper page. However, after managing to create the business page and trying to set the Username to the intended one, it still comes-up unavailable. Where which department should I go to this particular issue resolved?

@pratiksharodd - 13.07.2023 09:29

Hello my Marketplace is blocked, what did I do wrong, I'm sorry, i won't make this mistake again, please unblock the marketplace plz I m requesting can you help me sir

@suratpechnirandorn6759 - 13.07.2023 02:02

Hey Bryan I found your video is quite useful. I have some questions regarding this topics.
1. If I opened the case on FB business but they dont have any update for a month or longer. Should I open a new case?
2. How much time you allowed them to work on your case in the past before you decide to call another support? 48 hrs.?

@jenniferfought354 - 10.07.2023 19:07

I'm not able to get any of the links to work. Do you know if they've been updated?

@MagnificentDeeProd - 08.07.2023 10:29

Hi Bryan. Thank you for this video. Seeing this video existing with past comments helps me feel like I am not alone with the problem I just encountered yesterday. I received a notification that a post from June 17, 2020 (3 years ago!) "violates community standards" because it "incites violence". All the post was was a picture of the Steven Crowder with inserted text "Pineapples belong on Pizza. Change my mind". I submitted a couple of reports and now waiting for a response. How long should I wait until I submit more reports or try different ways?

My account is not restricted at all for now, but I am concerned if I am wrongfully restricted later on. Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps I should have known better that stating pineapple belongs on pizza could in fact incite violence 😂

@hayleytomes8224 - 06.07.2023 17:43

What is the email I should use to contact Facebook about my hacked account that I cannot recover?

@Thomas..Anderson - 02.07.2023 18:48

Completely useless bullshit. Clickbait title. Downvote!

@dauniellemiller9173 - 29.06.2023 06:51

Seems like facebook is more concerned about restricting users and not spending time preventing hackers from taking over our accounts. SMH

@potentiallyklien - 09.06.2023 23:28

Your "Marketplace Customer Support" link does not work. The page is no longer available. I was locked out of my marketplace without any reason given. I requested a review, but have not heard back from fb. :(

@melissamuzio718 - 20.05.2023 19:37

Oh this is happening to me right now someone hacked my password yesterday they changed my password to my Facebook as well as the phone number and email address so I can’t even get in every time I go to forget password it sends a link to an email that’s not even mine this is driving me crazy

@DarlaBartholomew - 20.05.2023 10:50

Please help me..hackers got me..cant get in got my email account changed my password

@charlottepolsdofer3268 - 01.05.2023 23:57

Problem is people are sharing p*** sites and can't get them removed

@Kane6676 - 07.04.2023 23:26

There is no phone support

@badcreation9591 - 07.04.2023 11:56

Hi brayan can you help me to recover my personal account

@TheEXGamemaster - 01.04.2023 22:47

I think the real issue here is Mark laying off all his employees. There is no reall support or help because no is there at HQ. He fired everyone. I feel like the next step for him is to just shut it all down.

@GJ-hi2jv - 28.03.2023 10:26

Hi Bryan, I and many others have been reporting Fake Animal Rescue videos constantly and Facebook never removes them. It's obviously staged animal abuse. Is there a way we can reach someone to get these videos removed?

@TheEXGamemaster - 28.03.2023 09:49

Why are they such a pain to get a hold of?

@blklagoon76 - 23.03.2023 00:13

None of this has worked for me so far. Two-step verification on my old phone, can't log into my new phone and now laptop. NO ONE HAS REPLIED from Facebook. They are terrible.

@richardnogales1923 - 22.03.2023 02:02

Hello Bryan, i need your urgent advice. My account has been locked since late January. Unfortunately i did violate some rules, specifically i created a new account and i commited the fool mistake to use the same number of my personal account. Since that i have the message that my account is temporarily locked. I tried to use the two step veryfication and the sms verification but the same error appears: "you need to authenticate before you can proceed". OVer and over.
I tried several other ways to enter, through safari but unsuccesful. Then i tried though my laptop, everytime i tried to enter i received the error: the page has been redirected too many times" and suggests deleting my cookies. Everytime I did it i cluld try to log in but the error happened over and over again. I was able to get to the part of appeaing a ban though web phone but at the final step to submit the appleal form, to upload the id document or to report a problem again the error of too many redirects appeared again. ITs an endlees loophole.
I saw your video and your links helped me to get to the same stage but through the laptop but the final error persisted. Since i cant log in in thw web browser and since i cant appeal to the ban i dont know what else to do to reactivate my account that has more than 15 years, i am still receiveng notification on my iphone and e mail messages as well, please help me , ehat else can I do? i think you may be my only hope.
Thanks in advance for your time and help.

@nessafactor3307 - 20.03.2023 07:20

I just wanna see who all in charge of security and privacy cause both my fb Are hacked and neither emails are unknown apparently and I've done everything they asked still getting hacked

@x9211997x - 18.03.2023 22:47

I'm desperate. I've emailed, messaged, and submitted forms for two days now. I've been dealing with this problem since 2015. I had an old account that I could not access. It had an older email that I also could not access. I finally accessed that email yesterday, and went through the process of resetting the password on the facebook account. It sent me a temporary password, I entered that and then it prompted me to create a new one and log in. I did that, and it sent me to a page that tells me my account has been locked due to unusual activity. The unusual activity was me trying to log in earlier in the day. However, the only suggestion they give me is to go to a device that I've previously used to log into facebook with. Problem with that is I no longer own any device I used in 2015. I've been desperately trying to access this account and got so excited yesterday when I thought it was finally the time, just for them to put another block in my way. They won't respond to anything. I've even submitted forms that weren't associated with my issue just to try and get a response. I don't know what to do.

@terrillchristians7053 - 14.03.2023 12:19

best advise as yet on how to reach FB

@Dbadylek - 12.03.2023 00:28

really.. i have a big problem.. someone stole my facebook account everything with the change i have on my email address just before the theft.. if someone is honest and contact facebook support and knows how to recover the account where the email address was changed password changed and phone number removed please reply under my comment that he can recover the account. may even be a hacker but i need to recover my account. if someone replies, I will reply to the person's answer with the e-mail address to which I am asking for contact. i mean seriously recover your account log in with your stolen good luck and good luck

@vilmasandoval1356 - 05.03.2023 03:36

I already sent them 28 emails and the last response was they aren’t able to help me.
My issue it’s that I open a page and because I was thinking not using it to sell I clicked business and nonprofit by mistake, I deleted that page thinking I could fix the problem, but I can’t reverse my main page from business to individual. I want and need to delete my banking account associated with the page I delete and their options are in gray color not letting me to edit or delete any of the information. 😫
I try all the tools and what customer support does is replying back to me with same links, when I already told them those link don’t work and that I’m not able to edit anything.
I don’t know what to do or who to contact any more. Some one knows what or how do I do it, how do I fix this problem, please I need help!!

@sandyrose-felix8579 - 23.02.2023 00:30

Hi Bryan, great video, and thank you. My problem is I cannot log in to my account because the cell phone number I had associated with my account is no longer in use. FB was asking for different types of IDs and I did submit different types of IDS they requested, but get the message "you can't use this feature right now". I am at a loss of what to do to get my FB back. Any suggestions? Thank you.

@adrianhearndon8768 - 22.02.2023 21:24

I have an account where I don’t know the email and the password, it’s been over a year. I have a picture of my drivers license proving it’s me, but when the Facebook app & web version says “search by name” I search my name and it says it doesn’t exist but when I make fake accounts I search my name and I see it. There’s nothing in the help center that can help me. What do I do?

@travis_scott4824 - 21.02.2023 09:53

Hey so I’m a seller on Facebook market and I’ve shipped an item out to a customer and it’s been more than a month and I haven’t been paid by Facebook I’ve contacted support and they’ve been no help and now it doesn’t let me contact them.What should I do?

@FrannyFranchon - 17.02.2023 23:05

Facebook has blocked people from contacting them threw the chat option.

@tiktokhits8413 - 11.02.2023 16:57

Can i access the live support can on mobile also what will i do if the option is not showing. Lasty can you hep with the live support or call feature link

@K3lB3l - 06.02.2023 02:58

Hi Bryan. So my account has been completely suspended as of January 25th because I posted a meme that came up on my memories on the same day.  One that I posted about 6 years ago. It was something innocent that was funny at the time, but I've been suspended for it. 
The email I got said I could disagree with the decision, which I immediately did, and that I had 30 days to disagree and request a review.  It also said that if I didn't respond within that time, my account would be permanently deleted. It also said that they may even choose to not review my posts and comments and if they don't, my account will remain suspended. It then finished by saying that they're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so while my posts and comments are reviewed, I can't use Facebook at all.  I also can't use messenger.  I literally am not able to log in to my account at all.  Which means I can't even access my support inbox to use an old message to address my current issue.  In the past, if I violated their community standards, my account would be restricted for a certain number of days, but I could still log on and scroll my news feed and see everyone's posts.  I just couldn't post, comment or like anything until my account was taken off of restriction, but I could still use messenger.  They've also made it so anyone who searches for me, can't find me and people that I'm friends with on Facebook, can no longer see my name in their friends list and if they try and search for me, I don't come up. So it's basically like it would be if my account was deleted.  Here's my new problem.  I received two emails earlier today telling me I had 18 days left to disagree with their decision and request a review and that they haven't received a response from me.  So now I'm losing my shit because I've responded twice disagreeing with their decision and requested a review.  The email comes with a blue box that says "DISAGREE WITH DECISION" which I've clicked twice and indicated that I disagree.  Both times, I got a reply saying "REVIEW REQUESTED." "If we find that your posts or comments didn't follow our community standards, your account will remain disabled, we're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so while your posts and comments are reviewed you can't use Facebook."  So that reply indicates to me that they received my disagreement and my request for a review.  I have no way whatsoever to do anything else to get in touch with them.  I've responded twice and they're saying I haven't.  I can't reply to the email because it's a no reply email.  I literally being run around in circles.  This is beyond frustrating because what I posted, does not warrant this harsh of a punishment.  At all.  And if they continue to say I didn't respond, then in 18 days, my account is gone.  I don't know what to do and I need someone's help desperately!

@murayamotions - 31.01.2023 13:32

Hi Bryan, So my account was recently hacked and to no point have i been able to recover it , iv tried writing emails but no one helps,it sucks so bad , how can i get it back please?

@Reubz1738 - 30.01.2023 00:52

Hey Bryan, Im trying to change my category to the home improvements category on Facebook, but its not allowing me, what do I do?

@veldahong4678 - 27.01.2023 03:48

Hi Brian, thank you for the video. Can you help me with my situation? I recently put up a listing of a rental house. and the next thing I knew, my marketplace got disabled and said that I can't buy or sell on Facebook. It said I violated their rules for selling but all I did was keying in the necessary information for the house. Can you tell me what is the best solution to getting my marketplace back? Thank you.

@MargaretSiegien - 21.01.2023 23:31

I try those links and I can't find any support on my Facebook page

@jimmydabutler9022 - 20.01.2023 06:39

Thank you so much for covering this topic. Maybe you can point me in the right direction. My situation is I recently had a post get flagged on my fb page, I appealed but was told by an automated response that nobody could review it and the ban would stand. The post didn't go against community standards at all and now my page is being "deamplified" despite the restrictions supposedly being lifted after the required time. Can you tell me how and where I should address this? Thanks.
