Is Audio Interface Latency Ruining Your Recordings?

Is Audio Interface Latency Ruining Your Recordings?

Audio University

1 год назад

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Julian Wiltz
Julian Wiltz - 24.10.2023 20:06

Thank You!

Marek Cupák
Marek Cupák - 18.10.2023 02:06

Hi there. Nice video. Being kinda fan... RME interfaces achieve stable RTLs on 32 samples buffer size too, in properly setup Linux environment via USB and CC mode - the older gen converters (like Babyface gen. 1) perform at 3.8 ms, the newer ones (like UCX II, or Babyface Pro FS) do run at 2.77 ms @ 48 kHz. Connecting them via ADAT to a PCIe card like RayDAT does improve the latency by negligible amounts: 3.6 ms the BF1 and 2.72-ish the UCX II. No matter USB or PCIe, with a proper USB controller they work like a charm, although such small buffer sizes tend to burden the CPU a little more, so aim for a fanless CPU cooler to avoid noise.

Nathan AV
Nathan AV - 07.10.2023 08:59

Have a Boss Nextone Artist, comes with a USB port which, when I connect it to the PC, has up to a 1s lag when recording the audio. I don't use an interface, always figured I don't need one as the amp has a USB. Before I shell out for one and fine tuning its settings, is an interface 100% necessary? Also is a decent mic setup through an interface better than running your amp jack direct to the interface? Want to get the best possible tone when recording, but it's a bit of a minefield in terms of options and cost!! Thanks

Welshmanshots - 30.09.2023 07:29

Thank you for this, after reinstalling windows i had forgot what i had my buffer size set to and just kept it at a default of 256 but i just recently started getting audio delays like a god 5 second delay which was throwing me off and i have a 1st gen Scarlett which is quite old but has done well for the 5 years i've had it but lowering it down to 96 has even improved the sound quality.

Helaman Avalos
Helaman Avalos - 07.09.2023 00:11

just saw the price for the RME Babyface Pro FS, I think Im gonna stick with my scarlett solo for a while :'D

JMRSplatt - 03.09.2023 08:44

Wow TotalMixFX looks like an incredible program. I wish all interface companies had something like that.

Bradley Brookwood
Bradley Brookwood - 25.08.2023 16:52

What is the round-trip latency for the audient ID MK II audio interface and how good truly are the preamps in that audio interface? sweetwater tells me that this is a great audio interface but I just want to make sure that I'm being told the truth and I'm not getting smoke blown up my ass just so they can sell a product. Also how do I set it up so that logic pro never enables the car audio driver? Do I need the core audio driver in logic pro? Every time I go into recording preferences to turn it off and click apply to try and lower the latency it always comes back on when I restart logic pro.

Billy Peterson
Billy Peterson - 24.08.2023 01:01

I switched to Mac. Just about solved the latency issue. However, my flipping screen is broken because of Apple's faulty design.

Henry14arsenal2007 - 23.08.2023 22:09

Please make a video about recording through guitar processors via USB hooked directly to the computer. What would be the best practices? Is there any downside or advantage compared to recording through an interface?

Dmitrii - 13.07.2023 21:22

1. How to use the low latency only for the guitar and have another latency for the drums, keyboards ? I don't need low latency for them !!!! Stupid thing, why don't they do that?
Record the audioclick by placing your pickups near the speakers to get the delay. Time difference will be obvious.

Andrea - 13.07.2023 16:13

My pc is very bad in terms of sound recording and to have a decent sound I experience a lot of latency. Can an external audio card like the scarlet model help me?

Francisco Vidal
Francisco Vidal - 02.07.2023 23:01

Just changing to ASIO helped me a lot. New on recording guitar, thanks a lot!!!!!!!!

Richard Hartog
Richard Hartog - 21.06.2023 09:44

Greet lessen..thanks😊

secallen - 30.05.2023 01:30

Thanks, but what's with the crane?

Xtn:1 Insecticide
Xtn:1 Insecticide - 16.05.2023 13:40

I’m not worried about latency with recording in atm but I am wondering how to correct in the mix, so say I have a 10ms latency delay, do i then need to shift my track by 10ms to sound right before mixing?

Dope OD
Dope OD - 02.05.2023 04:09

So I have latency in all daws when i try to record. I used for an example bandlab web, after doing the test (im using zoom v3 vocal procesor but i used to have similar numbers while just using the USB mic plugged into mi PC directly) will tell me that the latency is around 171 ms. Then re do it, it might tell the same number, but after doing it again the nombre may be 180ms, or 182, then 175... it even dropped to 112 ms once, then re made the test and went up again. What could be the problem here ?

Pavel - 01.05.2023 19:49

Just compared my new RME Babyface FS pro with Forusrite solo. Surprisingly in Logic Focusrite demonstrated lower latency than Babyface. I recorded the metronome from Logic and looked visually at the wave. Quite a weird result in the DAW. At the same time, RTL Utility shows better results for the Babyface. Why is that?

8 8
8 8 - 27.04.2023 22:36

most informative advertisement ever

Juan - 20.04.2023 03:51

yeah i’ve got no clue what im doing
