Mimblewimble and Scriptless Scripts | Andrew Poelstra (Blockstream) | RWC 2018

Mimblewimble and Scriptless Scripts | Andrew Poelstra (Blockstream) | RWC 2018

Real World Crypto

6 лет назад

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@alviolampis - 17.11.2023 15:23

My LTC's have mimblewimble.... 8)

@monkman369 - 13.02.2023 17:00

Epic Cash is the best implementation for Mimblewimble available.

@Ryan-xq3kl - 19.01.2023 02:40

Just a thought, I know this is years late but seems as if the issue is still unsolved. There is a contracting software for bitcoin like chains called simplicity being developed by blockstream where they created a contract that allows you to pay to its state. If grin can adopt simplicity we can have much more flexible dynamics between contracts that won't require auxiliary methods for creating schnorr signatures. Nevertheless the idea is fascinating and I think needs to be done. Effectively what I am suggesting is a version of simplicity for the grinblockchain which uses cross input signature aggregation to create contracts for which the state is verifiable to the end user but is not public information via the same assumptions that build up cross input signature aggregation. Every contract needs public information to work properly , I think having a contract state verification scheme on Grin could still be done in a privacy preserving way.

@sovereignprime6403 - 29.12.2022 15:09

If you had an infinitely divisible token, you could encode transaction amounts with any kind of data you like. Confidential transactions means transaction amounts are hidden. This is an anonymous messaging system as well as a high compression distributed ledger. This is brilliant!

@masterbtcltc5490 - 26.10.2021 08:40

Litecoin is adding MimbleWimble

@masterbtcltc5490 - 26.10.2021 07:56

Litecoin is adding MimbleWimble

@dvsdvsdvs329 - 10.09.2020 22:47

Epic cash!

@young-ceo - 13.03.2019 03:39

This will be a game changer

@spinLOL533 - 05.02.2019 05:49


@yesterdaysguy - 10.01.2019 21:46

Of what I understand this is really awesome but man am I kicking myself for not taking more math in school.

@GabeHiggins - 21.12.2018 05:24

This is a fantastic talk. I'm having to listen and relisten to slowly digest it, but fascinating system.

I do wonder about Scriptless Scripts, why call them that? Wouldn't it be better to call them "Secret scripts" or "secret smart contracts" since there can still be a script defining the parameters of a tx, it's just unknown what those are to the rest of the network?

@scuf1790 - 28.09.2018 04:07

Wow man.

@djsnakeyes - 12.06.2018 00:59

Fuck Blockstream!

@odedlei - 14.02.2018 14:37

Thank you for the great interesting work, Andrew.
Q: Even though you'd lose the possibility to be a "serving" full-node, wouldn't it make sense to have the storage comparison against a "pruned" full-node?
If I understand correctly, pruning still allows you to be a fully validating (though selfish) node.

@Castle3179 - 16.01.2018 05:57

Can one do loops with scriptless scripts? I wonder.

@mkay1388 - 13.01.2018 02:47

Ok so is this able to be applied to the past chain of btc, just future transactions or would have to be a completly new crypto?

@kobigurkan4546 - 12.01.2018 17:12

Although I appreciate all your work, I think it's dangerous to say the name out loud!

@karlparadis6 - 12.01.2018 12:37

Is the presentation slides available somewhere? Thanks
