Control webcam with servo motor and Raspberry pi - Opencv with Python tutorial

Control webcam with servo motor and Raspberry pi - Opencv with Python tutorial


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@khalilullah6776 - 06.06.2020 08:00

how to install cv2 in raspberry?
plz guide me?

@aimadesigns - 09.06.2020 20:14

Thank you for sharing,your videos are really helping me working on my final year project.

@chakithpatil3478 - 26.06.2020 13:14

how to code
if i want to detect face instead of that red ball ..
please help me...

@brandonstringfellow1041 - 26.06.2020 21:48

Why not just use: x // y instead of int(x / y)

@med6402 - 01.07.2020 09:35

dude you are a legend

@YazeedAlkosai - 21.07.2020 10:22

I have a 3D model I need to measure the length, width, and depth of the feature and detect the features as a hole, pocket, planner ..could you help me to do the coding in Open CV with python

@adlikarim1906 - 06.08.2020 22:06

wow that's fantastic and you made a free tutorial for it. thanks a lot :D

@mahmou6 - 08.08.2020 14:23

Hi, anyone know how to divide the camera capture in order to detect based on frame segments on the camera capture. Meaning, if my width is 100, can I run the same program to detect in cements if 10 pixels for example from left to right

@mahmou6 - 08.09.2020 15:39

Hi, is it possible to detect object by color same inside an ROI for tracking as well

@theconcheror5691 - 09.09.2020 19:04

Can this project be used with yolov3?

@jathyadharmasena988 - 29.09.2020 12:51

Very nice ! thanks a lot

@jsopdebeeck - 19.11.2020 23:30

Hello, do you know if it is possible to track Hornets in open-field ( OpenCV, RPi4, fixed HD camera, but laser moving) ? I'm not a developper and I desperate to do better than just detecting basic objects. Hornets are fast objects.

@arniqueen5407 - 02.01.2021 04:25

Its really great. Is this can applied to arduino?

@sdknstar601 - 07.01.2021 17:13

Nice...soon you can put object tracking enable...and disable...and some joystick...and...wireless webcam control from other pc...

@encryptal - 19.01.2021 08:24

What is the servo hat called?

@jackyli6716 - 06.02.2021 11:10

super nice bro

@josuecoboscantero936 - 01.03.2021 04:47

Where I can find or download the PCA9685 library?

@justswedish - 01.03.2021 19:13

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PCA9685' ?

@amrutkhodanpur4300 - 19.04.2021 21:03


@curious_harsha - 21.04.2021 22:50

Can we do this without a servo hat? i.e. can we do it using GPIO & PWM?

@nirash8018 - 30.04.2021 22:54

I am using the RPi.GPIO library. The problem is, that it's not able to update the angle on every frame, bcs you need to put a time.sleep(0.5) after you gave the servo the command to move to an specific angle. Otherwise it will just instantly jump to the next command and never really has time to move. Is there a different way to approach this, without using the PCA9685 library? Bcs I'm not possesing the extra board

@jasmineluxor1085 - 01.06.2021 17:38

Thank you ❤

@kcireorenom8430 - 25.06.2021 12:16

nice !!!! is it possible to do it with an arduino or an esp32?

@dikaputra4579 - 30.07.2021 14:17

Good evening sir, i wanna ask you something about raspberry pi

I have a project like a color detection using hsv color space. But when i run the program in raspberry the camera like lagging not clearly and smooth for detection, how can i fix this problem sir. Thx

@anantatriantamap - 14.08.2021 08:15

thank you, sir and I learned a lot from you.
but there is some error with my code. i try to write again with my own self with your code as a reference
but in ' _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(color_mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) '
I got an error, ValueError : not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)
I hope you can help me. thank you

@igrisknight941 - 18.08.2021 13:08

how to solve this ? name 'x_medium' is not defined

for cnt in contours:
(x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)

x_medium = int((x + x + w) / 2)

cv2.line(frame, (x_medium, 0), (x_medium, 480), (0, 255, 0), 2)

@luqmanharits1456 - 11.09.2021 09:54

excuse me sir, can i use to motor servo xyz to ??

@edwardkim2757 - 08.10.2021 11:34

Man! how do you do this so easily! thumbs up!

@jrickyramos - 08.02.2022 04:38

Can you do the same thing but actually training the raspberry/Jetson on a specific ‘object’ class rather than the color?

@johnanderson9619 - 28.02.2022 18:15

Why are you shooting the video towards the window with the sunlight coming through it? That's why you can't see objects. Horrible camera position. The camera should be facing oposite direction with the sunlight working with the webcam.
Sunlight >> Webcam >> Object . Not Webcam >> Sunlight >> Object. Spin the workspace 180 deg. so the sunlight shines on the object and works behind the webcam, not in front of it blocking the objects because the sunlight is shining in the webcam.

@ajitgadkari127 - 10.03.2022 15:11

How can I get the co-ordinates of the detected ball so as to follow it? Please help...

@arcrobotics9982 - 01.05.2022 04:38

could this be done using raspberry pi zero w?

@muhammadaminbadali6185 - 09.06.2022 22:38

hello Pysource, can i request the libarary for PCA9685 in this video

@bobthegypsy - 18.06.2022 02:49

Love the smile

@luiscadenacampos7884 - 18.06.2022 22:31

Hi, I have the adafruit library for the PCA9685, but when I run your code I get an error:
from PCA9685 import PCA9685
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PCA9685'.

Do you have the library you used for this module? I don't understand why the Adafruit one is not working for me.

@talhamunir3927 - 27.08.2022 14:42

@Pysource _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(color_mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) '
I got an error, ValueError : not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) what to do??

@ajaykushwah6793 - 03.09.2022 17:32

I am doing segmentation by RGB values of the object, and it is running good but the problem is the display shows the segmentation after 8 to 9 seconds when I put the object in front of the camera...I m using RPi 4 b model with 4 gb ram ..please help me to reduce the response time..I m using Logitech USB cam

@gilles4332 - 20.09.2022 10:48

bonjour et un grand merci à vous, j’ai un rpi3 b+ et un Adafruit DC & Stepper Motor HAT pour Raspberry Pi - Mini Kit, je possède également des moteurs pas à pas nema 17, comment intégrer mon chapeau dans votre code, merci d’avance pour votre réponse que c’est, et bonne continuation.

@gapguy9564 - 16.10.2022 09:57

Im getting very low FPS probably (0.2)
Please suggest me something.
Using : pi3b and hpwebcam for face recognition

@gapguy9564 - 17.10.2022 08:51

I want to increase fps. Its not usable at present.
Using raspi 3b

@ayoubboubou7202 - 10.11.2022 12:55

can this be done with python?

@languageofthenature3034 - 14.01.2023 21:19

How did you connect servo? Did you use gpio pins?

@rob1_prd880 - 01.11.2023 12:34

how did you found your range of color ?

@genevievehadj-said18 - 02.01.2024 22:09

Est-ce possible de faire du traking mais avec n'importe quel objet ?

@ahmetsonmez2972 - 15.04.2024 22:53

Allah razı olsun muhterem

@quinjet1346 - 20.06.2024 01:48

Se puede hacer lo mismo con una ESP32 cam ? Y seguidor de rostro ??

@duyduy5595 - 26.06.2024 06:50

what rotating device are you using? Can you suggest any good rotating device I can buy that can be controlled by computer? Can that mg996r be using on macOS or pc?
