Mailspring On Linux - The Best Linux E-Mail Client?

Mailspring On Linux - The Best Linux E-Mail Client?

eBuzz Central

2 года назад

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@brainongames6869 - 08.09.2021 22:56

I was thinking about giving Thunderbird a go since I've not used a email program since the 90's and just use web based services. But it would be nice to have a local copy of some of those emails in case the net went down. I still have emails from relatives that have passed on which I'll want to go back and read one day. Anyways, maybe I'll give mailspring a go as it looks quite polished. Thanks for the vid Troy!

@ex-voto - 09.09.2021 07:09

I think its a good layout. You can see the email subject, sender, date, & short text preview for many messages in large text without need to click or navigate at all. Then when you do click the email display area is large & not a slim strip like other clients. So design wise, its the best evolution of an email client. Actually, the layout view is basically an identical clone of Apple Mail.
As long as it stable & bug free I think I would comfortably switch to this. - hmm, yes. I think i will try it now.!

@psychogamer1368 - 09.09.2021 07:31

I can't get it working in Arch... it always says libsecret is missing... but I checked it and its there...

@dudemrinmoy6132 - 09.09.2021 10:31

Hey great❤️

@GuyWhoChad - 09.09.2021 11:51

Everyone - blurring their names
Ebuzz - * confidently shows politics and other shit spam in his email *

@dougtilaran3496 - 10.09.2021 03:09

It's what Thunderchicken want to be when it never grows up

@BlackerMan - 14.09.2021 11:03

how does this compare to kmail? i use manjaro kde, what is the disadvantage of using kmail?

@dougsiew9521 - 19.09.2021 04:26

Does Mailspring support O365 with EWS?

@jekbembo5974 - 02.10.2021 10:32

Naah just use thunder bird

@cheetahman859 - 17.11.2021 20:44

It still needs a lot of work... Their signature handling is abysmal. Whoever did their pre-made layouts should be fired. It has issues with copying and pasting and messing up the format. I also don't like the look that is appears more like a webpage than software visually. As someone who needs office 365 support for email, I'm always open to finding a linux alternative. But this still doesn't replace Outlook for me, and so I'm still running Windows in a virtual until I can get a decent email client.

@TMDangerMouse - 07.02.2022 02:29

Does this client support Push email or is it delayed and need refreshing?

Thanks for the video as well, very helpful 🙂

@nexion2406 - 22.02.2022 20:19

This is a great client I have it on windows and Linux but I found the ram usage to be quite high on windows

@davidwayne9982 - 08.07.2022 21:15

Just so you'll know-- they are NOW doing custom installs of special lenses so you don't need glasses any more-- don't have to have cataracts. It's a SIMPLE process- done in 10 minutes- and if your eyes are healthy- you can see perfectly within minutes-- and total healing in couple days. My panoptix lens lets me see close up AND distance without glasses and I was near blind in that one too. I've had almost 9 months of issues though- but NOT because of the lens-- because of My BAD left eye (had a detached retina that was 5 years old- so they are experimenting on surgeries to correct it- and it's coming back slowly!!! ) I've been blind in the left eye since I hit my head on an airconditioner working at the buildings.. and normally if it's not checked in 48 hours or less- they won't work in them-- but as I said- they are FIXING Mine and it IS working- slowly. BUT many people are having the lens of their eye replaced wtih special ones and can see GREAT without glasses. My uncle had it- he's 75 and could see PERFECTLY the next morning. It's taking me longer becuase the good eye is trying to compensate for the bad one-- but as I said it's getting better. They even have LAL lenses now-- LIGHT ADJUSTABLE LENSE-- they can put them in- very close to your perfect vision needs- and then over a period of weeks ADJUT IT using ultraviolet light to give PERFECT VISION AFTER the lens is already installed. Worth thinking about!!!

@vulamnguyen9453 - 26.08.2022 16:36

I couldn't send mail while connecting to VPN...

@lwa.dev74 - 25.10.2022 22:14

awesome mate thank you!

@harshphysik - 24.12.2022 12:51

Can it add protonmail account?

@ichbrauchmehrkaffee5785 - 30.01.2023 23:38

I installed it today, played with it for about 15 minutes and then uninstalled it again.
What I liked:
- the clean gui
- easy setup with my MS Exchange Mail Account
- Mailspring ID now optional
What I didn't like:
- I couldn't find any way to access my calendar
- It was sloooooooooooooooooooooooww
