Revealing The Kett, Mass Effect Andromeda's New Race

Revealing The Kett, Mass Effect Andromeda's New Race

Game Informer

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@anasshahid224 - 25.09.2023 09:51

Mass Effect Andromeda was a fun experience, I really enjoyed the game 👏👏👏 good memories 😊

@londonisforeverblue1022 - 25.03.2023 21:57

my god they need to get better concept designers cause they dropped the ball massively

@abracadabra6203 - 10.02.2023 06:42

Everything EA turns to shit

@mep15067 - 24.05.2022 00:27

I do actually like the design for the archon. The halo head was really cool looking and played into the almost religious societal and military structure. The bone carapace was cool. I wished that they had more time to flesh out and differentiate them from the mass effect trilogy

@necordektox879 - 02.04.2022 12:56

The game is pretty fun but this video represents everything wrong with it. Even comparing the familiar aliens they all have the same faces in Andromeda. In ME1 and especially ME2 and 3 every alien looks different. Each one looks like an individual, even side characters with little screentime like Elnora or Maelon. In Andromeda they wanted to cut corners so bad all of the Angara are clones. All of the asari, turians, salarians, krogans...all of them clones. It's the same with the kett. The producers didn't want something unique, they wanted something cheap and fast. It's really sad because I actually love the combat in Andromeda, the jump jets add a lot of versatility. What a waste of potential.

@yookchan187 - 26.03.2022 15:14

those ketts reminds me of locust in gears of war series

@2hot2handle65 - 12.02.2022 04:01

Mass Effect: Andromeda was supposed to introduce one new friendly race in a distant galaxy. They could've gone with so many different things, but instead they chose purple cat people with head tails from Star Wars.

Honestly, Cora Harper's posterior is the greatest artistic achievement from this game.

@markw3953 - 19.01.2022 07:26

You can just ask them, soon, maybe. Dare i ask them to draw Your YOUR narrative.

@TotemOfBryce - 12.02.2021 20:21

"We had an idea and backtracked so hard"

@gowthammuthusamy3777 - 11.08.2020 17:13


@iki9230 - 30.05.2020 21:12

The kett are such an unimaginative design and I don't think any of the concept art was that good, either. Compare this video to the old Game Informer interviews with Matt Rhodes where he speaks about the creation of various races in the original games. I think the basic problem with Andromeda was that many people involved in its development simply didn't have the talent and vision needed for recapturing the magic of the original games.

@pobzy4076 - 22.05.2020 14:42

It's really disappointing looking at this hard work and hearing his enthusiasm on something that was bland, intimidating and disappointing in more than just a narrative aspect. Everything about the Kett was dull. Even their name

@zzz181085 - 24.02.2020 00:55

Gosh, Andromeda was a garbage of a game

@csacacawqdwqdq2148 - 16.11.2019 17:50

Collectors 2.0

@uniteddreams7065 - 24.08.2019 09:25

In the end we have as peebee would say a bunch of babyfaces while Drack had eaten things older than all of them. The earlier concepts were five times better....Bioware you're screwed up if you continue decimating what you do best.

@miracle_worker3270 - 27.01.2019 15:27

"do we want some kind of relationship to our new aliens?" yeah you freaking do. i guess it was quiet cheap and much easier not to bother with clothes, much less work surely iff they make them all look the same. no wonder kett were so boring in the game

@Minimeister317 - 16.11.2018 13:59

The Kett were a rather boring race imho.

@SprDrumio64 - 13.05.2018 22:23

"And he animates really well in that RIG"
"We can use less effort in making an alien race move like an alien race!"

@rogernorris9543 - 21.10.2017 23:16

Go on, Put out a mediocre game and THEN make a vid talking about your inspiration. LMAO GET OVER YOURSELF, How about making a vid of how you destroyed one of the worlds greatest game franchises.

@andreHK8 - 08.05.2017 07:14

What an idiot idea for great series

@LordWoffingshire - 18.04.2017 05:54

its a bit like they don't understand their audience. They're like "they have to be humanoid. they have to wear clothes etc, otherwise people won't be able to relate with them" when for the entire series so far the audience has had no issue what so every relating with elcor, hanar, faceless AI, krogan who are nothing like humans, even the reapers and leviathan to some extent. Yet there they are after all of that going "if they don't look human the audience can't relate to them"

@LordWoffingshire - 18.04.2017 05:51

Their final design sketch looked really cool and although humanoid, still looked very alien and unique, then he goes "we wanted to make them less human so we made their eyes milky", cut to the next set of pictures and its gone from a cool looking alien to a human in cosplay. You don't make them less human by making them look much more like humans bioware.

@derekmok - 16.04.2017 16:18

They look just like Collectors. Zero creativity in BioTurd these days. Hell, they couldn't even come up with a name for these pathetic things that doesn't sound exactly like "Geth".

@TheFatclassic - 19.03.2017 09:17

Edward Snowden works for bioware now?

@NigelShrekberry - 18.03.2017 06:49

the weapons kinda remind me of grineer weapons from warframe

@RavageStudio - 06.03.2017 13:34

I cant stop staring... at his teeth

@Kett_22 - 05.03.2017 23:36

I am not THAT ugly :(

@nitroxide17 - 04.03.2017 20:55

They don't feel exotic enough.... new galaxy should give us something ore exotic. These guys feel like a milyway species

@JackJohnson-ht9cl - 01.03.2017 17:00

"Organic"...I don't think you know what that word means.

@Marqan - 23.02.2017 21:55

I think you mean relate, and not associate.
But regardless, that's a mute point.

If a race makes a bit of sense, then humans, and especially gamers can relate to them. The foundation of the trilogy was the Reapers, and they were everything but human. People had no problem with that.

I hope we'll get some real, orignal races in there!

@Ssecave - 16.02.2017 16:39

New races don't need to be "human-face" like.... "you can empathise better if it's looking more human-like". Well Mordin will say otherwise ;) !
It's a bit sad, the Turians, Salarians and even the Krogans look more "alien" :/ than the Kett.

@cactus342channel - 16.02.2017 01:29

Really disappointed with the design of the Kett; they basically look just like grey humans with some exoskeleton thrown in. I think the developers underestimated our ability to sympathies with non-humanoid characters, and so they wimped out on designing an alien species that actually looks alien, like it did in their original concept.

@steppin-razor - 11.02.2017 20:36

Organic armor and tech is NOT new to Mass Effect, wtf?! Did he forget the Collectors?? That was their whole fuckin schtick.... Lame and unoriginal as fuck. Ugh, still can't wait though haha...

@Amaudumora - 11.02.2017 12:25

how can you go from an idea of them being so alien that they dont look like anything we know to just humanoid looking aliens with clothing? I feel like they just said what would be the plausible idea so that they can make their same old empathy excuse for being uncreative

@linkenski - 06.02.2017 23:47

I have a slight feeling the final design became worse because they have bad 3D artists.

@yanivproselkov4555 - 28.01.2017 15:01

So after all that, they made a wriggly human. Like, every single interesting thing was slowly, slowly, slowly, removes.

@josedanielherrera7115 - 28.01.2017 09:08

Video Gamers are so sexually immature they can't deal with pixels of what amount to naked aliens?

No, the players can deal with the fact there are naked aliens. It's the developers who in their insecurity think the consumers share their sexual guilt and hang ups.

Come on bioware, when are y'all going to actually mature. I live in an infantile culture.

Still gunna play the shit out of this game lol

@amwoshi4402 - 27.01.2017 08:58

I want Shepard and the crew back.

@carlnerney4380 - 27.01.2017 06:17

huge mass effect fan this looks dumb tho

@Rain51686 - 22.01.2017 18:06

why r so many of the aliens always having 3 fingers? why not 4 or 6? it's always 3

@JayCeaV - 21.01.2017 02:30

dude has some EU teeth

@Xollob2 - 19.01.2017 23:43

The Kett look no different from the other mass effect races

@Celeon999A - 17.01.2017 20:58

Listening to all of this "new" ,"organic look" and "bone armor" talk, one cannot but wonder if he actually ever played Mass Effect 2 and ever saw a Collector. They should have chosen a different more creative design instead of yet another bi-pedal humanoid wearing body armor clothing. We've seen tons of that in the Mass Effect trilogy, there is nothing new or different about it.

@eternalsovereign8278 - 17.01.2017 06:42

IDK...still seems a little too reminiscent of the collectors to me, just spiced with a little geth using bone material instead of synthetic plating.

@spacejunk2186 - 14.01.2017 02:22

You don't need to make the aliens humanoid for the players to connect to them.
People became emotionaly connected with GlaDos and she looks like a robot-tumor.

@ShadyKO - 13.01.2017 14:49

Can't wait to play Adromeda
