"Brilliant" plans to win WWII:  How France planned to win the war?

"Brilliant" plans to win WWII: How France planned to win the war?


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@kostakole9876 - 26.10.2023 16:58

Ah yes, the imprenable maginot line!

@w41duvernay - 08.07.2023 21:22

ONE reason why France lost against Germany was they didn't modernize their tank fleet with radios.

@RomanOf-pr5di - 08.06.2023 01:33


@GreatPolishWingedHussars - 02.06.2023 20:15

The 1st question of the video on what was needed for to win WW2 is easy to answer. To win the war against the Germans were needed reliable and honest allies who would support Poland with all their might. But instead Poland had treacherous and cowardly allies who betrayed Poland because they did not attack massively in the west as was agreed with Poland before the war. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! This was the continuation of British and French stupid appeasement politics of the 30s! The historical fact is that the French and British had no intention of launching a massive attack in the west, as was agreed with Poland. British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain put it in these blunt words: For these “faraway countries” (he meant Poland and Czechoslovakia) it is not worth risking the peace of the citizens of Western Europe. 3 days after the German raid on Poland on 4 September 1939, during a Franco-British meeting in France, it was decided that no major land or air operations against Germany would take place. In his post-war diaries, General Edmund Ironside, the chief of the British General Staff, commented on French promises: "The French had lied to the Poles in saying they are going to attack. There is no idea of it". By the way, if British and French had massive attacked the Germans in the West, the Germans would have lost the war because they were not prepared for a two-fronts war! Hitler himself said before the war that he played va banque. He used it to describe that he hoped he's lucky and that he correctly assessed the disloyalty of the Polish allies. Because Hitler knew that he would surely lose the war if the French and British attacked massively in the west. Therefore, the German troops in the west were given the express order not to do anything to provoke the French and British into an attack. That is why there was not the slightest attack by the Germans in the western in 1939. If the French and British had attacked massively in the west, as had been agreed with Poland before the German raid on Poland, then the Germans would have been defeated by the Polish-Franco-British troops without any problem, because the Germans had hardly any tanks and combat aircrafts in the West. The vast majority of tanks and combat aircrafts were engaged in fighting against the Polish army. In fact, the German reserve units stationed in the west were partially untrained civilians in uniform. The French and British would have had no problem pushing as far as Berlin and further east but to do that they should have been ready to fight. Instead of fighting, they preferred to betray Poland and so this Polish-Franco-British victory did not exist. After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But instead of massively attacking as was agreed with Poland, they betrayed Poland and holed up cowardly in the bunkers. There was a British generals who actually regretted the betrayal after the war. General Ironside British Chief of the General Staff during the first year of the Second World War commented "in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins, “Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute he invaded Poland. … We did not … And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.”
But, sadly Poland trusted these treacherous nations. If Poland had known that the British and French would act like this in the event of war, Poland would have attacked Poland preventiev much earlier, when the German army was was clearly inferior around 1935 or 1936. Like the Germans in 1939, Poland simply invented a reason for war. Incidentally, when the Nazis took power in Germany, Poland suggested that the British and French should intervene militarily in Germany in order to overthrow the Nazis. The British and French rejected this very sensible Polish proposal. They were fools and traitors. They were fools and traitors.

@mememaster1985 - 08.11.2022 01:10

french tanks have 6 gears and 5 of them are reverse xD

@exbronco - 19.10.2022 07:21

I'm paraphrasing Mike Tyson here. "everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face."

@gwho - 15.10.2022 08:20

why does it think this needs to be subbed in japanese?

@Adike. - 30.09.2022 18:53

Hi Eastory. May I translate this video from English to Kazakh?

@wronghouse9294 - 27.09.2022 05:37

just go with flow , then you will always win

@jiawenzhu5915 - 23.08.2022 08:59

You forget to mention the "Blitzkrieg" is actually developed by a French, his name is Charles de Gaulle.

@senichars777 - 22.07.2022 04:39

I'm still waiting to see the British plans =\

@JS-bl6dc - 14.07.2022 20:55

the animations are the coolest thing about the videos lol

@robertsnoname8847 - 17.06.2022 19:35

Why are the captions set to Japanese

@ColinoDeani - 20.05.2022 19:32

So the french were being Reactionary.. thats never a good thing in war..

@robertbutler8004 - 10.04.2022 10:21

France win you must be joking during WWII France waved the white flag inside of 3 weeks.

@Jackilichous - 24.03.2022 19:35

The rush joke was really funny

@leonpaelinck - 11.03.2022 14:41

All they had to do was put some planes in the air to detect the tank divisions going trough the Ardennes...

@leonpaelinck - 11.03.2022 14:39

The funny part is, the Schlieffen plan required France to invade Germany in the shared border. So quickly entering Belgium to "prevent a new Schlieffenplan" was the dumbest thing they could do.

@TheFinanceStoryteller - 17.02.2022 11:09

Fascinating! Well researched, well told, well illustrated. Thank you for putting all the work in.

@one.darkstar - 01.01.2022 07:26

Your videos are always awesome, I've been watching about 6-7 since a month and subscribed midway. And your peaceful and calming voice is like 50% of the video! Keep on making these, Eastory!

@user-jn4qp3kn6c - 31.12.2021 02:10

July 15, 1933. Italy, France and the United Kingdom signed a political cooperation agreement with Germany (the "Pact of Four"). The treaty provided for the revision of the borders of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia in favor of Germany and Hungary.

January 26, 1934. Poland has concluded a non-Aggression Treaty with Germany (the "Pilsudski-Hitler Pact").

June 18, 1935. Great Britain, having betrayed its allies in the First World War, concluded a naval agreement with Germany, removing restrictions on the construction of warships from Germany.

November 26, 1936. Japan and Germany have concluded an agreement on defense against communism, known as the "Anti-Comintern Pact".

November 6, 1937. Italy has joined the "Anti-Comintern Pact".

September 30, 1938. Great Britain, France, Italy signed the "Munich Agreement" with Germany, as a result of which Czechoslovakia was divided between Germany and Poland.

September 30, 1938. Great Britain and Germany have signed a Declaration of mutual non-aggression.

December 6, 1938. France has concluded a non-aggression Agreement with Germany (the Bonnet-Ribbentrop Pact). The French, signing this document, hoped that Hitler would direct all his forces to the fight against Bolshevism.

February 24, 1939. Hungary joined the "Anti-Comintern Pact".

March 22, 1939. Lithuania has signed a non-aggression Treaty with Germany. Under the terms of this agreement, Lithuania transferred the Klaipeda Region to Germany. In 1945, this territory was returned to Lithuania by the Soviet Union.

March 26, 1939. Spain joined the "Anti-Comintern Pact".

May 22, 1939. Italy and Germany signed a treaty of alliance and friendship (the "Steel Pact").

May 31, 1939. Denmark and Germany have signed a non-aggression Pact.

June 7, 1939. Estonia and Latvia, which are in a strategic alliance, concluded non-aggression treaties with Germany (each with its own), which had a secret part providing for the mobilization of the military forces of the Baltic countries against the Soviet Union.

23.08.1939. Non-Aggression Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union (Molotov—Ribbentrop Pact).

@stoneruler - 18.12.2021 04:24

this series is awesome!

@kabirrudraahluwalia7810 - 19.11.2021 05:17

Make a video about the battle of Moscow

@whitezombie10 - 28.10.2021 14:29

Hitler: uses the soviets and then invades them

@srokokoko - 27.10.2021 22:47

Please, fix your pronunciation of word "iron"

@lungkoygallo7351 - 15.10.2021 04:53

Me in school:

@McRocket - 07.09.2021 04:58

The H-Phone.

@polskitygrys4951 - 27.08.2021 16:34

nah. the real french plan is to capitulate as fast as pollable.... if you dident realize i am joking

@Balanc0 - 21.08.2021 02:38

You forgot to mention that the France plan was failed already as they give Rhineland to the Germans in 1936 and as they together with Britain gave Austria and Czechoslovakia in to the Germans laps. Only with captured Czechoslovakian factory's, the German could produce enough mechanized forces that allowed Germans to destroy France so quick. Buy the way the most Germans' mechanized forces at that time had worked on synthetic fuel, which they had produced from coil that they have got in Rhineland.

@yamabushins - 04.08.2021 22:33

So, where's the British plan to win the war, I never saw that video or a link to it?

@mr.markofski4267 - 04.08.2021 02:32

So the Germans won because of:

• Soviets
• Speed
• Suprise

@FreeMan4096 - 03.08.2021 04:12

French were superbly ready for World War 1 number 2.

@alexthedemon2203 - 01.08.2021 08:05

Austria wasnt conquered Austria wanted to be annexed by germany

@Jay_Frank - 18.07.2021 18:50

The French made the same mistake as the Romans. Hannibal got his army through "Impassable" terrain just as the Nazis did.

@erti4531 - 04.07.2021 17:31

But this time Germany is more smart

@Btfvt - 02.07.2021 20:28

This channel is like OverSimplified but more detailed

@w41duvernay - 04.06.2021 05:35

I ALSO UNDERSTAND another factor of France losing was them NOT modernizing their tanks with radios.

@miguelgalang6450 - 03.06.2021 20:42

I've read a lot of books on the matter and they were all unanimous: French thinking in 1940 was as it had been in 1917.

@edval6404 - 04.05.2021 22:42

France made a Non-agression Pact with the Nazis before de Soviets. The Bonnet-Ribbentrop Pact (The Franco-German Declaration) in 1938

@GreenMantis27 - 03.05.2021 17:43

hahaa only the american plan won

@cfcheadhunter - 02.05.2021 11:18

War is a disaster for everyone.

@maximvazhenin3345 - 28.04.2021 08:24

Camouflage: -15 detection.
Flag: +10 morale
Flag: -10 detection.

@arafatbiegun846 - 03.04.2021 19:13

there was no need to give Austria and Czechoslovakia to Hitler. it's all.

@PsychShrew - 30.03.2021 10:30

People talk shit about the Maginot Line when it’s one of the few parts of the French Strategy that worked exactly as intended.

@kerim1111 - 06.03.2021 00:17


@mycar7945 - 14.02.2021 20:57

then Germany sent a single truck division into Paris and France immediately surrendered
