The Killing Machine - Zimbabwe-Rhodesia '76 - '79

The Killing Machine - Zimbabwe-Rhodesia '76 - '79


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Semso - 02.12.2020 01:22


Alessandro Luciano
Alessandro Luciano - 08.10.2023 17:54

War is greed's most dangerous toy

Virgilio Sollozzo
Virgilio Sollozzo - 22.09.2023 15:13

There but for the grace of numbers goes Australia.

Neil Millward
Neil Millward - 19.09.2023 18:55

Great video. Perhaps better music would have been, Fortunate Son?

R Kirschner
R Kirschner - 11.09.2023 19:13

Bloody Damn Shame what the west let become...and is still letting happen. God Bless all who survive. ❤🙏👍

Christopher Navavie Greenland
Christopher Navavie Greenland - 09.09.2023 12:45

The facts of the matter are: -
1. Ian Smith stopped all up-killing of non-Whites such as "Adventure into Citizenship" in which smart high school kids of all races were taken on a tour of Parliament, Boardrooms, Factories . .etc.. to see and learn how a country is run.
2. He stopped all recruitment of non-whites into the Civil Service.
3. He tried to pass his version of South Africa's diabolically infamous Group Areas Act ... and was only stopped because the Jewish Community, in particular, led other minority groups to join hands with the Coloured Community to serve notice on Smith that this would be opposed hook, line and sinker.
4, His was the legal government of the country with all the powers of a government ... EXCEPT ONE ... and that was that he could not pass legislation that affected the indigenous humans without British government consent.
5. So UDI, and all the posturing, was simply an attempt to be rid of the British veto on legislation affecting Blacks ... NO MORE ... NO LESS !!!!!
6. What was EXTREMELY foolish about UDI is that it had NO CHANCE of succeeding, as the whole World had signed off on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 (except for Russia, South Africa and Saudi) after a World War and the Holocaust that made minority rule IMPOSSIBLE.
7. Note that Smith had actually fought in that war to stop foreign minority rule of his ancestral country.
8. What Smith did was to actually squander the enormous respect that the Black population had for Whites .... plunge the country into an unwinnable war ... and get us the Communist inspired swine Robert Mugabe who was a nobody in 1965 when Smith declared UDI.

ChillCal Brody
ChillCal Brody - 29.08.2023 09:14

Didn't know there was a cavalry element. Now I'm more intrigued than ever.

Kaz Miller
Kaz Miller - 12.08.2023 23:03

Make Rhodesia Great Again

Skinn Skalle
Skinn Skalle - 12.08.2023 08:43

Rhodesians never die

Drank Dropea
Drank Dropea - 11.08.2023 03:20

Would love a good shooter set in the Bush War.

ᚹᚣᚷ • ᛒᚱᛁᛏᚣᚻᚻᛁᛈᚣ
ᚹᚣᚷ • ᛒᚱᛁᛏᚣᚻᚻᛁᛈᚣ - 11.08.2023 00:23

We should've stayed in the empire game, ohh the horrors we'd have prevented. 🇬🇧🌍

Adam CIEMNIEWSKI - 10.08.2023 12:22


Striker - 10.08.2023 09:36


CheeseFood XII
CheeseFood XII - 06.08.2023 20:35

Awesome Nostalgic Cope

Merdic Magic
Merdic Magic - 04.08.2023 09:25

I hate this song

Cameron Ash
Cameron Ash - 04.08.2023 03:35

Why do I see Willem Dafoe from Platoon in the thumbnail lmao

Lime Anrepid
Lime Anrepid - 03.08.2023 17:20

Men in shorts, with big ……

Matt J.
Matt J. - 23.07.2023 06:04

“You will be told that if you are gullible enough, to let the other party take you for a ride, that’s your hard luck.
Let us be honest with ourselves; in this world we live in today, there are no rules to the game.
As we know from recent history in other parts of the world, sometimes, even your own best friends walk out on you.”

Not a truer word has ever been spoken. Life is cruel and unforgiving, but we roll with the punches.

Carlos García
Carlos García - 09.07.2023 20:09

Quien traiciono al pueblo de Rodesia ? USA UK ?

The Red Soldier
The Red Soldier - 22.06.2023 18:41

Major Samm is the best

B. - 20.06.2023 21:53

"You will be told that if you were gullible enough to let them take you for a ride, that's your hard luck. Let us be honest with ourselves. In this world we live in today, there are no rules to the games. As we know from recent history in other parts of the world, sometimes your own best friends walk out on you."

An Arriving Winged Hussar
An Arriving Winged Hussar - 19.06.2023 12:21

So sad how these guys fought so hard only to get betrayed. Fucking communists

Bigby Wolfman
Bigby Wolfman - 02.06.2023 03:56


John Daugherty
John Daugherty - 29.05.2023 16:06

Let them go back to eating each other.

The Gosslings
The Gosslings - 28.05.2023 19:44

The fall of Rhodesia is one of the greatest travesties of the 20th Century.

Nikita Weitzer
Nikita Weitzer - 26.05.2023 17:28

Love Rhodesia from Ukraine

floridanick - 23.05.2023 06:46

From a Rhodesian War veteran friend.

I went into the Rhodesian Army in April 1967 when I was 17 years old and finished my time in May 2000 when it became Zimbabwe

The Selous Scouts commander was Lt Col Ron Reid Daly and I knew him personally and may of the Scouts were my friends .Some still to this day we communicate with each other. This was the best unit in our Army and there were only 100 who got to wear this badge. The training was unbelievably tough to join and only the best of the best managed to pass.

They were taught many skills used in our Bush War and operated mostly alone behind enemy lines causing much destruction . I have many stories to share of their accomplishments and their heroism .They killed 1000s of terrorists with minimum casualties of their own. The SEAL teams in USA Military could be compared to the Scouts in terms of training and missions. The SAS C Squadron in Rhodesian Army was also used in many operations against the Terrorists

We fought 2 groups one backed by Russia using the AK47 and one backed by China using the SKS.We had the SLR in the beginning of the war then were issued the FN 7.62 x 51 very accurate and effective automatic rifle with magazines of 20 rounds . Our war was mostly close combat and in the Rhodesian war. Camouflage training was used to our advantage. We never had helmets or body armor and only wore a camo shirt ,trousers and cap. Our boots were Veldskoens and of course we had a backpack on missions into the bush primarily for carrying rations a poncho and oc course we had several bandoliers of ammo plus 4 magazines ready in case of a terrorist contact. We used the French Alouette helicopter for dropping troops into a firefight with the terrs .I had been in these choppers many times and had room for the Pilot who was the only one who had a door on the chopper. The machine gunner was also the Tech and sat on the left side with one revolving seat in the front .the back seat was just a bench and room for 4 personnel. One of my buddies was blown out the chopper one day when we were heading back to base and fortunately he was holding to the one strat on the roof and I grabbed him and brought him into the chopper. He thought it was his last day and all he could say for the next 4 weeks of that op was “FUCK ME” hilarious
I will share many stories if you like and if you have any particular interest let me know. One of the Scouts I know has been training your guys in the art of bush warfare to assist your training.

We only had 10000 men total in our Army and was divided into 4 brigades
I did my training and was in Depot Royal Rhodesian Regiment C Company 8 Platoon .We gave up being loyal to the crown and declared UDI in 1965 then it was Depot Rhodesian Regiment. I was selected for the Rhodesian Corps of Signals and passed all my courses and tests and was attached to all the JOCS in most of the anti terror operations .I was mainly in the North and West parts of the operations.

We had a lot of Brit instructors who fought in Malaysia, Palestine, Korea and wherever Britain was involved in any theater. . Good instructors but ruthless and hard men which was why we were so good I guess as discipline was paramount. . By the way the first day we arrived at our barracks the RSM lined us up and informed us that if anyone disobeyed an officers command he was authorized to execute us on the spot. Imagine this today? ^ of us would take on 50 terrorists and win as we feared our officers more than the enemy lol
Take care brother and wish you all the best in your career. Remember camaraderie is so important .If you cannot rely on the man next to you and him on you in a war it will be disastrous. The men who stood by our side whether White, Black Brown or Green were 100% reliable and had each others back. Good time are always had in the canteen after duty and downing at least 6 beers. My pay was $1 a day but beers were $0.15c and a pack of cigarettes $0.20 so with free food free medical free lodging and free clothing our pay was rapidly dissolved in the Canteen.

Great Life . More to follow let m know if you get this

Chat later

Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure - 18.05.2023 13:30

i belive the black population is still in shock becouse they get attacked from white men in tiny shirts and shorts

YANI - 14.05.2023 13:20

With what the boers have done to S.A....I'm glad we kicked arse in Zimbabwe. So fucking thankful.

Malcolm_in_the_Middle - 07.05.2023 00:50

Grey's Scouts weren't known as "the Killing Machine" though - that was a label given to the RLI, because of the effectiveness of Fireforce. Other units, such as the RAR also took part in Fireforce, but it was primarily an RLI tactic.

BootNeck AlphaKilo
BootNeck AlphaKilo - 04.05.2023 22:06

Guys you don’t have to have white Europeans to make an African nation prosperous, look at South Afr....oh...oh wait...😂

Juniow - 04.05.2023 16:57

💪 Rodhesia

mark willies
mark willies - 03.05.2023 18:17

What's with those Rhodies.They loved shorts, even in the winter, and veldskoene.

Tristian Marquez
Tristian Marquez - 03.05.2023 11:31

Handsome men dashing legs in a beautiful yet deadly land

s s
s s - 02.05.2023 22:31

Pamwe Chete

Robert Knight
Robert Knight - 30.04.2023 19:19

Used to know a chap valled Rafe who was in this lot (Greys Scouts) You lost, as racist criminals always will lose. Nice to see the last whites getting theirs at last!

A S - 29.04.2023 17:26

Plenty of fighting in ukraine.

Cesar Gonzalez
Cesar Gonzalez - 25.04.2023 20:39

I don't know nor care about the rhodesian government, but those men were real african lions, proud and powerful, they deserve honor and respect.

Hans Gruber
Hans Gruber - 25.04.2023 08:32

The Pay to Play years.

James Harding
James Harding - 19.04.2023 21:19

It’s unfortunate that anything to do with Zimbabwe is crawling with white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Get a life, will you?

Joey - 18.04.2023 17:17

Lol check the scoreboard you Nazi dorks

sewer priest
sewer priest - 14.04.2023 14:56


Mustspha Matto
Mustspha Matto - 08.04.2023 22:36

England is calling go back and why do you call an area half the world away after a white guy who top of it wasn't nice either he was a full blown racist

Mustspha Matto
Mustspha Matto - 08.04.2023 22:29

No debate about how it is better no if or buts simple as that their place not for you to occupy it

Mustspha Matto
Mustspha Matto - 08.04.2023 22:27

You greedy but those starving Africans you don't help out

Mustspha Matto
Mustspha Matto - 08.04.2023 22:26

Europe is well go back to europe why do you venture into other people's lands

Mustspha Matto
Mustspha Matto - 08.04.2023 22:25

Europe is

Mustspha Matto
Mustspha Matto - 08.04.2023 22:22

Happy for them Africans for liberating themselves from the White over lordship and colonialism free zimbabwe 🇿🇼

John Forrester
John Forrester - 08.04.2023 14:38

The British said trust the mad man Mugabe he killed the country and his own people

איסלאם איז דרעק
איסלאם איז דרעק - 07.04.2023 14:48

Then the black man took over and fucked everything up, the end
