How to Move Your Apple Photos Library to an External Drive

How to Move Your Apple Photos Library to an External Drive

Doc Rock

3 года назад

426,894 Просмотров

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gRosh08 - 15.11.2023 07:25

Uncle Ry-Ry said… cool. Thanks for sharing.

Main’s Ink
Main’s Ink - 10.11.2023 10:04

Can you do a video on backing up appropriate files from your iPad to an external hard drive please

Robin’s Apothecary & Urban Homestead
Robin’s Apothecary & Urban Homestead - 07.11.2023 14:24

Hi thank you. I am trying to move photos from my iphone to an external drive but can't find a way to do it to move the whole folder like you did. i have 22k photos and 2k videos to move. Also, if you move the whole library like you did, what happens with new photos that you take, and lastly how about if you don't want to use icloud at all. My 200 g of icloud is full and i don't want to pay them for the rest of my life lol.. so i guess i want to turn off this sharing move the library and then have a maintenance procedure to update the storage once a month.. does that make sense? just trying to find an easy way to do this.. (not one photo at a time, not drag and drop.. i'd like a copy and paste.. done)

Nicolas Martin
Nicolas Martin - 30.10.2023 06:31

Why isn’t the Pictures folder backed up to iCloud?

Akhil K
Akhil K - 28.10.2023 11:02

thank you so much for the video - It worked seamlessly

Mike Orazzi
Mike Orazzi - 23.10.2023 21:30

Nice info. I dislike software that creates database files somewhere it chooses, before too long these files get huge.

JON Gergeceff
JON Gergeceff - 11.10.2023 03:59

Liked and subscribed my brother.❤

Kellie I
Kellie I - 08.10.2023 21:05

What if I have optimized storage turned on because I don't have enough room on my Mac. I would like to copy my library in full reolution pictures to an external hard drive. I'm also worried about accessing these library folders years down the road...Would it better to copy pictures directly from my phone? I'm subscribing now:)

guitaristinseattle - 01.10.2023 03:18

My iPhone 12 has a Photos file where my photos are all stored. How, if I may simply copy and paste the entire folder to an external drive then delete the Photos folder for new empty storage?

John Blake
John Blake - 28.09.2023 21:09

Great video. I have an old MacBook Air laptop. I’m wondering if I could do this with its small drive? Not sure about the older operating system.

I_Want_My_Daddy's_Records_Back - 26.09.2023 17:34

iCloud is just another person's computer.

Jake Baker
Jake Baker - 26.09.2023 02:37

finallllly found a vidoe that helped. took me an hour of clicking through videos. saving the channel!

Aman Bhatia
Aman Bhatia - 25.09.2023 11:29

Hey. I hope you're doing fine.

I want to know if this will allow me to backup only new photos whenever I connect my iPhone? Like I don't want to choose the new photos manually, but rather let the system automatically detect the new photos.

Ameera - 22.09.2023 22:44

I do this and I did not find my library 😱

Mavz Life
Mavz Life - 21.09.2023 02:36

I have lost u.. what folders did u open and where did u find em from as i have all my pics are on my phone so do u need to transfer it to my macbook?

Robert Chaolan
Robert Chaolan - 20.09.2023 15:05

This is the worst solution I've ever heard

Carlos Oliveros
Carlos Oliveros - 19.09.2023 11:56

too much bs. to the point to the point

Nour Par Norae
Nour Par Norae - 14.09.2023 18:49

Please how do I connect iCloud w the new empty photos library

Day Gecko Art Hawai'i
Day Gecko Art Hawai'i - 11.09.2023 02:40

This isn't totally clear to me. Will this literally download all your photos to the external hard drive? Everyone else is saying this is impossible unless you download manually from the iCloud website. And is everything still on iCloud? I get nervous when I hear things like "move the photo library". Move means delete from the original location. And what is a library? Are the actual photos on the USB drive or are they just pointed to by entries in a database?

J.J - 09.09.2023 14:50

What if you don’t have iCloud turned on, or at least photos for iCloud turned on? I was planning on getting a Mac this year. I already have an iPad, but I don’t use icloud. Would this happen if everything for iCloud is turned off?

A.A - 05.09.2023 07:59

Does the file contain my albums as well? Or if I access the file I’ll only find my photos?

David Storer
David Storer - 04.09.2023 14:28

Hi Doc, Great presentation on a subject that a lot of peole will be apprehensive to tackle. Thank you very much.
One question from me: Does this in any way affect the way in which iCloud works with Photos?

Sherlene Mats
Sherlene Mats - 02.09.2023 00:32

I want to save to an external HHD but I don't have a Mac. Can you suggest a how-to video?

Chantal Rochon
Chantal Rochon - 30.08.2023 17:50

Thank you for this video 😊

pianoman6639 - 30.08.2023 03:13

Thank you s much really helped

Victoria Sharpe Music
Victoria Sharpe Music - 29.08.2023 16:18

Hey Doc! This vid still apply? YNWA! 😂❤

Paul Woaert
Paul Woaert - 19.08.2023 22:17

Hello. After applying your procedure in MacOS for moving photos/videos to the external ssd, will these photos and videos, which were also contained as copies in the iCloud by synchronization with the iPhone, are still be present in iCloud ? (making that during the synchronization iCloud/Macbook, these photos/videos will again be saved in duplicate in the new default destination, that is to say in the external ssd ?).

Shreya Rajput
Shreya Rajput - 15.08.2023 18:01

But how to open this Mac Photos library from external drive in iPad???
My iPad not showing option to open this library

M M - 14.08.2023 15:54

Thanks for the content so on my external hard drive I see the file but when I try the option and open other library and choose my external hard drive I don’t see it come up. So I’m stuck at this point 😢

NaturalYogi - 13.08.2023 02:07

What happens if you fire up iphoto without having your external drive connected?

Rob Warner
Rob Warner - 12.08.2023 11:23

Only two years late, but I’m just getting into the Apple ecosystem properly. This video was recommended- and thank goodness it was! The M2 Mac Mini upgrades have been putting me off buying into the Mac computer range for so long. But no longer! You’ve gained another subscriber here - love the style of presentation and the content was exactly what I needed. Thanks!

Maya - 12.08.2023 00:55

Thank you. Cuz I’m not buying a new iPhone

Robert C Smith
Robert C Smith - 11.08.2023 15:47

Hey Doc Rock, Doc Bob here. I happily found your site today and was glad to see that I did this task correctly a while back…whew! I have a big photo library and am kinda paranoid about losing stuff, so I wanted to ask your advice. My photos are stored on an external ssd, backed up to iCloud, and I also have hard copy backup (via Time Machine) of my ssd & computer HD on a slower, non-ssd drive. Does that seem adequate to you? Thanks for the great tip about changing out ssd drives every 3 years. Do you feel the same way about non-ssd drives? Thanks again for the great site and any advice. All the best to you, Bob

Marla - 05.08.2023 06:04

Thanks For The great Advice

Roxanne Colyer
Roxanne Colyer - 04.08.2023 02:29

Thank you for the clarity of your instructions!

Sanford Lane
Sanford Lane - 02.08.2023 01:28

What happens if we select use as system photo library?

Carl Rozycki
Carl Rozycki - 28.07.2023 23:14

Mahalo! Your video has solved the problem I've had with my Mac Mini ever since I first got it. 🤙

Thomas Matheson
Thomas Matheson - 26.07.2023 05:18

Hey Doc you do Rock. That was a great presentation. I’ve been in engineering hardware/software for over 40 years. I use a lot of different platforms. PC, Unix, Linux, Mac… I actually owned one of the original Macs back in the early 80s so I’ve been a long time user. Thanks for your video. Totally Awesome Dude!

Thomas Kendrick
Thomas Kendrick - 20.07.2023 04:12

I have a lifetime pCloud subscription for 500GB. The software will extract ALL of the photos I have ever taken and store them in cloud storage, available from any phone, tablet or laptop. Subscriptions for 2TB are slightly more but I don't take may photos.

Barry Marc Miskin
Barry Marc Miskin - 19.07.2023 17:53

best video for this you make it easy and very clear instructions thank you

Jef Val
Jef Val - 19.07.2023 04:23

why is your intro bit so loud -_-

Drone World
Drone World - 16.07.2023 17:17

Can I send my iphotos directly to the external hard drive?

Jagjit singh Tabla Player Taal music academy canada
Jagjit singh Tabla Player Taal music academy canada - 16.07.2023 07:02

you great sir, thanks.🙏

Kelly Browning
Kelly Browning - 10.07.2023 03:22

INSANELY helpful!! Thank you so much.

Esequiel Gomez
Esequiel Gomez - 03.07.2023 03:12

Is there a way to get it threw windows?

John Wilson
John Wilson - 02.07.2023 20:08

Thanks for sharing

Marc D
Marc D - 23.06.2023 03:38

Hello, Doc, thank you for this video. I just found this today, June 22, 2023, the first of your videos I've seen.

I have a couple of questions I hope you can answer:

1. When you moved your photos to the external drive, if you still have iCloud synced, won't the photos just sync back up with everything? I found this out yesterday after deleting a couple of thousand items from my phone, thinking they were all still in iCloud, and this would free up memory on my phone. However, with iCloud sync still on, everything downloaded back onto my phone within a couple of minutes.

2. My other question is regarding downloading from my iPhone to an external hard drive I have connected to my PC laptop. I don't have a Mac computer, only a Windows PC / laptop. How do I download my photos from my iPhone to the external HD connected to my laptop?

Thank you for any help you can provide,


Yes You Can Home Educate!
Yes You Can Home Educate! - 22.06.2023 22:22

What happens if you want to open these photos from a computer with a Windows OS? Will it be able to view the photos?

goongoon - 18.06.2023 03:03

Thank u Doc Rock, this was very helpful!
