I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream - Full Playthrough

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream - Full Playthrough

Joseph Anderson Channel Two

5 лет назад

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@dmitrystelefona8453 - 29.11.2023 04:28

Entry sound is out of balance is unbearable.

@TheSilverwing999 - 23.06.2023 16:08

Looks like there's a thunderstorm on the horizon.

Not surprised that you wouldn't like this game. I mean anything that doesn't have a clear cut path with handholding the whole time often seems to frustrate you. The game is supposed to be surreal, not realistic. I feel bad for the people that got nothing out of this. Incredibly disappointed that you couldn't overcome this tendency though but not unexpected considering your other playthroughs

Should have just ended the playthrough after the halfway point as you had given up on it already anyway. Wouldn't matter what it showed you, you would have written it off anyway before you saw it

@guybrushthreepwood163 - 19.10.2022 08:39

Dude when the bar blew up after shooting Harry I laughed SO HARD

@swishyb - 23.04.2022 04:12

angel: "mirrors hold tremendous power in this sphere" "if i knew were it was, i would use it to get rid of my fallen brother over there." "vanity is a sin. that mirror holds no power over me."
devil: has massive 6x6 oil painting of himself, holding the mirror checking himself out
joseph: ???
someone in chat: "use the mirror on the devil"
devil is vain, gets taken over and sucked into the mirror
joseph, sarcastically: "makes perfect sense"

i like joseph but he can be very dense sometimes lol

@helper_bot - 05.09.2021 08:57

the game really is really pretty long huh

@JD-gf7ur - 03.09.2019 01:08

streamers who yell into the mic are cancer and need to be fucking shot in the back of the head

@Neptunella - 06.12.2018 03:54

I'm in the middle of the stream, and I love just how annoyed Joseph was at Ellen's part, if I was playing it myself my reaction would be the same :D To be honest I thought this game would be better from how much people praised it.

@Cavs191 - 03.12.2018 22:54

Can you please do the earlier elder scrolls like morrowwind or even hammerfall? The original fallout one and two would also be great!

@IIxIxIv - 18.11.2018 16:19

So the men had to overcome bad things they did themselves, but the woman had to overcome being raped?

@TheBurbster - 14.11.2018 04:47

Have you ever played The Last Express? And would you consider playing it for a stream, or at all? It's another point and click game, but with the addition of everything happening in real time. I don't usually enjoy point-and-click games, but this one really hooked me, I think because of the combo of the real-time gimmick, the era the story takes place in, and the cool rotoscoped animation that replaces otherwise poorly-aged graphics. (sorry if you've already discussed this somewhere and I completely missed it!)

@Jaknife101 - 05.11.2018 10:10

"I got some stream memes for you"
Joe: "I'm really tired...."
Also Joe: "Lemme' look at them."

I died

@oldladyhater - 03.11.2018 09:15

it is REALLY cringy that ellen is like, a 34 year old super-smart computer engineering genius, but still says shit like "sucka" and "you muhthuh" and "Anubis baby" like a character from a blaxploitation movie just because she's black

@Megasboys - 03.11.2018 04:38

Why so 144p and 360p and not 240p

@Pinkhair3d - 02.11.2018 12:39

And of course, Portal has the exact same story.

@twinkiesmaster69 - 01.11.2018 14:57

Finally an author who understand me!

@onsidesilver7828 - 01.11.2018 07:56

I'm so confused by that ending.
Is there even a "good ending" in this game? O.o

@clairedex - 01.11.2018 02:51

Yo wtf I was just saying to a friend that I would love to see you play this game and then this pops up in my feed like 2 hours later...

@brande2274 - 01.11.2018 01:02


@sapphirewine7470 - 31.10.2018 22:46

The short story is so nice short and sweet, this just seemed to drag on pointlessly.

@tannerhill9648 - 31.10.2018 21:56


@chwrt - 31.10.2018 21:07

You know, it's a big place, the desert. Got lost in it myself... Looks like there's a thunderstorm on the horizon

@paxmorgana - 31.10.2018 19:12

You can get a Wii modded by going to a website and sending it a letterbomb. After that, you can download "Nintendon't" and put that into the Homebrew channel. So long as you hide startup it plays exactly like a GameCube because it's a proprietary emulator, all you need to accomplish all this is: A dummy Nintendo Wii, a GameCube controller, a USB stick of sufficient size, an SD card of sufficient size, a card reader for your PC, and a couple (max 3) hours time to download what you want and update the Wii and learn how to do it etc. (This included travel time up and down stairs, and first time jitters)

@Anathema7 - 31.10.2018 18:59

I really love this game

@cokeMONSTERps3 - 31.10.2018 18:57


@TOAOM123 - 31.10.2018 18:56

The author of the story is the narrator
He also died just this year in June :(

@killermelga - 31.10.2018 18:48

I read the short story and I have to say.. The video game adaptation is better :O

I loved the game, even with the convoluted tropes of old school point and clicks

@neightthegrate9702 - 31.10.2018 18:40

Welp there goes my schedule.

@joshuagrahm3607 - 31.10.2018 18:39

I cannot tell you how hype I’d be for a jo Anderson IHNMAIMS vid

@DobeRadio - 31.10.2018 18:30

